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2 Cor. 1. 12. in godly s. we had our conversa.

2. 17. as of s. in the sight of God
8. 8. to prove the s. of your love
Eph. 6. 24. that love our Lord Jesus in s.
Tit. 2. 7. in doctrine shewing gravity, s.
SINEW, Is. 48. 4. Job 10. 11.

SING to the Lord, Ex. 15. 21. 1 Chr. 16. 23.
Ps. 30. 4. & 68. 32. & 81. 1. & 95. 1. & 96. 1,
2. & 98. 1. & 147. 7. & 149. 1. Is. 12. 5. &
52.9. Eph. 5. 19.

Ps. 13. 6. &

& 104. 33. &

Ex. 15. 1. I will s. Judges 5. 3.
57. 7, 9. & 59. 16, 17. & 101. 1.
144. 9. Is. 5. 1. 1 Cor. 14. 15.
Job 29. 13. s. for joy, Is. 65. 14.
Ps. 9. 11. s. praise, 18. 49. & 27. 6. & 30. 12. &
47. 6, 7. & 68. 4. & 75. 9. & 92. 1. & 108. 1,
3. & 135. 3. & 147. 1. & 149. 3. & 146.2.
Ps. 145. 7. shall s. of thy righteousness
Pr. 29. 6. the righteous doth s. and rejoice
Is. 35. 6. then shall tongue of the dumb s.
1 Cor. 14. 15. I will s. with the Spirit
James 5. 13. is any merry, let him s. psalms
SINGLE eye, Mat. 6. 22. Luke 11. 34.

Acts 2. 46. singleness of heart, Eph. 6. 5.
Col. 3. 22.

SINK, Ps. 69. 2, 14. Luke 9. 44.
SISTER, Song 4. 9. & 5. 1. & 8. 8.
SITUATION, 2 Kings 2. 19. Ps. 48. 2.
SKIN for skin, Job 2. 4. & 10. 11. & 19.26.
Jer. 13. 23. Heb. 11. 37.

SKIP, Ps. 29. 6. & 114. 4. Song 2. 8.
SLACK, Deut. 7. 10. Pr. 10. 4. Hab. 1. 4.
Zeph. 3. 16.. 2 Pet. 3. 9.

Mat. 5. 39. shall s. thee on thy right cheek
Is. 53. 4. esteem him smitten of God

Hos. 6. 1. hath s. and he will bind us up
SMOKE, Gen. 19. 28. Exod. 19. 18.
Deut. 29. 20. anger of the Lord shall s.
Ps. 74. 1. God, why doth thy anger s.

102. 3. as s. Pr. 10. 26. Is. 65. 5.
Is. 42. 3. smoking flax, Mat. 12. 20.
SMOOTH, Gen. 27. 11, 16. Is. 30. 10.
Ps. 55. 21. smoother, Pr. 5. 3.
SNARE, Ex. 23. 33. Judges 2. 3.
Ps. 69. 22. let their table become a s. Rom.

91. 3. deliver thee from s. of the fowler
119. 110. wicked laid a s. for me

124. 7. s. is broken and we are escaped

Pr. 29. 25. fear of man bringeth a s.
1 Tim. 6. 9. that will be rich fall into a s.
2 Tim. 2. 26. recover out of the s. of devil

Ps. 11. 6. on the wicked he will rain snares

18. 5. s. of death prevented me

Pr. 13. 14. to depart from the s. of death
Ps. 9. 16. snared, Pr. 6. 2. & 12. 13. Eccl. 9. 12.
Is. 8. 15. & 28. 13. & 47.22.
SNOW, as, Ps. 51. 7. Is. 1. 18. Ps. 68. 14.
Dan. 7. 9. Mat. 28.3. Rev. 1. 14.
SNUFFED, Mal. 1. 13. Jer. 2. 24.
SOBER for your cause, 2 Cor. 5. 13.
1 Thess. 5. 6. let us watch and be s. 8.
1 Tim. 3. 2. a bishop must be vigilant, s.

