Fellowship Funds, abuse of,
Female Servant's Adviser, reviewed, 788 H. on Unitarian Association anni-
Field's, Rev. W., Discourse, the
Habits, agency of, in the regenera-
Character of a Good Servant, re-
199 Hailes', Lord, Lines on the sudden
Deaths of his Wife and Children,
Fisher, Mrs. Sarah, obituary of, Flower, Mr. Benjamin, obituary of, Forget-Me-Not for 1830, the, re- viewed,
Hall's Travels in North America, re-
Fox, Rev. W. J., speech of, at the dinner to the Rev. H. Montgo- mery, 146-at the Unitarian Asso- ciation anniversary, 518. His Ser- mons on the Death of Mr. B. Flower, and on the Progress of Religious Liberty, reviewed,
Hardy, Mr. Thomas, Jun., obituary
Harris, Rev. G., congregational ad- dress to,
571 Hassal, Rev. W., obituary of,
France, religious state and prospects of, 666, 777. Periodical litera- ture of,
HAWKES, Rev.E., his account of the
Lancashire and Cheshire Provin- cial Meeting,
Friendship's Offering, for 1830, re.
Hayley's Elegy on the Ancient Greek Model,
FULLAGAR, Mr., on the meeting of
the Southern Unitarian Fund,
HENRY, Mr. W., on the systems of Dr. Price and Dr. Priestley, Hesketh, Mr. Edward, obituary of, 887 H. H. on slavery in the Mauritius, 348 HIERONIMUS on the propriety of
connecting Manchester College with the London University,
Gem, the, for 1830, reviewed, General Baptist Assembly,
872 Hincks's Introduction to Geography,
General Baptists at Ditchling, annual
meeting of, Geneva, its form of government, Gibson, Mr., his speech at the Uni- tarian Association anniversary, G. L.'s account of the North-East- ern Unitarian Association anniver- sary, 584. His obituary of Mr. Robert Pass,
828 Holland, Mr. Thomas, obituary of, 721
HOLDEN, Rev. L., his obituary of
Holland, Lord, speeches of, on the Catholic question, 221. Letter to, reviewed, 426. A letter of his,
Holyoke, Dr., sketch of his charac-
Parker, Mr. H., obituary of, Parr, Dr., anecdote of, Pass, Mr. Richard, obituary of, Paul, St., respect for the writings of, 531. His conduct contrasted with Justin Martyr's,
Notices, 224, 296, 448, 520, 671 Peel, Mr., speeches of, on the Ca-
OBITUARY. - Mrs. Astley, 582. Mr. H. Atkinson, 209. Charles Baring, Esq., 287. Mrs. Bayley, 70. Rev. Thomas Belsham, 887. Mrs. Brent, 582. James Cross, Esq., 581. Rev. John Davis, 506. Mr. A. Delacourt, 669. Mrs. Eachus, 581. Mr. D. Eaton, 357. Mrs. Sarah Edwards, 356. Mr. G. Ellis, 582. Mrs. Sarah Fisher, 208. Mr. Flower, 210. Robert Greenhow, Esq., 885. J. Grigby, Esq., 355. Mr. T. Hardy, Jun., 670. Rev. W. Hassal, 354. Mr. Edward Hesketh, 887. Mr. Tho- mas Holland, 721. Miss Sarah Lakin, 131. Dr. Charles Lloyd, 443. Mr. Thomas Longstaff, 355. Mrs. Luckcock, 441. Mr. G. Mace, 583. Mr. Joseph Major, 131. Mrs. Major, 507. Mr. J. Marten, 722. P. M. Martineau, Esq., 131. Miss Michell, 208. Mrs. Molineux, 671. Mr. H. Parker, 722. Mr. R. Pass, 807. Mr. W. T. Procter, 582. Samuel Shore, Esq., 66. James Stanger, Esq., 439. Mr. H. Stansfeld, 886. Mr. Henry Wansey, 440. Mrs.
