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Corrispondenza scientifica di Roma per l'avanzamento delle scienze; bullettino universale diretto da Scarpellini. Vol. I.XII. Q. Roma, 1848-69.

Gazzetta chimica italiana. Vol. I.-XXX. pl. O. Palermo,


Giornale botanico italiano; compilato per cura della Sezione botanica dei Congressi scientifici italiani da Filippo Parlatore. 2 vol. in 7. pl. O. Firenze, 1844-47[52]. Continued as: Nuovo giornale botanico italiano. Ed. by Odoardo Beccari & Teodoro Caruel. Vol. I.-XXV. il. pl. map. O. Firenze & Pisa, 1869–93. [Vol. XXV. contains index of vol. I.-XXV.]-Nuovo giornale .. Nuova ser. Memorie della Società botanica italiana. Vol. I.-VII. il. por. pl. O. Firenze, 1894-1900→→→→

Giornale di fisica chimica e storia naturale; ossia, Raccolta di memorie sulle scienze, arti e manifatture ad esse relative. Ed. by L. V. Brugnatelli (vol. I.-VIII.) & Gaspare Brugnatelli. Vol. I.-X. pl. sq. Q. Pavia, 1808–17. - Ser. 2. Vol. I.-X. pl. sq. Q. Pavia, 1818-27. Giornale di scienze naturali ed economiche; pubblicato per cura del Reale istituto tecnico. Vol. I.-XXII. pl. Q. Palermo, 1866–99→→→

Giornale toscano di scienze mediche, fisiche e naturali; diretto dai G. B. Amici, Bufalini, Giorgini, Pucinotti, G. Savi, P. Savi. 1 vol. O. Pisa, 1840. Continued as: Miscellanee medico-chirurgico-farmaceutiche raccolte in Pisa nel 184344. 2 vol. O. Pisa, 1843-44.- Continued as: Il cimento; giornale di fisica, chimica e storia naturale; compilato dai Matteucci, Mossotti, Pacinotti, Pilla . . . 2 vol. O. Pisa, 1844-46. Continued as: Il nuovo cimento; giornale di fisica, di chimica e delle loro applicazioni alla medicina, alla farmacia ed alle arti industriali; compilato dai C. Matteucci, R. Piria... Vol. I.-XXVIII. O. Pisa & Torino, 185568. - Ser. 2. 16 vol. O. Pisa, 1869–76. Ser. 3. 36 vol. O. Pisa, 1877-95→→→→

Imperiale museo di Firenze. Annali. 2 vol. pl. Q. Firenze, 1808-10.

Imperiale reale istituto veneto di scienze, lettere ed arti. Atti delle adunanze. Vol. I.-VII. (1840-48). pl. tab. O. Venezia, 1841-48.-Ser. 2. Vol. I.-VI. pl. O. Venezia, 1850-55. Atti. Ser. 3. Vol. I.-XVI. pl. tab. O. Venezia, 1855-71.-Ser. 4. Vol. I.-III. pl. tab. O. Venezia, 1871-74. - Ser. 5. Vol. I.-VIII. pl. tab. O. Venezia, 1874-82. Ser. 6. Vol. I.-VII. pl. O. Venezia, 1882-89. Ser. 7. Vol. I.-X. pl. O. Venezia, 1889-98. - Ser. 8. Vol. I.-II. il. pl. O. Venezia, 1898-1900→→→ Memorie. Vol. I.-XXVI. No. 5. pl. F. Venezia, 1843-99→

Istituto botanico dell' Università di Pavia. Atti. Ed. by Giovanni Briosi. Ser. 2. Vol. I.-VII. pl. Q. Milano, 1888-1900→

Continuation of "Archivio triennale del laboratorio di botanica crittogamica."

Istituto botanico della R. Università di Pisa. Ricerche e lavori eseguiti nell' . . . durante gli anni 1882-85. Vol. I.II. 3 pl. Q. Pisa, 1886-88.


Laboratorio botanico della R. Università di Siena. tino. Ed. by Fl. Tassi. Vol. I.-III. pl. map. 0. Siena, 1897-1900→→

Malpighia; rassegna mensuale di botanica. Ed. by O. Penzig, A. Borzì, & R. Pirotta. Vol. I.-XIV. pl. maps. O. Messina & Genova, 1887-1900→→

Miscellanea di chimica, fisica e storia naturale. 1 vol. 0. Pisa, 1843.

Miscellanea philosophico-mathematica societatis privatae taurinensis. Vol. I. Q. Torino, 1759. —Continued as: Société royale de Turin. Mélanges de philosophie et de mathématique (Miscellanea taurinensia). Vol. II.-V. (176073). Q. Torino, 1762-76. - Continued as: Académie royale des sciences (de Turin). Mémoires. Vol. I.-VI. (17841800). pl. sq. Q. Turin, 1786-1801. - Continued as: Académie des sciences, littérature et beaux-arts de Turin. Mémoires; sciences physiques et mathématiques. Vol. I.V. (vol. VII.-XII.)* (1802–12). sq. Q. Turin, 1804-13. -Continued as: Académie royale des sciences de Turin. Mémoires. Vol. XXII. (1813-14). Q. Turin, 1816.- Continued as: Reale accademia delle scienze di Torino. Memorie. Vol. XXIII.-XL. pl. sq. Q. Torino, 1818-38. - Ser. 2. Vol. I.-XLIX. pl. maps. sq. Q. Torino, 1839-1900→→→ Reale accademia delle scienze di Torino. Atti. Vol. I.XXXV. (1865-1900). pl. O. Torino, 1866-1900→→→ Museo civico di storia naturale di Genova. Annali. Vol. I.- | XL. il. pl. Q. Genova, 1870-99.

