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Louis XIV., King of


"divine call."

1 Authorized edi

2 Completed in

tion in 1643.


Westminster Assembly.





Richard Mather: The True Use of Synods.
Thomas Welde: A Short History of the Rise, Reign,
and Ruin of the Antinomians, Familists, and Liber-
tines that infested the Churches of New England.
Roger Williams: Queries of Highest Consideration.

[ocr errors][merged small]

1645. John Cotton: The Way of the Churches of Christ in


New England.

Thomas Shepard: The Sound Believer.
Roger Williams: Christening makes not Christians.
[Governor Winthrop] : A Declaration of Passages and
Proceedings Between the English and the Narra-

Peter Bulkeley: The Gospel Covenant.
Cambridge Synod: Concerning the Power of Magistrates

and Synods.

John Cotton: Milk for the Spiritual Nourishment of
Boston Babes in Either England.1

Samuel Gorton: Simplicitie's Defence against Seven

headed Policy.

Edward Winslow: Hypocrisie Unmasked.... Where-
unto is Added a Brief Narration
of the True
Grounds or Cause of the First Planting of New
England, the Precedents of their Churches in the
Way and Worship of God.

1647. John Cotton: The Grounds and Ends of the Baptism of the Children of the Faithful.

Singing of Psalms a Gospel Ordinance.
[Thomas Shepard?]: The Day Breaking if not the Sun
Rising of the Gospel with the Indians in New Eng-

[Nathaniel Ward]: The Simple Cobbler of Agawam.
By "Theodore de la Guard." 2
Edward Winslow; New England's Salamander.

1 London; printed at Cambridge, Mass., in 1656. 2 Three editions in 1647.

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Liberty of Prophesying.1 Jeremy Taylor: Dissuasive from Popery. George Fox be

Hooft died.

Lope de Vega: Comedias (Vol.XXVIII., Vol. I. in 1604).

Nicholas Noyes born.

gan to preach.

1 Written earlier.




William Bradford: A Dialogue

between Some

Young Men born in New England and Sundry
Ancient Men that Came out of Holland and Old
England (written; printed in Morton's New Eng-
land Memorial).1

John Cotton: Way of Congregational Churches Cleared.
Thomas Hooker: Survey of the Summe of Church Dis-

John Norton: Responsio ad Totam Quæstionem Syllo-
gen à Guilielmo Appollonio Propositam (circa Poli-
tiam Ecclesiasticam in Anglia).2

Thomas Shepard: Certain Select Cases Resolved.
(?): Good News from New England.

1649. Cambridge Synod: A Platform of Church Discipline. John Cotton: The Controversy Concerning Liberty of Conscience in Matters of Religion.

John Eliot (with others): The Glorious Progress of the

Gospel among the Indians.

Thomas Shepard: Theses Sabbatice; or, The Doctrine

of the Sabbath.

Edward Winslow: Disturbances made in New England by Samuel Gorton and his Accomplices.

1650. [Anne Bradstreet]: The Tenth Muse lately Sprung up

in America.


Urian Oakes: Astronomical Calculations.

Richard Mather: A Catechism.

1 See 1669.

2 The first Latin book written in New England.

3 London; poems written principally between 1630 and 1642.

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Fletcher died. Baxter: Saints'


Hobbes: Hu

man Nature. Hobbes: De

Corpore Politico.

Jeremy Taylor: Holy Living.

Trial and execution of Charles I. The Commonwealth. Society for Propagating the Gospel in New England incorporated in England.

Descartes died. Execution of

the Marquis of Montrose.

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