11. wives not slanderers, s. faithful

Tit. 1. 8. s. just, holy, temperate

2. 2. aged men be s. grave, temperate
4. teach young women to be s.
6. young men exhort to be s. minded

SLAY, Job 13. 15. Ps. 139. 19. Lev. 14. 13.
Eph. 2. 16. having slain the enmity thereby 1 Pet. 1. 13. gird up your loins, be s.
Rev. 5. 9. thou wast s. and hast redeemed

6. 9. those that were s. for word of God
13. 8. Lamb s. from foundation of world
SLEEP, deep, Gen. 2. 21. & 15. 12. 1 Sam. 26.
12. Job 4. 13. Ps. 76.6. Pr. 19. 15. Is. 29. 10.

Ps. 90. 5. they are as a s. in the morning
127. 2. he giveth his beloved s.

132. 4. I will not give s. to mine eyes

Pr. 3. 24. thy s. shall be sweet

6. 4. give not s. to thine eyes, nor slumber
10. yet a little s. a little slumber, 24. 33.
20. 13. love not s. lest thou come to poverty
Eccl. 5. 12. s. of a labouring man is sweet
Jer. 31. 26. my s. was sweet to me

51. 39. s. a perpetual s. 57.
Luke 9. 32. were heavy with s.
Rom. 13. 11. time to wake out of s.
Esth. 6. 1. on that night the king could not s.
Eccl. 5. 12. the abundance of the rich will
not suffer him to s.

Song 5. 2. I s. but my heart waketh
1 Cor. 11. 30. for this cause many s.

15. 51. we shall not all s. but shall all be
1 Thess. 4. 14. them also which s. in Jesus

5. 6. let us not s. as others; but watch
7. they that s. s. in the night
10. whether we s. or wake, should


Ps. 3. 5. laid me down and slept, 4. 8.
76. 5. they have s. their sleep

1 Cor. 15. 20. the first fruits of them that s.
Eph. 5. 14. awake thou that s. and
SLIDE, Deut. 32. 35. Ps. 26. 1. & 37. 31. Jer.
8. 5. Hos. 4. 16.

SLIGHTLY, Jer. 6. 14. & 8. 11.

SLING, 1 Sam. 25. 29. Jer. 10. 18.

4. 7. be s. and watch unto prayer
5. 8. be s. be vigilant, for your adver-

Rom. 12. 3. not to think highly, but soberly
Tit. 2. 12. teaching us to live s.
Acts 26. 25. speak words of soberness
1 Tim. 2. 9. sobriety, 15.
SOFT, God maketh my heart, Job 23. 16.
Pr. 15. 1. s. answer turneth away wrath

Job 30. 9 I am their s. Ps. 69. 12.

35. 10. giveth s. in the night, Ps. 42. 8. &
77. 6. Is. 30. 29.

Ps. 32. 7. compass with s. of deliverance

119. 54. been s. in house of my pilgrimage
137. 3. required a s. one of the s. of Zion

Ezek. 33. 32. as a very lovely s.
Eph. 5. 19. speak to yourselves in spiritual s.
Rev. 14. 3. no man could learn that s.

15. 3. sing s. of Moses, and of the Lamb
Ps. 33. 3. sing a new song, 40. 3. & 96. 1. & 144.
9. & 149. 1. Is. 42. 10. Rev. 5. 9.
SOON as they be born, Ps. 58. 3.

106. 13. s. forgat his works

Pr. 14. 17. s. angry, dealeth foolishly
Gal. 1. 6. s. removed to another gospel
2 Thess. 2. 2. be not s. shaken in mind
SOAP, Jer. 2. 22. Mal. 3. 2.

SORCERER, Acts 13. 6, 8. & 8. 9, 11.
Jer. 27. 9. sorcerers, Mal. 3. 5. Rev. 21. 8.
SORE, 2 Chr. 6. 28. Job 5. 18.

