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Candolle, A. P. de. Catalogue des arbres fruitiers et des vignes du Jardin botanique de Genève. 6+42 pp. Genève & Paris, [1820].

Candolle, [A. P.] de & Alph[onse] de. Rapport sur les plantes rares ou nouvelles qui ont fleuri dans le Jardin de botanique de Genève pendant les années 1819, 1820 et 1821-23. (Soc. Phys. Hist. Nat. Genève Mém. I. 431-463; II. pt. 2, pp. 125– 143. 1821-24.) -Troisième [dixième] notice sur les plantes rares qui ont fleuri dans le Jardin botanique de Genève. (Soc. Phys. Hist. Nat. Genève Mém. IV. 487–518; V. 139–176, 5 pl.; VI. 209-236, 583-606, 8 pl.; VII. 265–319, 8 pl.; IX. 75–105, 3 pl.; XI. 67–84, 425-450, 4 pl. 1828–48.) - - Reprinted under the title: Notices sur les plantes rares cultivées dans le Jardin botanique de Genève. 10 pts. 28 pl. sq. Q. Genève, 1823-47.

A. P. de Candolle is sole author of pt. 1-4 and Alph. de Candolle is sole author of pt. 9-10.

Jardin botanique de Genève. Catalogue des graines recueillies. . . 1826-1900. Ed. by Reuter (1865-67). sq. Q. n. t-p. [Genève, 1826]-1900→→

Numbers for 1852-57, '61, '65-67 with annotations. [Brunner, Samuel.] Bericht über die in der Engepromenade bei Bern befindliche Sammlung von Bäumen und Sträuchern, welche bei uns im Freien ausdauern. 32 pp. 1 pl. O. Bern, 1828.

Candolle, [A. P.] de. Note sur quelques plantes observées en fleurs au mois de janvier 1828, dans la serre de M. Saladin à Pregny. (Soc. Phys. Hist. Nat. Genève Mém. IV. 85–90. 1828.) — Reprinted: 8 pp. Q. Genève, 1828. Dufour. Catalogue général de sa pépinière. à Montbrillant près Genève. 36+4 pp. O. Genève, 1828.† Dailledouze, J. P. & Jacques, frères. Catalogue des arbres, arbrisseaux, arbustes et plantes de pleine terre cultivées dans les pépinières au Petit Sacconex près Genève. 40 pp. O. Genève, 1828.† — [Another ed.] 52 pp. O. Genève, 1831.† Candolle, A. P. de. Plantes rares du Jardin de Genève. 92 pp. 24 pl. F. Genève, 1829.

Hortus botanicus turicensis. Index seminum


1900. Ed. by O. Heer & Eduard Regel (1850-53). F. n. t-p. [Turicini, 1829]-1900→→

Numbers for 1842, '46-48, '50, '53 with annotations. Candolle, Alphonse de. Notice sur le Jardin botanique de Genève. 27 pp. O. Genève, 1845.†

Heer, [Oswald] & Regel, Ed[uard]. Index seminum Horti botanici turicensis. (Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. ser. 3, XIV. 345– 346; ser. 4, I. 332. 1850-54.) From: Hort. Bot. Turic. Ind. Sem.

Regel], Eduard]. Bemerkungen über neue Pflanzen, die im hiesigen Botanischen Garten cultivirt werden. (Gartenfl. I. 134-135, 166-167, 229-230, 261; II. 275-276, 356-358; III. 245-250. 1852-54.)

Varying title.

Einige neue Pflanzenarten des botanischen Gartens zu Zürich. (Flora, XXXV. 177-178, 417-418. 1852.) Heer, Oswald. Der botanische Garten zu Zürich. 23 pp. 1 pl. Q. Zürich, 1853.†

Fischer, Ludwig. Der botanische Garten in Bern. O. Bern, 1866.†

[Neubert, Wilhelm.] Neuheiten des Establissements Froebel & Comp. in Neumünster-Zürich. (Deutsch. Mag. Gart. Blumenk. 1877, pp. 341-342.)

Four new woody plants.

Autran, Eugène & Durand, Théophile. Hortus Boissierianus; énumération des plantes cultivées en 1885 à Valleyres (Vaud) et à la Pierrière (Chambésy près Genève) préface de F. Crépin. 11+572 pp. 3 pl. por. O. Genève, 1896.

Liste des Conifères cultivés dans le parc de la Pierreière, à Chambésy. [2]+16 pp. O. t-p-c. Lausanne, 1896.-Reprinted from their: Hortus Boissierianus. 1896. Micheli, Marc. Le jardin du Crest; notes sur les végétaux cultivés en plein air au Chateau du Crest près Genève. [8]+ 229 pp. 8 pl. map. Q. Genève, 1896.

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Lippai, János. Posoni kert. 2 vol. (148+224 pp.) Q. Nagy-Szombatban [Tyrnaviae], 1664.† - - Vol. III. 302 pp.

4 pl. Q. Béczben [Viennae], 1667.† Jacquin, N. J. Hortus botanicus vindobonensis; seu, Plantarum rariorum quae in Horto botanico vindobonensi coluntur. 3 vol. 301 pl. F. Vindobonae, 1770–76. Vol. I. and II. paged continuously.

Stoerck, Anton. Instituta Facultatis medicae vindobonensis. 59 pp. 1 pl. O. Vindobonae, 1775. Ranfftl, F. A. Catalogus horti botanici in Universitate salisburgensi pro anno 178.. a Francisco Antonio Ranfftl erectus. 28 pp. [Salisburgi, 178.?] - Supplementum Horti botanici salisburgensis pro anno 1786. 16 pp. O. [1786.] [Winterl, J. J.] Index horti botanici Universitatis hungaricae quae Pestini est. [6+118] pp. 10 pl. O. [Pest], 1788. Stumph, Georg. Die nordamerikanischen Bäume in der böhmischen Landwirthschaft, besonders im Schlossgarten zu Lahna. (Böhm. Ges. Wiss. Abh. [ser. 2], I. 97-104. 1791.) Jacquin, N. J. Baron von. Plantarum rariorum Horti caesarei schoenbrunnensis descriptiones et icones. 4 vol. 500 pl. F. Viennae, 1797-1804. -[Extract.] (Ann. Bot. Viviani, II. 45-60. 1804.)

