CONTENTS. VOL. XII. No. 381. CHEERFULNESS preferable to Mirth ADDISON 382. On the frank Acknowledgment of 385. Essay on Friendship 386. On an obsequious Behaviour--Charac- ter of Acasto-Art of being Agree- able in Company. 387. Motives to Cheerfulness 388. Poetical Version of Solomon's Song, 389. Account of an atheistical Book-on 390. On the proper method of repelling Ca- STEELE ADDISON, FLEETWOOD BUDGELL . STEELE . ADDISON STEELE 391. Heathen Fables on Prayers-Vanity of human Wishes 392. Transformation of Fidelia into a Look- BUDGELL. STEELE ing-glass STEELE 395. Dangers of the Month of May escaped BUDGELL ORATOR HENLEY 397. On Compassion-Ann Boleyn's Letter ADDISON 398. Amours of Cynthia and Flavia : STEELE 402. Letters from Sylvia, complaining of STEELE BUDGELL ried Man in Love with his Ward- 403. Speulations of Coffee-house Politicians on the Death of the King of France ADDISON of private Life-Translation of a Lapland Song. with a Woman of the Town--Trans- 430. Increase of Beggars-Impostors-im- proper freedoms of married People 434. History of a female Republic. 435. Female Dress-Mixture of the Sexes No. 437. Character of Sempronia, a Match- maker-Letter on naked Shoulders STEELE 438. On a passionate Temper-the angry 439. The manners of Courts-The Spy and 440. Proceedings of the Infirmary for ill- 441. Happiness of Dependance on the Su- 442. The Author's Address to his Corre- spondents-Thesis proposed . 443. Letters from an English Singer at - World-on Rudeness 444. On Quack Advertisements . 445. On the new Stamp-Success of the from it. 448. On breach of Promises-coming late to Dinner-Quarrel between Will 449. Filial Piety of Fidelia-on the Collu- sion of Gladiators 450. Letter on the Effects of the Love of Money. ADDISON STEELE ADDISON STEELE 451. On defamatory Publications 452. On News-writers and Readers-Spe- cimen of a Newspaper. |