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Though this increase of Auxiliary and Missionary operations thus far, affords Branch Societies, is by no means in pro- the surest pledge of future prosperity portion to the increased demand of la- and the strongest motive to continbour and the extent of influence which ued exertions. Though the number of might be exerted in behalf of a cause of sinners actually brought from darkness such vast and vital importance, yet the to light has not been in proportion to Managers rejoice in the smallest acces- the amount of labour bestowed, yet a sion of strength to the main body, and hope of brighter days, in this respect, is multiplication of branches on the origi- founded on the fact, that prejudice has nal stock. It is hoped that the stimulus been gradually weakening, objections will be more and more felt through every have been obviated by actual experilimb and member of the Church, and ments, and impediments removed by that a simultaneous action will defeat the persevering efforts of those employthe purposes of the enemies of the cross ed in this great work. "One soweth of Christ, by giving a more diffusive and another reapeth. Other men laspread to evangelical truth and holiness. Much might be said respecting the effects and success of other Missionary Societies, both in our own country, and in Europe. But we can only just glance at these, referring to their respective Reports for full information of their progress and prospects. It is certainly no small gratification to perceive so much of harmonious co-operation among the several sects of Christians, in endeavouring to widen and lengthen the bounds of the Redeemer's kingdom. And more especially do the Managers view with pleasure the brightening prospects opening among the aborigines of our own country, many of whom have already abandoned their heathenish worship to embrace the self-denying doctrines of Christ.

boured, and ye are entered into their labours." Those who now clear the ground and sow the seed, may not have the happiness to reap the harvest. While they are enjoying the reward of their arduous labours in a better world, others will enter into their labours, and "return rejoicing, bringing their sheaves with them," that finally, "both he that soweth, and he that reapeth, may rejoice together."

While we encourage ourselves to perseverance from what has been already done, we derive an increased stimulus from what is yet to be achieved. By casting our eye over the map of the world, we shall be convinced that much, very much remains to be accomplished, ere the knowledge of the Lord shall cover the whole earth. While PaganIn addition to other Societies in Eu- ism and Mahometanism overspread the rope which are directing their energies greater proportion of the moral world, to evangelize the inhabitants of Asia and a merely nominal Christianity, possessAfrica, and of the Islands of the sea, the ing neither spiritual life nor moral beauty, WESLEYAN METHODISTS are nobly per- produces a heartless indifference in a severing in their Missionary enterprizes, great proportion of the remainder for both at home and abroad. They now the salvation of men. This superstition employ no less than one hundred and and false religion on the one hand, and fifty-nine Missionaries, chiefly on foreign this cold indifference on the other, are Missions, in Asia, Africa, the West-In- to be overcome by "patient continudies, Novascotia, and in the isles of the ance in well doing." While the strong South Seas; and recently they have castles of the former are to be vigourplanned a Mission to the land of Pales- ously assaulted in the name of the Lord tine, two Missionaries being destined to Jesus, the apathy of the latter must be that once highly favoured, but now de- removed, and they must be roused to graded, place. By the latest accounts action, and persuaded to join the ranks from Asia and Africa, it appears that of those already engaged in this noble these important Missionary stations are work. "Who is sufficient for these in a prosperous state, continually en- things?" "Through Christ strengthenlarging their borders, and demanding ing me I can do all things." The comadditional labourers. May the good will bined onset of the Christian world, aidof Him who dwelt in the bush, direct ed and headed by the captain of their all their efforts, and multiply their seed salvation, will yet make these crooked sown an hundred fold. places straight, these rough places plain; the mountains shall fall, and the valleys shall rise, and a highway shall be opened for our God" in all places of the earth, and "all flesh shall see the salvation of Gov."