[Nowodworsky, Johann.] Elenchus plantarum, quae in horto illustrissimi comitis Josephi Malabaila de Canal studio et diligentia coluntur ac in herbario vivo asservantur. 10+70 pp. O. Pragae, 1804.† Mauchart, B. D. Schönbrunn's botanischer Reichthum. 4+ 461 pp. D. Wien, 1805.

For supplement see: Schmitt, J. R. Nachlese... 1808. Schultes, J. A. Catalogus plantarum horti botanici C. r. universit. Cracoviae. 46 pp. D. Cracoviae, 1806.†- [Another ed.] 47 pp. D. Cracoviae, 1807.† - [Another ed.] 82 pp.

D. Cracoviae, 1808.†

Schmitt, J. R. Nachlese zu Schönbrunns botanischem Reichtum [von B. D. Mauchart]. 72 pp. S. Wien, 1808. [Kitaibel, Paul.] Plantae Horti botanici pesthiensis. 1809. 25 pp. D. n. t-p. [Pesth, 1809.]

Pohl, J. E. Des Freiherrn von Hochberg botanischer Garten zu Hlubosch, 1812. [14]+58 pp. D. Prag, [pref. 1811]. [Kitaibel, Paul.] Plantae horti botanici Regiae universitatis hung. 1812. 26 pp. D. n. t-p. [Pesth, 1812.] Boos, Joseph. Schönbrunn's Flora; oder, Systematisch geordnetes Verzeichniss der im Kais. königl. holländisch-botanischen Hofgarten zu Schönnbrunn cultivirten Gewächse. 10+393+[5] pp. S. Wien, 1816.

Hortus botanicus Universitatis vindebonensis. Delectus seminum ... 1820-1900. Ed. by Ed. Fenzl (1854-68) & R. v. Wettstein (1899). sq. Q. n. t-p. [Vindobonae, 1820]1900→

Numbers for 1850, '52-54, '58, '67-68. '71-73 with annotations.-Later the title changes to: " Botanischer Garten der K. k. Universität in Wien. Verzeichnis von Sämereien."

Tausch, I. F. Index plantarum, quae in horto excellentissimi comitis Josephi Malabaila de Canal coluntur (cum adnotationibus). 12 pp. Q. Pragae, 1821.†

Hortus canalius; seu, Plantarum rariorum, quae in horto botanico illustrissimi ac excellentissimi Josephi Malabaila comitis de Canal coluntur, icones et descriptiones. Vol. I. [46] pp. 1 por. 20 pl. F'. Pragae, 1823. No more published.

Franz, Anton. Enumeratio plantarum Horti et agri brězinensis, secundum Steudelii nomenclatorem botanicum et Decandollii systema vegetabilium, jussu domini Caspari comitis Sternberg concinnata ab Antonio Franz, Horti brezinensis praefecto. 37 pp. O. [Pragae, 1824.]†

Spis celniejszych roślin w ogrodzie Niedźwiedzkim. [List of the noteworthy plants in the Niedzwiedzki garden.] Q. [Kraków], 1825.†

Jacquin, J. F. Der Universitätsgarten in Wien. 1 pl. O. Wien, 1825.†

49 pp.

Estreicher, A. R. Spis roślin Ogr. botan. krak. od r. 1810-
1825. [List of plants in the Botanic garden of Cracow in
2 pp.
Q. [Kraków, 1825.]† — [Another ed.]
1810-38. 2 pp.
Q. [Kraków, 1838.]-[Another ed.]
1841. 5 pp. Q. [Kraków, 1841.]† Index plantarum
in Horto botanico cracoviensi cultarum ab 1810 ad 1836. 2
pp. Q. [Cracoviae, 1836 ?]†

Błażek, Józef & Pawlikowski, Gwalbert. Spis roślin w poma-
rańczarni i szklarni ogrodu Medyckiego [Enumeration
of the plants in the greenhouses of the Medycki garden.] O.
Lwów, 1834.†-[Another ed.] 37 pp. O. Lwów, 1835.†-
[Another ed.] 45 pp. O. Lwów, 1838.† [Another ed.]
54 pp. O. Lwów, 1841.†

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Spis ogólny strojnych roślin ogrodu Niedźwiedzkiego. [Gen-
eral list of the ornamental plants in the Niedzwiedzki gar-
den.] 51+6+10 pp. O. Kraków, 1838.†
Verzeichniss der Pflanzen

in dem Garten der K. k. Gartenbau-Gesellschaft in Wien. O. Wien, 1839-40.† Peintner. Rigsbaron Carl v. Hügels Plantesamling og Have i Hiezing ved Wien. (Havetid. VII. 512-521. 1841.) Endlicher, Stephan. Catalogus Horti academici vindobonensis. 2 vol. S. Vindobonae, 1842–43.

[Kosteleletzky, V. F.] Index plantarum Horti caesarei regii
botanici pragensis. Verzeichniss der im K. k. botanischen
Garten zu Prag kultivirten Pflanzen. 144 pp. O. Prag,

Kerner [von Marilaun], A[nton]. Der botanische Garten der
Universität zun Insbruck.

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22 pp. S. Innsbruck, 1863.†

- From: Tiroler Bothe."- Ed. 2 rev. 20 pp. S. Innsbruck, 1869. Czerwiakowski, I. R. & Warszewicz, Joseph. Catalogus plantarum quae in Horto botanico cracoviensi anno 1864

educantur. 15+470 pp. 3 pl. O. Cracoviae, 1864. Linzbauer, F. X. A Magyar királyi pesti egyetem növénykertenék jelen állapota. Gegenwärtiger Stand des botanischen Gartens der Königl. ungarischen Pester Universität. O. Budán, 1866.†

Die Gehölze von Rosenthal's Erben in Wien. (Ver. Beförd.
Gartenb. Preuss. Wochenschr. XIII. 391-392. 1870.)

