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conjunction, is [generally] preceded by a comma."-Hiley's Gram., p. 114. "His narrative, being composed upon so good authority, deserves credit."— Cooper cor. The hen, being in her nest, was killed and eaten there by the eagle."-Murray cor. Pronouns, being used in stead of nouns, are subject to the same modifications."-Sanborn cor. "When placed at the beginning of words, they are consonants."-Hallock cor. Man, starting from his couch, shall sleep no more."- Young. "His and her, followed by a noun, are possessive pronouns; not followed by a noun, they are personal pronouns."-Bullions cor.


"He, with viny crown advancing,

First to the lively pipe his hand address'd."-Collins.


"But when they convey the idea of many acting individually, or separately, they are of the plural number."-Day cor. "Two or more singular antecedents connected by and, [when they happen to introduce more than one verb and more than one pronoun,] require verbs and pronouns of the plural number."-Id. "Words ending in y preceded by a consonant, change y into when a termination is added."-N. Butler cor. "A noun used without an article to limit it, is generally taken in its widest sense."-Ingersoll cor. "Two nouns meaning the same person or thing, frequently come together."-Bucke cor. "Each one must give an account to God for the use, or abuse, of the talents committed to him."-Cooper cor. "Two vowels united in one sound, form a diphthong."-Frost cor. "Three vowels united in one sound, form a triphthong."-Id. "Any word joined to an adverb, is a secondary adverb."-Barrett cor. "The person spoken to, is put in the Second person; the person spoken of, in the Third person."— Cutler cor. devoted to his business, prospers."-Frost cor.


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"A man

"So, in indirect questions; as, 'Tell me when he will come."-Butler cor. "Now, when the verb tells what one person or thing does to an other, it is transitive.”—Bullions cor. Agreeably to your request, I send this letter."-Id. "There seems, therefore, to be no good reason for giving them a different classification."-Id. "Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto a merchant-man seeking good pearls."-Scott's Bible, Smith's, and Bruce's. 'Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto a net that was cast into the sea.”—Same. "Cease, however, is used as a transitive verb by our best writers." -Webster cor. "Time admits of three natural divisions; namely, Present, Past, and Future."-Day cor. "There are three kinds of comparison; namely, Regular, Irregular, and Adverbial."-Id. "There are five personal pronouns; namely, I, thou, he, she, and it."-Id. "Nouns have three cases; viz., the Nominative, the Possessive, and the Objective."-Bullions cor. "Hence, in studying Grammar, we have to study words."-Frazee cor. "Participles, like verbs, relate to nouns and pronouns."-Miller cor. "The time of the participle, like that of the infinitive, is estimated from the time of the leading verb."-Bullions



"The dumb shall sing, the lame his crutch forego,
And leap exulting, like the bounding roe."-Pope.


"But he said, Nay; lest, while ye gather up the tares, ye root up also the wheat with them."— Scott's Bible et al. "Their intentions were good; but, wanting prudence, they missed the mark at which they aimed."-L. Mur. cor. "The verb be often separates the name from its attribute; as, War is expensive.'"-Webster cor. "Either and or denote an alternative; as, 'I will take either road at your pleasure.'"-Id. "Either is also a substitute for a name; as, Either of the roads is good.'"-Id. "But, alas! I fear the consequence."-Day cor. "Or, if he ask a fish, will he for a fish give him a serpent?"—Luke, xi, 11. "Or, if he shall ask an egg, will he offer him a scorpion ?"-ALGER'S BIBLE: Luke, xi, 12. "The infinitive sometimes performs the office of a nominative case; as, 'To enjoy is to obey.'-POPE."-Cutler cor. "The plural is commonly formed by adding s to the singular; as, book, books."—Bullions, P. Lessons, p. 16. As, 'I were to blame, if I did it.'"-Smart cor.

"Or, if it be thy will and pleasure,

Direct my plough to find a treasure."


