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But in what sense were they not of them? Ans. They were never sound in the doctrines of the gospel, and therefore they went out from them.

6. It is most likely that the apostle has no reference whatever to their character as regenerate persons; with their hearts he had nothing to do. For what had he to do to Judge them that were without? He spake of them only as teachers and professors of the Christian religion: that as such they had departed from the faith of the gospel, and their withdrawing their fellowship from the apostles was a proof that they were not inspired, that they were unsound in doctrine, and therefore not to be received as teachers nor owned as fellow labourers.

7. But suppose the apostle alluded to their religious experience, and is to be understood as saying that their going out from them was a proof that they had never been converted to God; this cannot be urged as a universal proof that men who have made a profession of religion and fall into error or gross sins have never been truly converted to God; it would form only that these persons here alluded to, were never converted.

When all these things are considered, it is presumed, that the candid inquirer after truth will perceive that the doctrine of the impossibility of falling from grace can derive no support whatever from this passage of the word of God.

The Attributes of God Displayed.

From a London Paper.

Of the Shipwreck of the Princess of Wales, smack, on a Desert Island. ON the 9th of May, 1820, the Princess of Wales, smack, 75 tons burthen, Mr. T. BECKWITH owner, and Captain WILLIAM VEALE, commander, sailed from London for Prince Edward's Island, in the Indian ocean, with a crew of fifteen men, for the purpose of catching seals and sea elephants for their skins. The sailors on such expeditions are generally made partners in the venture, as they receive only a certain share of what is caught as their wages. She arrived at her destination, and "sealing" was commenced on the 1st of November, 1820, and they continued their work until near March, when they went further on to some desert Islands, discovered by Captain Cook in 47 deg. S. lat. and 47 deg. E. long. which are rarely visited, called the Crozettes. On the 17th of that month, a party consisting of eight of the crew, were sealing on one of the islands, and the vessel was at anchor at an other, within sight of the first island. In the course of that day a heavy swell came from the S. E. and the Captain

in order to gain an offing, was obliged to slip the cable and stand to sea. A calm came on soon after, and they lost all power over the smack, for the current ran strong against a reef of rocks, and the swell continued very heavy. In this condition they continued, in hourly expectation of striking until midnight, when she struck with tremendous force. It was then proposed to get the boat out and try to gain the island; but the captain who knew its desolate condition, and believed they could only linger out a few days there in dreadful want, opposed the proposition, and declared that he chose rather to close his sufferings by a speedy death, as the less horrible alternative. The crew, however, considered that there was still hope, and under the circumstance, assuming the right of acting for themselves, they got the boat out over the gunwale, and threw into her a few things which they were able hastily to collect. Still, however, they refused to leave their Captain to perish, and after some entreaty, they prevailed upon him to commit himself to the boat with them. The night was dark, rainy and boisterous, and the sea dashed over the rocks by which they were surrounded. They found the shore to be much nearer than they expected, but could not land, as it was bounded by a perpendicular rock. After rowing about for nearly four hours, they came into a sort of cove, where they got on shore in safety, but the boat was swamped. How they escaped the rocks in that darkness and heavy sea was a matter of astonishment to them. They hauled up the boat, turned it over, and got under it. When the day broke, they perceived the vessel lying on her beam ends, with a large hole in her lower planks, which proved that from the instant she first struck she could not afterwards have lived. The sea was washing over her, and it was evident that she must soon go to pieces. They were unable to launch the boat to save any thing from the wreck. Amongst the articles put into the boat was a tinder box, and with a few materials which they picked up on the shore, they made a fire, and caught a few birds, which they dressed. On the next day they succeeded in launching the boat, and proceeded in her to a cove at about five miles distance, which was nearer the vessel. They succeeded in reaching her, and getting out the Captain's and maté's chests, landing them, and in picking up a number of planks. The next day they picked up her try-sail, and some casks of bread, which were spoilt, but a gale coming on, prevented them from putting out in the boat to visit the wreck as it blew furiously. The next day they saw to their distress, that nothing was left of her but the mast, which had got entangled by the rigging among the rocks. This was the last thing they saved. They then hauled the boat up to live, or rather to sleep under her, and this was their only shelter for three weeks, during which time they subsisted chiefly on birds and the tongues and hearts of sea elephants. They had got some of their hunting implements on shore, and were able to kill this animal

with ease, whenever they caught it, and its great importance to them will appear in the course of the narrative. The weather was so rainy and inclement that until the end of three weeks they were unable to begin to erect any commodious shelter. At the expiration of that time they collected all the timber they could find, for the island did not produce a shrub. With a part of these materials and some stones, at the end of a few weeks they completed a house or shed. They covered the top with sea elephants skins to keep out the rain, and the weather, at the sides, by means of turf. They made their beds of a soft dry grass, with which the island abounded, and over this they had coverlids of sea elephants skins, and on the whole' they made their shelter tolerable. They soon got into a settled course of life. They hunted seals and sea elephants. The latter animals were their chief subsistence, and to use the expression of one of the sailors, it was "meat, drink, fire and lodging" to them. The carcase is often much larger than that of the largest ox, but it was only certain parts of it they could eat, the most considerable part of it being blubber. This blubber served them as fuel. They made a grate with some stones, and the hoops of a cask. They placed at the bottom some dried grass and over that some elephant's blubber, and when the grass, arranged in this manner, was lighted, the blubber burnt of itself, and made fine blazing fires. They were enabled to divide the time by a watch which the captain had saved. In the mornings they rose at about eight o'clock and breakfasted on fried birds. These consisted of several species peculiar to those latitudes, but the chief was a species which the sailors call "nellys," which burrow in the ground and are easily caught. After breakfast they went out to hunt, leaving one or two behind to cook dinner. This dinner consisted generally of a sort of soup composed of sea elephant's flippers, heart and tongue chopped in pieces. They could find no vegetables on that island, which produced nothing but grass, excepting a plant that was extremely bitter which they made use of occasionally to flavour their soup. Great inconveniences were at first sustained for want of proper eating utensils, as there was only the large kettle in which their soup was made. They managed, however, to make wooden spoons for themselves. They next cut down an old cask, and with the bottom of it made a kind of soup tureen, out of which they all eat together. Their last improvement was to manufacture a sort of wooden trenchers for themselves, when they eat comparatively in a superior style of comfort. In the soup they sometimes put elephant skin, which had the appearance of tripe, but in taste and substance it is described as of a more 66 leathery" nature. After dinner some of them went out again to hunt for "grub," some remaining at home, the swiftest runners being chosen to hunt the seal. At "tea time" or dusk, they returned and partook of a mess com

