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Thursday, February 22, 1710.

Laus fumma in fortunae bonis, non extuliffe fe in poteftate, non fuiffe infolentem in pecunia, non fe praetuliffe aliis propter abundantiam fortunae.

AM confcious to myself, that I write paper with no other intention but that of doing good. I never received injury from the late miniftry; nor advantage from the prefent, farther than in common with every good fubject. There were among the former one or two, who must be allowed to have poffeffed very valuable qualities; but proceeding by a fyftem of politicks which our conftitution could not fuffer, and discovering a contempt of all religion, especially of that which hath been fo happily established among us ever fince the reformation; they feem to have been justly fufpected of no very good inclinations to either.

It is poffible, that a man may speculatively prefer the conftitution of another


country, or an Utopia of his own, before that of the nation where he is born and lives; yet, from confidering the dangers of innovation, the corruptions of mankind, and the frequent impoflibility of reducing ideas to practice, he may join heartily in preferving the present order of things, and be a true friend to the government already fettled. So in religion, a man may perhaps have little or none of it at heart; yet if he conceals his opinions, if he endeavours to make no profelytes, advances no impious tenets in writing or discourse; if according to the common atheistical notion, he believes religion to be only a contrivance of politicians for keeping the vulgar in awe; and that the prefent model is better adjusted than any other to fo ufeful an end; although the condition of fuch a man, as to his own future ftate, be very deplorable; yet providence, which often works good out of evil, can make even fuch a man an inftrument for contributing towards the preservation of the church.

On the other fide; I take a ftate to be truly in danger, both as to its religion and


government, when a fett of ambitious politicians, bred up in a hatred to the constitution, and a contempt for all religion, are forced upon exerting these qualities in order to keep or increase their power, by widening their bottom, and taking in (like Mahomet) fome principles from every party, that is in any way difcontented at the present faith and fettlement; which was manifeftly our cafe. Upon this occafion, I remember to have afked fome confiderable whigs, whether it did not bring a difreputation upon their body, to have the whole herd of prefbyterians, independents, atheists, anabaptifts, deifts, quakers, and Socinians openly and univerfally lifted under their banners? They anfwered, that all this was abfolutely neceffary in order to make a balance against the tories; and all little enough: for indeed, it was as much as they could poffibly do, although affifted with the abfolute power of difpofing every employment; while the bulk of the english gentry kept firm to their old principles in church and state.

But notwithstanding what I have hitherto faid, I am informed, feveral among


the whigs continue ftill fo refractory, that they will hardly allow the heads of their party to have entertained any defigns of ruining the conftitution; or that they would have endeavoured it, if they had continued in power. I beg their pardon, if I have difcovered a fecret; but who could imagine they ever intended it should be one after thofe overt acts, with which they thought fit to conclude their farce? But perhaps they now find it convenient to deny vigorously; that the queftion may remain, why was the old miniftry changed, which they urge on without ceafing, as if no occafion in the leaft had been given; but that all were owing to the infinuations of crafty men, practising upon the weaknefs of an eafy prince: I fhall therefore offer among an hundred one reason for this change, which I think would justify any monarch, who ever reigned, for the like proceeding.

It is notorious enough, how highly princes have been blamed in the hiftories of all countries, particularly of our own, upon the account of their minions, who have been ever juftly odious to the people


for their infolence and avarice, and engroffing the favours of their mafters. Whoever hath been the leaft converfant in the english ftory, cannot but have heard of Gavefton, the Spencers, and fome others; who by the excefs and abufe of their power coft the princes they served, or rather governed, their crowns and lives. However, in the cafe of minions, it must at least be acknowledged, that the prince is pleased and happy, although his fubjects be aggrieved; and he has the plea of friendship to excuse him, which is a difpofition of generous minds. Befides, a wife minion, although he be haughty to others, is humble and infinuating to his mafter, and cultivates his favour by obedience and refpect. But our misfortune hath been a great deal worfe; we have fuffered for fome years under the oppreffion, the avarice, and infolence of those, for whom the QUEEN had neither efteem nor friendship; who rather feemed to fnatch their own dues, than receive the favour of their fo vereign; and were fo far from returning refpect, that they forgot common good manners. They imposed on their prince,


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