Mikan, J. G. Catalogus plantarum . . . Hortus botanicus
pragensis. O. Prague, 1876.†

Coniferen-Sammlung in Hochfürstlich von Rohan'schen Gar-
ten zu Sichrow. 15 pp. O. Turnau, [1879].
Laubhölzer, Zierbäume u. Sträucher des Hochfürstlich von
Rohan'schen Garten zu Sichrov. 42 pp. O. Turnau,

Tominz, Raimondo. Piante officinali e della flora del litorale
Austro-Ungarico coltivate nell' Orto botanico-farmaceutico
triestino anno 1881. pp. 141-162. O. [Trieste, 1881.]
Schubert, Carl. "Abbazia," der Wintergarten am Quarnero.
(Wien. Ill. Garten-Zeit. VIII. 342–344. 1883.)

Acclimatisations-Versuche von tropischen und subtro-
pischen Pflanzen im Garten Sr. kaiserlichen Hoheit des Erz-
herzogs Josef zu Fiume. (Wien. Ill. Garten-Zeit. X. 1-5.

Ilsemann, Chr. Interessante Gehölze des Arboretums zu
Ung. Altenburg. (Ill. Monatsh. Gartenb. VII. 75-77. 1888.)
Notes on a few species.

Willkomm. Der Schlosspark zu Klösterle. (Wien. Ill. Garten-
Zeit. XV. 428-434. 1890.)

Licht, Hermann. Die Vegetation von Meran. (Wien. IU.
Garten-Zeit. XVI. 54-56, 101-105. 1891.)
Wettstein [von Westersheim], Richard, Ritter] von. Die
botanischen Anstalten Wiens. Festschrift der Oesterrei-
chischen botanischen Zeitschrift. [4]+85 pp. 11 il. & pl.
Q. Wien, 1894.

Tyniecki, Władysław. Z ogrodu botanicznego Krajowej szkoły
gospodarstwa lasowego we Lwowie. [From the botanic gar-
den of the Forest school in Lemberg.] (Sylwan, XIV. 206–
210, 253-256, 412-421. 1896.)

Istvánffi, Gy[ula] de. Une visite au jardin botanique de l'Université royale hongroise de Kolozsvár. 23 pp. 10 il. map. Q. Budapest, 1900.

Seed catalogues have also been issued by the following botanic gardens: Pesth, 1821-1900→ [1831 with annotations]. Cracow (Hortus cracoviensis), 1822–60→ Prag, 18231900→ [1875, '80, '82 with annotations]. Gratz (Hortus graecensis), 1832-1900→ [1871 with annotations]. Triest (Hortus tergestinus), 1835-1900→ [1838 with annotations]. -Salzburg, 1861→→ Lemberg (Leopolis, Leontopolis), 18631900 Dublany near Lemberg, 1875-1900→→ Klausenburg (Claudiopolis), 1875-1900--Chernovitz (Czernowitz), 1879 Laibach (Hortus labacensis), 1888→→ Innsbruck, 1890-1900 Belvedere near Vienna, 1891→→ Zagreb, 1891→→ - Prag (Hort. Univ. Bohem.) 1900→→→

XII. BALKAN PENINSULA [Hofman, Ulric.] Catalogů planteloru, gradinei botanice a Scoalei de medicina din Bucuresci. Q. [Bucuresci, 1866.]† Grecescu, D. Catalogul plantelar cultivate in Gradina botanica din Bucaresci. O. Bucaresci, 1876.†

Heldreich, Theodor von. Catalogus systematicus herbarii Theodori G. Orphanidis . . . in museo botanico Universitatis Athenarum. Fasciculus primus. Leguminosae. 8+79 pp. O. Florentiae, 1877.

Seed catalogues have been issued by the following botanic gardens: Athens, 1854–60→ [1860 with annotations]. — Bukharest, 1871-1900→→ Belgrad, 1892-1900→

XIII. MEDITERRANEAN ISLANDS Hyacinthus, P. F. C. Index plantarum Horti botanici melitensis anno 1806. D. [1806.]

Libassi, P. I. Catalogo ragionato delle piante che si coltivano
nel pubblico e nel privato giardino di Sant' Antonio in Malta.
92 pp. O. Malta, 1870.

Seed catalogues have been issued by the botanic garden at
Floriana, Malta, 1896→→→



Ford, Charles. Catalogue of piants in the Government gar-
dens, Hong Kong. O. Hong Kong, 1876.†
Catalogue of the Tokio museum. Natural products. Ser. 2.
plants. 121 pp. O. [Tōkyō, 1879.]

Has Japanese t-p-c.: "Hakubutsukan reppin mokuroku; hensanbu;

Catalogue of plants in the herbarium of the College of science,
Imperial university. [10]+287+6+[1] pp O. Tōkyō, 1886.
Has also Japanese t-p.: " Shokubutsu hyohin mokuroku."

A catalogue of plants in the botanic garden of the Imperial
university. [4]+271+3 pp. O. Tōkyō, 1887.

Seed catalogues have been issued by the botanic garden at
Tokio, 1894-1900→→→→

General catalogue of plants in the Honourable company's bo-
tanic garden, Calcutta. (Agric. Hort. Soc. India Jour. II.
pt. 2, pp. 517-535, 562-587. 1843.)
[Griffith, William.] Report on the Hon'ble company's botanic
gardens, Calcutta. Pt. I., V., VI., VII. 110 pp. F. Calcutta,

On some remarkable plants in the H. C. botanic gardens,
Calcutta. (Calcutta Jour. Nat. Hist. IV. 231-256, 375–390,
pl. 12-14, 17, 19-20; V. 355–373, pl. 24-26. 1843-45.)
Reports on the Royal botanic garden, Peradenia. O. & F.
Colombo, 1844.†

Masters, J. W. A catalogue of plants growing in the Honour-
able East India company's botanic garden, Calcutta.
(Agric. Hort. Soc. India Jour. III. pt. 2, pp. 10-32, 103-126.

