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expression doubtless embraces all lands. The same universality is again taught in the latter part of the text, in the clause, "given among men. "There is none other name, under heaven, given among men, whereby we must be saved. " This must be understood, not merely of some men, in some parts of the world; but of mankind generally, in all parts of the world, under the whole heaven. And the texts generally, which have been quoted, prove clearly the same thing; as also do all the other arguments which have been used in support of the position, that there is salvation only in Christ. There is salvation, brethren, for none of our guilty and depraved race, in any part of the world, but in the way revealed in the gospel; viz. through the incarnation, obedience, sufferings, and death, of Christ the Son of God.

To become interested in this salvation, the sinner must believe in Jesus Christ. This was taught in the commission, which our Lord gave to his apostles, authorizing and directing them to offer this salvation-"Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. He that believeth shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned." This is the doctrine of

the Scriptures repeated a great many times. To exercise the faith necessary to an interest in this salvation, there must be a knowledge of the gospel. Reason teaches this, and it is plainly taught by the apostle in the question-"How shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard?" And having such knowledge, faith is the exercise of one who feels his depraved, ruined, and helpless condition, as taught in the word of God; and it is, renouncing every other dependence, and believing in the ability and willingness of Christ to save, cordially receiving him, and resting upon him alone for salvation, as he is offered in the gospel.

In the improvement and application of this subject, we may remark—

1. That it contains good news to those who feel themselves to be in a lost state, and are distressed in view of their condition, and are anxious to escape from threatened wrath, and to be restored to the image and favor of God. It informs such persons that there is salvation for sinners. This salvation is in Christ, and in him alone. And from the character of the Author, and what he did and suffered to provide it, as well as from the declarations of his word, we must conclude that

it is a complete salvation, every way suited to the necessities of the sinner. Let anxious sinners be exhorted to seek this salvation, giving up all hope from any other quarter, and looking to Christ alone. Believe on him, cordially receiving him as he is offered in the gospel, and you shall be pardoned and accepted; and the Holy Spirit will dwell in you, to sanctify you and make you meet for heaven.

2. Our subject teaches that all who are expecting salvation in any other way than through Christ, and by faith in him, are deceiving themselves; and that unless they discover their error and practically correct it, they will fail of salvation and be eternally lost. Many doubtless, even where the gospel is most plainly and faithfully preached, are in this dangerous and fatal error. Many believe that it will be well with them at last, though they should not be united to Christ, by a living, purifying, and transforming faith. Some expect to be saved in one way, and some in another, without submitting to the self-denying plan of salvation through Christ, and by faith in him. But our text-" Neither is there salvation in any other,"

pronounces every hope to be false that is not founded on Christ-It so pronounces with


to every individual of mankind, under heaven, whose hope is not built on Christ; and surely, emphatically, it so pronounces with respect to all, out of Christ, who live under the light of the gospel.

My hearers, if any of you are indulging a hope of salvation, without an interest in Christ, by a living, purifying, transforming, and obedient faith, you are in a fundamental error, which will prove eternally ruinous, if it is retained. Be convinced of your error, and renounce it; seek an interest in Christ by faith in him; and be satisfied with nothing short of Scriptural evidence that you have such interest; for if you die without it, you will surely be eternally miserable. And your

guilt and punishment will be greatly aggravated by the circumstance that so great salvation was provided, and was revealed and offered to you, and you neglected and rejected it.

3. Finally, our subject presents a strong appeal to those who have the gospel of salvation, to send it to those who are destitute of it. This is the point of practical improvement, to which I would more especially invite your attention, at this time. If it be true that there is salvation for sinners of our race, only in Christ;-if it be true that there

is none other name under heaven, given among men, whereby we must be saved;-then what is the necessary conclusion in regard to the Heathen? Is it not that they must be strangers to salvation? For they know not Christ; and have never heard of him and his salvation. They therefore cannot believe in him. For as Paul asked"How shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard?"-And if they do not believe in him, they cannot have an interest in his salvation; for the word of God abundantly teaches that such interest can be obtained only by faith. Unless therefore, there be some other way of salvation, than through Christ, and by faith in him, they cannot be saved. But our text unequivocally declares that there is no other way; and its declaration is supported and confirmed by many other passages of Scripture, explicitly affirming the same thing; and also, as we have seen, by several conclusive arguments drawn from the Scriptures. I know not but God sometimes may, in some way, communicate to a Pagan without the gospel, such a knowledge of the Savior, and of his atonement; and may make such an application of his atonement, and so renew the heart, by the Holy Spirit, that he may be saved. But if he ever does this,

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