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"Pronouns agree with the nouns for which they stand, in gender, number, and person."-Butler and Bullions cor. "In the first two examples, the antecedent is person, or something equivalent; in the last [one], it is thing."-N. Butler cor. "In what character he was admitted, is unknown."-Id. "To what place he was going, is not known."—Id. "In the preceding examples, John, Cæsar, and James, are the subjects."-Id. "Yes is generally used to denote assent, in answer to a question."-Id. "That, in its origin, is the passive participle of the Anglo-Saxon verb thean, [thegan, thicgan, thicgean, or thigan,] to take."-Id. "But, in all these sentences, as and so are adverbs."-Id. "After an interjection or an exclamatory sentence, is usually placed the mark of exclamation."-D. Blair cor. "Intransitive verbs, from their nature, can have no distinction of voice."-Bullions cor. "To the inflection of verbs, belong Voices, Moods, Tenses, Numbers, and Persons."-Id. “As and so, in the antecedent member of a comparison, are properly Adverbs." Better: "As OR so, in the antecedent member of a comparison, is properly an

adverb."-Id. "In the following Exercise, point out the words in apposition."-Id. "In the following Exercise, point out the noun or pronoun denoting the possessor."-Id. "Its is not found in the Bible, except by misprint."-Brown's Institutes, p. 49. "No one's interest is concerned, except mine."-Hallock cor. "In most of the modern languages, there are four concords."-St. Quentin cor. "In illustration of these remarks, let us suppose a case."-Hart cor. "On the right management of the emphasis, depends the life of pronunciation."-J. S. Hart and L. Murray cor. See Blair's Rhet., p. 330.



"Behold, he is in the desert."-Friends' Bible. 'And Lot said unto them, Oh, not so, my Lord." -Alger's Bible. "Oh, let me escape thither, (is it not a little one?) and my soul shall live."Friends' Bible, and Alger's. 'Behold, I come quickly."-Rev., xxii, 7. "Lo, I am with you always."-Day cor. "And, lo, I am with you alway."-Alger's Bible: Day cor.; also Scott and Bruce. "Ha, ha, ha; how laughable that is!"-Bullions cor. Interjections of laughter; ha, ha, ha."- Wright cor.

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"Lend, lend your wings!" &c.-Pope. "To bed, to bed, to bed. There is a knocking at the gate. Come, come, come. What is done, cannot be undone. To bed, to bed, to bed."-SHAKSPEARE: Burgh's Speaker, p. 130. "I will roar, that the duke shall cry, Encore, encore, let him roar, let him roar, once more, once more."—Id., ib., p. 136.

"Vital spark of heavenly flame!

Quit, oh quit this mortal frame!"-Pope.

"O the pleasing, pleasing anguish,

When we love, and when we languish."—Addison. "Praise to God, immortal praise,

For the love that crowns our days!”—Barbauld.


"Thus, of an infant, we say, 'It is a lovely creature.'"-Bullions cor. "No being can state a falsehood in saying, I am;' for no one can utter this, if it is not true."-Cardell cor. "I know they will cry out against this, and say, 'Should he pay,' means, 'If he should pay.'”—0. B. Peirce cor. "For instance, when we say, The house is building,' the advocates of the new theory ask.-building what? We might ask in turn, When you say, "The field ploughs well,'-ploughs what? Wheat sells well,'—sells what? If usage allows us to say, 'Wheat sells at a dollar,' in a sense that is not active; why may it not also allow us to say, 'Wheat is selling at a dollar,' in a sense that is not active?"-Hart cor. "Man is accountable,' equals, Mankind are accounta ble.'"-Barrett cor. "Thus, when we say, 'He may be reading,' may is the real verb; the other parts are verbs by name only."-Smart cor. "Thus we say, an apple, an hour, that two vowel sounds may not come together."-Id. "It would be as improper to say, an unit, as to say, an youth; to say, an one, as to say, an wonder."-Id. "When we say, He died for the truth," for is a preposition."-Id. "We do not say, 'I might go yesterday;' but, 'I might have gone yesterday.'"-Id. "By student, we understand, one who has by matriculation acquired the rights of academical citizenship; but, by bursché, we understand, one who has already spent a certain time at the university."-Howitt cor.