Observation, importance of an ac-
Ordination Service at the Settlement
Peggs' India's Cries to British Hu- manity, reviewed,
Peter, on the First Epistle of, 22. His character as a writer, Philipps, Rev. Dr., congregational letter to,
Phillips, Hon. Jonathan, his speech at the American Unitarian Asso- ciation anniversary,
Phrenology, Pickering, Colonel, account of, Piper's Sermon on the Death of S. Shore, Esq., reviewed, Plunkett, Lord, speeches of, on the Catholic question, POETRY.-Hymn, 27. Enoch, ib. Ode to Religious Liberty, 41. Ec- clesiasticus, 48. Curses, ib. Lines addressed to Dr. Bowring, 49. Daybreak, ib. Sonnets, 54, 177, 238, 306, 314, 484, 628. The last Tree of the Forest, 80. Lines, 93. To the Redbreast, 167. Star- light, 181. The Creation of Man, 238. To Dr. Channing, ib. The Blackbird, 244, From the Dutch of Withuys, 254. The Eagle's Death, 260. Jesus' Entry into Jerusalem, 395. The sleeping Child, 398. Lines on the Death of Mr. Daniel Hutton, 416. Chil- dren's Hymn, 484. Greece, 491. On seeing Miss Linwood's Copy of the "Ecce Homo," 540. Hay- ley's Elegy on the Ancient Greek Model, 618. Translations of Lines written by Lord Hailes on the sudden Deaths of his Wife and Children, 720. The Survivor, 783. Lines by L. E. L., 793. Pa- raphrases of Scripture, 823. Co- lumbus, 872. Remonstrance ad- dressed to a Friend, 874. Lines, by Coleridge, 875. Bird-song, 876. Spring Morning,
363 Poor, experiment for bettering the condition of the, 57, 125, 286, 576 Porter, Rev. J. S., speech of, at the Unitarian Association anniversary, 514 Porter, Rev. Mr., his speech before the Synod of Ulster, Portuguese eloquence, specimen of, 332 Potamology, reviewed, 14. Notice
P.'s obituary of Mrs. Alice Wilson, 209 Palmer, Mr. J. B., speech of, on pre- senting a piece of plate to the Rev. H. R. Bowles,
Price's, Dr., system of Immaterial-
Prichard on the Catholic question, reviewed,
Priestley's Works, 66. Remarks on his system of Materialism, 239, 795. Testimony to the truth of his assertion respecting the Mes- siah, 718. His English Grammar Improved, reviewed,
Private judgment in religious mat-
Proctor, Mr. W. T., obituary of,
Prophetical intepretation, enthusiasm
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Brettell's Sketches, 52. Annuals, 53. Christian Child's Faithful Friend, 55. Channing's Discourse, 89. Vincent's Sermon, 115. The Mediator, 116. Miss Macauley's Address, 118. Wood's Prayers for the Use of Sunday-Schools, 119. Bloomfield's Recensio Synoptica Annotationis Sacræ, 153. Dews of Castalie, 178. Letters from the Agean, 194. Thrush on the Un- lawfulness of War, 197. Mrs. Hurry's Sunday Lectures, 198. Hutton's Devotional Exercises, ib. Discourse on the Death of a Ser- vant, 199. Westminster Review, ib. State of the Curates of the Church of England, 225. National Education for Ireland, 240. Bi. shop Marsh's Two Lectures, 245. Catholic Relief Bill, 276. Piper's Sermon, 336. Appeal in behalf of Apostolical Christianity, 337. 'The Catholic Epistle of St. Jude, ib. A Protestant Clergyman on Catholic Emancipation, 339. The Christian Souvenir, ib. Life and Times of Archbishop Laud, 369, 485. Edinburgh Sessional School, 378. Life of Professor Wodrow, 399. Ordination Service, 409. Natural History of Enthusiasm, 417, 473. Letter to Lord Hol- land, 426. Ivimey on Dr. Wil. liams's Library, &c, ib. Sermons for Families, 449. Letter to a Country Clergyman, 464. Hut- ton's Sermon before the Westeru Unitarian Society, 501. Prichard on the Catholic Question, ib. Hincks's Introduction to Geogra- phy, ib. Whitfield's Questions on the Gospels, ib. Miss Lawrence's Stories of Greece, 502. Irving's Chronicle of the Conquest of Gra- nada, ib. Whately's Essays on the Writings of St. Paul, 526, 607. Margaret Wood's Journal, 541. Essays on the Pursuit of Truth, 545, 629. Tolley on the Trinity, 552. Upham's Discourse on the Death of Col. Pickering, 565. Brazer's Sermon, 567. Thrush's Letters to the Jews, 569. Fox's Sermons, 571. Drummond's Let ters to the Archbishop of Dublin, 573. Drummond's Unitarian As- sociation Sermon, ib. Life of John Locke, 640. Tayler's Sermon on Motives to Industry and Zeal in the Christian Ministry, 663. Brazer's Discourse on the Death of Dr. Holyoke, 664. Fragments of the Lyre, 665, Horsey's Lec-
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