History will have been printed and sold in the United Kingdom alone.' Caring little for money, except in so far as he was able to make a liberal and generous use of it, Macaulay enjoyed the power his new opulence had conferred on him. Until he was fifty-two... The Edinburgh Review: Or Critical Journal - Page 5801876Full view - About this book
| Literature - 1876 - 966 pages
...Within a generation of its first appearance, upwards of a hundred and forty thousand copies of the " History " will have been printed and sold in the United...he was fifty-two years of age, he had never had a carnage of his own, except when in office ; indeed he had never even had a house. He now removed from... | |
| George Otto Trevelyan - Fine bindings - 1876 - 504 pages
...Within a generation of its first appearance, upwards of a hundred and forty thousand copies of the History will have been printed and sold in the United Kingdom alone. But the influence of the work, and the fame of its author, were not confined to the United Kingdom.... | |
| George Otto Trevelyan - 1876 - 422 pages
...Within a generation of its first appearance, upward of a hundred and forty thousand copies of the " History" will have been printed and sold in the United Kingdom alone. But the influence of the work and the fume of its author were not confined to the United Kingdom. "... | |
| George Otto Trevelyan - 1876 - 422 pages
...Within a generation of its first appearance, upward of a hundred and forty thousand copies of the " History" will have been printed and sold in the United Kingdom alone. But the influence of the work and the fame of its author were not confined to the United Kingdom. "... | |
| sir George Otto Trevelyan (2nd bart.) - 1876 - 508 pages
...Within a generation of its first appearance, upwards of a hundred and forty thousand copies of the History will have been printed and sold in the United Kingdom alone. But the influence of the work, and the fame of its author, were not confined to the United Kingdom.... | |
| George Otto Trevelyan - 1875 - 436 pages
...Within a generation of its first appearance, upward of a hundred and forty thousand copies of the " History " will have been printed and sold in the United Kingdom alone. But the influence of the work and the fame of its author were not confined to the United Kingdom. "I... | |
| George Otto Trevelyan - Authors, English - 1877 - 858 pages
...Within a generation of its first appearance, upward of a hundred and forty thousand copies of the " History" will have been printed and sold in the United Kingdom alone. But the influence of the work and the fame of its author were not confined to the United Kingdom. "I... | |
| George Otto Trevelyan - 1878 - 540 pages
...1875. Within a generation of its first appearance, upwards a hundred and forty thousand copies of the History will have been printed and sold in the United Kingdom alone. But the influence of the work, and the fame of its author, were not confined to the United Kingdom.... | |
| George Otto Trevelyan - 1878 - 540 pages
...Within a generation of its first appearance, upwards «fa hundred and forty thousand copies of the History will have been printed and sold in the United Kingdom alone. But the influence of the work, and the fame of its author, were not confined to the United Kingdom.... | |
| George Otto Trevelyan - 1878 - 552 pages
...Within a generation of its first appearance, upwards of a hundred and forty thousand copies of the History will have been printed and sold in the United Kingdom alone. But the influence of the work, and the fame of its author, were not confined to the United Kingdom.... | |
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