Heb. 10. 29. of how much sorer punishment
Is. 1. 6. bruises and putrifying sores
SORRY, Ps. 38. 18. 2 Cor. 2. 2. & 7. 8.
Ps. 90. 10. strength, labour, and sorrow
Pr. 15. 13. by s. of heart the spirit is broken
Eccl. 1. 18. increaseth knowledge increaseths.

7. 3. s. is better than laughter
Is. 35. 10. s. and sighing flee away, 51.11.
50. 11. ye shall lie down in s.
Lam. 1. 12. be any s. like unto my s.
John 16. 6. s. hath filled your hearts

20. your s. shall be turned into joy
2 Cor. 2. 7. swallowed up of overmuch s.

7. 10. godly s. worketh repentance to
salvation, but s. of world worketh
death, 9.

Phil. 2. 27. should have s. upon s.
1 Thess. 4. 13. s. not as others which have
Rev. 21. 4. no more death, neither s.
Ps. 18. 5. s. of hell, 116. 3. s. of death

127. 2. it is vain to eat the bread of s.
Is. 53. 3. man of s. 4. carried our s.
Mat. 24. 8. beginning of sorrowS
1 Tim. 6. 10. pierced through with many s.
2 Cor. 7. 9. sorrowed, Jer. 31. 12.

1 Sam. 1. 15. woman of sorrowful spirit
Job 6. 7. were as my s. meat

25. 15. a s. tongue breaketh the bone
Mat. 11. 8. man clothed in s. raiment
SOJOURN, Gen. 12. 10. Ps. 120. 5.
Lev. 25. 23. sojourners with me, 1 Chr. 29. 15. Pr. 14. 13. in laughter the heart is s.
Ps. 39. 12.

Ex. 12. 40. sojourning, 1 Pet. 1. 17

Jer. 31. 25. replenished s. soul, Ps. 69. 29.
Zeph. 3. 18. s. for the solemn assembly

26. 22, 38. my soul is exceeding s. even

SOLD thyself to work evil, 1 Kings 21. 20. Mat. 19. 22. young man went away s.
2 Kings 17. 17. s. themselves to do evil
Rom 7. 14. I am carnal, s. under sin
SON, 2 Sam. 18. 33. & 19. 4.
Ps. 2. 12. kiss the S. lest he be angry

116. 16. I am the s. of thy handmaid
Pr. 10. 1. wise s. maketh a glad father, 15. 20.
Mal. 3. 17. as a man spareth his own s.
Mat. 11. 27. no man knoweth S. but the Fa-


17. 5. this is my beloved S. 3. 17.
Luke 10. 6. if the s. of peace be there
John 1. 18. only begotten S. 3. 16, 18, 35.

5. 21. so the S. quickeneth whom he will
23. men should honour the S.

8. 35. S. abideth ever, 36. S. maketh free
17. 12. lost none but the s. of perdition
Rom. 8. 3. sent own S. in the likeness, 32.
Gal. 4. 7. if s. then an heir of God

2 Thess. 2. 3. man of sin, s. of perdition
Heb. 5. 8. though a s. yet learned he obedience

SLIP, Ps. 17. 5. & 18. 36. & 38. 16. & 94. 18. 1 John 2. 22. denieth S. denieth the Father
Heb. 2. 1.

Ps. 35. 6. slippery, 73. 18. Jer. 23. 12.
SLOTHFUL are under tribute, Pr. 12. 24.
Pr. 12. 27. s. roasteth not which he took

15. 19. way of s. in an hedge of thorns
18. 9. s. is brother to a great waster

26. 14. as door on hinges so doth s. on bed
Rom. 12. 11. not s. in business, but fervent
Heb. 6. 12. be not s. but followers of them
Pr. 19. 24. s hideth his hand in bosom

21. 25. desire of the s. killeth him
22. 13. s. sayeth there is a lion, 26. 13.
24. 30. I went by the field of the s.

