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V. a. Cato was more brave than prudent. Then a pestilence, more threatening than fatal, fell upon the city.

V. b. Senectus est natura loquacior. Ubi major atque illustrior incidit res, Galli clamore per agros significant.

V. b. Themistocles lived freely and neglected his property. By the Albans the business was transacted somewhat carelessly.

V. c. Quam longissimum potui iter confeci. Quam longissimum iter confeci. Mihi Cuspius quam maximas, quam primum, quam sæpissime gratias agit. Hannibal quantam maximam vastitatem potest cædibus incendiisque consuli procul ostendit.

V. c. I finished the business with the greatest possible care. I will speak as briefly as possible. It is the Christian's duty to benefit as many as he can.

V. d. Optimus quisque maxime posteritati servit. Optimates sua consilia prudentissimo cuique solent probare. Tertio quoque verbo rex excitatus est.

V. d. Best things are rarest. Somehow or other the most learned men despise this thing. Every fifth year the old man goes to see his daughter.

V. e. Harum rerum dolor est eo minor est arcus, quo altior est sol. tanto difficilius vitatur. Ut quodque difficillime vitatur.

gravior, quo culpa major. Eo Quanto occultius est periculum, periculum est occultissimum, ita

V. e. The more you have, the less do you fear poverty. The more people there were, the greater was the slaughter. The bigger a good book is, the better.

V. f. Prolium atrocius quam pro numero pugnantum editur. Alexander consedit regia sella multo excelsiore quam pro habitu corpore.

V. f. The boy had a soul too big for his body.

W. a. Duorum consulum alter exercitum perdidit, alter vendidit. Alteram ille amat sororem, ego alteram.

W. b. Aliud est oppugnare, aliud expugnare urbem. Nos alia ex aliis in fata vocamur. Deinde ex eo magistratu Marius alium post alium sibi peperit.

W. c-g. Alius alium interrogamus. Fratres alter in alterum culpam conferunt. Alteri alteros obtriverant. Alter alterius ora frangit. Cæteri, alius alii, assentiebantur. Istis oratoribus duæ res maximæ altera alteri deficit.

W. h. Aliud credo atque aliud nuntias. Aliud credo atque nuntias. Alia atque antea sentio. Non alius eram atque nunc sum.

W. Of the two sisters one is blind, the other deaf. The three boys, on seeing the robbers, slipt off each by a different route. The ten boys slipt off by different routes. These things are defined in one way by some, in another by others. The two brothers despise each other.



B. Vidi Cæsaris hortos. Amavi regis patrem. Nostra signa delubris Deorum affiximus. Parentes virginum profugiunt. Turnus regi Latinorum bellum intulit. Consuetudinis magna vis est. Opes Etruscorum tum florebant. Vobis patria nostra vitam omnium civium commendat. Regis frater college suo diadema imposuit. Vidi reginæ equos.

B. I handed a large cup to the king's sister. The lord gave me the boys' book. The queen's mother is like Julia. Amulius killed his own brother's sons. The king of the Latins snatched the sword from Turnus. The queen's gardens are very beautiful. To you, Turnus, I entrust my son's life and fortunes. The general bore the spoils of the


Deorum immortalium

B. a. Mulierum querelæ regem perturbant. jussa timeo. Hostes militum nostrorum impetum non tulerunt. Consulis minæ patrem meum terrebunt. Crepitum armorum pæne audimus. Fulgor clipeorum terruit equos. Sermonem nostrum vester interventus diremit. Patris amor pueros defendit. Voluntas matris filiam movebat.


B. a. The threats of the king frightened the women. The flash of arms struck great terror into the horses. A father's love is a protection to children. The flight of the Gauls confused the Germans. Latins repulsed the attack of the Trojans. The flatteries of the men soothed the rage of the women. The commands of the king and the complaints of the queen moved the soldiers. The friendship of the Roman people is an ornament and protection to us, not a loss.

