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Adaptation to mechanical outside forces, 236.
Adaptations, protective, 235, 529.

Admiralty Islands, see Bismarck Archipelago, 499.

Aerial roots, growth, 188, 526.

Afghanistan, phytography, 477.

Africa, bibliography, 4.

botanic gardens, 68, 522.

history, 81, 523.

periodicals, 29.

phytography, 482, 536.

reproductive interrelations, 240.

vernacular names, 76.

Age of trees, 193, 527.

Alabama, see Southeastern United States.

Alaska, phytography, 311, 531.

Aldabra Islands, see Mascarene and Seychelle Islands, 481.

Aleutian Islands, phytography, 311.

Algeria, botanic gardens, see North Africa, 68, 522.

periodicals, see Africa, 29.

phytography, see Mediterranean States, 483.
vernacular names, see Africa, 76.

Alpine regions, ecology, 219.

Alps, see Switzerland.

America, see Central America, North America, and South America.

Analysis (chemical), methods, 156, 526.

Anatomy, see Morphology and anatomy, 97, 524.
Anatomy of wood, see Structure of wood, 124, 524.

Ancient literature, plants in, 514.

Andrœcium, 116, 524.

Angola, bibliography, see Africa, 4.

phytography, 491.

Animals, interrelations with, 234.

Annam, phytography, 469.

Annual rings, 127, 525.

Anomalous structure of wood, 126, 525.

Antarctic Islands, phytography, 510.

see also Indian Ocean Islands, 481, New Zealand, 506,

and Tierra del Fuego, 347.

Anthocyan, see Chlorophyll, 140, 525, and Leaves, particularly

their autumnal coloration, 185, 526.

Antilles, see West Indian Islands.

Ants, see Myrmecophilism, 235.

Appendages, 112.

Arabia, history, see Asia, 81.

phytography, 480, 536.

vernacular names, see Western Asia, 76.

Arboretums, 38, 521.

Arctic zone, ecology, 219.

Argentine, bibliography, see South America, 3, 519.

periodicals, see South America, 7, 519.

phytography, 344.

Arizona, see Western United States.

Arkansas, see Western United States.

Arrest of growth, 191, 527.

Artificial selection, see Evolution of cultivated plants, 243, 529.

Artistic aspect of trees, see Esthetic botany, 516, 536.

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Auckland Islands, see New Zealand, 506. Australasia, botanic gardens, 69, 522.

galls, see Australia, 216.

history, see Australia, 82.

individual noteworthy trees, 298.

periodicals, 29, 520.

phenology, 228.

phytography, 498, 536.

reproductive interrelations, 240.

Australia, galls, 216.

history, 82.

phytography, 499, 536.

see also Australasia.

Austria-Hungary, bibliography, 4, 519.

botanic gardens, 65, 522.

galls, 216.

history, 81, 523.

individual noteworthy trees, 298.

periodicals, 27, 520.

phenology, 227, 528.

phytography, 438, 535.

vernacular names, 75.

Autumnal coloration, 185, 526.

Auxiliary and miscellaneous publications, 1.

Azores, phytography, 496, 536.

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Botanical names, see Etymology, 76, see Nomenclators, 76, and Nomenclature, 253, 529.

terms, see Terminology, 69, 522.

Bracts, 111.

Branches, casting off of, 192.

Branching, see Ramification, 106, 524.

Brazil, botanic gardens, see South America, 39.

periodicals, see South America, 7, 519.

phytography, 340, 531.

vernacular names, see South America, 72.

British India, botanic gardens, 66, 522.

history, see Asia, 81.

individual noteworthy trees, see Asia, 298. periodicals, 28.

phytography, 470.

vernacular names, 75.

British Islands, bibliography, 3.

botanic gardens, 51, 521.

galls, 215.

history, 80.

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Calcium oxalate, see Crystals, 138, 525.
California, see Western United States.
Calyx, see Perianth, 115.
Cambium, 128, 525.

Campbell Islands, see New Zealand, 506.

Canada, botanic gardens, 38.

history, see North America, 80.
periodicals, 4.

(East), phytography, 309, 531.
(West), phytography, 311.

Canary Islands, botanic gardens, 69.
phytography, 496.

Cape Colony, see South Africa.

Cape Verde Islands, phytography, 496.
Caroline Islands, phytography, 510.
Casting off of branches, 192.
Caucasus, phytography, 368, 531.

see also Russia.

Cell wall, 137, 525.

Central America, bibliography, 3, 519.

botanic gardens, 39.

history, 80.

individual noteworthy trees, 295.

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Central American Republics, history, see Central America, 80.

periodicals, see Central America, 7.

phytography, 333.

Central Asiatic Russia, phytography, 456.

Ceylon, phytography, 476.

see also British India.

Chatham Islands, see New Zealand, 506.

Chemistry, physiological, 150, 525.

Chile, botanic gardens, see South America, 39.

galls, see South America, 214.

individual noteworthy trees, see America, 295. periodicals, see South America, 7. phytography, 345.

reproductive interrelations, see America, 239. vernacular names, see South America, 72, 522.

China, bibliography, see Asia, 4.

botanic gardens, 66.

history, see Asia, 81.

individual noteworthy trees, see Asia, 298. periodicals, 28.

phytography, 457, 536.

vernacular names, 75.

Chlorophyll, 140, 525.

Classification, 250, 529.

Climbing plants, ecology, 236, 529.

