Logan, however, disdained to be seen among the suppliants: but, lest the sincerity of a treaty, from which so distinguished a chief absented himself, should be distrusted, he sent, by a messenger, the following speech to be delivered to Lord Dunmore. 4. "I appeal to any white man to say, if ever he entered Logan's cabin hungry, and he gave him not meat; if ever he came cold and naked, and he clothed him not. During the course of the last long and bloody war, Logan remained idle in his cabin, an advocate for peace. Such was my love for the whites, that my countrymen pointed as they passed, and said 'Logan is the friend of the white men.' I had even thought to live with you, but for the injuries of one man. Colonel Cresap, last spring, in cold blood, and unprovoked, murdered all the relatives of Logan, not sparing even my women and children. There runs not a drop of my blood in the veins of any living creature. This called on me for revenge. I have sought it. I have killed many. I have fully glutted my + vengeance. For my country, I rejoice at the beams of peace: but do not harbor a thought that mine is the joy of fear. Logan never felt fear. He will not turn on his heel to save his life. Who is there to mourn for Logan? Not one." more JEFFERSON. QUESTIONS. - Who was Demosthenes? Cicero? When was DunGovernor of Virginia? Who undertook to punish the Indians ? Whose family were killed? Where was a decisive battle fought? Where does the Kanhawa rise? Why did not Logan appear among the suppliants? In the sentence, Logan never felt fear,' which is the subject? Which the attribute? See Pinneo's Analytical Grammar. ARTICULATION. Battl'd, scuttl'd, settl'd, drizzling, crispy, frizzl'd. They battl'd manfully. The ship being scuttl'd, settl'd in deep water. A drizzling rain fell. The bear has crispy, frizzl'd hair. They were puzzl'd and dazzl'd by the glitter. LESSON XXXIV. PRONOUNCE Correctly. - Sav-a-ges, not sav-ij-is: ket-tle, not kit-tle: • i-de-a, not idee: reg-i-ment, not reg-i-munt: musk-ets, not musk-its: con'-tra-ry, not con-tra'-ry: sub-jects, not sub-jics: weap-on, not weap'n.* Can'-ni-bals, n. men who eat human flesh. | Col'-o-ny, n. a company of persons re- the flesh of deer. moving to a new country, but remaining subject to the parent country. CHARLES II AND WILLIAM PENN. King Charles. WELL', friend William'! I have sold you a noble province in North America; but still, I suppose you have no thoughts of going thither yourself. Penn. Yes, I have, I assure thee, friend Charles; and I am just come to bid thee farewell. K. C. What'! venture yourself among the savages of North America'! Why', man', what + security have you that you will not be in their war kettle in two hours after setting foot on their shores? P. The best security in the world. * In & mamber of words ending in en, the e is silent; as, haven, heaven, seven, eleven, even, frozen, happen, &c., which are pronounced hav'n, hev'n, sev'n, elev'n, ev'n, fro-z'n, hap-p'n, &c. When t precedes the e, this also is sometimes silent; as in the words, glisten, listen, hasten, fasten, chasten, often, &c., which are pronounced glis'n, lis'n, has'n, fas'n, chas'n, of'n, &c. In another class of words ending in en, the e should be distinctly sounded; as in sudden, hyphen, sloven, kitchen, &c. (See McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book, page 49, Lessons 69, and 60.) K. C. I doubt that, friend William; I have no idea of any security, against those cannibals, but in a regiment of good soldiers, with their muskets and + bayonets. And mind', I tell you beforehand', that, with all my good will for you and your family, to whom I am under + obligations, I will not send a single soldier with you. P. I want none of thy soldiers, Charles: I depend on something better than thy soldiers. K. C. Ah'! what may that' be? P. Why, I depend upon themselves'; on the working of their own hearts'; on their notions of justice'; on their moral sense. K. C. A fine thing, this same moral sense, no doubt; but I fear you will not find much of it among the Indians of North America. P. And why not among them, as well as others? K. C. Because if they had possessed any, they would not have treated my + subjects so barbarously as they have done. P. That is no proof of the contrary', friend Charles. Thy subjects were the aggressors. When thy subjects first went to North America, they found these poor people the fondest and kindest creatures in the world. Every day, they would watch for them to come ashore, and hasten to meet them, and feast them on the best fish, and venison, and corn, which were all they had. In return for this hospitality of the savages, as we call them, thy subjects, termed Christians, seized on their country and rich hunting grounds, for farms for themselves. Now, is it to be wondered at, that these much injured