B. b. Cupido gloriæ adolescentem incendit. Me movet cupiditas cibi. Mulierum Sabinarum injuriæ bellum incenderant. Cives belli odium ceperat. Meus pater iram sceleris tui dissimulavit. Foedus hostium timor omnem exercitum occupaverat. Illam familiam egregia juris scientia illustraverat. Omnes nostræ spes salutis conciderant. Luctus filii mortui animum patris agitabat. Numa civium animis amorem pacis et metum Deorum injecit. Multa iracundiæ remedia philosophi invenerunt. Nemo fugam mortis unquam invenit. Densus nimbus conspectum regis concioni abstulerat. Nos admodum delectat lectio librorum. Conditor Romæ Sabinos vicit. Cædem tyranni


Numitor populo ostendit. "Rectorem pelagi nautæ colent. Romanorum injuriæ Sabinarum mulierum atrox bellum incitaverunt. vulnerum, ictusque corporum et armorum audiimus.

B. b. Love for my father filled my heart. A desire for glory kindled the heart of the young man. A longing for pleasure disgraced the young man. The respect due to age and your father's wish you wickedly despised. The wrongs done to the husbandmen stirred the wrath of the Romans. Wrath at so great a crime stirred the hearts of the Senators. All my father's hopes perished. All our hope of safety had perished. The time for the show came. The report of this event variously affected men. The Romans honoured the founder of divine law. Sailors will honour the ruler of the sea. Glorious is the search after truth. Most wretched is strife for honours. for civil law I greatly praise.

Crassus' zeal

B. c. Pars militum casis ignem subjiciebat. Nemo mortalium semper sapit. Suevi fertilissima Germaniæ loca occupaverant. Cæsar partem nationum subegit. Major Neronum grave prælium commisit. Tertius regum Romanorum bellum Sabinis indixit.

B. c. The Gauls destroyed a large part of the Roman army. The second of the Roman kings infused into the people a love for peace. None of the Gauls escaped. We devastated the most fertile parts of Germany. Of all the Gauls the Belgæ are the bravest. Germans about fifteen thousand crossed the Rhine.

Of the

B. d. Meus amor tui matrem meam vexat. Amorem nostri vestrum non tegitis. Tuum mei odium tempus augebit. Meum dolorem desiderium tui auget. Nostrum vestri desiderium bonis civibus offensioni est. Utrique vestrum debeo beneficium. Utrumque nostrum odium tui


B. d. Thy love for me is an annoyance to thy mother. Your interruption broke off our discourse. Time will apply a remedy to your regret for our loss. My hatred of you increases daily. Each ot us two cherishes a recollection of thee. To each of you, O soldiers, the general will give a wreath.

C. Puerum cupido gloriæ cepit. Tu frustra mortis cupidus es. Avida est periculi virtus. Odi homines studiosos lucri. Duos cives amantissimos patriæ occidisti. Cæsar belli peritus erat. Nec loci nec hominis gnara sum. Peregrinus sum, hujus ignarus oppidi. Beneficii tui semper memor ero. Galba negligentissimus est nostri. Nostrum tu negligentissimus es. Consul legum non satis metuens erat. Corpus meum patiens est inediæ, vigilia, algoris. Galli, neque pugnæ neque fugæ potentes, Romanis cedunt. Homini inerat mens ferox, impotens iræ. Gallia plena est civium Romanorum. Ager aridus est et frugum


C. The soldier is fond of horses.

You have a general mindful of you, forgetful of himself. The philosopher has a mind eager for truth.

The soldier has a soul greedy of glory. I am unacquainted with the manners of the Germans. Youth is often negligent of duty. Of all of us you are the most negligent. Catiline was most patient of toil, but not master of himself. The house was full of drunken men. Of all

these things I am ignorant.

D. At vos, Arcadii, cæci miserescite regis. Senex veterum meminit dolorum. Cato judices legum admonebat. Tullia adolescentem suæ temeritatis implet. Non auri, non argenti, indigeo. Ægrotas; medici eges. Cives Marium proditionis accusaverunt.

D. The king compassionates the sick woman. I remember Cato's constancy. The shout of the Gauls reminded the Romans of the former battle. This work needs greater toil. We shall accuse you of bribery.

E. Prædæ nostræ tu particeps eris. Tu consors eras temporum illorum. Expertes sumus communis consilii. Decius exsors est fœderis.

