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for all one to die; that God had appointed, limited and determined the Time and Moment of the Death of every Man. No otherwise, my Mother replied, then that as fure as any one is born, fo fure he muft die. I added, Do you think that God is the Author of War, Peftilence, Inundation, Earthquakes, &c. by which fo many Thoufands perifh. She replied, I cannot think it; he is the Author of Peace, and the Preferver of Man.

I was ftill willing to purfue my Discourse, I therefore defired to know, whether fhe had the fame Opinion concerning this Earth as heretofore. My Mother anfwered, I believe and am verily perfuaded in my own Mind, that this Place is Hell, and I hope and wish that after the Diffolution of my Soul and Body, I may be admitted into PANCONIA (n). Which is

a feigned Name that was generally used by my Mother and Self, to denote one of the fuperior Worlds, or one of the Mansions spoken of in the Text.

She was from the Beginning of her Illness till her Death, fenfible of her approaching Dif folution, and her Diftemper being confumptive, the frequently faid, I loofe my Life by Inches (o).


(2) If any Man fhould ask, Why I called one of the fuperior Worlds by this Name? I anfwer, I think I have as great a Right as any Man that has gone before me, to fix and appropriate Appellations to nameless Places. The Word fignies with me, an All-peaceful Region, a Place of Joy, Eafe and Tranquillity.

(e) Which Expreffion fignifies only this, that my Mother thought it long before the Time of her Departure came, and declares, that he was very willing to quit her Body, the Prifon of her Soul.

She loved God above all Things, and her conftant Prayer was, That he might be redeemed out of Hell, and admitted into the Place prepared for thoje who love the Lord. And when he grew weak, and her natural Faculties were fo very much impaired, that he had not Strength to cxprefs herself in Words, yet we could perceive, that the continued her Prayer and Hope, that the fhould be admitted into the Manfions prepared by our Lord and Redeemer.

To which happy Places may we all be so wife as to attain, through the Grace of our Lord Jefus Chrift; to whom with the Father and the Holy Spirit, be all Honour, Might, Majefty and Glory, now and ever.



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