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A. Naves ad Siciliam redeunt. Nautæ ad navem fugiebant. Ad terram decidit imber. Servus ad dominum cucurrit. Taurus in agrum curret. Puella in hortum ambulavit. Æneas in Siciliam venit. Ibo în urbem. Dea in cælum ascendit. Navis in conspectum venit. Memoria in mentem venit. Cives ad bellum ruebant. Res ad pugnam venit. Pugna ad noctem duravit. Miles ad clamorem spectavit.

Italiam versus navigo.

A. The king sailed to Italy. The girl will run to her mother. The horses ran into the field. The soldiers were going into the city. The god descended to earth. The priest went up into heaven. mountain will come in sight. The boys will return into the garden. The battle will last till night. The sailors will rush to war. me, boy. We shall sail towards Italy.


Look at


B. Mulier puellam portavit. Custodes virginem traxere. prædam rapiebant. Tempestas naves fregit. Virgo monstrum domuit. Pastor pecus egit. Arcum flexi. Filius agros araverat. Puer lacrimas fundebat. Servi tela jaciebant. Ego reges ejeci, vos tyrannos introducitis. Milites impetum tulerunt. Cæsar equites præmisit. I, lictor, colliga manus. Abi, puer, occlude januam. Puerum amasti. Virgines carmina audient. Animum rege. Tu cole justitiam. Leones timemus.

B. The soldiers dragged the boy. We were ploughing the fields. Slaves were carrying the burdens. The girl killed the soldier. The woman drove the sheep. The soldiers carried off the maiden. The storm will break the trees. The old man shed tears. The Gauls will lay down their arms. The king took the town. The shepherds were building the city. I will drive the herd. The charioteer drove the horses. You had bent the bow. The farmer was digging the fields. The soldier hurled the javelin.



A. For sentences on this Rule see Ch. IX.

B. a. Philosopho succubuit orator. Populus antro impendet. Terror exercitui inciderat. Mars præsidet armis. Capiti hæsere sagittæ. Mulier toro incubuit. Dux militibus succenset. Mors nobis impendet. Mulier innuit mihi. Puero risere parentes. Mihi puella



Via nobis patet. Fratribus cognomen mansit. Precibus
Milites Gallis instabant. Filius matri cesserat.

B. a. Arms yield to the gown.
tune. A bay-tree was hanging over the altar.
the soldiers. We agreed with the women.
daughter. You were leaning on the couch.
The general had presided over the games.
You nodded to the girl. The stars shine on the sailors.
with you.

The soldier had succumbed to for-
The Gauls pressed upon
The mother smiles on the
Dangers impended over
Terror fell upon us.
I was angry


B. a. a. Mulier marito paruit. Mors nemini parcit. Puer puellæ placebat. Puero puella displicuit. Pater filio indulgebit. Domine, ignosce mihi. Nemo invidet tibi. Pater pueris persuadebat. Dux militibus imperavit. Milites templis temperavere. Sententia consuli displicuit. Tibi, domine, serviam. Adolescens literis studebat. Equites legionibus succurrerunt. Pedites equitibus subveniunt. Livia nupsit Augusto. Crede mihi. Rupes undis resistebat. Matres pueris favebunt. Grando segeti nocuit. Patri filia occurrit. Homines bestiis præstant. Pueri magistris satisfaciunt. Servi dominis benefecerunt. Villæ pinus imminet.

B. a. a. Death spared nobody. Girls will obey mothers. The letter pleased Cæsar. The book displeases the philosopher. Mothers indulge sons. The judge pardoned the sailor. You envied the soldier. The general had spared the soldiers. Fathers indulged daughters. The horsemen spared the altar. The old man studied philosophy. The boys served the poet. I will help you. You will assist me. The sailors resisted the soldiers. The girl married the philosopher. The philosopher will marry the girl. I did not believe you. The nurse had favoured the girl. The hail will hurt the trees. A lion met me. girls will benefit the poet. The poet satisfied the philosopher. Gold excels silver. The poplar overhangs the altar.



B. a. B. Est mihi liber. nobis pisces. Est vobis nepotes. Mihi erit spes. Consul equitibus aderat. Tu Antonio

Sunt tibi canes. Est puero equus.
mater. Pueris est soror. Senibus fuere


aberas. Romanis non defuit virtus. Urbi deerant incolæ. virtus inerat. Pudor orationi non obest. Tarpeius præerat arci. Liber tibi non proderit. Miles prœlio interfuit. Lucumo superfuit patri. Subest lingua palato.