Vol. XX.-XL. also called ser. 2, vol. I.-XX.


Il Naturalista siciliano; giornale di scienze naturali.
I.-XIV. pl. Q. Palermo, 1882–95. — New ser. Vol. I.-
II. pl. Palermo, 1896–97→→→

Contains only few botanical publications.

Nuovi annali delle scienze naturali; pubblicati dei signori A. Alessandrini, A. Bertolini, S. Gherardi e C. Ranzani. 10 vol. O. Bologna, 1838-43. Continued as: Nuovi annali delle scienze naturali e rendiconto delle sessioni della società agraria e dell' accademia delle scienze dell' istituto di Bologna. Ser. 2. 10 vol. O. Bologna, 1844-49. — Continued as: Nuovi annali delle scienze naturali e rendiconto dei lavori dell' accademia delle scienze dell' istituto di Bologna, con appendice agraria; pubblicati sotta la direzione dei signori A. Alessandrini, A. Bertolini, Bianconi Piani e Sgarzi. Ser. 3. 10 vol. O. Bologna, 1850-54.

Opuscoli scientifici. Vol. I.-IV. pl.


sq. Q. Bologna,

Orto botanico della regia università di Napoli. Bullettino. Vol. I. pt. 1-2. il. Napoli, 1899-1900→→→

Reale accademia dei lincei. Atti. Vol. XXIV.-XXVI. pl. tab. F. Roma, 1870-73. - Ser. 2. Vol. I.-VIII. (187377). pl. map. F. Roma, 1875–83.

Vol. III. has 3 parts: "Transunti," "Memorie della classe di scienze fisiche" and "Memorie . . . morali.". "- Continued as separate parallel series. Vol. IV. published in 1887.

Ser. 3. Memorie della classe di scienze fisiche, matematiche e naturali. Vol. I.-XIX. (1876-84). il. pl. maps. F. Roma, 1877-84. [Index of vol. I.-X. in vol. X.]Ser. 4. Memorie Vol. I.-VII. (1884-90). il. pl. F. Roma, 1885-91. Ser. 5. Memorie . . . Vol. I.-III. il. pl. map. F. Roma, 1894-99→→

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Continuation of: " Accademia pontificia de' nuovi lincei. Atti." (Reale) accademia (delle scienze detta) de' fisiocritici. Atti. Vol. I.- ser. 4, vol. V. Q. & O. Siena, 1761-1893→→→ Reale accademia delle scienze, sezione della Società reale Borbonica. Atti. Vol. I.-VI. pl. sq. Q. Napoli, 181951.

Memorie. Vol. I.-II. sq. F. Napoli, 1856-57. Rendiconti delle adunanze e de' lavori. Vol. I.-IX. pl. sq. Q. Napoli, 1842-49. [In vol. VI.-IX. title reads: "Accademia Napolitana delle scienze ..]-Ser. 2. Vol. I.-VI. pl. sq. Q. Napoli, 1852-57.

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Reale accademia di scienze, lettere ed arti di Modena. Memorie. Vol. I.-XVII. pl. sq. Q. Modena, 1833-77→ Reale accademia di scienze, lettere ed arti in Padova. Atti e memorie. New ser. Vol. I.-XVI. (1884-1900). pl. O. Padova, 1885-1900→→→

(Reale) accademia lucchese di scienze, lettere ed arti. Atti. Vol. I.-XXX. pl. O. Lucca, 1821-1900→→→

R[eale] istituto botanico di Roma. Annuario. Ed. by Romualdo Pirotta. Vol. I.-X. pt. 1. pl. Q. & F. Milano & Roma, 1885-1900→→→

Vol. VIII. & IX. pt. 2 published after 1900.

Reale istituto d'incoraggiamento alle scienze naturali, economiche e tecnologiche di Napoli. Atti. Vol. I.-VIII.

pl. F. Napoli, 1811-55.- Ser. 2. Vol. I.-XVII. pl. maps. F. Napoli, 1864-80. Ser. 3. Vol. I.-V. pl. maps. F. Napoli, 1882-86.- Continued as: Reale istituto d' incoraggiamento di Napoli. Atti. Ser. 4. Vol. VI.XI. pl. map. F. Napoli, 1893-98. - Ser. 5. Vol. I. pl. F. Napoli, 1899-1900

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(Reale) istituto lombardo di scienze e lettere. Giornale. Vol. I.-VIII. O. Milano, 1841-47.

Giornale. e biblioteca italiana; compilata da varj dotti nazionali e stranieri. Vol. I.-XVI. O. Milano, 1840-47. Ser. 2. Vol. I.-IX. O. Milano, 1847-56.

Rendiconti; classe di scienze matematiche e naturali. Vol. I.-IV. pl. Q. Milano, 1864-67. Rendiconti. Ser. 2. Vol. I.-XXXIII. pl. Q. Milano, 1868-1900→→→ - Memorie. Vol. I.-XVIII. 1900

pl. F. Milano, 1843

R[eale] museo di fisica e storia naturale di Firenze. Annali il. New ser. Vol. I. (1865). pl. Q. Firenze, 1866. For earlier series see: "Imperiale museo di Firenze."

Bolletino. Vol. I.-III.

[Reale] orto botanico di Palermo. pl. Ö. Palermo, 1897-99→ Reale università degli studi di Siena. Bulletino del laboratorio ed orto botanico. Ed. by Fl. Tassi. 3 vol. pl. O. Siena, 1897-1900→→

(Reale) università di Genova. Atti. Vol. I.-IV. pt. 2. pl. tab. Q. Genova, 1869–83.

