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alfo to be confidered, and the different Effects it may have by the Qualities of the Matter it fhall be taken in. If a confiderable Quantity of Salt, be taken in Water-Gruel, or other thin Fluid fafting, may it not fret the Glands of the Stomach or Guts, go off in too great Quantity into the Blood, or &c. more than it would do, if taken with Meat, or thicker Fluids, and the Qualities of the Matter it will meet with in the Stomach, or which may be fecreted into it, as Remains of the Meat, Phlegm, fharp Juices, &c. For whatever opens the Glands in the Stomach, will, befides its own Operation, occafion a farther Operation by the Juices admitted into the Stomach, according to their Quantity and Quality, moft at first, and as it is repeated, and the Juires wafted, lefs and lefs. Therefore I think Salt most proper to be used as a Diet. And when there is too great a Stock of fharp Juices in the Blood, they may be more fafely carried off by fofter Matter, of which next.


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Obfervations upon, and Comparisons between the Effects of eating fresh Fruits, green Herbs, and dried Fruits, &c.

the Time

THE HE various Seafons of the Year in Nature each Country, and the Difference of points out the Climate, in Countries of different La-of ufing titudes, in fome Measure point out the them. Ufes of the particular forts of Plants, Fruit, &c. variously adapted; fome, only for the present Time, by Reason they cannot be preserved; fome for Weeks, fome for Months, and fome for the Winter Season, becaufe according to their feveral Compofitions, fome are, and fome are not, liable to rot, corrupt, or decay. The Spring raises the tender young Blof foms and Herbs, whofe Corpufcles are light; the greateft Heat raises Fruit and Herbs to their full fize, whofe Corpufcles are then the coldeft or heavieft. In the delining Heat, thofe Corpufcles are fermented and divided, perhaps fome born off, and fome others fucceed, and thereby rendered lighter or warmer, or ripened. Some, by being kept after gathering,



undergo a fort of Fermentation, which divides the Juices, loofens the volatile Salts and Spirits, throws off fome of the humid, cold Parts, and perhaps admits Corpufcles of Fire, volatile Salts, &c. inlove Fruit to the contracted Pores. All Children, and young People, whofe Bodies are very hot and uneafy in hot Seasons, are mightily pleased with eating cooling Fruit, and are as naturally inclined to choofe it by Experience, as we are to take Food in general, when we are hungry, or Drink The Ori- when thirsty. The Scurvy, Gout, and Gout and fuch like Disorders in the Blood, feem to Scurvy. be chiefly occafioned by eating fuch forts

gin of

of Food, and drinking fuch forts of Drink as affift not, or hinder the Juices from fecreting into the Stomach and Guts, and discharging them downward, and the Body is frequently rendered unhealthy, and fometimes even emacerated by the Sharpness or other Qualities of thefe Juices, abounding in the Blood. Horfes kept in the House with dry Meat, efpepecially with much Corn, will not be well without Purging, or Bleeding, because their Blood grows too fharp, or too thick for want of difcharging the Juices into the Stomach and Guts, which will occafion the Yellows, and feveral other



Disorders. When on a fudden, the Seafon becomes very hot, and the Body is full of volatile Salts and Spirits, the Steam within rarified, and too thin and volatile, and the outward Pores too open, the Blood will be too thin, the Steam will pervade the Blood and Pores, hurry off too faft, and leave the Body hot and faint, and then Alloys are abfolutely neceffary. Indeed, when the Steam is very ftrong, hot and fubtile, and the Pores open, it bears off groffer Corpufcles into the Blood, and fo in Time makes the Blood more diffi cult to be pervaded or born off. And when the Corpufcles in the Blood are grofs, and the Pores are fhut on a sudden, the Steam fhould not be fuffered to abate fuddenly. The Juices in new-gathered or The diffeunwithered Fruit, or green Herbs, are ca- fects of pable of raifing fome fort of a Ferment, green and in the Stomach and Guts, either by their dry Fruits. Motion in Divifion, or by their Expanfion, or &c. till thefe Juices are born off or fheathed or balanced, which, thofe of dry'd Fruit, or Herbs, out of which the volatile Humidity is gone, or the Juices of Fruit or Herbs fermented, will not do. Perhaps it may be the greener, or lefs, fermented, or lefs dry'd the Meat or Drink is, the groffer the Steam is which]


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rifes from it, and therefore goes not off fo freely, but extends the Stomach and Guts, or perhaps it may proceed from à greater Quantity of Juices, which they may occafion to be iffued into the Stomach and Guts, or from all these Caufes jointly. If when the Juices are sharp; and the Steam fubtle, one eats a moderate Quantity of cold Fruit, it makes the Steam groffer, and fitter to drive the Blood, and abate the Expence or Waste of the Steam, and by condenfing the Steam at first, gives an Opportunity to the Stomach and Guts to contract, and to the Blood to replenish the Veffels in the fides of the Stomach, Guts, &c. with Juices to be fecreted into the Stomach, which are the principal Agents to diffolve the Contents in the Stomach, and raise them into more Steam, and into the Guts, for discharging the Excrements downward, &c. Great Caution fhould be used at the firft eating of Fruit, for it is as unfafe for those to eat cold Things who are ufed to hot, as 'tis for thofe, who are not used to strong Drink or Exercise, to use much the first Time, because the Glands will fecrete too great a Quantity of Juices, and caufe a Surfeit or Fever. If cold Fruit, be eat before Meat for fome Time;

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