B. a. B. I have a dog. You had horses. The girl has a sister. We shall have hope. You, O Roman, have courage. The girls had a brother. Brother, stand by me. The soldiers failed the sailors. Roses will not be wanting to the feast. Horns were in the forehead. Arts hurt a poet. Cicero commanded the fleet. Medicine did me no

good. The generals were present at the feast. We shall not survive the poet. The sun was under the ocean.

B. b. Dabo coronam puellæ. Corpora dant servi tumulo. Lycurgus agros plebi dedit. Poculum puellæ tradidi. Puer flammæ aquam

addit. Servis compedes indidisti. Pictor capiti cervicem jungit. Viro diadema imposuisti. Ignem tecto subjiciam. Adolescentem exercitui præficiam. Cibum porcis objicite. Oves nobis lanam præbent. Flagitio additis damnum. Turnus Latino bellum intulit. Ingerite ligna foco. Virgini minister manus injecit. Voveram Jovi caprum. Dominus puero librum ademit. Poni signa delubris affixerunt. Pœni arma militibus deripuere. Victoriam hosti extorsisti. Tibi gladium eripiam. Numa agros civibus divisit. Cæsar Dumnorigi custodes


B. b. I gave the cup to the lord. I gave the lord the cup. Boy, show me the way. I pointed out the monsters to the girl. The slaves had put the body on the mound. The boys handed the cups to the girls. The slaves will surrender themselves to the horsemen. The sailors put water on the fire. The soldiers put fetters on the slaves. The soldiers laid hands on the old man. The physician will apply a remedy to the disease. The slaves placed wreaths on the girl. Cæsar had placed Cicero over the legion. The boys were laying grass under the girls. I gave the girl the book. I took away the book from

the girl. The general snatched the sword from the soldier.

B. c. Rex multitudini gratus fuit. For other sentences under this head see next Chapter.

S. a. Res tibi curæ erit. Malo est hominibus avaritia. Marcus usui erat civitati. Patriæ honori eritis. Superstitio homini opprobrio est. Consul hosti ludibrio erit. Germani nobis auxilio veniunt. Puer mihi odio erit. Avaritia seni detrimento fuit.

b. Rem appone lucro. Rempublicam homines quæstui habebant. Cæsar hortos suos reipublicæ dedit. Cæsar legionem castris præsidio reliquit. Consul equitatum legionibus auxilio misit. Orationem tibi honori duco. Librum muneri accepisti. Helvetii locum domicilio deligebant.

S. a. Avarice is a disgrace to a philosopher. The daughter is a care to the mother. You were a benefit to the state. The boy was of use to the poet. The soldier will be a credit to the army. The poet was a laughing-stock to the philosopher. The Romans came to our help. The slave was an object of hatred to the lord. Laziness will be an injury to the boy.

b. I'll give the book as a gift to the queen. The general will send an army as a help to the town. I'll send the slave to your assistance. Cæsar sent the Numidian to the relief of the townsmen. The lord reckoned the slave as a source of gain. I consider the boy a credit to you.



D. a. Bonus puer tarde currit. Formosa mulier bonam puellam portavit. Impiger miles omnes agros strenue araverat. Gaius longam epistolam scripserat. Puer arcum et pharetram et celeres sagittas sumpsit. Tu, fili, avidum doma spiritum. Dura saxa mollis aqua cavat. Puer vinum et aquam bibit. Puer vinum aquamque bibit. Puer et vinum et aquam bibit. Puer vinumque aquamque bibit. Puer vinumque et aquam bibit. Germani Druides non habent. Mulieres genas ne radunto. Lupus unam gallinam, duos porcos, tres hædos, quatuor agnos rapuit. Humano capiti pictor cervicem equinam jungit. Filium meum exercitui toti præficiam. Gallis brevitas nostra contemptui est. Nauta fragilem truci commisit pelago ratem. Redde tuæ patriæ, ductor fortissime, lucem. Cato latam urbi fossam circumdedit. Finem orationi tuæ nox faciet. Voluntatem tuam lucro meo antetuli. Res orationi tuæ non conveniunt. Mater filio suo semper parebit. Homines temere sibi ignoscunt.