Rivista di patologia vegetale; sotto la direzione dei A. N. Berlese e Antonio Berlese. Vol. I.-VIII. il. pl. 0. Padova, Avellino & Firenze, 1892-1900→→→→

Società botanica italiana. Bullettino. 9 vol. O. Firenze, 1892-1900→

Published from 1888-92 with "Nuovo giornale botanico." Società dei naturalisti in Modena. Annuario. Ser. 2. Vol. I.-XV. pl. O. Modena, 1866-82.-Atti. Ser. 3. Vol. I. XVI. pl. O. Modena, 1883-98.-Ser. 4. Vol. I. pl. O. Modena, 1900→→→

Società di naturalisti in Napoli. Bollettino. Vol. I.-XIII. pl. O. Napoli, 1887-1900→→→

Società geografica italiana. Bollettino. Vol. I.-XXXVII. pl. maps. O. Firenze, 1860-1900→→→

Vol. XIII.-XXXVII. called also ser. 2-ser. 4, vol. I.

Memorie. Vol. I.-IX. il. maps. O. Roma, 1878-99→→→ Società italiana delle scienze. Memorie di matematica e di fisica. Vol. I.-XXV. pl. tab. F. Verona & Modena, 1782-1855. Ser. 2. Vol. I.-II. pl. tab. F. Modena, 1862-66. Ser. 3. Vol. I.-XI. pl. tab. F. Firenze, Napoli, etc., 1867-98. Società italiana di scienze naturali.


Atti. Vol. I.-XXXIX. (1855-1900). pl. tab. O. Milano, 1859-1900→→→→ Vol. I. published under the title: " Società geologica. Società ligustica di scienze naturali e geografiche. Atti. Vol. I.-XI. il. pl. O. Genova, 1890-1900→→→ Società toscana di scienze naturali residente in Pisa. Atti, processi verbali. Vol. I.-XI. Q. Pisa, 1878-98→→→ Società veneto-trentina di scienze naturali residente in Padova. Atti. Vol. I.-XII. (1872-91). pl. maps, tab. O. Padova, 1872-92. Ser. 2. Vol. I.-II. il. pl. O. Padova, 1893-96.

Specchio delle scienze; o, Giornale enciclopedico di Sicilia deposito letterario delle moderne cognizioni, scoperte ed osservazioni sopra le scienze ed arti. Ed. by C. S. Rafinesque-Schmaltz. Vol. I.-II. pl. O. Palermo, 1814.



Allgemeine schweizerische Gesellschaft für die gesammten Naturwissenschaften. Naturwissenschaftlicher Anzeiger. Vol. I.-V. (1817-22). pl. Q. Bern & Aarau, 1818-23.

Eröffnungsrede der 7. [& 8.] Jahresversammlung. 2 vol. D. Basel & Bern, 1821-23.

Verhandlungen. (Société helvétique des sciences naturelles. Actes.) Vol. I.-LXXXII. pl. tab. D. Basel, etc., 1821-1900→→→

With vol. XLI. (1856) title changes to: "Schweizerische naturforschende Gesellschaft. Verhandlungen." - French sub-title changes later to: "Compte rendu des travaux. (Archives des sciences physiques et naturelles.)"

sq. Q.

Denkschriften. 1 vol. 2 pts. pl. maps. sq. O. Zürich, 1829-33. - Neue Denkschriften. (Nouveaux mémoires.) Vol. I.-XXXVIII. il. pl. maps, tab. Neuchâtel & Zürich, 1837-1900→→→→ Alpina; eine Schrift der genauern Kenntniss der Alpen gewiedmet; herausgegeben von Carl Ulisses von Salis ... und Johann Rudolph Steinmüller. Vol. I.-IV. O. Winterthur, 1806-09. Neue Alpina; eine Schrift der schweizerischen Naturgeschichte, Alpen und Landwirthschaft gewiedmet; herausgegeben von Johann Rudolph Steinmüller. Vol. I.-II. O. pl. Winterthur, 1821-27.

Annalen der Botanick. Ed. by Paul Usteri. Vol. I.-II. (pt. I.-VI.) pl. D. Zürich, 1791-93. Neue Annalen

der Botanick. Ed. by P. Usteri. Pt. I.-XVIII. (VII.XXIV.). pl. D. Zürich & Leipzig, 1794-1800. Continuation of: "Magazin für die Botanik."

Association pour la protection des plantes, fondée à Genève le 29 janvier, 1883. Bulletin. No. I.-XVIII. il. pl. O. Genève, 1884–1900→→→

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Bibliothèque universelle; archives des sciences physiques et naturelles. Vol. I.-XXXVI. O. pl. Paris & Genève, 1846-57. [Vol. I.-VI. called "Supplément."]-Continued as: Bibliothèque universelle et revue suisse; archives. New per. Vol. I.-LXIV. pl. O. Genève, 1858-78. [Vol. I.-XII. have sub-title "et revue suisse et étrangère After

vol. LX. "revue suisse" is dropped.] - Continued as: Bibliothèque universelle; archives ... Per. 3. Vol. I.-XXXIV. pl. O. Genève, 1879-95. Per. 4. Vol. I.-X. pl. O. Genève, 1896-1900→→→

Botanisches Museum der Universität Zürich. Mitteilungen. Pt. I.-XI. pl. O. Genève, [189 . ?]-1900→→→

Consists of a collection of separates from the Herb. Boissier Bull. IV.VII. and Mém. Two parts of 1896 and 1897 not numbered; part of Jan., 1900, numbered X.; of March, 1900, numbered XI.; and of Oct., 1900, numbered X. The first 4 parts not seen. Bulletin botanique; ou, Collection de notices originales et d'extraits des ouvrages botaniques. Ed. by N. C. Seringe. 1 vol. (348 pp.) pl. O. Genève, 1830–[32]. Conservatoire et jardin botaniques de Genève. Annuaire. Vol. I.-IV. il. pl. Q. Genève, 1897-1900→→→ L'Herbier Boissier. Bulletin. Ed. by Eugène Autran. Vol. I.-VII. il. pl. O. Genève, 1893-99→→

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Institut national genevois. Bulletin. Vol. I.-XXXV. O. Genève, 1853-1900→

Contains only few dendrological and arboricultural articles; the memoirs contain none.