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"The buds spread into leaves, and the blossoms swell to fruit; but they know not how they grow, nor who causes them to spring up from the bosom of the earth."-Day cor. "But he used his eloquence chiefly against Philip, king of Macedon; and, in several orations, he stirred up the Athenians to make war against him."-Bullions cor. "For the sake of euphony, the n is dropped before a consonant; and, because most words begin with a consonant, this of course is its more common form."-Id. "But if I say, Will a man be able to carry this burden?' it is manifest the idea is entirely changed; the reference is not to number, but to the species; and the answer might be, No; but a horse will.'"-Id. "In direct discourse, a noun used by the speaker or writer to designate himself [in the special relation of speaker or writer], is said to be of the first person; used to designate the person addressed, it is said to be of the second person; and, when used to designate a person or thing [merely] spoken of, it is said to be of the third person."-Id "Vice stings us, even in our pleasures; but virtue consoles us, even in our pains."-Day cor. "Vice is infamous, though in a prince; and virtue, honourable, though in a peasant."-Id. Every word that is the name of a person or thing, is a noun; because, 'A noun is the name of any person, place, or thing.'"-Bullions cor.

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"This is the sword with which he did the deed;

And that, the shield by which he was defended."-Bucke cor.


"A deathlike paleness was diffused over his countenance; a chilling terror convulsed his frame; his voice burst out at intervals into broken accents."-Jerningham cor. "The Lacedemonians

never traded; they knew no luxury; they lived in houses built of rough materials; they ate at public tables; fed on black broth; and despised every thing effeminate or luxurious."— Whelpley cor. "Government is the agent; society is the principal."- Wayland cor. "The essentials of speech were anciently supposed to be sufficiently designated by the Noun and the Verb; to which was subsequently added the Conjunction."-Bullions cor. "The first faint gleamings of thought in its mind, are but reflections from the parents' own intellect; the first manifestations of temperament, are from the contagious parental fountain; the first aspirations of soul, are but the warmings and promptings of the parental spirit."—Jocelyn cor. "Older and oldest refer to maturity of age; elder and eldest, to priority of right by birth. Farther and farthest denote place or distance; further and furthest, quantity or addition."-Bullions cor. "Let the divisions be natural; such as obviously suggest themselves to the mind; such as may aid your main design; and such as may be easily remembered."-Goldsbury cor.

"Gently make haste, of labour not afraid;

A hundred times consider what you've said."-Dryden cor.


(1.) "Adjectives are divided [, in Frost's Practical Grammar,] into two classes; adjectives denoting quality, and adjectives denoting number."-Frost cor. (2.) "There are [, according to some authors,] two classes of adjectives; qualifying adjectives, and limiting adjectives."-N. Butler cor. (3-5.) "There are three genders; the masculine, the feminine, and the neuter.”Frost et al. cor.; also L. Mur. et al.; also Hendrick: Inst., p. 35. (6.) "The Singular denotes one; the Plural, more than one.' -Hart cor. (7.) "There are three cases; viz., the Nominative, the Possessive, and the Objective."-Hendrick cor. (8.) "Nouns have three cases; the nominative, the possessive, and the objective."-Kirkham cor. (9.) "In English, nouns have three cases; the nominative, the possessive, and the objective."-Smith cor. (10.) "Grammar is divided into four parts; namely, Orthography, Etymology, Syntax, Prosody."-Hazen. (11.) "It is divided into four parts; viz., Orthography, Etymology, Syntax, Prosody."-Mur. et al. cor. (12.) "It is divided into four parts; viz., Orthography, Etymology, Syntax, Prosody."-Bucke cor. (13.) “It is divided into four parts; namely, Orthography, Etymology, Syntax, and Prosody." -Lennie, Bullions, et al. (14.) "It is divided into four parts; viz., Orthography, Etymology, Syntax, and Prosody."-Hendrick cor. (15.) "Grammar is divided into four parts; viz., Orthography, Etymology, Syntax, and Prosody."-Chandler cor. (16.) "It is divided into four parts; Orthography, Etymology, Syntax, and Prosody."-Cooper and Frost cor. (17.) English Grammar has been usually divided into four parts; viz., Orthography, Etymology, Syntax, and Prosody."-Nutting cor. (18.) "Temperance leads to happiness; intemperance, to misery."-Hiley and Hart cor. (19, 20.) "A friend exaggerates a man's virtues; an enemy, his crimes."-Hiley cor.; also Murray. (21.) "Many writers use a plural noun after the second of two numeral adjectives; thus, 'The first and second pages are torn.'"-Bullions cor. (22.) "Of these, [i. e., of Cases,] the Latin has six; the Greek, five; the German, four; the Saxon, six; the French, three; &c."-Id.

