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also mention, that in moist showery weather, the flowers of some of the extremely double roses cannot open, but those of others less double, but like them in colour, will open freely, and bloom in great perfection. These little facts are well known to the experienced cultivator.

Some new roses inserted in the catalogue have only bloomed here one season, and perhaps not quite in perfection, so that an accurate description could not be given of them: many of these are most undoubtedly fine varieties. In classing the roses in the following pages, and in the catalogue, I have retained those that are but slightly hybridised in that division to which they have the nearest affinity; for instance, if a rose between the French and Provence roses has more of the characters of the former than of the latter, it is retained with the French roses, as it will group well with them, though not a pure French rose: this helps to avoid those numerous subdivisions with which most of the French catalogues are burdened, as they only tend to confuse the young amateur. In the descriptions, the colour of the flower is not always given, as the catalogue,

of which this guide is only a companion, generally gives that correctly.

In forming a collection of roses from the French gardeners, great difficulty is often experienced by their incorrectness in the names of their plants: this inattention, to call it by no worse name, has long been the bane of commercial gardening. In this country almost every nurseryman is now aware of the great responsibility he is under as to correct nomenclature; but in France they manage these matters differently, certainly not "better;" for if a Parisian cultivator raises a good rose from seed, and gives it a popular name, a provincial florist will immediately give some one of his seedlings, perhaps a very inferior rose, the same, so that there are often two or three roses bearing the same name: and if the original, or most superior variety, is ordered, ten to one if you get it, as the French florist generally gives you that which is most convenient for him to send, quite regardless of what you wish for. This is carried to an extreme, of which only those well and intimately acquainted with roses can form a just idea.

I have now only to beg the indulgence of my readers. A man of business must be deficient in the many requisites of correct composition. I have endeavoured to be plain and explicit; and cannot help flattering myself, that the instructions conveyed in these insignificant pages may be the means of restoring many unfortunate neglected roses to health and vigour.

Sawbridgeworth, Herts,

Nov. 20, 1837.

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