E. We are partaking of the same toil. The soldiers are sharing in the same danger. The boy is deprived of all education. The sailor is without share in the crime.

Huic facinori tanto tua

fuerunt. Commune est Omni ætati mors est comHi duo homines soli sunt

S. Hujus facinoris nox conscia sola est. mens conscia est. Tu non solum vitæ, sed etiam nominis mei, superstes eris. Cæteri filii superstites patri hoc gymnasium aliorum etiam puerorum. munis. Non ego sum affinis rei capitalis. affines ei turpitudini. Homines insueti laboris hoc onus non facile sustinebunt. Operi insuetas atterui manus.

T. Pudor inscitiæ puerum movet. Puerum pudet inscitiæ. Miseret me claudi senis. Piget me morum tuorum. Fratrem tuum sceleris poenituit. Hominem ignaviæ suæ neque pudet neque tædet. Nonne nos civium

horum pudet?

T. We pity the blind woman. I was vexed at my brother's folly. We were dissatisfied with our plans. I am ashamed of you. The slave is disgusted with life. You will soon be sorry for the deed.



A. a. Rex ab Sicilia navigavit. Dominus me a portu præmisit. Urbs non longe a finibus abest. Ab hora tertia ad decimam horam pugnabamus. Centesima lux est hæc ab interitu Clodii. Flumen picis e cælo decidit. Mali homines amicitiam e vita tollunt. Puella a matre

ad patrem cucurrit. Puer ex equo cecidit.
Hannibalem ab Romanis odia. Eundem vitæ
Censor Glabrionem senatoris loco movit.
Mæstus Italia decessisti. Sagittæ hostium


Galli verterunt retro ad cursum a pueritia teneo. Servus oppido fugit. cives moenibus deturb

The fleet will soon come The fire raged from the quickly from their father to

A. a. The queens will sail from Spain. from Italy. Rome is not far from Veii. fourth to the eleventh hour. The boys ran their sister. From my boyhood I have practised virtue. A thunderbolt fell from heaven.

A. b. Nos metu levasti. Helvetii hoc conatu destiterunt. te culpa absolvo, supplicio non libero. Nostros milites Galli opere prohibebant. Sulla dictatura se abdicavit. Virgo pharetram humero exuit. Mors tua me quoque vita privabit. Ea cædes Gallos omni nobilitate spoliavit. Urbem omnibus rebus nudasti. Cæsaris oratio Helvetios ea spe dejecit. Cæcilius Varium magna pecunia fraudaverat. Nascetur pulchra Trojanus origine Cæsar. Consul loco obscuro tenuique fortuna ortus est. Puella jam febri caret. Exercitus omnibus necessariis rebus egebat. Urbs nuda præsidio poscit opem. Perge hinc omni liber metu.

Desine, quæso, istis laudationibus.
Exonera civitatem vano metu. Ego

A. b. Relieve me from this burden. The Romans at length desisted from the attack. Tullia ceased not from womanish complaints. That event acquitted the consul of blame. This law delivers me from danger. Your death will save a great number of citizens from calamity. This philosophy robs us of judgment, deprives us of pleasure. The weary general abdicated the consulship. The engines soon stripped the tower of its defenders. Æneas was born from a goddess. The young man was sprung from a divine stock. What shore is free from our blood? This work needs no little practice. The father, bereft of his son, pours forth vain lamentations. No letter is void of some useful matter. Cato is free from all human vices.

A. c. For examples of this Rule see Ch. XI. on Passive verbs.

A. d. Aurum gravius est argento. Vilius argentum est auro, virtutibus aurum. Tullus Hostilius ferocior Romulo fuit. Tullus Hostilius ferocior fuit quam Romulus (See VI. T.).

A. d. The sun is larger than the moon. In these parts the days are longer than the nights. Of beasts none is more sagacious than the elephant.

B. a. Pueri in silvis latebant. Puella coronam habebat unam in capite, alteram in collo. Puer in equo sedebat. Servus dominum in conspectu militum occidit. Cato summam virtutem in pueritia præstabat. Multi fortes viri in bello Trojano occiderunt. Hostes castris se tenuere.

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