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qouragement to persevere. In the course of the past year, great opposition has been made to the Gospel as preached by Missionaries. One outrageous procedure will, I trust, be visited by the laws of the country; not for revenge, but for admonition; for in that view only do I trust it will be regarded: but let me say that, considering the number of our West India Colonies, and that there were but two places in which feelings of that nature prevailed, we must conclude that, by the laws of right reasoning, the exception, proves the rule; and that these outrages and excitements only prove what is the feeling in the large mass of the colonists. With respect to the outrages at Barbadoes, your Committee has stated that not one of the emissaries from that island, who, little knowing the feelings of other Colonies, proceeded to them to endeavour to excite similar outrages, succeeded. They were repulsed from every place they visited, which proves the state of the public feeling in the majority of the West India Islands Even the public press of every other island agrees in reprobating that outrage. With respect 10 Demerara, it affords to your Missionaries a most singular oceasion of demonstrating what is the power of the Gospel in producing obedience to Government. I hesitate not to say, that the Missionaries of this Society are conferring great benefits on the islands which they occupy in that beautiful part of the world; and no man can witness this effect without feeling that the power of religion on the slaves is of the first importance, in promoting the best interests of the Colonies. There are some who are sanguine enough to believe that religion will ultimately cause the extinction of slavery; and if it did so in the Roman Empire, I know not why it is not to produce the same effect in the West-Indies No man of reflection, who has looked at the question at all, can help attributing great influence to the power of religion upon the issue of that question; but there is much to be done in the way of religious instruction, before that event can be accomplished, and the Report of the Committee again testifies to what extent that has been carried into effect. If Christianity is to triumph there, in whole or in part, it must be by increasing the population, and that the institution of marriage alone can effect; it must be by increasing the property of the slaves, and there is no religious slave who does not acquire a little property. The slave

now cannot be admitted to give testi. mony; but a religious slave will be qualified for this. The influence of Christianity will blend the races, and approximate the colours to each other; and thus it leads to that happy state of society which we wish to see established. The Committee have done great justice. to themselves, and to the cause of the Society, by the 'Statement of the Plan and objects of the Wesleyan Missions in the West Indies,' lately published; and from my own personal know edge, and from what I have heard from others, I can say that that Statement' is so full, and fair, and explicit, as to system, pe cuniary arrangements, and control, that I am persuaded you have by it rendered your cause and the cause of GOD the most essential benefit. That Statement, as well as the General Reports, do great honour to the Committee. There is but another topic on which I shall speak: the sending out of Bishops to the West Indies. I can very well understand that a new arrangement of that sort might create a certain degree of alarm, lest new men going out, and being invested with authority, might interfere with the labours of your Missionaries. I have felt it my duty, as far as I could, to consult special authority on the subject; and my best hopes are completely real. ized. There is nothing in their orders or instructions which would not be com. letely approved by you; and that being so. there is not a person present here, who will not feel that considerable ad vantage must arise to the general cause of Christianity from those arrangements. The truth is, the State did not do its duty before to the West Indian Church; for what is any church without a head? Though Christianity is a pillar that rises from earth, and towers to heaven, and its course is from below upwards; (the principle on which it rests can follow no other direction;) yet we cannot doubt but that great benefit must result eventually to the lower classes from a higher tone of morals being introduced into that country among the superior classes. The Clergy also must be much benefitted by the presence of superiors; and the society in which these dignitaries must mix, as far as they can mix, will be thereby greatly divested of its licen tiousness, and assume a more moral tone; and thus the cause of religion in general is likely to be much benefitted."

This Resolution was seconded in a very cordial manner, by GEORGE SANDFORD, ESQR.