Laboratorie de botanique générale de l'université de Genève. Bulletin. Ed. by John Briquet. Vol. I.-III. pt. 1. il. pl. O. Genève, 1896-99→→→

Magazin für die Botanik. Ed. by J. J. Römer & P. Usteri. Vol. I.-IV. (pt. I.-XII.). pl. D. Zürich, 1787-90. [T-p. for each volume reads: "Botanisches Magazin."]—Continued as: Neues Magazin für die Botanik in ihrem ganzen Umfange. Ed. by J. J. Römer. Vol. I. 4 pl. D. Zürich, 1794. For another continuation by P. Usteri see: " Annalen der Botanick." Musée neuchâtelois; recueil d'histoire nationale & d'archéologie; organ de la Société d'histoire du canton de Neuchâtel. Vol. I.-XXXVII. pl. Q. Neuchâtel, 1864–1900→ Naturforschende Gesellschaft Graubündens.


New ser. Vol. I.-XLIII. (1854-1900). pl. O. Chur,


Naturforschende Gesellschaft in Basel. Bericht über die Verhandlungen. Vol. I.-X. O. Basel, 1835-52. — Verhandlungen. Vol. I.-XII. (1854-1900). il. pl. maps, tab. O. Basel, 1857-1900→→→

Naturforschende Gesellschaft in Bern. Mittheilungen, 1843– 99. pl. tab. D. & O. Bern, 1843-1900→ Naturforschende Gesellschaft in Zürich. Abhandlungen. Vol. I.-III. pl. tab. D. Zürich, 1761-66.

Vierteljahrsschrift. Vol. I.-XLV. pt. 2. il. pl. O. Zürich, 1856-1900→→→ Naturwissenschaftliche Gesellschaft in Winterthur. Mitteilungen. Ed. by Robert Keller. Vol. I.-II. (1897-99). il. pl. O. Winterthur, 1899-1900→→→ S[ank]t Gallische naturwissenschaftliche Gesellschaft. Bericht über die Thätigkeit, 1858-99. Ed. by Dr. Wartmann. pl. maps. O. St. Gallen, 1860-1900→→

Schweizer Alpenclub. Jahrbuch. Vol. I.-XXXVI. il. por. pl. maps, tab. D. & O. Bern, 1864-1900→→

Nothing appeared in 1871.—. From 1867-70, a French edition was published: Club alpin suisse. Annuaire. Vol. I.-II. O. Bern,

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Schweizerische botanische Gesellschaft. Berichte. (Société botanique Suisse. Bulletin.) Vol. I.-X. il. pl. O. Basel & Genf (vol. I.-II.) & Bern, 1891-1900→→→

Contains also: "Zürcherische botanische Gesellschaft. Jahresbericht 1-6 für 1890-99"; Jahresbericht 1-4 included in vol. II.-V.; 5 & 6 (erroneously called 5) published as separately paged appendix to vol. VII. and IX.

Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Pharmacie. Im Auftrage des schweizerischen Apothekervereins, herausgegeben von E. Ringk, Fr. Brunner & O. Dietzsch. 7 vol. O. Schaffhausen, 1856-62. Continued as: Schweizerische Wochenschrift für Pharmacie. Im Auftrage des schweizerischen

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Sprawozdanie komisyi fizyograficznej... oraz materyaly do fizyografii Galicyi — see: Sprawozdanie komisyi fizyograficznéj ..

Archiv für die naturwissenschaftliche Landesdurchforschung von Böhmen; die Arbeiten der botanischen Section. Vol. I.-III. O. Prag, 1869-77.

Archiv zemědělský. Ed. by T. B. Lambl. Vol. I.-V. O. v Praze, 1886-90.||

Beiträge zur gesammten Natur- und Heilwissenschaft. Ed. by Wilh. Rud. Weitenweber. Vol. I.-V. O. Prag, 183640. Botanisches Archiv der Gartenbaugesellschaft des österreichischen Kaiserstaates; Abbildungen und Beschreibungen neuer oder seltener Pflanzen, welche in den Gärten der Monarchie blühen. Ed. by Carl Freih. von Hügel. [1]+10 ff. 10 pl. Q. t-p-c. Wien, 1837.||

Botanisches Institut zu Graz. Mittheilungen. 6+[2]+360 pp. 9 pl. 0. Jena, 18[86]-88.

Published in 2 parts.