Voigt, J. O. Hortus suburbanus calcuttensis; a catalogue of
the plants which have been cultivated in the East India com-
pany's botanical garden, Calcutta, and in the Serampore
botanical garden ... from the beginning of both establish-
ments, 1786 and 1800, to the end of August 1841 . . . 24+
745+68 pp. O. Calcutta, 1845.

Published under the supervision of W. Griffith.

Mac Ivor, W. G. Report on the Horticultural garden, Ootacamund, Neilgherry Hills. 12 pp. O. [Ootacamund, 1849.†] Report on the Government botanical and horticultural gardens, Ootacamund, for the year 1854-55. 51 pp. O. Madras, 1856.† Report . . . for the year 1856. 44 pp. O. Madras, 1857.† Report . . . for the year 1858. 29 pp. map. O. Madras, 1859.† Report Utakamand, for

the year 1858-59. 16 pp. O. Madras, 1860.†

Cleghorn, Hugh. Hortus madraspatensis; catalogue of plants, indigenous and naturalized, in the Agri-horticultural society's gardens, Madras. 5+26 pp. O. Madras, 1853. Jameson, William. Botanic gardens... North-western provinces of India. Q. Roorkee, 1855.† Thwaites, G. H. F. Reports on the Royal botanic garden, Paradenia, 1-12. F. Colombo, 1856-67.† Thomson, Thomas. Notes on the herbarium of the Calcutta botanic garden, with especial reference to the completion of the Flora indica. (As. Soc. Bengal Jour. XXV. (1856), pp. 405-418. 1857.)

Report on the Hon'ble company's botanic garden. (Bengal Select. Rec. XXV. 55–75. 1857.)

Cleghorn, Hugh. Government horticultural garden, Ootacamund. (Madras Jour. Lit. Sci. XVIII. (new ser. II.) pp. 297-303. 1858.)

A list of trees, shrubs, plants &c. growing in the Madras agrihorticultural society's garden . . . 36 pp. 0. n. t-p. [186.?]

[New, William.] Catalogue of plants in the Public garden, Bangalore. 15 pp. D. n. t-p. [Edinburgh, 1861.]

List of plants growing in the Bangalore garden, Mysore. (Edinb. New Philos. Jour. new ser. XIV. 309-321. 1861.) [Falke, T.] List of trees and plants growing in the Botanical gardens at Dapooree and Hewra and Government house gardens, Parell. 21+[1] pp. O. Bombay, 1862. Brown, R. N. Hand book of the trees, shrubs and herbaceous plants growing in the Madras agri-horticultural society's gardens and neighbourhood of Madras. 4+1+219 pp. 0. Madras, 1862. - Ed. 2, with a supplement by J. J. Wood. 5+303 pp. O. Madras, 1866.

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Report Mysore government garden at Bangalore. 1863-64. O. Bangalore, 1864.† [Anderson, T.] Catalogue of plants cultivated in the Royal botanical gardens, Calcutta, from April, 1861, to 28th September, 1864. 4+81+17 pp. O. Calcutta, 1865. Cleghorn, Hugh. Memorandum on the Travancore government garden at Peermade. (Agric. Hort. Soc. India Jour. XIV. (1865–66), pt. 1, pp. 184-190. 1867.) [Perrottet, G. S.] Catalogue des plantes du Jardin botanique et d'acclimatation du gouvernement à Pondichéry. 9+[3]+ 51 pp. O. Pondichéry, 1867.

Jackson, J. R. Calcutta botanic garden. (Gard. Chron. 1868, pp. 1259–1260, 1315; 1869, p. 53. — Agric. Hort. Soc. India Jour. ser. 2, I. (1867–69), pt. 2, pp. 52-62. 1869.) Anderson, [T.] Notice of the flower garden attached to the Cinchona nursery at Rungyroong near Darjeeling, with a list of the species growing in it. (Agric. Hort. Soc. India Jour. ser. 2, I. (1867–69), pt. 1, pp. 1-17. 1869.)

Catalogue des plantes du Parc colonial et du Jardin botanique et d'acclimatation du gouvernement à Pondichéry. 80 pp. O. Pondichéry, 1872.

Catalogue of trees and shrubs etc.; Agri-horticultural society's gardens, Lahore. 8 pp. F. Lahore, 1876.

[Woodrow, G. M.] List of drugs grown in the Botanical gardens, Gunesh Khind, Poona. 7 pp. S. [Bombay, 1876.] Cameron, John. Catalogue of plants in the Botanical garden, Bangalore and its vicinity. 151 pp. O. Bangalore, 1880. Ed. 2. 7+[1]+239+67 pp. O. Bangalore, 1891. Gleeson, J. M. Catalogue of plants in the Agri-horticultural society's gardens, Madras. 12+86+[12] pp. O. Madras,


Trimen, Henry. Hortus zeylanicus; a classified list of the plants, both native and exotic, growing in the Royal botanic gardens, Pérádeniya, Ceylon. 6+[2]+129 pp. O. Colombo, 1888.

Horticultural gardens, Lucknow. Report for the year ending 31st March 1888-[1900]. (13 nos.) F. Allahabad, 18881900

Contains only administrative reports.

King, George. A guide to the Royal botanic garden, Calcutta. 32+4 pp. map. O. Calcutta, 1895. Le Jardin botanique de Calcutta (Indes anglaises). [Extract.] (Semaine Hort. III. 224–226, 242–243. 1899.) Royal botanic gardens, Ceylon. Circular. Ser. 1. No. I-XX. (275 pp.) pl. O. n. t-p. [Colombo, 1897-1900]→→→ Gleeson, J. M. Catalogue of the trees, shrubs and herbaceous plants in the gardens of the Agri-horticultural society of Madras and in the neighbourhood. 2+73 pp. O. Madras, 1898.