W. WILLIAMS, ESQ., M. P., moved moment again call your attention to it; the Fourth Resolution, which he prefaced as follows:

"When I entered this place a few hours ago, I had not the least idea of having the honour of addressing you I say honour because I cannot but think it an honour to be engaged, though in an humble degree, in promoting that great cause of truth and happiness, which you are now met to advance. We know that if the ALMIGHTY were so to ordain, he would be able at once to establish his spiritual kingdom, as he brought the world into existence, by his word He might again say, 'Let there be light,' and the darkness of savage ignorance would be dispelled; the rites and superstitions of the heathen world would be destroyed; and every creature would bow in obedience to God. But this is not the plan on which he acts. He accomplishes his purposes by the agency of his word, and for that reason we should be constantly desirous to send it forth, cultivate an anxiety for its success, and raise our hands in its support. Every one must be convinced that it is an honour to save one human soul; but the design we have in view, is to lead thousands and millions of human souls from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God; and, as at the foundation of that magnificent earthly sanctuary which was raised under the immediate superintendence of the Most High, there was not the sound of an axe or a hammer to be heard, so the spiritual temple will be raised, not by the great and mighty of this world, but by humble means; and will be erected, before those who are not daily witnesses of its progress are aware of it.

"The humble individuals who first founded the British and Foreign Bible Society, could not anticipate its amazing success; but it affords us a striking and encouraging lesson, that that Society has now caused the holy word of God to be sent almost to every nation, and has put into the hands of Missionaries that ingrafted word of God, which cannot return void, but shall accomplish that which he pleases, and prosper in the thing whereto he sends it. With out this book, all the labours of men, wherever they work, would be comparatively weak and powerless; but going, as our Missionaries do, with that sacred book, they are teaching thousands and millions the knowledge of the Most High. It is indeed astonishing to contemplate the effect produced This has been already alluded to; but I must for a

for whether we look to the East or to the West, it is in progress. In these latter days it is visiting that land which once beheld that morning splendour of the Gospel, which has since been eclip sed; and it seems that the prophecy of JEREMIAH is again verifying, that 'there shall be heard in the streets of Jerusalem the voice of joy and the voice of gladness; the voice of the bridegroom, and the voice of the bride; the voice of them that shall say, Praise the LORD of hosts, for the LORD is good, for his mercy endureth for ever; and of them that shall bring the sacrifice of praise into the house of the Lord.' I do hope and trust, that this gracious outpouring of the Spirit will prevail, till all creatures shall know the power of God and of his Christ; and be like the waters which, in the vision of EZEKIEL, came from the threshold of the house of God: which, when he had measured a thousand feet, were up to the ancles, afterward to the knees and the loins; but proceeding another thousand feet, they became a mighty river, through which a man could not swim; and on the right and on the left, and from west to east were trees for meat, and their leaves for medicine. We have lived to see the beginning of these things; and they are hastening on to a joyful close. But I am to call upon you for cordial thanks to your worthy Chairman and Treasurer, of whom I should feel a difficulty in speaking, if I did not speak to persons who have witnessed his conduct in times that are past, and to whom it has given so much satisfaction: and I have to call upon you to give your thanks also to your other Treasurer, to the Committee, and to the Secretaries; and these likewise you will cheerfully render.— You have seen the mighty effects produced by the Society committed to their management: you have seen how the Gospel has spread itself among barbarous nations, and among the slaves of our Colonies; and the prudence and discretion which have marked its progress. Unless the heads at home had learned to restrain their passions, and to keep silence when excited by unreasonable opposition and obloquy, it would have been impossible that their management, and the instructions given to their Missionaries, could have been accompanied with such success as that by which they have been honoured and crowned."

This Resolution was, seconded by JosFPH CARNE, ESQ, of Penzance.

The Fifth Resolution, containing

Thanks to the Auxiliary and Branch Societies, &c., &c., was moved and seconded by the REV. JOHN ANDERSON, of Manchester, and EDWARD PHILLIPS, Esq., of Bath, in eloquent and impressive Addresses, which we regret that our limits do not allow us to report.

Thanks to the Chairman were moved by the REV. HENRY MOORE, and seconded by JAMES WOOD, Esq, of Manchester.

The REV. H. F. BURDER concluded the Meeting with prayer.

Thus closed an Anniversary, all the Services of which were attended with an evidently increasing interest in the great cause of Missions, and were marked by a liberality in the Public Collections and Donations considerably exceeding that of any former occasion the amount being £1370.


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It is not unfrequently asserted, “that bouring with the seekers of salvation; Methodist Camp-Meetings cause more these were numerous. evil than good. This assertion is made by such as do not attend them at all, or such as attend them only as transient visitors; neither of which can be accurate judges of the matter. But on the supposition that their information be sufficient to enable them to judge correctly, the assertion itself is inconsistent and absurd for to say that Camp-Meet ings cause more evil than good, implies that they are the cause of both the one and the other; which is as absurd as to suppose that a fountain can send forth both sweet water and bitter at the same time.

