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relation to the abominable system of Popery. That was indeed a system of abomination in the temple of God. It has introduced all the more gross abominations of the last days, which now are opening the flood-gates of divine vengeance. But the gross abominations of the last days, we may believe, are forming a most signal fulfilment of the descriptions in the chainbers of imagery. These descriptions give the very same characteristics, which are found in the various predictions, that do evidently relate to the wicked of the last days. And these various predictions appear to be, in some instances, expressed in manifest allusion to the descriptions of the wickedness in the chambers of imagery. I shall now note some instances of coincidence between the characters, in the chambers of imagery, and the characters of the last days.

The horrid atheistical influence of the last days, goes out unto the kings of the earth, and of the whole world, to gather them to battle against God. (Rev. xvi, 13, 14.) It insinuates itself into, and corrupts, the cabinets of nations; and causes them to lead the way to destruction. The kings of the earth are made to agree, and give their kingdom unto the Beast. And in the chambers of imagery are found, in clandestine concert, the seventy, with their prefect;—or, the grand council of the nation organized.

The wicked characters of the last days are "privately to bring in their damnable heresies"—"crept in unawares." And the vile beings in the chambers of imagery, were intriguing there in hidden conclave, having crept in at a back door, concealed from public view.

The vile characters of the last days are called filthy dreamers. Their schemes are like romantic dreams; visionary; at war with common sense, and with every maxim of wisdom and prudence. And God said to Ezekiel, "Seest thou what the ancients of the house of Israel do in the dark, every man in the chambers of his imagery?" As Jude says of the same; "These be they that separate themselves." All is done in the dark; and by a back door influence.

Peter says of them; "Having eyes full of adultery, that cannot cease from sin." And Ezekiel presents them, as having one cloister in their temples devoted to women, weeping for Tammuz; or devoted to lewdness.

In various prophecies these men are represented as atheists: "Denying the Lord, who bought them." "Denying the Father and the Son." And in the chambers of imagery, "they say, The Lord seeth us not; the Lord hath forsaken the earth."

Other prophecies present them as traitors, as well as heady, high minded, and lovers of pleasure, more than lovers of God. And this trait of character is implied in all the descriptions of them in the chambers of imagery; especially in those, where their backs are toward the temple, and interest of their own nation; their faces toward the east; and they are enamored with the abominations of a foreign, favorite nation.

Paul says of them; "Having a form of Godliness, but denying the power thereof; from such turn away." And in the chambers of imagery, the seventy have, every man his censer; and a cloud of incense went up:" While yet they say "The Lord seeth us not; the Lord hath forsaken the earth." Strange absurdity! God they said did not behold them! Yet each must have a censer; and must furnish his part of a cloud of incense! Some shreds of religion may serve as a convenient cloak of covetousness, a vail to their enormities. Hence even Antichrist and his followers must have, (at least at times) some "form of Godliness."

Paul describes them as heady, high minded, fierce, false accusers, despisers of the good. And in the chambers of imagery, "they put the branch to the nose." They irritate and provoke mankind.

Paul informs, that "in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves truce breakers, false accusers." Isaiah says of the same; "Truth is fallen in the streets, and equity cannot enter.' And of the men in the chambers of im agery, it is said; "They have filled the land with violence."

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And the last class of men in those chambers, who are represented as the most abominable of all with their backs toward God, and worshippers of the sun, or the light, present a striking emblem of the order of illuminees; the hidden, atheistical agents of the innovations and terrible scenes of the last days; who go forth, as spirits of devils, and like hateful obtrusive frogs, to the kings of the earth, and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle.

Events of modern date afford a solemn comment upon this vision of Ezekiel. After the visible temple of the catholic church had long become a sink of abomi nable wickedness and idolatry, under the Christian pame; and had long been exhibited to the people of God, as a collection of filth and wickedness; France became deluged with the infernal influence of the Voltaire system of atheism. This influence flew, almost with the rapidity of lightning, into other catholic countries; and prepared the way for the terrible scenes, which have followed.