people should have been driven to + desperation by such injustice; and that, burning with + revenge, they should have committed some excesses? K.C. Well, then, I hope you will not complain when they come to treat you in the same manner. P. I am not afraid of it. K. C. Ah! how will you avoid it? You mean to get their hunting grounds too, I suppose? P. Yes', but not by driving these poor people away from them. K. C. No, indeed? How then will you get their lands'? P. I mean to buy their lands of them. K. C. Buy their lands of them'? Why, man, you have already bought them of me. P. Yes, I know I have, and at a dear rate, too: but I did it only to get thy good will, not that I thought thou hadst any right to their lands. K. C. How', man'? no right to their lands? P. No, friend Charles, no right, no right at all: what right hast thou to their lands? K. C. Why', the right of discovery', to be sure; the right which the pope and all Christian kings have agreed to give one another. P. The right of discovery? A strange kind of right, indeed. Now, suppose, friend Charles, that some canoe load of these Indians, crossing the sea, and discovering this island of Great Britain, were to claim it as their own, and set it up for sale over thy head, what wouldst thou think of it? K. C. Why-why-why-I must confess, I should think it a piece of great impuidence' in them. P. Well, then, how canst thou, a Christian, and a Christian prince too, do that which thou so utterly condemnest in these people, whom thou callest savages? Yes, friend Charles; and suppose, again, that these Indians, on thy refusal to give up thy island of Great Britain, were to make war on thee, and, having weapons more destructive than thine, were to destroy many of thy subjects, and drive the rest away, wouldst thou not think it horribly cruel? K. C. I must say, friend William, that I should; how can I say otherwise? P. Well, then, how can I, who call myself a Christian, do what I should abhor even in the heathen? No. I will not do it. But I will buy the right of the proper owners, even of the Indians themselves. By doing this, I shall + imitate God himself, in his + justice and mercy, and thereby insure his blessing in my colony, if I should ever live to plant one in North America. FRIEND OF PEACE. QUESTIONS.- What part of the United States was purchased and settled by William Penn? Of whom did he purchase it? Upon what was the king's right founded? In whom was vested the real right? Why? State the reasoning, by which Penn convinced the king that America did not belong to him. What plan did Penn propose to adopt, to secure the good will of the Indians? Was he successful? What instances of interrogative exclamation do you find in this lesson? What examples of relative emphasis ? In the last sentence, which are the personal pronouns of the first person? Which of the third person? Which are the verbs? Which of them is a participle? Which are in the future tense, indicative mode? Which part of it is the complex sentence? Which, the simple? See Pinneo's Analytical Grammar. ARTICULATION. Clinch'd, fists, makes, smoothed'st, struggl'd. He clinched his fists. He lifts his awful form. He makes his payments. Thou smoothed'st his rugged path. The president's speech. He struggl'd strangely. LESSON XXXV. PRONOUNCE correctly. - Whole, not hull: dis-so-lu-tion, not dis-sylu-tion: at-tack, not at-tact: la-ment, not lum-ent: mod-er-ate, not mod-er-it: cli-mates, not cli-mits: rav-a-ges, not rav-ij-is: hea-ven, pro. heav'n. 1. Dis-so-lu'-tion, n. death, separation of the soul and body. [to the reality. 5. In-ad'-e-quate, a. partial, not equal Rav'-a-ges, n. destruction, ruin. 7. Ex-trem'-i-ties, n. utmost distress: Ve'-hi-cles, n. carriages of any kind. Re-cep'-ta-cles, n. places in which to receive any thing. 9. As-si-du'-i-ties, n. services rendered 10. Con-ta'-gion, n. pestilence, sickness HORRORS OF WAR. 1. THOUGH the whole race of man is doomed to dissolution, and we are hastening to our long home; yet, at each successive moment, life and death seem to divide between them the dominion of mankind, and life to have the larger share. It is otherwise in war; death reigns there without a rival, and without + control. 2. War is the work, the element, or rather the sport and triumph of death, who here glories not only in the extent of his conquests, but in the richness of his spoil. In the other methods of attack, in the other forms which death assumes, the feeble and the aged, who at best can live but a short time, are usually the victims; here they are the + vigorous and the strong. 3. It is remarked by the most ancient of poets, that in peace, children bury their parents'; in war, parents bury their children'; nor is the difference small. Children lament their parents, sincerely, indeed, but with that moderate and tranquil sorrow, which |