| Classical literature - 1743 - 604 pages
...QUARTO: dence of God manifeued to the Planten ¡o New England in America — 1669 '11710 Hobbard'* Narrative of the Troubles with the Indians in New England, from the fini Pi ¿mir. g thereof дл the Year 1670, to the Year 1677, with a Difcomfc about the Wane wkh thePequods... | |
| Library company of Philadelphia - 1770 - 442 pages
...Francia : or a defcriptton of that part of New France, 265 New England : (The prefent State of) being a narrative of the troubles with the Indians in New England, from the firft planting thereof, in the year 1607, to this prefem year 1677. By William Hubbard. London, 1677.... | |
| Library Company of Philadelphia - Library catalogs - 1807 - 684 pages
...1607 to 1677. By William Hubbard. Boston, 1677. " 265, O. The present state of New England ; being a narrative of the troubles with the Indians in New England, from the first planting thereof, in the year 1607, to the year 1677. By William Hubbard. London, 1677. 1556,... | |
| William Thomas Lowndes - English imprints - 1834 - 1130 pages
...brief and true Narration of the Ute Wars arisen in New-England. London, 1675-6. 4to. Two parts. Л Narrative of the Troubles with the Indians in New England from the first Planting thereof in the Year 1607 to this present Year 1677. Boston, 1677. 4to. Roscoe, 1856,... | |
| Library company of Philadelphia - 1835 - 458 pages
...William Hubbard. Boston, 1677. 954, Q.. 7. & 8. & 265, O. The present state of New England; being a narrative of the troubles with the Indians in New England, from the first planting thereof, in the year 1606, to the year 1677. By William, Hubbard. London, 1676—1677.... | |
| American Antiquarian Society - America - 1837 - 574 pages
...Greenfield, Mass. 1816. , — . Antiquarian Researches. 8vo. Greenfield. 1824. Hubbard, William. A Narrative of the Troubles with the Indians in New England, from the first planting thereof in the year 1607 to this present year 1677, to which is added, a Discourse about... | |
| John Russell Smith - 1848 - 348 pages
...4s 6d , . 1816 two leaves in the Preface), neat, a curious book, :>s (></, ., ' 1604 2733 HUBBARD'S Narrative of the troubles with the Indians in New England, from the first planting thereof in the year 1607 to the present year 1677, but chiefly of the troubles in the... | |
| Richard Hildreth - History - 1849 - 616 pages
...that have happened in New England by Reason of the Indians there from the Year 1614 to the Year 1675. Hubbard, Narrative of the Troubles with the Indians in New England from the planting thereof in 1607, but chiefly of the late Troubles in the two last Years, 1675 and 1676, to... | |
| Bernard Quaritch (Firm) - Antiquarian booksellers - 1884 - 820 pages
...(Geo.) de Origmibns Americanis libri IV, 12mo. calf, 10s ëd Над(в Comitis, 16529965 HUBBARD (W.) A Narrative of the Troubles with the Indians in New- England, from the first planting thereof in the year 1607, to this present year 1677. But chiefly of the late Troubles... | |
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