YEAR. 1651. 1652. WORKS PUBLISHED. William Bradford: A Third Dialogue (see 1648). 1653. John Eliot (with Thomas Mayhew): Tears of Repent ance. Catechism in the Indian Language. [Cambridge, Mass.] 1 1654. John Cotton: A Brief Exposition of Ecclesiastes. [Edward Johnson]: Wonder-Working Providence of 1 Probably the first book printed in New England in an Indian language. 2 "A History of New England from 1628 to 1651." YEAR. WORKS PUBLISHED. 1655. Charles Chauncy: God's Mercy Showed to his People in Giving them a Faithful Ministry and Schools of Learning for the Continual Supplies therof. John Cotton: A Brief Exposition of Canticles. (with Others). A Discussion of the Civil 1656. John Hammond: Leah and Rachel; or, The Two Fruitful Sisters, Virginia and Mary-land. 1657. John Norton (compiled): The Life and Death of that Deservedly Famous Mr. John Cotton. 1658. 1659. Sir Ferdinando Gorges: America Painted to the Life Charles Chauncy: The Plain Doctrine of the Justifica- John Eliot: The Christian Commonwealth; or, The Civil (?): The Popish Inquisition Recently Erected in New 1 Written or published by order of the Commissioners of the United Colonies, as were a number of works of the same char acter. 2 Against the Quakers. William Bradford (born 1588) died. Peter Bulkeley (born in 1583) died. Cowley: Works. Davenant: Siege of Rhodes.1 Fuller: Church History of Britain. Pascal: Les Provinciales (completed in 1657). Hooft: Gedichten. Baxter: Call to the Unconverted. Cleveland, Lovelace died. Dryden: Stanzas on the Death of Cromwell. Cleveland: H. More: Immortality of the Soul. 1 Introduction of the opera from Italy. YEAR. 1660. 1661. 1662. WORKS PUBLISHED. John Eliot: A Tract to Prove that Indians are Descen- George Bishop: New England Judged by the Spirit of Psalms of David translated into Indian verse. Charles Chauncy: Anti-Synodalia Scripta Americana. William Pynchon: The Covenant of Nature made with Michael Wigglesworth: The Day of Doom; or, a Poeti- |