5. 11. life in S. 12. that hath S. hath

Mat. 21. 37. his son, Acts 3. 13. Rom. 1. 3, 9.
& 5. 10. & 8. 29, 32. 1 Cor. 1. 9. Gal. 1. 16.
& 4. 4, 6. 1 Thess. 1. 10. Heb. 1. 2. 1 John
1. 7. & 2. 23. & 3. 23. & 4. 9, 10, 14. & 5. 9,
10, 11, 20.

Luke 15. 19. thy son, John 17. 1, 19, 26.
Dan. 3. 25. the Son of God, Mat. 4. 3. & 16. 16.
& 41 other places

Num. 23. 19. Son of man, Job 25. 6. Ps. 8. 4.

2 Cor. 6. 10. as s. yet always rejoicing
Luke 2. 48. sorrowing, Acts 20. 38.
SORT, godly, 2 Cor. 7. 11. 3 John 6.
SOUGHT the Lord, Ex. 33. 7. 2 Chr. 14. 7.
Ps. 34. 4. I s. the Lord, and he heard me

111. 2. s. out of all them that take pleasure
119. 10. with my whole heart I s. thee

Eccl. 7. 29. s. out many inventions
Is. 62. 12. be called s. out, a city not forsaken
C5. 1. I am found of them that s. me not

Rom. 9. 32. s. it not by faith, but by law
Heb. 12. 17. though he s. it carefully
2 Chr. 16. 12. s. not the Lord, Zeph. 1. 6.
1 Chr. 15. 13. sought him, 2 Chr. 14. 7. & 15. 4
Ps. 78.34. Song 3. 1, 2. & 5. 6. Jer. 8. 2. 8
26. 21.

SOLDIER of Jesus Christ, 2 Tim. 2. 3, 4.
SOUL abhor my judgments, Lev. 56. 15, 43.
Gen. 2. 7. man became a living s.
Deut. 11. 13. serve him with all your s.

13. 3. love the Lord with all thy s. Josh
22. 5. 1 Kings 2.4. Mark 12. 33.

1 Sam. 18. 1. s. of Jonathan knit to s. of Davie
1 Kings 8. 48. return with all their s.
1 Chr. 22. 19. set your s. to seek the Lord
Job 16. 4. if your s. were in my s.'s stead
Ps. 19. 7. law is perfect, converting the s.

34. 22. Lord redeemeth s. of his servants
49. 8. redemption of s. is precious
74. 19. deliver not the s. of thy turtle-dove
107. 9. filleth the hungry s. with goodness

& 80. 17. & 144. 3. Dan. 7. 13. Ezekiel is Pr. 10. 3. not suffer s. of righteous to
so called about 90, and Christ about 84

18. 2. s. be without knowledge is not
27. 7. full s. loatheth an honey-comb

[blocks in formation]

19. 15. slothfulness castethin a deep sleep

SLOW to anger, Nen. 9. 17.

Ps. 144. 12. that our sons may be as plants

Song 2. 3. so is my beloved among s.

SLUGGARD, go to the ant, Pr. 6. 6.

6. 9. how long wilt thou sleep, O s.

13. 4. the soul of the s. desireth

Mal. 3. 3. purify s. of Levi, 6. s. of Jacob
Mark 3. 17. Boanerges, the s. of thunder
1 Cor. 4. 14. cs my beloved s. I warn you

Is. 55. 2. let your s. delight in fatness
55. 3. hear, and your s. shall live
58. 10. I will satisfy the afflicted s.
Jer. 31. 25. I have satiated weary s. 12. 14.
38. 16. Lord made us this s. Ezek. 18. 4.
Ezek. 18. 4. s. that sinneth, it shall die, 20.

Spirit of his Son

Heb. 2. 10. bring many s. to glory

Rom. 13. 1. let every s. be subject to powers
1 Thess. 5. 23. spirit s. and body be preserved
Heb. 4. 12. piercing to the dividing of the s.