Seed catalogues have been issued by the following botanic gardens: Calcutta, 1865→→ Ceylon, 1898→→Saigon, 1898


Murton, H. J. Catalogue of the plants under cultivation in the Botanical gardens, Singapore, Straits Settlements. 55 pp. O. Singapore, 1879.

Straits Settlements - Botanic gardens. Annual report on the Botanic gardens, Singapore, for the year 1882, 1884-88. [5] vol. F. Singapore, 1883-89.—Continued as: Botanic gardens and forest department. Annual report on the Botanic gardens and forest department for the year 1889-95. [7] vol. F. Singapore, 1890–96. — Continued as: Botanic gardens. Annual report on the Botanic gardens for the year 1896-99. [4] vol. F. Singapore, 1897-1900→

Contains only administrative reports. - Reports for 1882-88 are by N. Cantley, 1889-1900 by H. N. Ridley. No report published for 1887.

Guide to the Botanical gardens, [Straits Settlements]. 44 pp. 1 pl. S. Singapore, 1889.

Seed catalogues have been issued by the Botanic garden at Manila, 1869-90.


Berigt over de inrichting van een plantentuin in Buitenzorg op het eiland Java. (Alg. Konst. Letterbode, 1819, II. 385– 387.)† Blume, C. L. Catalogus van eenige der merkwaardigste zoo in- als uit-heemsche gewassen te vinden in 's Lands plantentuin te Buitenzorg. 112 pp. 1 pl. D. [Batavia, 1823?] Hasskarl, [J] K. Plantarum rariorum Horti bogoriensis. Dec. I. (Tijdschr. Natuurl. Geschied. Phys. V. [pt. 1], pp. 255-271. 1838-39. Bull. Sci. Phys. Nat. Néerl. 1839, pp. 62-69.-Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. ser. 2, XIV. 54-60. 1840.)

Catalogus plantarum in Horto botanico bogoriensi cultarum alter. (Tweede catalogus in 's Lands plantentuin te Buitenzorg gekweekte gewassen.) 391 pp. O. Batavia, 1844.

Plantarum rariorum vel minus cognitarum Horti bogoriensis pugillus novus. (Tijdschr. Natuurl. Geschied. Phys. XI. [pt. 1], pp. 178-208. 1844.) [Extract.] (Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. ser. 3, IV. 178-192. 1845.) Reprinted: 31 pp. 0. n. t-p. [Leiden, 1844.]

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Adnotationes de plantis Horti bogoriensis. (Tijdschr. Natuurl. Geschied. Phys. XII. [pt. 1], pp. 77-139. 1845.) — Reprinted: 63 pp. O. [Amsterdam, 1845.]† Teijsmann, J. E. Kruidkundige waarnetuingen


O. [Leiden, 1850.]†

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's Lands plantentuin te Buitenzorg in 1850. (Natuurk. Tijdschr. Ned. Indië, I. 431-440. 1851.- Nederl. Maatsch. Aanmoed. Tuinb. Jaarb. 1853, pp. 6-11.)

Wassink, G. Enumeratio plantarum in Horto botanico nosocomiali bataviensi cultarum. (Natuurk. Tijdschr. Ned. Indië, II. 656-664. 1851.)

Filet, G. J. Tweede katalogus der in den botanischen tuin van het Groot militair hospitaal te Weltevreden aangekweekt wordende planten. (Natuurk. Tijdschr. Ned. Indië, VII. 19-36. 1854.) - Separate.

Kreyenberg, E. Neue Pflanzenarten im Botanischen Garten zu Buitenzog [sic]. (Soc. Nat. Moscou Bull. XXVII. pt. 2, pp. 255-266. 1854.)

Contains also economical notes.

Teijsmann, J. E. & Binnendijk, S. Plantae novae Horti bogoriensis in insula Java, quas epimetri instar, seminum indici Horti acad. lugduno-batavi anni 1854 adjunctas cum botanicis communicat G. H. De Vriese. 23 pp. O. n. t-p. [1854.]

Filet, G. J. De planten in den botanischen tuin bij het Groot militair hospitaal te Weltevreden, hunne inl. benamingen, groeiplaats en gebruik . . . Uitgegeven voor rekening van de Geneeskundige vereeniging in N. Indië. 8+189 pp. O. Batavia, 1855.

Annotated list with copious economic notes and a list of vernacular


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Hasskarl, J. K. Retzia; sive, Observationes botanicae quas in primis in Horto botanico bogoriensi mensibus Februario ad Julium 1855 fecit. (Natuurk. Tijdschr. Ned. Indië, X. 1– 252. 1856.) Reprinted: 252 pp. O. Bataviae, 1855. — Retzia; sive, Observationes botanicae, quas de plantis Horti botanici bogoriensis annis 1855 & 1856 fecit. Pugillus II. 54 pp. sq. Q. Bataviae, 1856. (Natuurk. Ver. Nederl. Indië Verh. I. no. 8.)

Bemerkungen über einige Pflanzen des Botanischen Gartens zu Buitenzorg und dessen Filiale Tjipanuar (3450′ hoch) auf Java. (Flora, XXXIX. 513-516. 1856.)

Hasskarl, J. K. Genera aliquot nova Horti botanici bogorien- | sis. (Flora, XL. 529–535. 1857.)

Hortus bogoriensis descriptus; sive, Retziae editio nova valde aucta et emendata. 11+[1]+376 pp. O. Amstelodami, 1858. - Hortus borgoriensis descriptus. [Continuation.] (Bonplandia, VII. 170–183, 254–274; VIII. 90–100. 1859-60.)

