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met together, to pay their last tribute of respect and affection to the memory of one who, though taken away so early, had set so bright an example.


Oct. 12, at Birmingham, Mr. EDWARD HESKETH, of Edgbaston, in the neighbourhood of that town. His health had been scarcely less firm than usual, when an irresistible disease called him, sud denly, and almost instantaneously, from the business which he was in the act of conducting, from the arms of a numerous and beloved family, and from all mortal duties and enjoyments, to the region where is no working, or device, or love, or hatred. On the day preceding his dissolution, he had occupied his accustomed seat at public worship. He was

a valuable member of general societylong known and much esteemed, throughout no narrow circle. Of the domestic sympathies and virtues he was, in particular, a fine example. Religion appeared to have great ascendancy over his thoughts, words, and actions. May its principles and spirit govern, and its promises cheer, the hearts of those who bitterly mourn their loss of him! In that their purest, richest sources of consolation will be found; and next in affectionately recording, contemplating, and imitating the excellencies of the husband, the father, the brother, the master, and the friend. May the God whom he conscientiously adored, even the one God, and the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, be their refuge! Nor may such illustrations of the precarious ten ure of life, and of terrestrial blessings, address themselves in vain to the sensi bilities of any under whose observation they are brought! For who has not the sentence of death within himself; and who cau say that he shall not soon fall by it?

"'Tis all a transient hour below, And we who fain had kept thee here, Ourselves as fleetly go!"


REV. THOMAS BELSHAM. Nov. 11, at Hampstead, in the 80th year of his age, the Rev. THOMAS BEL


Although the public career of this eminent and excellent mau had in fact, though not formally, been previously brought to its close by the pressure of accumulating infirmities, it is impossible to record the termination of his earthly existence without deeply feeling what a loss the cause of Truth and Righteousness has sustained in him who was so long its upright, indefatigable, and efficient advocate.

We abstain at present from attempting any outline of his character and history, as a very short time may be expected to supply materials which will enable us to do so in a more complete and satisfactory manuer.

Mr. Belsham's remains were deposited in the same grave with those of his predecessor and friend, the Rev. Theophilus Lindsey, in Bunhill Fields, on Friday, 20th ult. The funeral was attended by Wm. Smith, Esq., M. P., Wm. Sturch, Esq., Thomas Gibson, Esq., - Prentice, Esq., Rev. G. Kenrick, and about fifty friends and admirers of the deceased, from Hampstead to the place of interment, where it was joined by a number of other gentlemen who had been waiting its arrival. The Pall was borne by the Rev. Messrs. Coates, Fox, Davison, Tagart, Porter, and Mardon. The Address at the grave was delivered by the Rev. R. Asplaud, and the Funeral Sermon, on the Sunday morning following, by the Rev. Thomas Madge, at EssexStreet Chapel. We hope that both the Address and the Sermon will be published.

Funeral Sermons have also been preached, or will have been before this meets the public eye, at most, if not all, of the Unitarian Chapels in and about the metropolis; and probably at many in the country. To do honour to Mr. Belsham's memory is not the concern of any particular congregation, but of the whole Unitarian body. For its distinguishing tenets he was ever a consistent and zealous champion; and by his numerous and valuable publications, "being dead he yet speaketh" on their behalf, with a voice which will reach to distant generations. He is gone to receive the recompense of his many talents diligently improved.


The Wareham Chapel.

Ar a meeting of the members of the Southern Unitarian Society, held at Newport, Isle of Wight, November 2, 1829, to take into consideration a communication from the Rev. Mr. Durant, of Poole, on the part of the Association of Independent Ministers of the county of Dorset, stating that the Rev. Messrs. Durant, of Poole; Gunn, of Christchurch, and Keynes, of Blandford, had been appointed a Committee on the part of the Association, to ascertain whether the persons in possession of the Presbyterian Chapel at Wareham are entitled, in equity, to retain the same, and requesting this Society to appoint three persons, either ministers or laymen, to co-operate with the gentlemen appointed by the Association for the purpose above stated,

It was resolved,

That though a charge of duplicity in the means he employed to deprive the Unitarians of the Chapel at Warcham, has been publicly made against Mr. John Brown, accompanied with an offer to meet him for the purpose of proving the same, which offer he has thought fit to decline; yet we are not aware that any charge has been made against the congregation assembling in the chapel, and consequently we can only look on the proposed inquiry as an attempt to shift the imputation from an individual who seems unwilling to meet it, and to fix the burden of defence on those whose conduct there has been no intention to inculpate.