"In ing it ends, when doing is expressed;

In d, t, n, when suffering's confessed."-Brightland cor.


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"In old books, i is often used for j; v, for u; vv, for w; and ii or ij, for y."-Hart cor. forming of letters into words and syllables, is also called Spelling.”—Id. "Labials are formed chiefly by the lips; dentals, by the teeth; palatals, by the palate; gutturals, by the throat; nasals, by the nose; and linguals, by the tongue."-ld. "The labials are p, b, f, v; the dentals, t, d, s, z; the palatals, g soft and j; the gutturals, k, q, and c and g hard; the nasals, m and n; and the linguals, I and r."-Id. "Thus,The man, having finished his letter, will carry it to the post-office."-Id. "Thus, in the sentence, 'He had a dagger concealed under his cloak,' concealed is passive, signifying being concealed; but, in the former combination, it goes to make up a form the force of which is active."--Id. "Thus, in Latin, 'He had concealed the dagger,' would be, Pugionem abdiderat;' but, 'He had the dagger concealed,' would be, 'Pugionem abditum habebat.' "— Id. "Here, for instance, means, 'in this place;' now, 'at this time;' &c."-Id. "Here when both declares the time of the action, and so is an adverb; and also connects the two verbs, and so resembles a conjunction."—Id. "These words were all, no doubt, originally other parts of speech; viz., verbs, nouns, and adjectives."-Id. "The principal parts of a sentence, are the subject, the attribute, and the object; in other words, the nominative, the verb, and the objective."-Id. "Thus, the adjective is connected with the noun; the adverb, with the verb or adjective; the pronoun, with its antecedent; &c."—Id. Between refers to two; among, to more than two."-Id. "At is used after a verb of rest; to, after a verb of motion."Id. "Verbs are of three kinds; Active, Passive, and Neuter."--L. Murray. [Active] "Verbs are divided into two classes; Transitive and Intransitive."-Hendrick cor. "The Parts of Speech, in the English language, are nine; viz., the Article. Noun, Adjective, Pronoun, Verb, Adverb, Preposition, Interjection, and Conjunction."-Bullions cor. See Lennie. "Of these, the Noun, Pronoun, and Verb, are declined; the rest are indeclinable."-Bullions, Analyt. and Pract. Gram., p. 18. "The first expression is called 'the Active form;' the second, the Passive form.'"-Weld cor. "O, 'tis a godlike privilege to save;


And he that scorns it, is himself a slave."-Cowper cor.




Of is a preposition: it expresses the relation between fear and Lord."-Bullions cor. "Wealth and poverty are both temptations to man: that tends to excite pride; this, discontentment.”—Id. et al. cor. "Religion raises men above themselves; irreligion sinks them beneath the brutes: this binds them down to a poor pitiable speck of perishable earth; that opens for them a prospect to the skies."-Murray's Key, 8vo, p. 189. "Love not idleness: it destroys many."-Ingersoll cor. "Children, obey your parents: Honour thy father and mother,' is the first commandment with promise."-Bullions oor. "Thou art my hiding-place and my shield; I hope in thy word.”— Psalm cxix, 114. The sun shall not smite thee by day, nor the moon by night. The Lord shall preserve thee from all evil: he shall preserve thy soul."-Psalm cxxi, 6. "Here to Greece is assigned the highest place in the class of objects among which she is numbered—the nations of antiquity: she is one of them."-Bullions, E. Gram., p. 114.

