YEAR. WORKS PUBLISHED. 1740. William Cooper: Doctrine of Predestination Explained and Vindicated. 1741. Aquila Rose: Poems on Several Occasions. Samuel Blair: Vindication of Whitefield. IN AMERICA. [Monthly, February to July.] 2 John Webbe: THE AMERICAN MAGAZINE; or, a Monthly [Anon.]: Parents' Gift; Hymns, Scriptural Selections, New Year's Verses of the Carriers of the AMERICAN 1742. Charles Chauncy: A Faithful Account of the French Boston, in the Way of a Dream. Hirtenlieder von Bethlehem. [Germantown.] 1 The author was a companion of Whitefield. 2 Earliest attempts to establish a monthly magazine in America. YEAR. 1743. WORKS PUBLISHED. George Cadogan: The Spanish Hireling Detected. of Religion in New England.1 Thomas Clap: Introduction to the Study of Philosophy. The AMERICAN MAGAZINE AND HISTORICAL CHRONI- The CHRISTIAN HISTORY MAGAZINE.8 1744. 1745. Mather Byles: Poems. Harvard College: Testimony of the President, Professors, Daniel Horsmanden: The New York Conspiracy. James Logan: Translation of De Senectute (with notes; A Collection of Poems by Several Hands. [Boston.] Cadwallader Colden: Dissertation on the First Principles in Physics. Jonathan Dickinson: Familiar Letters to a Gentleman Mary Lloyd: Meditations on Divine Subjects. With an Yale College: Declaration of the Rector and Tutors 1 Against Whitefield. 2 Boston, monthly, Sept., 1743, to Dec., 1746. 8 Boston, weekly, 1743-1745. YEAR. 1746. 1747. WORKS PUBLISHED. David Brainerd: Mirabilia Dei inter Indicos. [Phila- Edwards: Treatise on the Religious Affections. Situation of the Orphan House in Georgia. of Negroes. .. Conrad Beissel (and others): Das Gesäng der Einsamen Edwards: Humble Attempt to Promote the Visible [Franklin] ("a Tradesman of Philadelphia"): Plain Truth; or, Serious Considerations of the Present State of the City of Philadelphia and Province of Pennsylvania. William Livingston: Philosophic Solitude; or, The Choice of a Rural Life. John Merchant: History of the Late Rebellion in Great Samuel Niles: Poem on the Reduction of Louisburg. 1748. William Currie: A Treatise on the Lawfulness of Defensive War. [Philadelphia.] Jared Eliot: An Essay on Field Husbandry in New John Norton: The Redeemed Captive. |