Cochin-China, botanic gardens, 66.

phytography, see French Indochina, 469.

Collections, general, 35, 520.

of wood, 37.

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Friendly Islands, phytography, 510.

Frost, effects, 211.

Fruits, metabolic processes, 178.

morphology and anatomy, 118.
teratology, 145, 525.

Galapagos Islands, phytography, 510.
Galls, 213, 528.

Gases, absorption, 160.

conduction, 162, 526.

General botany, popular works, 93, 524.

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botanic gardens, 50, 521.

History, 79, 523.

Holland, bibliography, 3.

history, 80, 523.

periodicals, 15, 520.

individual noteworthy trees,

phenology, 226.

phytography, 390, 532.


reproductive interrelations, see Europe, 239. vernacular names,

Honey-dew, 213.


Hongkong, botanic gardens, see China and Japan, 66.

history, see Asia, 81.

phytography, 460.

periodicals, see China and Japan, 28.

Humidity, 232.

Hungary, phytography, 444, 536.

see also Austria-Hungary.

Hybridism, 245, 529.

Hybridization, variation by, see Hybridism, 245, 529.

see also Reproductive interrelations, 236.

Hybrids, graft, 246.

phytography, 271.

Hydathodes, see Stomata, 131, 525.

Hydrotropism, see Movements and irritability, 193, 527. Hypertrophism, 213, 528.

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- periodicals, 24.

phenology, 226.

phytography, 419, 535.

reproductive interrelations, see Europe, 239.

- vernacular names, 74.

Iceland, see Scandinavia.

Idaho, see Western United States.

Illinois, see Northeastern United States.

Illustrating, 37, 521.

Increase of wood and bark, 189, 527.

India, see British India.

Indian Ocean Islands, botanic gardens, 68.

periodicals, see Mauritius, 29.

phytography, 481, 536.

Indiana, see Northeastern United States.

Indices of botanical names, 76.

Individual noteworthy trees, 295, 531.

Indochina, botanic gardens, see Cochinchina, 66. phytography, see French Indochina, 469.

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morphology and anatomy, 109.
teratology, 144.

Lenticels, 132, 525.

Liberia, see West Africa.

Light, ecology, 229.

Liquids, see Fluids.

Literature, plants in, 514.

Longevity of trees, see Age, 193, 527.

Lord Howe Island, phytography, 508.
Louisiana, see Southeastern United States.
Low Archipelago, phytography, 510.
Loyalty Islands, phytography, 508.

Luxemburg, individual noteworthy trees, 296. periodicals, 15.

phytography, 391, 532.
vernacular names, 73.

Macquarie Islands, see New Zealand, 506. Madagascar, periodicals, 29.

phytography, 497.

reproductive interrelations, see Africa, 240. Madeira, phenology, see Atlantic Islands, 228. phytography, 497.

vernacular names, see Atlantic Islands, 76. Magellan territory, phytography, 347. Magnetism, 230, 529.

Maine, see Northeastern United States.
Malay Archipelago, botanic gardens, 67.
individual noteworthy trees, 298.
periodicals, 29.

phytography, 464, 536.
vernacular names, 76.

Malay Peninsula, botanic gardens, 67.
periodicals, 29.

phytography, 464, 536.

Malta, see Mediterranean Islands.

Manchuria, see East Siberia.

Manuals, see Textbooks.

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Nanism, 236.

Natural grafting, 209, 528.

Natural selection, see Evolution, 243, 529.

Nebraska, see Western United States.

Nectaries, morphology and anatomy, 118.

ecology, see Reproductive interrelations, 236, 529. Netherlands, see Holland.

Nevada, see Western United States.
New Caledonia, phytography, 508.
Newfoundland, see Canada.

New Guinea, phytography, 499, 536.

New Hampshire, see Northeastern United States.
New Hebrides, phytography, 508.

New Jersey, see Northeastern United States.
New Mexico, see Western United States.
New South Wales, see Australia.

New York, see Northeastern United States.
New Zealand, botanic gardens, see Australasia, 69.
periodicals, see Australasia, 29, 520.
phytography, 506, 536.

reproductive interrelations, see Australasia, 240. Nicaragua, see Central American Republics.

Nile Valley, see Northeast Africa.

Nomenclators, 76.

Nomenclature, 253, 529.

Norfolk Island, phytography, 508.

North Africa, botanic gardens, 68, 522.

history, see Africa, 81, 523.

periodicals, see Africa, 29.

phytography, see Mediterranean States, 483, Northeast

Africa, 486, and East Africa, 492, 536.

vernacular names, see Africa, 76.

North America, bibliography, 3.

botanic gardens, 38, 521.

galls, 214.

history, 80.

individual noteworthy trees, 295.

periodicals, 4, 519.

- phenology, 222, 528.

phytography, 304, 530.

reproductive interrelations, 239.

vernacular names, 72.

North Carolina, see Southeastern United States.

North Dakota, see Western United States.

Northeast Africa, phytography, 486.

see also Africa.

Northeastern United States, phytography, 312, 531.

see also United States.

Norway, periodicals, 8.

see also Scandinavia.

Noteworthy trees, 295, 531.

Nucleus, see Cytology, 136, 525.

Nutation, see Movements and irritablility, 193, 527.

Nutrition, 150, 157, 525, 526.

Nutritive adaptations, 228, 529.

Nyctitropic movements, 197.

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