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chant to the sound of the viol. Listen," she says, "to the animating sound of martial, and sweet instrumental music, undulating in graceful and harmonious strains from grave to quick-now soft-now louder-ah! does it not touch every nerve in your system, and strike a thrill of

children conceived in iniquity, and train them up in sin,] and weave the spiders web [i. e. set all their traps to catch the unweary, in order to gratify their own selfish and wicked purposes and cruel designs; he that eateth of their eggs dieth, [i. e. he that hath any thing to do with them, becomes a partaker of their plagues, and consequent death,] and that which is crushed, breaketh out into a viper, [or breaketh out into a little Babylonian devil]. Their hands are defiled with blood and their fingers with iniquity, their lips have spoken lies; their tongue hath muttered perverseness; they conceive mischief and bring forth iniquity; their feet run to evil, and they make haste to shed innocent blood; their thoughts are thoughts of iniquity; wasting and destruction are in their paths; the way of peace they know not, and there is no judgement in their goings; they have made them crooked paths, whosoever goeth therein shall not know peace. Read the 59th chapter of the book of the prophet Isaiah. David in speaking of the wicked, says they are full of children. Psalm xvii. 14. Their eyes stand out with fatness, and they do even what they lust. But the judgments of the Lord hang heavy over the earth, which, in these latter days, will be as illy prepared for them as it was for the flood, or as Sodom and Gomorrah were for the fire and brimstone which came down upon them. As it was in the days of Noe, so also shall it be in the days of the Son of Man. They did eat, they drank, they married wives and were given in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, and destroyed them all.-Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot: they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded, but the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all. Even thus shall it be when the Son of man is revealed. Read the 17th chapter of the gospel according to St. Luke.

The Babylonian wicked will cry out against him who prophesieth truly and sincerely according to the true tenor and spirit of the gospel, calling him crazy. See Mark iii. 21. Acts xxvi. 24. fool, dishonest, rogue, cheat, impostor, liar, knave, scoundrel, drunkard, whoremonger and adulterer, in order to gratify their diabolical and unreasonable envy, malignity and hate, and this they do in order that they may destroy, [by misrepresentation and abuse] the confidence of the public in his favor, and thereby render him unfit to help himself or to be of any service to his fellow beings around him. To none under any such influence, as Christ has intimated will the porter of the Lord's inheritance, open the door to possess the power and blessedness of the kingdom of Christ, for alas! if they had much power such as his people are one day to possess, even power over the nations, breaking them in pieces like the vessels of a potter, and ruling them with a rod of iron, see Rev. ii. 26. 27. how would they abuse such power, and tyrannize and oppress mankind. How quickly will the wicked discover one if he is not of their clan. It would really seem as though the Devil himself gave them (his sort of) light, for be the christian ever so entire a stranger to them, both in name and in person, yet will they catch his spirit, and recognize him immediately, as not having the mark of the Beast, Rev. xiii. 16. 17. to provoke, annoy,and hurt his feelings. But still it will not do for a christian to revenge. He must bear in silence, or leave them, or else reason the case gently with them, saying, "why do you so?" or rebuke them mildly, or sharply, as the case may be, in the spirit of meekness.— Titus i. 10. 11. 12. 13. Zeph. ii. 3. Numb. xii. 3. Psalms xxv. 9. xxxvii. 11. Gal. vi. 1. Titus iii. 2.

If we would settle, or not partake of the harsh sediment of their turbulent tempers and dispositions, we must not agitate its contents by railing and provocation. In contending with the Devil, we must not fight him with his own weapons, if we do he will beat us, and we shall fall in the contest-see Jude 9. "If we do not want to hear the clapper, " says Flavel," we must not pull the rope." If we would not receive a blow we must take care not to give one.