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"From short (as usual) and disturb'd ropose,

I wake: how happy they who wake no more!"-Young, N. T., p. 3.


"A taste of a thing, implies actual enjoyment of it; but a tase for it, implies only capacity for enjoyment: as, When we have had a true taste of the pleasures of virtue, we can have no relish for those of vice.'"-Bullions cor. "The Indicative mood simply declares a thing: as, 'He loves; He is loved:' or it asks a question; as, 'Lovest thou me?'"-Id. and Lennie cor.; also Murray. "The Imperfect (or Past) tense represents an action or event indefinitely as past; as, 'Cæsar came, and saw, and conquered:' or it represents the action definitely as unfinished and continuing at a certain time now entirely past; as, 'My father was coming home when I met him.'" -Bullions cor. "Some nouns have no plural; as, gold, silver, wisdom: others have no singular: as, ashes, shears, tongs: others are alike in both numbers; as, sheep, deer, means, news.”—Day cor. "The same verb may be transitive in one sense, and intransitive in an other: thus, in the sentence, He believes my story,' believes is transitive; but, in this phrase, 'He believes in God,' it is intransitive."-Butler cor. "Let the divisions be distinct: one part should not include an other, but each should have its proper place, and be of importance in that place; and all the parts, well fitted together and united, should present a perfect whole."-Goldsbury cor. "In the use of the transitive verb, there are always three things implied; the actor, the act, and the object acted upon: in the use of the intransitive, there are only two; the subject, or the thing spoken of, and the state or action attributed to it."-Bullions cor.

"Why labours reason? instinct were as well;

Instinct, far better: what can choose, can err."-Young, vii, 622.


"The sentence may run thus: 'He is related to the same person, and is governed by him.'"Hart cor. "Always remember this ancient proverb: 'Know thyself."-Hallock cor. "Consider this sentence: The boy runs swiftly."-Frazee cor. "The comparative is used thus: 'Greece was more polished than any other nation of antiquity.' The same idea is expressed by the superlative, when the word other is left out: thus, 'Greece was the most polished nation of antiquity."-Bullions and Lennie cor. "Burke, in his speech on the Carnatic war, makes the following allusion to the well known fable of Cadmus sowing dragon's teeth:-'Every day you are fatigued and disgusted with this cant: The Carnatic is a country that will soon recover, and become instantly as prosperous as ever.' They think they are talking to innocents, who believe that by the sowing of dragon's teeth, men may come up ready grown and ready made.'”—Hiley and Hart cor.

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"This would seem to say, 'I doubt nothing, save one thing; namely, that he will fulfill his promise:' whereas that is the very thing not doubted."--Bullions cor. "The common use of language requires, that a distinction be made between morals and manners: the former depend upon internal dispositions; the latter, upon outward and visible accomplishments."-Beattie cor. "Though I detest war in each particular fibre of my heart, yet I honour the heroes among our fathers, who fought with bloody hand. Peacemakers in a savage way, they were faithful to their light: the most inspired can be no more; and we, with greater light, do, it may be, far less.”— T. Parker cor. "The article the, like a, must have a substantive joined with it; whereas that, like one, may have it understood: thus, speaking of books, I may select one, and say, 'Give me that; but not, 'Give me the ;'-[so I may say,] 'Give me one;' but not, 'Give me a."—Bullions "The Present tense has three distinct forms: the simple; as, I read: the emphatic; as, I do read: and the progressive; as, I am reading." Or thus: "The Present tense has three dis