Teijsmann, J. E. Enumération des plantes envoyées de Java au jardin botanique de l'Université de Leide. (Flore Jard. Ann. II. 133–142. 1859.)

Teijsmann, J. E. & Binnendijk, S. Plantae novae vel minus cognitae in Horto bogoriensi cultae. (Natuurk. Tijdschr. Ned. Indië, XXIV. 305–333; XXV. 399–429; XXVII. 15–59; XXIX. 241-259. 1862-67.) — Reprinted under the title: Plantae novae in Horto bogoriensi cultae. 2 pts. (28+30 pp.) O. n. t-p. [Buitenzorg, 1862-63.] Miquel, F. A. W. Choix de plantes rares ou nouvelles cultivées et dessinées dans le Jardin botanique de Buitenzorg, publié avec texte explicatif. [37] ff. 26 pl. F. La Haye, 1864.

[Teijsmann, J. E. & Binnendijk, S.] Catalogus plantarum quae in Horto botanico bogoriensi coluntur. (Catalogus van 's Lands plantentuin te Buitenzorg.) 5+[3]+398 pp. O. Batavia, 1866.

's Lands plantentuin te Buitenzorg. Verslag omtrent den staat... 1873-74, '92-99. pl. O. & Q. Batavia, 18741900→→

Binnendijk, S. Sur quelques arbres d'ornement, cultivés dans le Jardin botanique de Buitenzorg. (Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg Ann. I. 165-173. 1876.)

[Scheffer, R. H. C. C.] Rapport sur l'état du Jardin botanique de Buitenzorg . et des établissements dépendants. Année 1877. 103 pp. O. Batavia, 1879.†

Ottolander, T. 's Lands plantentuin te Buitenzorg. (Sieboldia, IX. 121-125. 1883.)

Lachmann, Paul. Notice sur le Jardin botanique de Buitenzorg dans l'île de Java. (Soc. Bot. Lyon Ann. XII. 1–15. 1885.)

Eijkman, J. F. Een bezoek aan 's Lands plantentuin te Buitenzorg. (Tijdschr. Pharm. Nederl. XX. 85–97, 113–163, 3 pl. 1887.)†

Cordes, J. W. H. Eene wandeling in Buitenzorgs plantentuin. (Ind. Gids, II. 1258-1271, 1483-1501. 1889.)† De Hortus bogoriensis ('s Lands plantentuin te Buitenzorg). (Tijdschr. Neerl. Ind. I. 47-53. 1890.)†

Burck, W[illiam]. Herbarium en museum van 's Lands plantentuin. (In TREUB, M. 's Lands plantentuin te Buitenzorg pp. 218-235. 1892.)

Wandelingen door den Botanischen tuin [te Buitenzorg]. (In TREUB, M. 's Lands plantentuin te Buitenzorg pp. 61-149, 1 pl. 1892.) — Reprinted: 87 pp. 1 pl. Q. Batavia, 1892.

Treub, Melchior] (editor). 's Lands plantentuin te Buitenzorg, 18 Mei 1817-18 Mei 1892. 511 pp. 7 pl. Q. Batavia, 1892. - Der botanischer Garten "'s Lands plantentuin zu Buitenzorg auf Java; Festschrift zur Feier seines 75jährigen Bestehens, 1817-1892. 6+426 pp. 12 pl. 4 maps. O. Leipzig, 1893.

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Smith, J. J. jr. Lijst der families en geslachten van niet kruidachtige gewassen in den Botanischen tuin [te Buitenzorg]. (In TREUB, M. 's Lands plantentuin te Buitenzorg pp. 149-218, 1 pl. 1892.) Reprinted: 69 pp. 1 pl. Q. Batavia, 1892. Verzeichniss der Familien und Gattungen der nicht-krautartigen Gewächse in dem Botanischen Garten. (In BURCK, W. Spaziergänge durch den Botanischen Garten. pp. 73-105. 1893.) Romburgh, P. van. Gekweekte gewassen in den Kultuurtuin te Tjikeumeh. (In TREUB, M. 's Lands plantentuin te Buitenzorg... pp. 379-504. 1892.) Reprinted under the title: Aanteekeningen over de in den Cultuurtuin te Tjikeumeuh gekweekte gewassen. Korte gids voor bezoekers van dien tuin. 130 pp. 1 pl. Q. Batavia, 1892. Im Kulturgarten zu Tjikeumeuh gezogene Gewächse. (In BURCK, W. Spaziergänge durch den botanischen Garten. pp. 107208. 1893.)

With notes on economic properties and uses. Burck, William]. Spaziergänge durch den Botanischen Garten. [2]+208 pp. map. O. Leipzig, 1893. Costerus, J. C. 's Lands plantentuin te Buitenzorg. (Ind. Gids, I. 468-486. 1894.)

Icones bogorienses. Jardin botanique de Buitenzorg. Ed. by Melchior Treub & J. G. Boerlage. Vol. I. (pt. 1-3.) pl. 1-75. Q. Leide, 1897-99→→→→

Plan du Jardin botanique. Principales familles naturelles qui se trouvent dans les quartiers. (Inst. Bot. Buitenzorg Bull. I. 34-35, map. 1898.)

Plan du Jardin d'essais. Liste complète des plantes cultivées actuellement dans ce jardin, avec indication des quartiers. (Inst. Bot. Buitenzorg Bull. I. 36-40, map. 1898.) Koningsberger, J. C. 's Lands plantentuin te Buitenzorg. 32 pp. il. F. [1898.] — Reprinted from: "De aarde en haar volken 1898."

Index Palmarum quae in Horto botanico bogoriensi fructus maturos producent. (Inst. Bot. Buitenzorg Bull. II. 3 pp. 1899.)