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joy through your every sense and feeling ?"--any thing to divert your attention, and lead your mind away from God. Reader, wilt thou fol. low, or be led by Babylon and her delusive train? If thou dost, the Devil will have thee soon. I believe that now, as in former times, Satan, the accuser of the brethren, Rev. xii. 10. is permitted to bring his accusations against them, before the Lord, and to try and afflict them. See the 1st chapter of Job. But be ye sure that the Lord will give you credit for all the good you do. He the Lord keeps his regular books of debt and of credit, which will be balanced either for, or against us, in a coming day. Reader, the time is soon coming, much sooner, perhaps than many of you are aware, when Satan shall be loosed from his prison. Rev. xx. 7. 8. 9. 10. I wish to apprize you in the expresion of my belief that the Devil is now permitted to have a very long chain, and are you willing to have him set the mark of the Beast upon you, to number you with the army of Gog and Magog! O! do not suffer him, I beg of you, to mark you in your fore. heads, or in your hands. We are now living under the fifth vial, and Satan is branding all that he can with the mark of the Beast, and num. bering them with the army of Gog and Magog, and O! how would you feel to be bound along with them? O! how would you feel should you find the Devils bands so strong, that you could not rend or break them? when "bind him hand and foot" is pronounced against the impenitent and incorrigible sinner. O! terrible denunciation, awful, unutterable, inconceivably dreadful. I hope you and I may never hear it pronounced against us. O! how would you feel should Satan be permitted to have you, and act the tyrant over you! Surely you would then, if not now, find him out, and a complete monster and tyrant would you find him. No pity, nor mercy would he, nor could he, show you. Then you would know, indeed, by experience, what it is to suffer the just indignation of an angry God, giving you over to Satan to be led captive by him at his will. There is, as I conceive, in the life of every human being, capable of knowing right from wrong, or good from evil, a turning point, which fixes his, or her destiny for happiness or misery. At what particular time this turning point takes place, is not for me to say. It is known, however, to Him who holds the keys of death and of hell. Rev. i. 18. In some instances, it would seem there might be a possibility of its being known to individuals, in their own personal ex. perience, Heb. x. 26. 27. perhaps some time before; in others not until the time of their death. Matt. xxiv. 39. Rev. iii. 3. which dismal forebodings would seem to be a kind of awful prelude, and foretaste, in some degree, of the dreadful pangs of the second death.

"O! what eternal horrors hang,
Around the second death."

O! my dear readers, I hope that you and I have not already sinned away our day of grace. If we have then are we in a woful plight indeed. We do, however,hope that we have not, and if there be yet pardon and mercy for us still, (which we hope and trust there is,) O! then let us seek, and set about the great work of preparation immediately

and without delay. Hell will soon be let loose," and the infernal doors, grating on their dreadful sounding hinges, harsh thunder," will be opened wide to receive the departed spirits of the wicked damned. And O! how would you feel, when standing at the judgment seat of Christ, and finding the gates of Heaven closed against you, you should beg for admittance, saying "Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name, and in thy name done many wonderful works?" And HE, from within, should answer and say, "I never knew you, depart from me, all ye workers of iniquity." O! what inexpressible terror and anguish would you feel, when about to be cast off the battlements at the judgment seat and court of heaven, into the black abyss of fiery ruin, prepared for the Devil and his angels. O! what terrors and inconceiv. able agony, to be confined with such company, and tormented with such companions, raging and blaspheming, and accusing one another. O! it is impossible for me to express the agonizing terrors of the dreadful scene. Are you not afraid? O! then let us be on the alert, watch and pray, giving all diligence to make our calling and election sure, 2 Pet. i. 10. so that the Devil may have no opportunity to strike us with his infernal fangs, or rivet his infernal chains upon us. Let us not yield to his sophistries, for when he has once got you fast, in vain will it be for you to think of escaping. Your bands will then be made strong; the angel of mercy leaves you; and the vial of eternal wrath be poured into your very soul, when the Devil will be permitted to take you, and drag you down in chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day. Can thine heart endure, or thine hands be strong in the day that the Lord shall deal with thee? Ezekiel xxii. 14. Ő! let us turn, repent, and reform immediately and without delay, relying on the mercy of God for salvation through Jesus Christ, as he is freely offered to us in the gospel, that we may escape from the gulf of fiery ruin, and let this be a source of consolation to us, that there is mercy with God that he may be feared, but let us not presume on the mercy of God, by continuing in sin, but repent of it immediately, and without delay, for it is written, my spirit shall not always strive with man.' Gen. vi. 3. Satan will soon have all that belong to him and blessed be God, the Lord, I believe, will soon commission his angel to go forth, lay hold on the Dragon, and bind him down in chains for a thousand years. This is the first resurrection, and blessed and holy is he that hath part therein. Rev. xx. This will indeed, be a day of general jubilee for the righteous, but when the thousand years are expired, Satan will be loosed from his prison, and go forth to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to battle, the number of whom is as the sand of the sea-when they will go up on the breadth of the earth, and compass the camp of the saints round about, and the beloved city, when fire will come down from God out of heaven, and devour them. Rev. xx. 7, 8, 9, 10. Upon the wicked he shall rain snares, fire and brimstone, and an hor. rible tempest, this shall be the portion of their cup. Psalm xi. 6. Every man's sword shall be against his brother. Ezek. xxxviii. 21. Zech. xiv. 13. Ezek. xxvii. 23. Rev. xx, 9, 10. And I believe that the Millennium will be over much sooner than is generally anticipated,


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and the final judgment of the wicked fake place much sooner than is generally believed.