tinct forms;-the simple; as, 'I read ;'-the emphatic; as, 'I do read;'-and the progressive; as, I am reading.'"-Id. "The tenses in English are usually reckoned six; the Present, the Imperfect, the Perfect, the Pluperfect, the First-juture, and the Second-future."-Id. "There are three participles; the Present or Active, the Perfect or Passive, and the Compound Perfect: as, loving, loved, having loved." Or, better: "There are three participles from each verb; namely, the Imperfect, the Perfect, and the Preperfect; as, turning, turned, having turned."-Murray et al. cor. "The participles are three; the Present, the Perfect, and the Compound Perfect: as, loving, loved, having loved." Better: "The participles of each verb are three; the Imperfect, the Perfect, and the Preperfect: as, turning, turned, having turned."-Hart cor. "Will is conjugated regularly, when it is a principal verb: as, present, I will; past, I willed; &c."—Frazee cor. And both sounds of x are compound: one is that of gz, and the other, that of ks."-ld. "The man is happy; he is benevolent; he is useful."-L. Mur., p. 28: Cooper cor. "The pronoun stands in stead of the noun: as, 'The man is happy; he is benevolent; he is useful.'"-L. Murray cor. "A Pronoun is a word used in stead of a noun, to prevent too frequent a repetition of it: as, 'The man is happy; he is benevolent; he is useful."-Id. "A Pronoun is a word used in the room of a noun, or as a substitute for one or more words: as, 'The man is happy; he is benevolent; he is useful."-Cooper cor. "A common noun is the name of a sort, kind, or class, of beings or things; as, Animal, tree, insect, fish, fowl."—Id. "Nouns have three persons; the first, the second, and the third."-İd.

"So saying, her rash hand in evil hour

Forth reaching to the fruit, she pluck'd, she eat:
Earth felt the wound; and Nature from her seat,
Sighing through all her works, gave signs of woe,
That all was lost."-MILTON, P. L., Book ix, 1. 780.



"The third person is the position of a word by which an object is merely spoken of; as, 'Paul and Silas were imprisoned.'' The earth thirsts.'-'The sun shines.'"--Frazee cor.

"Two, and three, and four, make nine. If he were here, he would assist his father and mother; for he is a dutiful son. They live together, and are happy, because they enjoy each other's society. They went to Roxbury, and tarried all night, and came back the next day."-Goldsbury cor.

"We often resolve, but seldom perform. She is wiser than her sister. Though he is often advised, yet he does not reform. Reproof either softens or hardens its object. He is as old as his classmates, but not so learned. Neither prosperity, nor adversity, has improved him. Let him that standeth, take heed lest he fall. He can acquire no virtue, unless he make some sacrifices." -Id.

"Down from his neck, with blazing gems array'd,

Thy image, lovely Anna! hung portray'd;

Th' unconscious figure, smiling all serene,

Suspended in a golden chain was seen."-Falconer.


"This life is a mere prelude to an other which has no limits. It is a little portion of duration. As death leaves us, so the day of judgement will find us."-Merchant cor.

"He went from Boston to New York.-He went (I say) from Boston; he went to New York. In walking across the floor, he stumbled over a chair."-Goldsbury corrected.

"I saw him on the spot, going along the road, looking towards the house. During the heat of the day, he sat on the ground, under the shade of a tree."-Goldsbury corrected.

"George came home; I saw him yesterday.' Here the word him can extend only to the individual George."-Barrett corrected.

"Commas are often used now, where parentheses were [adopted] formerly. I cannot, however, esteem this an improvement."-Bucke's Classical Grammar, p. 20.

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"The term pronoun (Lat. pronomen) strictly means a word used for, or in stead of, a noun.' Bullions corrected.

"The period is also used after abbreviations; as, A. D., P. S., G. W. Johnson."-N. Butler cor. "On this principle of classification, the later Greek grammarians divided words into eight classes, or parts of speech: viz., the Article, Noun, Pronoun, Verb, Participle, Adverb, Preposition, and Conjunction.' -Bullions cor.

Metre [Melody] is not confined to verse: there is a tune in all good prose; and Shakspeare's was a sweet one.'-Epea Pter., ii, 61. [First American Ed., ii, 50.] Mr. H. Tooke's

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