České akademie Císaře Františka Josefa pro vědy, slovesnost
a umění. Rozpravy mathematicko-přírodnická. Vol. I.-
IX. (1891-1900). pl. Q. Praze, 1892-1900→
Club für Naturkunde (Section des Brünner Lehrervereines).
Bericht. Vol. I.-II. O. Brünn, 1899-1900→→→
Ferdinandeum für Tirol und Voralberg. Neue Zeitschrift.
Vol. I.-XII. pl. O. Innsbruck, 1835-46.- Zeitschrift.
Ser. 3. Vol. I.-XLIV. pl. O. Innsbruck, 1853–1900→→

The first series "Beiträge" contains nothing botanical. Földrajzi közlemények. [Geographical communications.] Pub. by "Magyar földrajzi társulat" [Hungarian geographical society]. Vol. I.-IV. Q. Budapest, 1873-76→ Kaiserlich-königliche geographische Gesellschaft. Mittheilungen. Vol. I.-XLIII. il. pl. maps. Q. Wien, 18571900→


Abhandlungen. Vol. I.-II. pl. maps. Wien, 1899– Kaiserlich-königliche zoologisch-botanische Gesellschaft in Wien. Verhandlungen. Vol. I.-L. il. por. pl. maps. O. Wien, 1852-1900→→

Vol. I.-VII. published as: "Zoologisch-botanischer Verein in Wien. Verhandlungen."

Festschrift zur Feier des fünfundzwanzigjährigen Bestehens. [2]+330+[1] pp. pl. map. sq. F. Wien, 1876. K[aiserlich-]königliches] naturhistorisches Hofmuseum. Annalen. Vol. I.-XV. il. pl. Q. Wien, 1886-1900→→→ Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissenschaften. Denkschriften der mathematisch-naturwissenschaftlichen Classe. Vol. I.LXVIII. il. pl. maps. F. & sq. F. Wien, 18501900→→

Index for vol. I.-XL.

Sitzungsberichte der mathematisch-naturwissenschaftlichen Classe. Vol. I.-CIX. il. pl. maps, tab. O. & Q. Wien, 1848-1900→→→→

Indices for vol. I.-LX. issued every ten years; for later volumes every five years.

Sitzungsberichte der philosophisch-historischen Classe. Vol. I.-CXLII. pl. O. Wien, 1848-1900→→→ (Königliche) böhmische Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften (Kralovské české společnosti náuk v Praze). Abhandlungen. Vol. I.-IV. (1785-88). pl. sq. O. Prag, 178589.- Neuere Abhandlungen. [Ser. 2.] Vol. I.-III. pl. sq. O. Prag, 1791-98.- Abhandlungen. [Ser. 3.] Vol. Ì.VIII. (1802–23). pl. sq. O. Prag, 1804-24. - [Ser. 4.] Vol. I.-V. (1824-36). pl. sq. O. Prag, 1827-37. Abhandlungen (der mathematisch-naturwissenschaftlichen Classe). Ser. 5. Vol. I.-XIV. (1837-66). pl. sq. Q. Prag, 1841-66. Ser. 6. Vol. I.-XII. (1867-84). pl. sq. Q. Prag, 1868–85. - Ser. 7. Vol. I.-IV. (1885-91). pl. sq. Q. Prag, 1886–92.

Sitzungsberichte, 1859-99. pl. O. & Q. Prag, 1859–


Kosmos. Czasopismo Polskiego towarzystwa "Kopernika." Red. B. Radziszewski. Vol. I.-XXV. O. Lwów, 18761900→

Lotos; Zeitschrift für Natur-Wissenschaften, herausgegeben vom Naturhistorischen Vereine "Lotos" in Prag. Vol. I.– XXVIII. il. pl. O. Prag, 1851-78. [From vol. XXVI. title reads: Jahresbericht des natur-historischen Vereines "Lotos."]Continued as: Lotos; Jahrbuch für Naturwissenschaft. Vol. I.-XV. il. pl. O. Prag, etc., 1880-95. Continued as: Deutscher naturwissenschaftlich-medicinischer Verein für Böhmen "Lotos" in Prag. berichte. Vol. XVI.-XX. il. pl. O. Prag, 1896-1900→→ Magyar növénytani lapok. [Hungarian botanical leaflets.] Ed. by A. Kanitz. Vol. I.-XIII. pl. O. Kolozsvár, 1877-1890.||


Magyar orvosok és természetvizsgálók nagygyülése. [Assembly of Hungarian physicians and naturalists.] Munkátok. [Transactions.] Vol. I.-XXIX. F. & O. Budapest, 1840-1900

Évkönyve. [Annals.] Vol. XXV. Budapest, 1891. Magyar tudományos akadémia. [Hungarian academy of sciences.] Mathematikai és természettudományi értesitő. [Mathematical and natural science reports.] Vol. I.-XVIII. il. pl. O. Budapest, 1882-1900→→→

Mathematikai és természettudományi közlemények. [Mathematical and natural science communications.] Vol. I.-XXVI. pl. O. Budapest, 1861-1900→→→

Mathematische und naturwissenschaftliche Berichte aus Ungarn; mit Unterstützung der ungarischen Akademie der Wissenschaften und der königlich ungarischen naturwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft, herausgegeben von R. Eötvös... redigirt von J. Fröhlich (I.-XIII.) & August Heller. Vol. I.-XVI. (1882–98). il. pl. map, tab. O. Berlin & Budapest, [1883]-99→

Contains besides original papers, German abstracts and reviews of Hungarian publications. Naturforschender Verein in Brünn. Verhandlungen. Vol. I.-XXXVIII. (1862-99). il. pl. maps, tab. O. & Q. Brünn, 1863-1900→→→ Naturhistorisches Ladnes-Museum von Kärnten. Jahrbuch. Vol. I.-XXVI. pl. O. Klagenfurt, 1852–1900→→ Naturwissenschaftlich-medizinischer Verein in Innsbruck. Berichte. Vol. I.-XXIV. pl. O. Innsbruck, 1870-99→ Contains chiefly medical papers.

Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein an der k. k. technischen Hochschule in Wien. Berichte. Vol. I.-V. pl. O. Wien, 1877-82.||

Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein an der Universität Wien. Mittheilungen. Vol. I.-IV. il. pl. O. Wien, 1883-96→→ Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein für Steiermark. Mittheilungen. 30 vol. (36 pts.) pl. O. Graz, 1863-1900→

Vol. I. consists of 5 and vol. II. of 3 parts; the following parts are called Jahrgang and form one volume each.

Oesterreichischer Touristen-Club. Mittheilungen der Section für Naturkunde. Vol. I.-XII. il. map. Q. Wien, 1889-1900→→→

Oesterreichisches botanisches Wochenblatt; gemeinnütziges Organ für Botanik und Botaniker . . . Ed. by A. Skofitz. Vol. I.-VII. O. Wien, 1851-57.- Continued as: Oesterreichische botanische Zeitschrift; gemeinnütziges Organ für Botanik und Botaniker, Gärtner etc. Ed. by Alex. Skofitz (VIII.-XXXVIII.) & R. R. von Wettstein. Vol. VIII.-L. il. por. pl. O. Wien, 1858-1900→ Pharmaceutische Post; Zeitschrift für die Gesammtinteressen der Pharmacie. Herausgegeben und redigirt von Alois Phil. Hellmann. Vol. I.-XXVIII. O. Wien, 1868-95→ Rad jugoslavenske akademije. [Council of the South Slavic academy.] Znanosti i umjetnosti. [Knowledge and science.] Vol. I.-CXLIV. pl. O. v Zagrebu, 1867-1900→→→ Siebenbürgischer Karpathen-Verein. Jahrbuch. Vol. I.XX. pl. maps. O. Hermanstadt, 1881-1900→→→ Siebenbürgischer Verein für Naturwissenschaften zu Hermannstadt. Verhandlungen und Mittheilungen. Vol. I.L. pl. O. Hermannstadt, 1850-1900→→ Società adriatica di scienze naturali in Trieste. Bollettino. Vol. I.-VIII. O. Trieste, 1875-83. Sprawozdanie komisyi fizyograficznéj . obejmujące pogląd na czynności dokonane .. oraz materyały do fizyografii Galicyi. [Report of the physiographical commission, embracing review of accomplishments together with materials on Galician physiography.] Vol. I.-XXXVI. pl. maps. O. Krakowie, 1867-1900→→


Természetrajzi füzetek. [Natural history leaflets.] Ed. by O. Herman, S. Schmidt & S. Mocsáry. Vol. I.-XXIII. pl. Q. Budapest, 1877-1900→→

Természettudományi füzetek. [Leaflets of natural sciences.] Pub. by Délmagyarországi természettudományi társulat. [South Hungarian society of natural sciences.] Vol. I.XXIV. O. Temesvár, 1876–1900→→

Természettudományi közlöny. [Journal of natural sciences.] Pub. by (Kir) Magyar természettudományi társulat. [(Royal) Hungarian natural history society.] Vol. I.-XXXII. 0. Budapest, 1869-1900→→→

Pótfüzetek. [Supplements.] Vol. I.-XII. Q. Budapest, 1888-1900→→→

Verein für Naturkunde zu Presburg. Verhandlungen. Vol. I-IX. pl. map, tab. O. Presburg, 1856-70. [Vol. VI.VII. under the title: Correspondenzblatt, vol. I.-II.] — Continued as: Verein für Natur- und Heilkunde zu Presburg. Verhandlungen. Vol. X.-XX. (New ser. Vol. I.-XI.) (1869-99). il. O. Presburg, 1871-1900→

T-p. and contents in German & Hungarian; articles in either language. Wiener Museum der Naturgeschichte. Annalen. Vol. I.II. pl. sq. Q. Wien, 1836 [1835]-40.|| Wissenschaftliche Mittheilungen aus Bosnien und der Herzegovina; herausgegeben vom Bosnisch-herzegovinischen Landesmuseum in Sarajevo. Conducted by Dr. Moriz Hoernes. Vol. I.-VII. il. pl. Q. Wien, 1893-1900→

Wszechświat. [The World.] Vol. I.-XIX. il. Warschau, 1882-1900→→

Zeitschrift für Natur- und Heilkunde in Ungarn, mit gleicher Berücksichtigung für Naturforscher, Sanitätsbeamte, Aerzte, Wundärzte und Pharmaceuten. Herausgegeben von Dav. Wachtel. 12 vol. Q. Budapest, 1850-61.||

Živa; časopis přírodnický. [Life; a natural history journal.] Ed. by J. Purkyně & J. Krejči. . Vol. I.-XIV. il. Q. v Praze, 1853-68. - Ed. by B. Rayman & F. Mares. Ser. 2. Vol. I.-IX. il. Q. Prag, 1891-99→

[blocks in formation]

Botanical magazine. Ed. by Tokyo botanical society. Vol. I.-XIV. il. pl. O. Tokyo, 1887?–1900→

Vol. I.-III. and no. 35-42 of vol. IV. have no English index and contain no English articles.

China review; or, Notes and queries on the far east, published every two months. Vol. I.-XXIV. (1872-1900). il. O. Hongkong, 1873-1900→→→→

Chinese repository. Ed. by E. C. Bridgeman & S. W. Williams. Vol. I.-XX. O. Canton, 1833-51.

College of agriculture, Imperial university (of Japan). Bulletin. Vol. I.-IV. no. 3. il. pl. tab. O. Tokyo, [1887] '93-1900→→

Vol. I. no. 1-8 has the title: "Imperial college of agriculture and dendrology, Komaba, Tokio, Japan. Bulletin.'

College of science, imperial university, Japan. Journal. Vol. I.-XIII. pt. 3. il. pl. maps, tab. Q. Tōkyō.