20. 4. s. will not plough by reason of cold Gal. 4. 6. because ye are s. God sent forth the Mat. 10. 28. are not able to kill the s.

26. 16. s. is wiser in his own conceit

SLUMBER, Ps. 132. 4. Rom. 11. 8.

Ps. 121. 3. he that keepeth thee will not s. 4.
Mat. 25. 5. they all slumbered and slept
2 Pet 2. 3. their damnation slumbereth not
SMITE, the Lord shall, Deut. 28. 22.
Ps. 141. 5. let righteous s. me

Jer. 18. 18. let us s. him with the tongue

12. 7. God dealeth with you as with s.
Gen. 6. 2. sons of God, Job 1. 6. & 2. 1. & 38.
7. Hos. 1. 10. John 1. 12. Rom. 8. 14, 19.
Phil. 2. 15. 1 John 3. 1, 2.

SONG to the Lord, Ex. 15. 1. Num. 21. 17.
Ex. 15. 2. Lord is my s. Ps. 118. 14. Is. 12. 2.

10. 39. believe to saving of the s.

Ex. 30. 12. ransom for his soul
Judges 10. 16.-was grieved for misery
2 Kings 23. 25. turned to Lerd with all-
Job 27. 8, when God taketh away-

Hab. 2. 4.-lifted up, is not upright in
Mat. 16. 26. lose-; what in exchange for
Ps. 16. 10. not leave my soul in hell

31. 7. hast known-in adversity.
35. 3. say to-I am thy salvation

9. shall be joyful in the Lord
42. 5, 11. why cast down, O-, 43. 5.
62. 1.-waiteth upon God, 5.

63. 1.-thirsteth for thee, my flesh

5.-shall be satisfied as with marrow
8.-followeth hard after thee

Is. 26. 9. with-have I desired thee, 8.
61. 10. shall be joyful in my God
Luke 1. 46. doth magnify the Lord
John 12. 27. now is-troubled, Mat. 26. 38.
Ps. 33.20. our soul, 44. 25. & 66. 9. & 123. 4. &
124. 4. Is. 26. 8.

Luke 6. 26. when all men s. well of you
John 3. 11. we s. that we do know
Acts 4. 20. cannot but s. things we have
1 Cor. 1. 10. ye all s. the same thing

2. 6. we s. wisdom among the perfect
Tit. 3. 2. to s. evil of no man, but gentle
James 1. 19. swift to hear, slow to s.
2 Pet. 2. 10. s. evil of dignities, Jude 8.
Jude 10. s. evil of things they know not
Mat. 12. 32. who speaketh against Son of

Luke 9. 55. know not what kind of s. ye
24. 39. a s. hath not flesh and bones
John 3. 5. born of water and of the a

6. that which is born of the s. is a.
34. God giveth not s. by measure to

4. 24. God is a s.; worship him in s.
and in truth, 23.

6. 33. it is the s. that quickeneth; the
words I speak are s. and life
34. out of abundance of heart mouth Acts 6. 10. not able to resist the s.

[blocks in formation]

16. 7. the s. suffered them not
17. 16. Paul's s. was stirred in him
18.5. Paul was pressed in s. and testified

Rom. 8. 1. not after flesh, but after s. 4.

2. s. of life in Christ Jesus made free
9. if any have not s. of Christ, he is
8. 13. if ye through s. mortify deeds of
15. s. of bondage, s. of adoption
16. thes, beareth witness with our s
SPREAD, Job 9.8. Is. 25. 11. & 37. 14. Jer. 1 Pet. 2. 21. we should follow his s.

Dent. 13. 6. own soul, 1 Sam. 18. 1. & 20. 17.
Ps. 22. 29. Prov. 8. 36. & 11. 17. & 15.32. &
19. 8, 16. & 6.32. & 20. 2. & 29. 24. Mark 8.
36. Luke 2.35.