Boerlage, J. G. Catalogus plantarum phanerogamarum quae in Horto botanico bogoriensi coluntur, herbaceis exceptis. Pt. 1. 6+59+13 pp. Q. Bataviae, 1899. Contains Ranunculaceae to Polygalaceae; continued. Cajeu, René. Le Jardin botanique de Buitenzorg à l'île de Java. (Semaine Hort. III. 13-14, 23-24, 33, il. 9-11, 13, 17. 1899.)


A catalogue of the exotic plants cultivated in the Mauritius at the Botanic garden, Monplaisir, Reduit and other places, to which are added their English and French names, native places of growth. . . and the epoch of their introduction as far as can be ascertained. . . 31 pp. sq. O. Mauritius, 1816. Catalogue. . . in the island of Mauritius, at the Royal botanic garden Pamplemousses, at His Excellency the Governor's garden at Reduit, at Mon Plaisir, Bois Cheri, &c. with an enumeration of the most remarkable indigenous plants of that colony. . . 44 pp. sq. Q. [Mauritius], 1822. Bréon, N. Catalogue des plantes cultivées aux Jardins botanique et de naturalisation de l'Île Bourbon. 58 pp. 0. Saint-Denis (Île Bourbon), 1820. — 93 + [1] pp. Saint-Denis (Ile Bourbon), 1825.

sq. Q.

[Richard], (Jardinier botaniste). Catalogue des végétaux cultivés au Jardin du gouvernement à l'Île de la Réunion. [6]+ 113 pp. O. t-p-c. Saint-Denis, 1856. Duncan, James. Catalogue of plants in the Royal botanical garden, Mauritius. [2]+104+ [2]+7 pp. F. [Mauritius], 1863. Supplement. 7 pp. F. n. t-p. Cantley, N. Catalogue of plants in the Royal botanical gardens, Mauritius. [3]+12+173 pp. O. Port Louis, Mauritius, 1880.


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Catalogue des végétaux et graines disponibles et mis en vente au Jardin d'acclimatation au Hamma (près Alger), pendant l'automne 1862 et le printemps 1863. 136 pp. O. Alger, 1862. (Algérie. Gouvernement général, [no. 23].) logue... pendant l'automne 1866 et le printemps 1867. Supplément au Catalogue no. 23. 33 pp. O. Alger, 1866. (Gouvernement général de l'Algérie. no. 24.) Rivière, A[uguste]. Note sur certains végétaux cultivés au Jardin d'essai du Hamma, près Alger (Algérie). (Soc. Hort. France Jour. ser. 2, III. 108-116, 166–173. 1869.) Delchevalerie, G. Flore exotique du Jardin d'acclimatation de Ghézireh et des domaines de S. A. le Khédive. 84 pp. 1 pl. O. Le Caire, 1871.

Rivière, A[uguste]. Lettre [sur quelques végétaux cultivés au Hamma]. (Soc. Hort. France Jour. ser. 2, VI. 345-347. 1872.)

Chalon, J[ean]. Le Jardin d'essai d'Alger; notes d'un touriste. (Belg. Hort. XXII. 200-229. 1872.) Reprinted: Gand, 1872.† Forsøgshaven i Algier. (Tidsskr. Havev. VII. (1872), pp. 335-338, 342-350, 365–370, 371-378. 1873.) Durando, G. Excursion à l'établissement forestier d'AinBaïnen 15. déc. 1878. 8 pp. O. [Alger], 1878.Reprinted from: Akhbar, déc. 31, 1878." together with BEAUMONT. Note sur les plantations de Baïnen-Bouzareh (pp. 4-8).

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Duchartre, Pierre]. Notice sur le Jardin d'essai ou du Hamma, près d'Alger. (Soc. Hort. France Jour. ser. 3, II. 290-303, 368-382. 1880.)

Geert, Aug. van. Le Jardin d'essai du Hamma, près d'Alger. (Rev. Hort. Belge. IX. 37-39, pl. 1883.)

Amé, Georges. Le Jardin d'essai du Hamma à Mustapha près d'Alger. 60+ [1] pp. 7 pl. O. Paris & Bordeaux, 1889. Weitgand, A. Der Versuchsgarten (Jardin d'essai du Hamma) bei Algier. (Gartenwelt, II. 284-286. 1898.) Baldacci, Antonio. I Giardini sperimentali di colture tropicali nell' Eritrea. O. Bologna, 1900.†-From: Soc. Agrar. Bologna Ann. 1900.

Seed catalogues have been issued by the Jardin d'essai du Hamma, 1859→→

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Wood, [J.] M. A guide to the Natal botanical gardens. 56 pp. map. O. Durban, Natal, 1883.

Adlam, R. W. A visit to the Durban botanic gardens. (Gard.
Chron. ser. 3, III. 299-300, pl. 1888.)
Wood, J. M. Catalogue of plants in Natal botanic gardens,
Durban. 85 pp. O. Durban, 1890.

Guide to the trees and shrubs in the Natal botanic gardens, Durban. 70 pp. 1 pl. O. Durban, 1897.

With economic notes.


Heer, O[swald]. Der Renton-Garten in Funchal. (Gartenfl. I. 17-24, pl. 3. 1852.)


New South Wales -Botanic gardens. [Report from the director for 1850]-58, 1870-71. F. [Sydney, 1850-71.] — Continued as: New South Wales - Botanic gardens and domains, &c. Report on, for the year 1897–99. F. [Sydney, 18981900]→→→

Contains only administrative reports. Botanic garden, Melbourne. General report of the government botanist on the vegetation of the colony, 1-2. 2 vol. F. Melbourne, 1853-54. (Annual) report of the government botanist... for 1854, '56/57, '58, '59/60-'62/63, '64/65, '68, '74. 2 maps. F. Melbourne, [1855-74].

With varying title. Reports for 1853-68 by Ferdinand von Mueller; 1874 by William R. Guilfoyle.

[Newman, F. W.] Catalogue of plants in the Royal society's gardens, Queen's Park, Hobart Town, Tasmania. 24 pp. O. t-p-c. Hobart Town, 1857.