D. a. The good girl was walking slowly. The beautiful boys handed the full cups to the two girls. The cruel masters will put fetters on their wretched slaves. The sorrowful husband had buried his beautiful wife. Boys, do not irritate hornets. Fierce winds were shaking the tall pines. No cities, no walls will receive the robber. The lord loved the boy and the girl (two ways). The lord loved both the boy and the girl (three ways). We teach either boys or girls. Send Balbus, or Marcus, or Gaius. I saw neither the man nor the woman. We saw two or three bulls. We shall soon have finished our tasks. Go away, boys, don't sing. Let tender maidens dance. Tender maidens must not dance. The slave broke nine dishes and four cups. I bought thirteen horses and twenty cows. A dreadful plague carried off three hundred and forty-two men, five hundred and one women, eight hundred and ninety-nine girls, and one hundred and twenty-six boys. We assigned the highest honours to the excellent magistrate.

D. b, E. Hortus est pulcher. Mensa erat longa. Templum erat lautissimum. Homines sunt mortales. Puellæ erant formosæ. Nostra pericula erant maxima. Ibi ver est longum. Rex multitudini gratus fuit. Ea res militibus fuit pergrata et jucunda. Ea oratio plebi fuit acceptissima. Cari mihi sunt liberi, carissima conjux. Simplex cibus utilis est pueris. Filius erat patri similis. Canis simillimus est lupo. Ea res est mihi facilis, tibi difficilis. Id onus grave est mulieri. Hi tribuni sunt nobis amici. Hæc gens infestissima est nomini Romano. Deiotarus semper erat fidelis populo Romano. Rex infidis consiliis semper est obnoxius. Filius est matri dissimilis. Suevis ne dii quidem immortales pares sunt. Hæc formula rationi consentanea est. Ista oratio dignitati tuæ alienissima est. Belgæ finitimi sunt Gallis. Illi facinori conscius es. Tres filii superstites patri fuerunt. Hic campus

equis est aptus. Filius patri discors erat.

convenienter naturæ.

Pater meus semper vixit

D. b, E. The field was broad. The girl is beautiful. The gift will be magnificent. The gardens were long. The women were tall. Your dangers are very great. Spring is beautiful. The Britons were savage to strangers. The girl is dear in my sight. The girl is beautiful in my sight. Hurtful to the herd the river runs, more hurtful to the fields. The spectacle will be pleasing to the soldiers. The boy is very like the girl. The harbours were fit for ships. The soldier was not privy to that deed. This speech is not suitable to so great a general. That speech was inconsistent with your humanity. Medicine is wholesome for a sick man. Fortune, now to you, now to me, is kind. Gaul is hostile and dangerous to the Roman empire. We are unlike your mother. That illustrious man spoke consistently with himself.

S. a. Summus mons a Labieno tenebatur. Ex imo specu vox reddita est. In hac insula extrema est fons aquæ dulcis. In media urbe incendium furebat.

S. a. The boy floats on the top of the water. the end of the bridge.

Cæsar built a tower at

S. b. Hispania, prima a Romanis inita provinciarum, postrema omnium perdomita est. Thales Milesius Græcorum primus solis defectionem prædixit.

S. b. The sailor was the first to mount the wall. Verres was the only one who quitted the city.

T. Sol major est luna. Sol major est quam luna. Tullus Hostilius ferocior fuit quam Romulus. Tullus Hostilius ferocior fuit Romulo. Vilius argentum est auro, virtutibus aurum.

T. (In two ways) Nothing is more praiseworthy than fairness. The sailor is braver than the soldier. In those parts the days are shorter than the nights.

T. a. Ego hominem callidiorem vidi neminem quam Phormio est (or, quam Phormionem). Vestram scientiam multo majorem quam nostram esse invenimus. Hoc nihil mihi gratius fecisti. Hic liber mihi datus est a Tito, quo cariorem amicum non habeo.

b. Tu splendidiorem habes villam quam ego. Tu donum lautius quam ego dedisti.

T. a, b. To no one have you dealt more benefits than to me. P. Scipio finished the Punic war, than which the Romans waged none greater.

V. a. Romani bella quædam fortius quam felicius gessere. Consulis Paulli contio fuit verior quam gratior populo.

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