Title of vol. IX.-XIII. reads: "Imp. university of Tokyo, Japan." Deutsche Gesellschaft für Natur- und Völkerkunde Ostasiens. Mittheilungen. Vol. I.-VIII. pt. 2. pl. maps. F. Yokohama & Tokio, 1873-1900→→

Vol. IV. has 6 supplements; vol. V. and VII. have each 2 supplements. Notes and queries on China and Japan; a monthly medium of intercommunication for professional and literary men, missionaries and residents in the East generally. 4 vol. il. pl. O. Hong-Kong, 1867–70.

Royal Asiatic society, North China branch. Journal. Vol. I-II. il. pl. map. O. Shanghai, 1858-60. [No. 1 of vol. I. called: "Shanghai literary and scientific society; journal."]- New ser. Vol. I.-XXXIII. (1864-1900). il. pl. maps. O. Shanghai, 1865-1900→→

b. BRITISH INDIA Anthropological society of Bombay. Journal. Vol. I.-V. no. 4. pl. maps. O. Bombay, 1886-1900→→→ Asiatic society of Bengal. Asiatick researches; or, Transactions of the Society instituted in Bengal for enquiring into the history and antiquities, the arts, sciences and literature of Asia. Vol. I.-XX. pl. maps, tab. sq. Q. Calcutta,


Index for vol. I.-XVIII.

Journal. Vol. I.-LXIX. pt. 2, no. 3. pl. maps, tab. O. Calcutta, 1832-1900Index for vol. I.-XXIII.

Proceedings, 1865-99. pl. O. Calcutta, 1866-1900→→ Bombay geographical society. Transactions. Vol. I.-XIX. (1836-73). pl. maps. O. Bombay, 1844-74. Published first under the title "proceedings," afterwards as "proceedings" in the text, but "journal" on the cover, finally as 64 transactions." -The proceedings from 1836-38 were reissued in 1844 under the title "transactions."-In 1873 the society was merged in the Bombay branch of the Royal Asiatic society.

Bombay natural history society. Journal. Ed. by R. A. Sterndale and others. Vol. I.-XIII. no. 2. pl. 0. Bombay, 1886-1900→→→

Botanical survey of India. Records. Ed. by G. King. Vol. I. pt. 1-12. O. Calcutta, 1893-99→

Calcutta journal of natural history and miscellany of the arts and sciences in India. Ed. by John M'Clelland & others. Vol. I.-VIII. pl. O. Calcutta, [1840]-47.|| Indian medical gazette; a monthly record of medicine, surgery, obstetrics, jurisprudence, and the collateral sciences, and of general medical intelligence, Indian and European. Vol. I. il. pl. Q. Calcutta, 1866→ Journal of literature and science; published under the auspices of the Madras literary society and Auxiliary of the Royal Asiatic society. Vol. I. (1833-34). pl. maps. D. Madras, 1834. Continued as: Madras Journal of literature and science Ed. by J. C. Morris. Vol. II.-[XXIII.] pl. maps. D. Madras, 1835-66. [Vol. XVII-XXII. also called: New ser. Vol. I.-VI.; and vol. [XXIII.] called: Ser. 3. Vol. I. Nothing published from 1866 to 1877.] — 2 vol. (1878-79). pl. D. Madras, 1879-80. Medical and physical society. Transactions. Vol. I.-IX. O. Calcutta, 1825-45.||


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Royal botanic garden, Calcutta. Annals. Vol. I.-VIII. pl. F. Calcutta, 1887-98→→

Royal botanic gardens, Ceylon. Circular. Ed. by J. C. Willis. Ser. 1, nos. I.-XX. O. Colombo (Ceylon), 18971900

Scientific memoirs by medical officers of the army of India.
Vol. I.-XI. pl. sq. Q. Calcutta, 1884-98→
Simla naturalist's society. Journal. Vol. I. pt. 1-2. (43+
81 pp.) il. t-p-c. [Simla], 1885-86.

c. MALAY PENINSULA AND ARCHIPELAGO Bataviaasch genootschap van kunsten en wetenschappen. Verhandelingen. Vol. I.-LI. pl. O. & sq. Q. Batavia, [1779]-1900→→→

Vol. I.-IV. reprinted in 1781-86, and some of the earlier volumes again reprinted in 1825-27.- Vol. VII-VIII. (1814-1816) have also English title: "Batavian society of arts and sciences. Transactions." For German translation see: "Gesellschaft der Künste und Wissenschaften in Batavia."

Geneeskundig tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch Indië. Vol. I.XXXI. O. Batavia, 1855-91→→→

Icones Bogorienses; jardin botanique de Buitenzorg. Ed. by [Melchior] Treub & J. G. Boerlage. Vol. I. pt. 1-3. 75 pl. Q. Leide, 1897-99→→→

Institut botanique de Buitenzorg; ('s Lands plantentuin). Bulletin. No. 1-7. il. maps. Q. Buitenzorg, 1898


Jardin botanique de Buitenzorg. Annales. Ed. by R. H. C. C. Scheffer (vol. I.) and Melchior Treub. Vol. I.-XVII. il. pl. Q. Batavia & Leide, 1876-1900→→

Supplements I.-II. il. pl. Q. Leide, 1897-98. Index to vol. I.-XV. and supplements. 12 pp. Q. Leide, 1899.

Journal of the Indian Archipelago and eastern Asia. [Ed. by
J. R. Logan.] 9 vol. pl. maps. O. Singapore, 1847-55.
New ser. 4 vol. O. Singapore, 1856–63.

's Lands Plantentuin [Buitenzorg]. Mededeelingen. Vol.
I.-XLII. pl. Q. Batavia, 1884-1900→→→
Malayan miscellanies. 2 vol. O. Bencoolen, 1820-22.
Consists of 28 papers separately paged.