[Moore, Charles.] Catalogue of plants in the Government botanic garden, Sydney, New South Wales. 36 pp. 0. Sydney, 1857.-[Another ed.] 20+130 pp. O. Sydney,


Catalogue of the plants under cultivation in the Government botanic garden, Adelaide, South Australia. 44 pp. 0. Adelaide, 1859.

Schomburgk, Richard. Catalogue of the plants under culti vation in the Government botanic garden, Adelaide, South Australia. 13+ [1] + 200 pp. O. Adelaide, 1871. [Another ed.] 19+[4]+285 pp. [17] pl. O. Adelaide, 1878. Ronalds, Nathanael]. Chatsworth, the private residence of W. R. Virgoe, Esq., Chatsworth, Brighton, Victoria. Catalogue of plants &c., growing under the management of N. Ronalds, head-gardener. 20 pp. O. Melbourne, 1874. South Australia - Botanic garden & government plantations. Report on the progress and condition of the Botanic garden & government plantations during the year 1878, 1889. pl. F. Adelaide, 1879–90.

Report for 1889 reads: "Report on the progress and condition of the Botanic garden."

Hill, Walter. Botanic gardens, Brisbane; collection of economic and other plants. 36 pp. O. [1880.]

Guilfoyle, W. R. Catalogue of plants under cultivation in the Melbourne botanic gardens. . . 12+200 pp. 4 pl. 4 maps. Q. Melbourne, 1883.

Bailey, F. M. Catalogue of plants in the two metropolitan gardens, the Brisbane botanic garden and Bowen park . .

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Mason, Thomas]. An account of the plants growing at "The Gums," Taita. (New Zealand Inst. Trans. XXIX. (1896), pp. 393-412. 1897.)

Mac Mahon, Philip. Our botanic gardens. (Queensland Agric. Jour. I. 364–367, 1 pl.; II. 33–37, 134–138, 201-204, 388 -393, 1 il. 4 pl.; III. 163-167, 285–288, 438-440; V.42-47; VI. 288-292, pl. 189. 1897-1900.)

Seed catalogues have been issued by the Botanic garden at Sydney, 1899-1900→→→


Thurston, J. B. Catalogue of trees, shrubs and foliage plants, at Thurnbury, Suva and St. Helier's, Taviuni, Fiji. 5+ 18 pp. O. Suva, 1886.



Including glossaries and dictionaries of botanical terms

[Martyn, John.] A short explanation of the technical words made use of in botany. plag. Q. [172 .?]† Murray, J. A. Enumeratio vocabulorum quorundam, quibus antiqui linguae latinae auctores in re herbaria usi sunt. Viro summo venerabilii, parenti optimo Andreae Murray pio animo dedicata a filio Johanne Andrea Murray. 11 pp. Q. Holmiae, 1756.†

Linné, Carl von (praeses). Termini botanici. (Diss.) (Johannes ELMGREN.) 32 pp. sq. O. Upsaliae, [1762]. — Editio nova auctior. 39 pp. D. Lipsiae, 1767. — Termini botanici; eller, Botaniska ord, samlade och med anmärkningar på Svenska öfversatta af Bengt Anders Euphrasén. 74 pp. O. Gotheborg, 1792.†

(Berkenhout, John.] Clavis anglica linguae botanicae; or, A botanical lexicon in which the terms of botany, particularly those occurring in the works of Linnaeus and other modern writers are applied, derived, explained, contrasted and exemplified. 12+[215] pp. S. London, 1764. Ed. 2, to which is added Calendarium botanicum. 331 pp. D. London, 1789. Jörlin, Engelbert. Partes fructificationis; seu, Principia botanices illustrata. (Diss.) 26 pp. 6 pl. Q. Londini Gothorum, 1771.† - Principia botanices illustrata; seu, Partes fructificationis, characteribus, terminis technicis, figuris illustratae, ad systema botanices Linneanum intelligendum, tractandum adaptatae in usum praelectionum. Ed. 2 rev. & enl. [6]+32 pp. 6 pl. S. Lundae, 1786. Olafsyn, Olaf. Termini botanici, som grunde til plantelæren. 72 pp. O. Kjøbenhavn, 1772.† Linné, Carl von. Termini botanici classium methodi sexualis generumque plantarum characteres compendiosi; recudi curavit primos cum suis definitionibus interpretatione Germanica donatos Paulus Diet. Gieseke. [12]+219+[2] pp. O. Hamburgi, 1781. — Termini . . . Editioni huic alteri accesserunt fragmenta ordinum naturalium Linnaei, nomina germanica Planeri generum, gallica et anglica terminorum et Bulliard, [Pierre]. indices. Ed. 2. [18]+392 pp. 13 pl. O. Hamburgi, 1787. Dictionnaire élémentaire de botanique;

ou, Exposition par ordre alphabétique des préceptes de la botanique & de tous les termes, tant français que latin, consacrés à l'étude de cette science. 8+242+8 pp. 10 pl. F. Paris, 1783. — [Ed. 2.] 20 pl. F. Amsterdam, 1800.† — Dictionnaire élémentaire de botanique; revu et presqu'entièrement refondu par L. C. Richard; ouvrage où toutes les parties des plantes, leurs diverses affections, les termes usités et ceux qu'on peut introduire dans les descriptions botaniques, sont définis et interprétés avec plus précision qu'ils ne l'ont été jusqu'à ce jour . . précédé d'un dictionnaire botanique latin-français; seconde édition augmentée de l'exposé et du tableau de la méthode de Jussieu. 64+228+ [16] pp. 21 pl. 1 tab. O. Paris, 1802. - Dictionnaire ou, Exposition par ordre alphabétique des préceptes de la botanique et de tous les termes, tant françois que latins, consacrés à l'étude de cette science. Ed. 3 enl. 12+242 +[8] pp. 10 pl. F'. Paris, 1812.


This edition forms an introduction to his " Herbier de la France."

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