TO SYLVIA PRESENTED WITH A RING, BEARING A HEART, WITH THIS MOTTO,- -STOP THIEF. Oon as I faw thofe beauteous eyes, You play'd a roguish part; Then robb'd me of my heart. Render to me your own in lieu, Or give me mine again. If not, tho' you're by all confest ΤΟ WITH A BOOK OF MORALITY, ENTITLED O ftrong the paffions of the human mind, "These rules, compar'd with real life, must seem "All airy vifions, and an empty dream: "For when a plan of conduct we would draw, Truth's pleasant path, and virtue's peaceful way : That forms the conduct, or improves the sense: A A SUPPLICATION. BY A LADY, JUST BEFORE MARRIAGE. Repare me, O almighty Lord, PRepai For that important day, When I fhall plight my folemn word, To honour and obey :" When at thy facred altar I With trembling feet shall stand, Be thy eternal spirit by To join the heart and hand. On happiness above; Within us, Lord, new hearts create, Prepar'd for heavenly bliss; That we may seek a better state, While fojourners in this. ANOTHER. A NOT HE R. BY THE SAME. A Lmighty Lord of heaven and earth, Receive a suppliant's prayer! Look on me with compaffion's eye, Thus gratitude fhall teach my heart, my Damon's hand fhall take, That we, from care exempt, May see our moments flow ferene, And still preserve the golden mean "Twixt envy and contempt! ORIGINAL ORIGINAL FABLES. IMITATED FROM A FRENCH MANUSCRIPT OF MR. CAZOTTE. BY MR. CHARLES DENIS. FABLE I. THE DISTRIBUTION OF GIFTS. ́Ove once, 'tis said, was angry grown Jove With all mankind; and we must own |