That we receive, in the spirit of conciliation, the proposal made by the Independent Ministers of the county of Dorset, but we consider that by holding their Association in the Chapel at Wareham, and by assisting at the Ordination of the

Rev. James Brown as its minister, they have prejudged the question they now propose to investigate; and we are the more confirmed in this opinion, by finding that of the persons nained on the Committee we have reason to believe two at the least have been instrumental in forwarding those measures which have led to the present occupation of the chapel. We consider, therefore, that under such circumstances it would be in vain to expect that an impartial investigation can be had.

That even could such an investigation be obtained, and should the result terminate in the decision that the Chapel should be restored to those who have been compelled to secede from it, there would be no security that such a decision could be carried into effect, as the parties in possession have given no undertaking that they will defer to the opinion of the Committee; and public opinion, on which we have been desired to rely, has been already sufficiently expressed to prove its incompetency to enforce the demands of equity.

That we should hail with delight any measure which would promote the cause of Christian charity, and tend to heal the unhappy disputes which have so long prevailed at Wareham, but for the reasons before stated, we cannot concur in the appointment of the proposed Committee, as we conceive an inquiry so conducted would only produce increased irritation, and, with respect to our friends most deeply interested, revive feelings every way painful, many of them connected with relatives who are now happily removed from the trying scenes which their survivors have been called to encounter.

WM. MORTIMER, Chairman.


Communications have been received from Rev. H. Clarke ; P. Valentine; Equus; N.C.; An Old York Student.-The Obituary of Miss Powell, and of Mrs. Mary Rees, in our next.

We are sorry (for his sake) to hear that Lieutenant Rhind, the Agent of the Reformation Society, has retracted the apology mentioned in p. 862, as made by him at the Norwich Meeting.






The Names and Signatures of Correspondents are distinguished by Small Capitals
or Italics: as different Correspondents have often adopted the same Signature, some
ambiguity in the references will unavoidably arise; but this is an inconvenience ne-
cessarily attached to anonymous communications.


A., lines by, 48. His translation of
verses to the Redbreast, 167-
from the Dutch of Withuys, 254.
The Eagle's Death, by,

A. C.'s obituary of Mrs. Major,
Acts, value of the book of,
Adam, Mr. W., his relinquishment

of the missionary character, 447, 769

[blocks in formation]

ADELPHOS on co-operation, 123,

[blocks in formation]

205, 282

[blocks in formation]

Bache, Rev. Samuel, settlement of,
at Dudley,


A. F.'s vision,


Affliction, thoughts on,


ALEXANDER, Mr. W., his Protest

Bakewell's, Rev. J. W., Speech at
the Meeting of the Reformation
Society, Norwich, reviewed,


against the Marriage Service, 579 Bancroft, Rev. Dr., his speech at the

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]


Catholic superstitions,


Borderers, the, reviewed,



Bowles, Rev. H. R., tribute of respect




Bowring, Dr., verses addressed to,
49. His speech at the Unitarian
Association anniversary, 516. De-
dication to, 598. On the Devon-
port Unitarian chapel,


Brazer's Sermon at the Ordination
of the Rev. Jonathan Cole, re-
viewed, 567-on the Death of Dr.


Brent, Mrs., obituary of,


Brettell's, Rev. J., Sketches, re-



Bristol, Bishop of, his speech on the
Catholic question,


British Critic, itic, the, on the Catholic

question, 107. Strictures on the, 271

Brougham, Mr., speeches of, on the

Catholic question,

217, 294

BROWN, Mr. JOHN, on the "true
worshipers" at Wareham,
BROWN, Rev. JAMES, on the state-
ment respecting "true worship-
ers" at Wareham,

Bruce's, Dr., argument for the pre-
existence of Christ, notes on,
Bryce's System of National Educa-
tion for Ireland, reviewed,


Cause and Effect,

Causation, uniformity of,

Cellérier's Discourses on the Old

and New Testament, reviewed, 688

Chalmers, Dr., speech of, on the
Catholic question,
Channing, Dr., review of his Dis-
course, Man the Image of God,
89. Strictures on his Analysis of
Bonaparte's character, 200. Son-
net to, 238. His estimate of Bo-
naparte, defended, 339. Eulo-
gium on, 516. His speech at the
American Unitarian Association
anniversary, 732. Sketch of him
as a preacher,
Children's Hymn,
Chrestomathic Subscription Board-

Christ, the divinity of, 325, 713.
Observations on his resurrection,
350, 797, 883. His entry into
Jerusalem, a poem, 395. Preach-
ing him, 660. On the pre-exist-
ence of,

129 Christianity, spread of,

Christian Child's Faithful Friend,

BUCKLAND, Mr. GEORGE, his expo-
sure of pulpit misrepresentation, 342 Christian Observer, strictures on the,







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Christian independence,


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