That wickedness is sometimes committed at camp-meetings, none will deny; but it will be denied that they are the cause of wickedness, and on the contrary be asserted that they are the means of producing much good. That they should be the means of much good is perfectly consistent; for it will be acknowledged by all who deserve to be called Christians, that a seclusion from the world, and a faithful and devout attention to the means of grace in the house of God, for but a few hours, tend much to our edification and comfort in righteousness. How much more then, will it advance our holiness, and the interests of the Redeemer's kingdom to set apart several days together, for the exercises of devotion.

The utility of Camp-Meetings was eminently realized at a late one, held near Blackwood-Town, Gloucester county, N. J. about twelve miles east of Philadelphia. It commenced on the 5th and continued till the 10th of August, 1824. According to what is customary, in these parts, on such occasions, there was preaching three times a day, morning and evening prayer in the tents, and public prayer meeting once a day at the stage. The intervals were spent in la

The Lord wonderfully blessed the administration of his word to the awak. ening, conversion, and sanctification of the people. The doctrines of the cross were the continual theme: and these proved to be the power of God unto the salvation of many. It is supposed at a moderate calculation that more than one hundred were justified, and many professed the witness of perfect love. The showers of grace were incessant, and seemed to inundate the whole encampment continually. Indeed the gracious influence exceeded the limits of the encampment; for one poor backslider was reclaimed in a cornfield, which lay in the vicinity, and some found peace in the woods beyond the brook.

On the fourth day of the meeting, which was Monday, we held a lovefeast, which was almost as sweet as heaven itself: and on the same day the Lord's supper was administered to about four hundred persons.

The meeting was eminently charac terised by the tranquility and sweetness which prevailed among the people; and on this account it was a little image of heaven. On the Sabbath it was supposed that from four to five thousand persons were present, yet there was not an instance of any thing that had the appearance of ill nature. And it should be spoken to the praise of those who attended on that occasion, that their behaviour was peculiarly decorous and solemn, and becoming the worshippers of God. It is highly characteristic of the people of West Jersey, with a few exceptions, to act with great decorum, solemnity, and attention at Religious meetings. This is not only a strong indication of the improved state of society, but an occular exemplification of those dispositions which the gospel inspires.

I think it may be safely asserted, and

I presume that half a thousand will unite in the sentiment, that none who attend ed this meeting, and remained, long enough to become accurate judges of the matter, will query whether it did.

good or evil? or hesitate to acknowledge
that it did much good, unless they be
under the influence of inveterate preju❤

Hallowell, U. Canada, Aug. 31, 1824.


who belong to Society in the Grand River Mission. This Mission presents THE Canada Conference was closed a delightful prospect; shewing the power yesterday, after a session of five days. of a gracious influence, to reclaim the The result of this Conference has been abandoned, to mend the heart, and to far more favorable than was anticipated. comfort the soul with assurances of By the divine blessing, peace and una- mercy, and hope of a blessed inmornimity have been restored to the Church tality. At the school room lately erectin this country. Among other events ed for the double purpose of schools at the Conference, of a pleasing nature, and meetings, twenty-five Indian chilis the establishment of a Conference dren are daily taught the rudiments of Missionary Society, Auxiliary to the reading; and such has been the adMissionary Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church; the constitution of which is in accordance with the design of the Parent Institution.

The Society was organized on the
28th inst. when the following officers
were elected, REV. THOMAS WHITE
Vice-President; REV. JOHN RYER-
SON, Secretary; REV. ISAAC B. SMITH,

In the infant state of the Conference, it cannot be expected that the proceeds of its Society will be large. But as a common centre this Auxiliary will receive the avails of the numerous Branch Societies, which it is expected will now be increased through the province.

