| George Hood - Church music - 1846 - 268 pages
...the inside of the title page, in letters so large as to occupy the whole. The Essay was entitled " Regular Singing defended and proved to be the only true way of singing the songs of the Lord ; by arguments both from reason and Scripture ; Having been heard and approved of, by the General Association... | |
| William Chauncey Fowler - Puritans - 1858 - 384 pages
...: Printed and sold by TIMOTHY GREEN, 1719. I. Samuel, ii. 30. Them that honor me I will honor. II. REGULAR SINGING DEFENDED, and proved to be the only TRUE WAY of SINGING the Songs of the Lord ; By arguments both from reason and Scripture ; which have been heard and approved of by the General... | |
| William Chauncey Fowler - Durham (Conn. : Town) - 1866 - 460 pages
...notes. At that time Rev. Mr. Chauncey prepared a pamphlet, which was afterwards published, entitled " Regular singing defended and proved to be the only true way of singing the songs of the Lord." By "regular singing" he meant singing by rule. With reference to this, the General Association of Connecticut... | |
| American Antiquarian Society - United States - 1874 - 744 pages
...19, 1728. Published by Order of his Excellency the Governor. 8vo, pp. 6. Boston. Chauncy, Nathaniel. Regular Singing Defended, and proved to be the only True Way of Singing the Songs of the Lord. IGmo, pp. 54. New London. Clark, Peter. Sermon at the Ordination of Win. Jeuison, at Salem, May 22,... | |
| Isaiah Thomas - American literature - 1874 - 728 pages
...19, 1728. Published by Order of his Excellency the Governor. 8vo, pp. 6. Boston. Chauncy, Nathaniel. Regular Singing Defended, and proved to be the only True Way of Singing the Songs of the Lord. 16mo, pp. 54. New London. Clark, Peter. Sermon at the Ordination of "Win. Jenison, at Salem, May 22,... | |
| Isaiah Thomas - American newspapers - 1874 - 736 pages
...Excellency the Governor. 8vo, pp. 6. Boston. Chauncy, Nathaniel. Regular Singing Defended, and proved tp be the only True Way of Singing the Songs of the Lord. lOmo, pp. 54. New London. Clark, Peter. Sermon at the Ordination of Wm. Jenison, at Salem, May 22,... | |
| First Church of Christ (Hartford, Conn.) - Hartford (Conn.) - 1883 - 258 pages
...on May I2th of the same year, by Rev. N. Chauncey of Durham, and published by its order, entitled " Regular Singing Defended and Proved to be the Only True Way of Singing the Songs of the Lord." But the old Pastor died without the sight of the change he advocated. With the coming of Mr. Wadsworth,... | |
| Selden Lincoln Whitcomb - American literature - 1893 - 330 pages
...Gay: Fables. YEAR. WORKS PUBLISHED. 1727 Cotton Mather : Boanerges. A Short Essay to Strengthen Cont. the Impressions Produced by Earthquakes.1 Thomas Prince:...of the Dividing Line (written ; first published in iS-ti).8 John Bulkeley (1678 ? -1731) : Some Account of the Rise of the Anti-pedo Baptists. [New London.]... | |
| Selden Lincoln Whitcomb - American literature - 1893 - 308 pages
...Prince: An Account of the Earthquake as it was in Boston and Other Places (appendix to Sermons). 1 Nathaniel Chauncy: Regular Singing Defended and Proved...the Only True Way of Singing the Songs of the Lord. Mather Byles: A Poem Presented to His Excellency, William Burnett, Esq. Jeremiah Dummer: A Defence... | |
| Selden Lincoln Whitcomb - American literature - 1894 - 326 pages
...completed in 1739Severe earthquake in Palermo. Sarah Kemble Newton died. Knight died. Gay: Fables. YEAR. WORKS PUBLISHED. 1727 Cont. Cotton Mather :...: The Busybody Papers (begun, in the PHILADELPHIA MERCURY).2 James Franklin : The Rhode Island Almanac (first issue) . 1729. William Byrd : History of... | |
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