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salvation is still through Christ; and such instances, if they ever occur, which is at least very doubtful, are very rare. The Lord gives us no authority from his word to expect it; neither do the accounts which missionaries give us of the universal destitution of holiness, which they find in all pagan lands that they have visited, leave us much ground to hope that in any instance are the heathen saved through Christ without a knowledge of the gospel.

If, then, we would have the heathen saved, we must send them a knowledge of the salvation of Christ revealed in the gospel. Real benevolence of heart, if we possess it, will lead us to feel for them in their miserable condition, and to endeavor to send them a knowledge of the only remedy, and to bring them practically acquainted with it; and Christ has made it our duty so to do. After he had finished the work of providing salvation, and had risen from the dead, before he ascended to heaven, he gave in charge to his ministers and church, to have his salvation made known throughout the world. This command was-Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature-Go teach all nations. And that repentance and remission of sins should be preached

in his name, among all nations, beginning at Jeru


The apostles and their fellow laborers in the gospel ministry, and the primitive church, felt that the field of their operations was the world, and endeavored accordingly to carry the instructions of their ascended Lord into effect. In this they in a good degree succeeded; and if their successors, in the several ages since had had the same correct views of duty, and had been actuated by their spirit, and followed their example in labors, all nations would long since have been enlightened and blessed with the gospel of salvation. But alas! Christ's ministers and church have, ever since the apostolic age, appeared, in a great measure, to lose sight of his command; and have slept amidst the groans and miseries of unnumbered millions, who have lived in darkness and sin and wretchedness; and died, and gone to the judgment bar, and to their eternal state, without a knowledge of the only salvation through Christ.

Some may consider it uncharitable thus to represent the condition of the heathen, without the knowledge of Christ; but the Bible, unquestionably, thus represents their condition. And the contrary sentiment, that the heathen may be saved

without a knowledge of Christ, and in some other way than through the salvation he purchased, is an infidel sentiment; and it is practically far more uncharitable. For it paralizes exertion to send the gospel to them, and leaves them without help, in the condition where the Bible declares that sinning without law, or the revealed word, they shall perish without law, or without the aggravated condemnation of those who perish from under the light of the gospel; while the truth, that the heathen can be saved only through the salvation of Christ, leads those acquainted with this salvation, and who have benevolent hearts, to devise plans to send the gospel to them, and to lend their aid to execute such plans.

The truth declared in the text-"Neither is there salvation in any other," is the grand spring of missions to the heathen. About six hundred million of our fallen and sinful race are, at this time, in pagan, or Mohammedan darkness, destitute of a knowledge of the only name under heaven, given among men, whereby they must be saved, and of him whom the Bible declares to be the only Mediator between God and men; and ignorant of the salvation that is in him alone; and as depraved and wicked as they are ignorant

universally destitute of the holiness, without which the unchangeable word of truth declares, "No man shall see the Lord. " Of these, allowing thirty years for a generation, twenty millions, on an average, die annually, and about fifty-five thousands daily. What a solemn thought! that such a multitude of immortal beings, of the same sinful race with ourselves, are daily going into an unchanging eternity, without a knowledge of the only Savior, and the only salvation. And what a weight of responsibility rests on us, who are acquainted with the only remedy for them; and have access to them, and are commanded by the Savior who provided it, and has blessed us with it, to carry or send it to them.

Brethren, it was this view of the case that constrained the apostles and primitive Christians to labor and suffer as they did, that they might carry or send the gospel to all nations. It was this view of the case that brought the gospel to our pagan ancestors, in consequence of which, we have been born, and educated under its light and privileges. It is also this view of the case; that in the present day, has awaked, at least a few Christians from the slumbers of ages, and has led them to feel for the heathen, and to devise meas

ures for their relief; and to give of their substance to send the gospel to them, and to follow their benefactions with their prayers. It was this view of the case that originated the society which is now holding its anniversary in this city; and kindred societies of the present day, formed for the purpose of sending the gospel to the heathen. And it is this view of the case that has, from time to time, constrained a few devoted men and women to relinquish the comforts of home and country, kindred and civilized life, and to go to the dark places of the earth, and the habitations of cruelty, and pestilential climes, to declare to immortal and accountable fellow beings, the only salvation of Christ.

Brethren, in view of the text, and of this discourse, look at the condition of the heathen world; and judge what you, who are blessed with the light of the gospel of salvation, ought to do to send the knowledge of this salvation to the millions who are perishing for lack of vision; and accordingly act. AMEN.

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