YEAR. WORKS PUBLISHED. 1631. John Smith: Advertisements for the Inexperienced Planters of New England. 1632. Thomas Hooker (1586-1647): The Souls Preparation; or, a Treatise of Contrition. 1633. 1634. William Wood: New England's Prospect (with a map). 1635. 1636. Cowley: Poetical Laud became Primate of England. Blossoms. Ford: Love's Sacrifice.1 Ford: Broken Heart.1 Chapman died. Selden: Mare 1 Printed. YEAR. 1636 Cont. 1637. 1638. WORKS PUBLISHED. Thomas Hooker (1586-1647): The Soul's Implantation. " Thomas Morton: New English Canaan. [London? or 1639. William Hooke: New England's Tears for Old England's Fears. William Pierce: An Almanac for 1639; calculated for New England.1 Freeman's Oath.1 1640. Richard Mather, John Eliot and other “Chief Divines in the Country": The Whole Book of Psalms Faithfully Translated into English Metre. [The Bay Psalm Book.2] 1 Printed by Daye; the "Oath" was the first product of the press in the United States. "An almanac was annually printed at Cambridge. till near the close of the 17th century." 2 First English book printed in America. born. Malebranche born. Vondel: Gijsbrecht van Aemstel. Logau: Poems. Racine born. Corneille: Les Horaces. Corneille: Cinna. Massinger died. Rubens died. Corneille : Wycherley born. Polyeucte. New Haven founded. Swedes established Fort Christina on the Delaware. The Covenant in Scotland. Stephen Daye set up the first printingpress in America (Cambridge). Madras founded. The Long Parliament (to 1660). YEAR. 1640 Cont. WORKS PUBLISHED. 1641. John Cotton: The Way of Life, in Four Treatises. [London.] Thomas Shepard: The Sincere Convert, Discovering An Abstract of the Laws of New England. [London.] 1642. John Cotton: A Brief Exposition of the Book of Canticles. Thomas Lechford: Plain Dealing; or, News from New England. Theses of the First Graduates of Harvard College. 1643. Richard Mather: Church Government and Church Covenant. Roger Williams: An Help to the Language of the Natives New England's First Fruits. In Respect first of the 1 Probably distributed in manuscript. |