posed of penguin's eggs boiled in water. Now and then they killed the albatros, which is rather a strong bird, and roasted it; but as the young ones were highly esteemed, and as the mariners daily began to lose their hope of being delivered, they were afraid to kill the old birds, lest they should quit the island, and in this fear they permitted them to live as "stand by's." For the same reason they spared the penguins, which supplied them plentifully with eggs. The young seals were considered as the greatest luxury, but they, as well as the old ones were but too scarce, and their skins were in high request for clothes.-For at the end of two months, from their mode of life, their clothes gave way, and indeed the climate was so cold and wet that they were not fit to withstand the inclemency of the weather. The men set to work and made themselves clothes of the seal skin, some using the hair inwards. They made a needle out of a nail. For shoes they made themselves a sort of socks or buskins of the same material, and they constructed various kinds of caps, which, as their beards were pretty long, by no means tended to improve their physiognomy.

When the boat containing the sealing party of eight men, quitted the ship to go to the first island, it was appointed that they should remain fishing on the island a week, when the smack should proceed to the next island, and at the end of the time return to them with fresh provisions. In order to give a notion of the kind of life which these hardy men endure in the fisheries or places of this description, it may be worth stating, that with provisions for a week or so, they set out from the vessel round the desert islands, to the difficult parts frequented by the seals. They haul the boat ashore in the quarter where they hunt the prey. They turn the boat, which is generally built light, bottom upwards, placing a large stone at each end to elevate her, and making her rest on one side to allow an opening. The space along the side, with the exception of one hole to crawl in at, is then closed up by turf or dirt, to keep out the wind and rain. Under this shelter they sleep during their absence from the vessel, in weather generally rainy, and often with snow on the ground for days, and yet the men are in fine robust health, and under the incitement which they partake as sharers of the spoil, (though that share is sadly disproportionate to their labours,) they pursue the chace with the greatest vigour, and in an ordinary voyage, we understood, will often take upwards of ten-thousand skins.-The party on going at the end of the week to the place where it was agreed the smack should take them up, were greatly perplexed that she did not make her appearance, but their distress may be conceived, on finding different parts of the wreck floating near the shore, which led them to the conclusion, from perceiving no other traces, that she, with all their comrades on board, had perished in the storm. They remained in this spot for more than

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six weeks, in a most gloomy situation, and then removed to another part of the island for the convenience of provisions. They there stayed out the winter, living on seals and sea elephants, which they cooked with the blubber, which is highly inflammable. At the expiration of that time, provisions became scarce, and they removed round the island for the purpose of crossing over to the next island, in the hopes of finding the seals there in great plenty. The distance between the two islands is little more than ten miles. They fortunately landed at the very spot near where their ship-mates had built the house, and there they met, to the great joy of both parties. The fishing party brought with them their kettle, frying-pan, and some implements which were highly acceptable, and increased their scanty means of comfort. They lived together for a time in the manner stated. Their occupation was either hunting for provisions, or preparing them, and mending or making their clothes. The snow was sometimes for a long period on the ground, and there were but three weeks of fine clear weather in the year. Some months the weather was so bad that they remained in the house for more than three days together. In those dreary times, their great consolation was a Bible, which had been given to them by Captain Cox, the agent to the Merchant Seaman's Bible Society, which the Captain and others of the crew read aloud to the rest. It was, in fact, read every day by one or other of them, and some who had never read it before read it during the time they lived on the island several times over. It effected in the characters of several a change highly beneficial, and promoted piety and resignation in the whole. During their stay there were no parties among them -no quarrelling, and none assumed command, but obedience of the best kind existed-namely, that produced by a conviction of the utility and propriety of the thing proposed, and a mutual desire to be serviceable. They all gave their utmost exertions to the execution of whatever was suggested by the most experienced, or received the sanction of the majority. After they had all been together for about three weeks, and the prospect of deliverance from the dreary solitude getting every day more remote, it was proposed to construct a vessel with the timber of the wreck, and the materials of which the house was built. There were the remains of a hut built on the other island by some Americans who visited it some years before, when seals were more plentiful. With these and what had been saved from the wreck, the carpenter reported that a vessel might be built, and they set to work on that object immediately. The sails were to be made of seals skins sewn together, and a party consisting of eleven went to the first island for the purpose of collecting and preparing them, and digging up the timber which had been used for the house. The collection and preparation of the skins took three weeks, and in a week more they collected all the timber for the building of the

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