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From a general review of the Missionary field, and of the means employed to cultivate it, we have much to encourage us to persevere. The success which has marked the progress of the


Letter from the REV. WILLIAM CASE, dated Salt-Fleet, U. C. March 17, 1824. PERSUADED that every encouraging this awakening among the Indian chil intelligence of Missionary exertions is dren here follows. read with delight and profit by the nu- "The spirit of awakening and reviving merous subscribers of your Magazine among our Indian friends, had seemed and Guardian, we forward you an ac- for a season to abate, which occasioned count of the school for Indian children some fears that some of them might relately established on the Grand-River. turn to their former sinful ways. I menIn our last letters, (see Magazine for tioned my fears to brother TORRY. He 124, page 35,) we reported that a said, "Visit them from house to house,Sabbath School was commenced, and instructing and praying with them." I that we were not without hope of see- did so immediately, and found the Spirit ing a common school in operation for of the Lord with us. From this time the ensuing winter. At first we knew the work revived afresh, both among not what to do for a room, but we were the adult converts and their children. soon provided for in this respect, for an One afternoon a lad came to me, saying, Indian chief, who had been made a will you go to our house? my sister is happy subject of the late religious awak- very bad, they prayed much for her toening, kindly offered his own house for day, but she is no better. On coming the school, and retired to his cabin in the to the place, I found her sitting very woods. The school commenced the sorrowful; I asked if she was sick, she 17th of November, and has continued said not, but pointing to her heart, faithfully attended by twenty, some- said mournfully, Yogh tagh yo ya ne times twenty-five children, till the pre- re gant ho,' which is, that her heart was sent time The following is extracted not good and she felt in trouble. After from the Report of the trustees for the encouraging her to look to the Lord, we present quarter, ending Feb. 17, 1824. kneeled in prayer; when I had conclu"The trustees of the Indian School ded, she began praying with much conbeg leave to Report that, GEORGE JOHN- trition. But her mourning was soon So being teacher, the school com- turned into joy, and she shouted and mences at 9 o'clock, A. M. and continues praised the Lord for the comfort and till 4 o'clock, P. M., allowing one hour peace she received. This wrought on for refreshment and recreation. Commences and concludes with singing and prayer 2nd. Decency of manners and cleanliness are insisted on. 3d. Improper language and conduct, forbidden on pain of punishment.

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the mind of her young brother of nine years, who fell on his knees and prayed aloud for mercy. Such a season of blessing we shall long remember. Perceiving that the good work was reviving again among us, the shell was blown for "The Trustees further Report, that a general meeting. Numbers collected; the school consists of more than twenty several prayed with fervour and faith; scholars, that most of these commenced several awakenings took place from this with the alphabet. Seven of them now time At the next meeting one soul was spell in words of three syllabes, and six set at liberty. Brother TORRY's visit of them have commenced reading in the ensuing Sabbath was made a great easy words. The children are quite attentive to the school,-very obedient to their teacher, and most of them tractable in learning. The trustees are much gratified with the improvement the scholars are making, both in reading and man

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blessing; the word was with power, and the brethren were strengthened, and praised the Lord for his mercy and love..

"We are not a little encouraged that one of the Indian youth, a Chippaway, begins to exercise his gifts profitably. PETER (for that is his name) lately opened the meeting by a few words, and then prayed. His words were with trembling, but the blessing of the Lord attended. Among others who were awakened at this time was a lad of eleven years, who began to tremble and weep, and kneeled by his mother for her prayers. The mother was much

rejoiced (for Indian mothers feel for the welfare of their children) and she prayed for the blessing of God's mercy on her penitent son. The next morning, the mother said, what were your feelings, last evening, my son? In the meeting, said he, I was standing up, looking on while the people were pray ing. At first I thought them foolish.Then again may be they getting ready to die; I am not ready; I have sinned against the Lord; I am wicked. Then I began to tremble and came to my mother for her prayers. Several children have found peace. Others are seeking. Considerable piety is manifest in the deportment of the children, and they are often seen retiring to the thickets, for prayer and praise.


A few weeks after the commencement of the school, I called to visit them. The parents and children being present, I spoke to them by an Interpreter on several subjects necessary to be attended to for their worldly comfort as well as for their future welfare. In concluding I directed the Interpreter to inform the Chief, that we had been much obliged in the grant of his house for the use of the school and meetings, and that we thanked him for his kind indulgence. He replied, that he was fully paid for what he had done, he had prayed for two years, for religion to take place among them. The Lord had answered prayer and blessed the people with the gift of his Spirit. I have told our people, said he, that they must set good example for their children, and learn them to read, pray and work, for it is a great sin to bring up their children in idleness. He said he was glad we had come among them, and believed the Lord had sent us to help them,--he hoped we would continue to preach to them and teach their children to read.