Natuur- en geneeskundig archief voor Neerland's Indië. Ed.
by P. J. Godefroy, M. J. E. Müller, P. A. Fromm & P.
Bleeker. Vol. I.-IV. O. Batavia, 1844-47.
Natuurkundige tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch-Indië. Vol. I.-
LIX. pl. O. Batavia, 1850-1900→

Vol. IV.-LIX. called also: Ser. 2, vol. 1.-ser. 10, vol. III. Natuurkundige vereeniging in Nederlandsch-Indië. Verhandelingen. (Societas scientiarum Indo-neerlandica. Acta.) Vol. I.-VII. pl. sq. Q. Batavia, 1856–60.

Tijdschrift voor Indische taal-, land- en volkenkunde; uitgegeven door het Bataviaasch genootschap van kunsten en wetenschappen. Vol. I.-III. O. Batavia, 1853–55. — New ser. Vol. IV.-VI. O. Batavia, 1855-57.-Ser. 3. Vol. VII-IX. O. Batavia, 1858-60.-Ser. 4. Vol. X.-XIV. O. Batavia, 1861-65.-Ser. 5. Vol. XV.-XVI. O. Batavia, 1865-67.-Ser. 6. Vol. XVII.-XX. O. Batavia, 1867-71.

Ser. 7. Vol. XXI.-XXXVIII. O. Batavia, 1871-95. Tijdschrift voor Neerland's Indië. Uitgegeven door W. R. van Hoëvell. 55 vol. O. Batavia, Groningen, Zalt-Bommel, 1838-62. Ser. 2. 8 vol. O. Zalt-Bommel, 1863–66. · Ser. 3. 10 vol. O. Zalt-Bommel, 1867-71.-Ser. 4. 10 vol. 0. Zalt-Bommel, 1872-76.- [Ser. 5.] 40 vol. 0. Zalt-Bommel, Nijmwegen & Haag, 1877-1900→→→→

Two volumes each year; 4 vol. in 1844-47; from 1893 one volume each year. d. MAURITIUS

Royal society of arts and sciences of Mauritius. Transactions. Vol. I.-II. O. Mauritius, 1848-52. New ser. Vol. I.-XI. O. Mauritius, 1857-83.- Continued as: Société royale des arts et des sciences de Maurice. Transactions. Vol. XII.-XX. O. Maurice, 1883-89. Société d'histoire naturelle de l'île Maurice. Rapport annuel sur les travaux. Vol. I.-XIII. O. & Q. Maurice, 183043. [Vol. XII.-XIII. paged continuously.]- Procès-verbaux 1842-45. 1 vol. (206 pp.) Q. Maurice, 1846. The Procès-verbaux 1831-33 consist of single leaves (F.) and contain nothing of importance.

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6. AFRICA AND MADAGASCAR Antananarivo annual and Madagascar magazine, a record of information on the topography and natural productions of Madagascar, and the customs, traditions, language, and religious beliefs of its people. Vol. I.-IV. (1875-92). pl. maps. O. Antananarivo, 1878-92.

Vol. I. (1875-78) was reprinted in 1885. Cape monthly magazine. New ser. Ed. by Prof. Noble Vol. I.-XIII. pl. maps. O. Cape Town, 1870–76. Durban botanic society. Report on Natal botanic gardens for... 1885-[99]. 15 vol. O. Durban, 1886-1900→→→ Contains many notes on the plants cultivated. Title after" report slightly varying. Institut égyptien. Mémoires. Vol. I.-III. pl. sq. Q. Le Caire, 1862-1900→→


Bulletin. No. 1-ser. 3, no. 10 (1899). pl. O. Alexandrie, 1859-1900→→→

Société de climatologie, sciences physiques & naturelles de l'Algérie. Bulletin. Vol. I.-VII. O. n-t-p. [Alger, 186870.] [From vol. V." Algérienne " is inserted after "Société" and de l'Algérie " is omitted.]—Continued as: Société des sciences physiques, naturelles et climatologique de l'Algérie. Bulletin. Vol. XXV. O. n-t-p. Alger, 1888.


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Australasian association for the advancement of science. Reports of... meetings. Vol. I.-VII. (1888-98). pl. maps, tab. O. Sydney, [1889]-98→

Australasian medical gazette, being the official organ of the combined Australasian branches of the British medical association. Vol. I.-XIX. il. sq. Q. & O. Sydney, 18821900→→

Linnean society of New South Wales. Proceedings. Vol. I.-XXV. pt. 3. (1875-1900). il. pl. maps. O. Sydney, 1877-1900

Vol. (XI.-XX.] (1886–95) called: Ser. 2, vol. I.-X. New Zealand institute. Transactions and proceedings. Ed. by James Hector. Vol. I.-XXXII. il. por. pl. maps, tab. O. Wellington, 1869-1900→

Philosophical society of Adelaide, South Australia. Transactions and proceedings and report. __ Vol. [I.-II.] pl. O. Adelaide, 1878-79. — Continued as: Royal society of South Australia. Transactions and proceedings and report. Vol. III-XXIV. pl. maps. O. Adelaide, 1880-1900→ Philosophical society of New South Wales. Transactions. 1 vol. (1862–65). Ó. Sydney, 1866.—Continued as: Royal society of New South Wales. Transactions. Vol. I.-ÏX. (1867-75). il. pl. maps. O. Sydney, [1867]-76.- Journal and proceedings. Vol. X.-XXXIV. (1876-1900). il. pl. maps. O. Sydney, 1877-1900→→→

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