To the vast wilderness of this country are thronging thousands of the poor of Europe, and the older settlements in America; who, but for an Itinerant Ministry, would be almost entirely without the means of religious instruction. The imperious necessity then, of our ministry to these new settlements;the cordiality with which our Missionaries have been received by the people; and the success which has attended their labours; as well as the willingness, and ardent zeal, with which our pious and enterprising young men have engaged in this good work, leaves the subject without a doubt in our minds, that we are called to preach the Gospel to the destitute in the new settlements of Upper Canada. The Indians too, in several places, are awakened to a concern for their eternal welfare, and about fifty-six afford evidence of a work of grace upon their hearts. everal of them, from their talents and zeal, promise much usefulness to the natives of their own tribes. There are thirty-six natives

vances they have made, that eleven of them can now read in the New Testament; though the school has been in operation but about nine months. The Sabbath School is also faithfully attended by these children, and some of them have committed to memory considera ble lessons in the New Testament.

In a letter of the 10th of August, we learn that the School and Society are both rising. Awakenings have com. menced in some families in the Cayuga tribe,among whom is a respectable chief, who, yielding his former opposition has become a constant hearer, as have also several of his tribe.

For the encouragement and support of this good work, several Branch So cieties have forwarded the amount of their collections, and which have been received, and accounted for as follows: From the Ancaster Branch M. S. $22 00 Lions Creek Br. M. S. amount omitted in the Report of last year, Trafalgar Br. M. S.

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Several Reports have been received to the gracious work now progressing from the Secretaries of Branch Societies, among our Indian friends on Graud but our time does not admit of inserting River. Yours affectionately in Christ, extracts from them. Some further accounts will soon be forwarded relative


REV. T. MASON, Cor. Sec. M. S. M. E. C.


MESSRS. EDItors, dinary outpouring of the Holy Spirit.→→ THE accounts which you present us. It is impossible for the house to contain in your excellent miscellany, of the the crowds that wish to hear. Our altar progress of the work of God in the dif- is too small for the mourners who preferent sections of our widely extended sent themselves as suppliants for mercy: country, I read with great pleasure and and I presume I am safe in saying, that profit: but, not unfrequently is it the not less than SIXTY souls have professed case, that we are not furnished with a change in less than five weeks. It was such accounts until the spiritual harvest computed that at least, twenty-five souls has been gathered, and the success com. were enabled to believe with a heart puted.. I wish to afford you the means unto righteousness, at a prayer meeting of favouring your readers with such for mourners last night in the chapel.pleasing intelligence earlier, by inform To God be all the glory. Amen. ing yo, that at the present time, the Yours with respect, congregation attending at the Kensington Chapel, is blessed with an extraor

Sept. 1, 1824.


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DIED, in January last, in the city of Washington, in her sixteenth year, Miss SUSAN HINES, daughter of HENRY and NANCY HINFS. During a revival of religion at the Foundry station, in December of 1822, SUSAN, with several others of her young associates, found Him of whom Moses and the Prophets did write. The change, though evidently genuine, was not so visible in her conduct, as it might be in some others, because she had always been remarkable for her dutiful conduct towards her parents, and steady in her general deporiment before others. She, however, gave evidence of her sincere intentions to devote herself entirely to God, by joining the Church, by withdrawing herself from youthful vanities, and by attending to all the means of grace. She now became, more than ever, the delight of her parents, and promised usefulness in Society: but that Omnipotent Being who can not err, had otherwise determined concerning her, by soon calling her from her earthly pilgrimage, to a happier clime.

In February of 1823, by taking a se vere cold, she contracted that disease so fatal in its consequences, the lung consumption, with which she lingered in much pain and distress, until it terminated her mortal career. Through the

whole of this severe conflict of bodily suffering, ber mind was kept in perfect peace, and she patiently submitted to the wise determinations of her heavenly Father. While her health permitted, the public worship of God was her delight, and in the attendance of ClassMeetings she took a peculiar pleasure. When deprived by weakness of body of these means of grace, though she often regretted her inability to attend them, she submitted without murmuring, often praising God for His manifested goodness to her soul.

January 5, 1824, she seemed near the close of her earthly course; but the glory of God appeared to overshadow her, and she shouted His praises aloud. To her weeping mother she said, "Don't weep for me. I am going to heaven. I want to meet you all there" She then exhorted her father to join the Methodist Church.which he promised her he would do. To her brothers and sisters she gave her dying request, that they might prepare to meet her in a better world. In the evening I called in con pany with Bro. HAMILTON, the preacher, who asked her if she was willing to die "O yes," she replied. She then inquired for me. On approaching her, I asked if Jesus was precious. She replied, “Q yes, He is

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