BY HENRY KETT, B. D. FELLOW OF TRINITY COLLEGE, OXFORD, AND ONE OF PRINTED BY BYE AND LAW, ST. JOHN'S SQUARE, FOR THE AUTHOR ; MDCCC. CONTENT S. OF VOL. II, CHAPTER THE FIRST. The Rife, Progress, Establishment, and Decline of the PAPAL POWER OF ANTICHRIST-or, "THE KING OF THE WEST," in the Vifions of Daniel, and "THE FIRST BEAST" in the Revelation of St. John, P. I-66. -or, CHAPTER THE SECOND. The Rife, Progrefs, Eftablishment, and Decline of the MAHOMETAN POWER OF ANTICHRIST cc THE LITTLE HORN OF THE EAST" in the Vifions of Daniel; and "THE LOCUSTS," and cc THE EUPHRATEAN HORSEMEN," under their "KING APOLLYON," in the Revelation of St. John, p. 67-117. |