Hus death, the king of terrors, spoke :—"Be fure the aim, and home the stroke; My will defpotic has decreed
"The fairest facrifice fhall bleed; "To gratify my wanton pride. "Where do the graces all refide? "Where shall the pointed arrow fly, "That each may ficken, pine, and die? "Where can the ftroke be fo fevere, "To make all nature drop a tear? "Soon as among the fair I fee "Perfection's bright epitome,
"I'll vent my fury, fix her doom, "And in its verdure nip the bloom; "Tho' all the various charms combin'd, "Of perfon, intellect, and mind; "Still unfuccefsful they should plead, "To ftop my dart, or check its speed:
"No foft-endearing smiles of youth, "Good-nature, innocence, or truth, "Shall change my purpose to affault "The firft I meet without a fault: "Nor univerfal prayers fhall fave "Th'unfpotted victim from the grave; "But fall fhe must- tho' good and wise, "And all the world fhall fympathize." Thus having fpoke-the tyrant faw An object free from every flaw,
Then bent his bow- and aim'd at Shaw.
TH Tix bids me think the prefent day my laft!
HY fize, bright taper, does fo quickly wafte,
Tho' narrow limits thy fhort date confine, Compar'd to infinite what more is mine? This day must end thy being, and before To-morrow's dawn myself may be no more! Both in life's morn with gayeft luftre shine, And, as the night advances, both decline; Both by one common fate feem closely link'd, And after one short blaze shall be extinct; Our lives the fame, our periods both agree; So where's the difference 'twixt you and me!
! may you walk, as years advance, Smooth and erect, as now you dance ;-
May you on each important ftage, From bloom of youth to wither'd age, Affert your claim to merit's prize, And, as at prefent, charm our eyes ; Obfervant of decorum's laws,
And moving with the fame applause, May you, thro' life's perplexing maze, Direct your steps with equal praise; Its intricate meanders trace With regularity and grace; From the true figure never swerve, And time in every step observe ;. Give ear to harmony and reafon, Nor make one motion out of season! Thus will life's current gently flow, And pour forth every bliss below; Till nature failing, ebb fhall bring Death with his dart — but not his sting!
Old Chloe know the higheft blifs,
That friendship boasts-it must be this ;
When Hymen crowns what Love begun, And two fond hearts unite in one; When each, as to delight or pain, Is bound in fympathetic chain, And both reciprocally borrow, To heighten joy, or fweeten forrow. This is the highest bliss below, This friendship only can beftow; And may propitious heaven defign, That fuch a friendship fhall be mine, And fince this with relates to two, O! may that friendship be with you!
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