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fome proceedings, wherein a few perfons are faid to be concerned, I did not intend to charge them upon the body of the army. I have too much detefted that barbarous injuftice among the writers of a late party to be ever guilty of it myself; I mean the accufing focieties for the crimes of a few. On the other fide, I must take leave to believe, that armies are no more exempt from corruptions than other numbers of men. The maxims propofed were occafionally introduced by the report of certain facts, which I am bound to believe are true, because I am fure, confidering what hath paffed, it would be a crime to think otherwise. All pofts in the army, all employments at court, and many others are, or ought to be, given and refumed at the mere pleasure of the prince; yet when I fee a great officer broke, a change made in the court, or the ministry, and this under the most just and gracious princess that ever reigned, I must naturally conclude, it is done upon prudent confiderations, and for fome great demerit in the sufferers. But then, is not the punishment fufficient? Is it generous, or charitable, to trample



on the unfortunate, and expofe their faults to the world in the ftrongest colours? And would it not fuit better with nimity, as well as common good nature, to leave them at quiet to their own thoughts and repentance? Yes, without question; provided it could be fo contrived, that their very names, as well as actions, might be forgotten for ever: fuch an act of oblivion would be for the honour of our nation, and beget a better opinion of us with pofterity; and then I might have fpared the world and myself the trouble of examining. But at prefent there is a cruel dilemma in the cafe; the friends and abettors of the late miniftry are every day publishing their praises to the world, and cafting reflections upon the prefent perfons in power. This is fo bare-faced an afperfion upon the QUEEN, that I know not how any good fubject can with patience endure it, although he were ever fo indifferent with regard to the opinions in difpute. Shall they, who have loft all power and love of the people, be allowed to fcatter their poifon; and fhall not thofe, who are at least of the strongest fide, be fuffered


to bring an antidote? And how can we undeceive the deluded remainder, but by letting them fee, that these discarded statefmen were juftly laid afide; and producing as many inftances to prove it as we can? not from any perfonal hatred to them, but in juftification to the beft of queens. The many fcurrilities I have heard and read against this poor paper of mine, are in such a strain, that confidering the prefent state of affairs, they look like a jest, They usually run after the following man"What! Shall this infolent writer "prefume to cenfure the late miniftry, "the ableft, the most faithful, and truest "lovers of their country and its conftitu


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tion, that ever served a prince? Shall " he reflect on the best house of commons, "that ever fat within those walls? Hath "not the queen changed both for a miniftry and parliament of jacobites and highfliers, who are felling us to France, and bringing over the pretender?" This is the very fum and force of all their reasonings, and this is their method of complaining against the Examiner. In them it is humble and loyal to reflect upon the

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QUEEN, and the miniftry and parliament fhe hath chofen with the univerfal applause of her people in us it is infolent to defend her majefty and her choice, or to answer their objections by fhewing the reasons, why thofe changes were neceffary.

The same style hath been used in the late cafe concerning fome gentlemen in the army. Such a clamour was raised by a fett of men, who had the boldness to tax the administration with cruelty and injustice, that I thought it neceffary to interfere a little by fhewing the ill confequences, that might arise from fome proceedings, although without application to particular perfons. And what do they offer in answer? Nothing but a few poor common places against calumny and informers; which might have been full as juft and feasonable in a plot against the facred person of the QUEEN.

But by the way, why are thefe idle people fo indifcreet to name thofe two words, which afford occafion of laying open to the world fuch an infamous fcene of fubornation and perjury, as well as calumny and informing, as I believe, is


without example; when a whole cabal attempted an action, wherein a condemned criminal* refused to join with them for the reward of his life? Not that I disapprove their fagacity, who could foretel fo long before by what hand they should one day fall, and therefore thought any means justifiable, by which they might prevent it.

But waving this at present, it must be owned in justice to the army, that those violences did not proceed fo far among them, as fome have believed; nor ought the madness of a few to be laid at their doors. For the reft, I am fo far from denying the due praises to those brave troops, who did their part in procuring fo many victories for the allies; that I could wifh, every officer and private foldier had their full share of honour in proportion to their deferts; being thus far of the Athenians mind, who, when it was proposed that the ftatue of Miltiades fhould be fet up alone in fome publick place of the city, faid, they would agree to it, whenever he con

* Greg.


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