This scheme managed the French revolution. And being planted in other Popish nations, it prepared the way there for the quick and fatal success of the French aris. On this intriguing influence the French (in rev-olutionizing the Roman world) made their chief reliance. They either bribed and seduced the governments of those nations to betray their territories into their hands; or they seduced other leading characters, and found means to divide the people from their governAnd thus those nations became a prey to the devouring grasp of the bloody nation. It is said, Bonaparte conplained, when subduing Italy, that his hosts of spies and secret agents then in Germany, cost him more, than all his army in Italy.

By such means the French tyrant found himself able to corrupt the vitals of the Papal nations, marked out for his prey; and to make an easy conquest of them; or to seduce them into an alliance with him; which invariably proved their destruction. All the republics in Europe have, in this way, been blotted out from un

der heaven. The intrigues of the chambers of imagery have destroyed them.

The French at first pledged their faith to the world, for the three following principles: That they wouk! make no conquests: That they would make war only upon tyrants: And that they would give liberty and equality to all people, wherever their arms came. With these sentiments proclaimed to the world, and privately propagated, by their insidious agents, through the nations, (with other intriguing flatteries, which prepared the way for the quick success of their arms,) they subverted and enslaved every European republic: That of Lucca, Pisa, Venice, St. Marino, Geneva, the Netherlands, the thirteen republics of Switzerland, and that of the Seven Isles; as well as the great kingdoms of Papal Europe. With all their soft infernal flatteries, conquest and a universal military despotism, became their sole object.

The same abominable influence of the modern chambers of imagery, has made insidious attempts upon England, Scotland, Ireland and Russia, upon the government of Persia, in the East Indies, and (it is supposed) upon China. Tippo Saib was by this influence seduced, and ruined. These emissaries of mischief, have labored to embroil in their cause the Sieks and. Mahrattas. And they have set on fire the Spanish America.

Thus the French have disseminated (or attempted to disseminate) through all Europe, into Asia, and at least into the Spanish part of America, the abominations of the chambers of imagery.

Tremendous scenes of judgment have followed! Where these sentiments, have been embraced, the deluded people have found, to their cost, that their judgment has not lingered, nor their damnation slumbered. Scenes of slaughter and divine vengeance have followed.

What then shall we say of our own nation? If we have escaped the fatal abominations of the chambers of imagery, it must be deemed a miracle! That those diabolical intrigues have been, with the greatest assidu ity practised upon the vital parts of this nation,

we may infer, for certainty, from the word of God, and from analogy and the nature of things. This influence of fatal systematic intrigue, was to go into all the earth; to their kings, and cabinets. It has gone to all the rest of the civilized earth. What could induce its instigators to avoid this great nation, this envied re. public? Nothing! But every consideration would induce them to make this a principal point of attack.

And their successes in other parts of the world have been almost miraculous. Britain and Scotland have come the nearest to being full proof against them. And the late disasters of the French in Russia, it is hoped, have shaken their influence in that empire. But the voice of Inspiration represents these three unclean spirits like frogs, not only as spirits of devils, but as working miracles of success, in their going out unto the kings or cabinets of the earth, and of the whole world, to gather them into a coalition against heaven; Rev. xvi, 13-16.

The question (interesting to us,) then occurs. Have the first characters of these United States had the deep, wise, and virtuous sagacity, to discern the nature and the design of these pointed and most subtile intrigues, which have wrought such wonders in other nations, and betrayed and enslaved unnumbered millions of the human race? And have our first characters possessed the singular firmness, to withstand, and expose those fatal intrigues, which, (we are divinely assured,) if it were possible, would deceive even the very elect? Is it, or is it not, the official duty of such a government as ours, to expose such dark attempts when made? and to warn their nation of its dangers from them.

When an insidious communication was made to Hezekiah, king of Judah, from a foreign, intriguing, ambitious power, Hezekiah forthwith laid it before the public; yea, before the Lord; Isa. xxxvii, 14. "And Hezekiah received the letter, from the hand of the messengers; and read it. And Hezekiah went up into the house of the Lord, and spread it before the Lord. And Hezekiah prayed unto the Lord, saying, O Lord of hosts, God of Israel, that dwellest between the cher

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