Behold the name of the Lord cometh from far, burning with his anger, and the burden thereof is heavy; his lips are full of indignation, and his tongue as a devouring fire: And his breath like an overflowing stream shall reach to the midst of the neck to sift the nations with the sieve of vanity, and their shall be a bridle in the jaws of the wicked causing them to err. And the Lord shall cause his glorious voice to be heard, and shall shew the lighting down of his arm, with the indig. nation of his anger, with scattering, and tempest and hail stones.* 'Isaiah xxx. 27, 28, 29, 30. Most of the prophecies have a two-fold meaning and are to have a second accomplishment. The first was on the Jewish, the second will be on the Gentile church. It was said of the former, "The heads thereof judge for reward; and the priest thereof, teach for hire, and the prophets thereof divine for moneyyet will they lean upon the Lord and say, Is not the Lord among us? None evil can come upon us ?" Could a more striking portrait of the present administration be drawn? We read the character of the present church in the past-why not its fate? Have we any warrant that on the present, the dreadful contrast is not to be consummated in the same degree that the one exceeds the other in light, magnitude, extent and corruption? And I do affirm it, regardless of contradiction, that

*Boston, proud Boston, Middletown and Hartford, heavy judgments await you, and the sword of God's justice will eventually come upon you. Wherefore be ye not mockers, lest your bands be made strong. Speak not with a stiff neck. Let not arrogancy proceed out of your mouth-away with your sectarian prejudice, pride, uncharitableness, bigotry, hypocrisy and superstition, and put on bowels of mercy, brotherly kindness, and christian charity, and do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with thy God, and acquaint thyself with him now, before it is too late, that he may have mercy on you, and deliver you from the aw. ful scourge which hangs over your heads.

The cup of iniquity in New York city, appears to be fast filling up, and the executioners, I doubt not, are fast approaching to accomplish their work of destruction on the wicked. Wherefore be ye not mockers, lest your bands be made strong. Have they not been visited with pestilence, and repeated fires? And will they still persist in carrying on their work of iniquity? But remember their is a day of judgment too-the time of recompense is near-a day of retri bution is at hand. Please to read the third chapter of the book of the vision of Nahum the Elkoshite. The noise of the whip (here as in Boston ;) the noise of the rattling of the steeds, and of the prancing horses, and of the jumping chariots.

Albany, state of New York, I consider to be very wicked. If there be any Lots in Sodom, God will deliver them out of it. Philadelphia and Baltimore, I hear, are getting to be very bad, and for which, I doubt not, heavy judgments await them.

I have heard of the wickedness of New Orleans, and the accounts respecting the prevalence of high-handed iniquity in that city, I believe, are substantially correct. Have they not been visited by repeated pestilence? And when, in 1832, the cholera, and yellow fever were both raging among them, were they not warned to turn, repent, reform and be saved? A few I hope and trust there are, who, to the still small voice, have turned a listening ear, but let all such as still persist in closing their eyes, and stopping their ears against hearing the rod, and who hath appointed it, let them beware how they proceed to run against the thick bosses of the Almighty's buckler. In short the Lord has a controversy with the inhabitants of the whole earth.

the world will be as illy prepared for the approaching judgment, as it was for the flood, or as Sodom and Gomorrah were for the fire and the brimstone which came down upon them.

What must I do then?

"By being obedient, as far as we are capable, to only what God re. quires, all will be well. Our only concern is to endeavor to do the will of God. We need take care for nothing else. The Lord will not be wanting on HIS part, as I have proved and known. Integrity of principle is what we now want, for nothing but this, will God now accept, and then the bush may burn (or trials commence) as Moses saw it, but it will not be consumed, for God can preserve it, or, in other words, we shall not be injured, but benefited."

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