At the opening of the spring this noble Chief will need his house again, but he will not require it till the new building shall be completed. A house is now building for the double purpose of meetings and school, and subscriptions are opened for defraying the expense, and from the spirit of liberality already manifested, we hope to see it completed by the first of June. While I am writing, little Mary is making a collection in her father's house: she brings four dollars to me saying, "This is to help build the school house for the Indian children." We anticipate much delight in seeing

these people provided with a place of worship, which may contain all who may be likely to attend the preaching. The same room will serve for the school, where we hope the youth from year to year, may learn to read the Bible, shewing them the comfort and happiness to be found in this world, and in that which is to come.

Niagara, March 18, 1824.

P. S. In the Report of Rev. J. B. FINLEY (See Meth. Magazine for 1822, page 29,) of the Sandusky Mission, dated Nov. 1821, mention is made of the Wyandott Indians in Canada. These Indians reside on the River Canara, near Fort Malden. We have to communicate the pleasing intelligence that a gracious work is now going on among that people, which seems to promise a great reformation among them. It appears to have commenced among a few individuals, by means of reports from Sandusky; some young men had been to school there and returning to their friends with accounts of the great changes wrought at Sandusky, it occasioned serious reflections. About christmas Brother FINLEY, and some Indian Brethren came on from that station, to hold a quarterly Meeting at Detroit. While Brother FINLEY proceeded on to Detroit, Between-the-logs, and Mononque crossed the River, and declared to the Indians at Canara, what great grace was bestowed on the people at Sandusky, and assuring them that they might obtain the same blessing, and that Jesus Christ was now ready to bless and save them. The sparks which had been kindling now burst into a flame. They began to tremble, weep and pray; meetings were almost incessant, and in a few days about twelve were brought to experience a saving change. Brother FINLEY afterwards made them a visit and made arrangements to have them formed into society. When I was there about the 10th February, the society consisted of about twenty, and others were under concern. Brothers JACKSON and GRIFFIS preach to them statedly, and are much delighted with their Indian society. The change which has taken place with these Indians is manifestly great. Among the converts is an excellent Interpreter, whose whole soul is filled with desire and concern for the salvation of his brethren. Another of some consequence, particularly in his feelings, is among the converts. The following relation will show the change which

has taken place in his feelings and views. The news had scarcely reached Detroit of the conversions at Canara, when this once consequential native of the Forest appeared at Lovefeast at the Council House. He at length arose to acknowledge the Saviour of the Gentiles, and among other things observed, "Once me great man,-Big- -Captain,-IBut all gone now!"

Encouraging prospects are noticed in

other tribes of Indians. May this long neglected and abused people be remembered in the promises, and in the prayers of God's people.

Brother TORRY'S Misssion on the Grand-River continues to prosper. Revivals are going on in several parts of his circuit, and several of his society, both whites and Indians, are an honour to Religion, and begin to be useful as Exhorters, and Leaders of societies.


From the February Number of the Wesleyan-Methodist Magazine, we collect the following particulars respecting the success of some of their Missionary


SOUTH-AFRICA. In the April number we inserted some extracts of a Letter from Messrs. HODGSON and BROADBENT of the Boschuana Mission. Since the date of that letter, it apppears that "considerable alarm had been excited in that part of the country through which they travelled, by the irruption of a great body of savages from the north." The war, however, has subsided, and tranquility restored, so that the Missionaries are left to prosecute their labours in peace.

BARBADOES. Much excitement has been produced in the public mind, on account of the insurrection of the slave population in this island, and many very erroneous statements have been made in the public prints respecting the conduct of the Missionaries in reference to this very unhappy and melancholy affair; some affirming that the insurgents were incited to their rebellion by the exhortations of the Missionaries, who had accordingly been implicated by the government of the Island, while others have affirmed that one or more of the Missionaries was the direct instigator of the insurrection. We were soon informed that these things were so far from being true, that the Missionaries had acquitted themselves as became the ministers of God, who, while they evinced an honourable zeal for His name, proved themselves loyal subjects to their king and country.Every successive information in reference to this subject corroborated the truth of these statements; and the last news concerning this disastrous affair, together with the desperate attempt of an unruly mob to "put an end," as the desperadoes expressed it, "to Methodism," by demolishing the Chapel, and forcing the Missionary, Mr. SHREWSBURY, to leave the Island, is contained in a letter from him to the Mission Committee of London. After detailing the circumstances which immediately preceded and accompanied this gothic act of destroying the Methodist Chapel, parsonage, the preachers' Library, consisting of more than three hundred volumes, he concludes as follows:

To trace the causes of these hostile which I speak of the Planters' cruelties, proceedings, is next my duty. This is very easy for they may all be resolved, into two; Ignorance and Wickedness.But the alledged causes are these: 1. A letter of mine which is printed in the Missionary Notices for October, 1820. They think I have given an unfavourable and untrue representation of their moral character. 2. Falsehoods daily circulated to my prejudice. Many have affirmed that they have seen some of my letters in

&c. &c. Now though I have never once, not even to a bosom friend, mentioned a single fact relative to the slaves being cruelly treated, because I know the tide of prejudice against the West Indians on this account is unreasonably strong, (for the generality of Planters are humane men,) yet it only became necessary for a poor drunken wretch to say he had seen such a letter, and every one would immediately believe him. As it

regards my sermons also; for weeks past, I have had lying hearers, mingled with the audience; men who have gone away and perverted my words, boldly affirming," I heard him say it myself," till they have worked up the people to a pitch of madness against me For in stance, having preached from this text; "Is any thing too hard for the Lord?" it was immediately circulated that I had said," As nothing is too hard for the Lord, it is not too hard for the Lord to make all the slaves free." And the poor shallow-pated creatures, to whom this silly tale was told admitted it, and raised a fresh outcry against me as a dangerous character. 3. It is constantly affirmed that the Wesleyan Missionaries are all WILBERFORCE's and BUXTON'S men; there is no such thing as convincing the Barbadians that we have no connexion with the African Institution, nor with, any other political body. 4. Earl BATHURST'S despatches have made them very angry; their ire must find vent; who so proper an object to display their

hostility against, as the Methodist Missionary, who was almost universally hated and scorned by the people? 5. The Demerara Insurrection was laid to our charge. These causes combining in the hearts of the ignorant and the wicked, have led to all our miseries.

On my arrival here I was examined before the Governor in council. His Excellency treated me with kindness and urbanity; but he advised me not to preach till something satisfactory had been obtained of this Government as to my character; for, coming as I did, circumstances rendered me rather a suspicious character. What will be the end I know not: perhaps all the West Indian Governments will look upon me with suspicion. Brother MOSES RAYNER has gone to Barbadoes to obtain documents of my integrity. Political events in England, I fear, will make against us West Indian Missionaries in every station: never had men greater need of meekness, wisdom, and love.


To the Editors of the Methodist Magazine.

DEAR BRETHREN,-You are at liberty to publish the following memoir, if you

think proper.

Hempstead, Long-Island, Jan. 22, 1824. MARY JOHNSON, the subject of the following memoir, was the daughter of HENRY and HANNAH COMBS. She, like too many in their juvenile days, was extremely fond of the gayeties of life; but after her marriage to Mr. STEPHEN JOHNSON, she became very serious, and endeavoured to engage her husband, who was then not a professor of religion, to lead a religious life, and pray with his little family. In this course of external morality, she continued several years, until at a quarterly meeting in Jamaica, under an exhortation by bro. ВUCK, it pleased the Lord to awaken her to a sense of her danger. From that time she resolved to seek the Lord with her whole heart, and continued until the Lord appeared to her the fairest among ten thousand and altogether lovely. Soon after this she became a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, in which she continued a humble and acceptable member until her death.

In her sickness she appeared that uni form and humble Christian, which characterized her in health and prosperity.


In the former part of her afflictions, she did not at all times enjoy that clear sense of the divine presence which she ardently desired; at other times the Sun of Righteousness shone upon her soul, and especially towards the close of life.

As all expectations of her recovery were relinquished, her anticipations of heaven were bright and animating. On the 27th of March she said to her companion: "O my dear! do serve the Lord and discharge your duty faithfully, for I assure you, that I would not give up my confidence in God now for ten thousand such worlds as this." On the 31st, her brother entering the room, she said, "O THOMAS! remember and serve the Lord. You see here what you must soon come to. You think it strange, I suppose, that I, who am the youngest, should be called first; but the Lord only knows how soon you may be called to follow." When the physician, who had called to see her, was gone, she asked her husband what he said concerning her case. Her husband replied,

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