Deut. 4. 9. with all thy soul, 6. 5. & 10. 12. &
30.6. Mat 22. 37.

Ezek 3. 19. deliver thy soul, 21. & 33. 9.
Luke 12. 20. this night-shall be required
3 John 2. prosper -as prospereth

Ps. 72. 13. save souls of the needy, 97. 10.
Pr. 11. 30. he that winneth s. is wise

Is 57. 16. spirit fail, and s. which I have made
Ezek. 14. 14. should but deliver their s.

1 Pet. 3. 20. few, i. 6. eight s. were & ived
4. 19. commit keeping of their s.

2 Pet. 2. 14. beguiling unstable s.
Rev. 6. 9. s. of slain and beheaded, 20. 4.
Luke 21. 19. your souls, Josh 23. 14. Jer. 6. 16.
& 26. 19. Mat. 11. 29. Heb. 13. 17. 1 Pet. 1.
9,22 & 2. 25.

SOUND dreadful, Job 15. 21.

Ps. 47. 5. God is gone up with s. of trumpet
89. 15. people that know the joyful s.
119. 80 let my heart be s. in thy statutes

Pr. 2. 7. s. wisdoin, 3. 21. & 8. 14.
Eccl. 12. 4 s. of the grinding is low

Amos 6. 5. that chant to the s. of the viol
Rom. 10. 18. their s. went into all the earth
1 Tim. 1. 10. contrary to s. doctrine, 2 Tim.


2 Tim. 1. 7. s. mind, 13. of s. words

Tit. 1. 9. s. doctrine, s. in faith, 2. 1, 2.

2. 8. s. speech that cannot be condemned

Is. 63. 15. sounding of bowels, 16. 11.
Ps. 38. 3, 7. no soundness, Is. 1. 6.
SOW that was washed, 2 Pet. 2. 22.
SOW wickedness reap the same, Job 4. 8.
Ps. 126. 5. s. in tears, reap in joy
Eccl. 11. 4. observeth wind, shall not s.
Is. 32. 20. blessed that s. beside all waters
Jer. 4. 3. fallow ground, s. not among thorns

31. 27. I will s. houses of Israel and Judah
Hos. 10. 12. 8. in righteousness, reap in mercy
Mic. 6. 15. thou shalt s. and not reap
Mat. 13. 3. sower went out to s.

Luke 12. 24. the ravens neither s. nor reap
19. 22. reaping what I did not s.
Ps. 97. 11. light is sown for righteous
Hos. 8. 7. s. wind and reap whirlwind
1 Cor. 9. 11. have s. to you spiritual things
15. 42. it is s. in corruption

43. it is s. in dishonour; it is s. in

2 Cor. 9. 10. multiply your seed s.
James 3. 18. fruit of righteous s. in peace
Pr. 11. 18. he that soweth righteousness
22. 8 s. iniquity, shall reap vanity
John 4 37. ones and another reapeth
2 Cor. 9. 6. s. sparingly, and s. bountifully
Gal. 6. 7. what a man s. that shall he reap

8. s. to his flesh, shall reap corruption
Is. 55. 10. seed to sower, 2 Cor. 9. 10.
SPARE all the place, Gen. 18. 16.
Neh. 13. 22. s. me according to thy mercy
Ps. 39. 13. s. me that I may recover strength
Pr. 19. 18. let not thy soul s. for his crying
Joel 2. 17. s. thy people, and give not thine
Mal. 3. 17. I will s. them, as man s. his son
Rom. 8. 32. that spared not his own Son

11. 21. if God s. not the natural branches
2 Pet. 2 4. God s. not angels that sinned
Pr. 13. 24. he that spareth rod hateth son
SPARKS, Job 5. 7. Is. 50. 11.
SPARROW, Ps. 102. 7. Mat. 10. 29.
SPEAK against Moses, Num. 12. 8.
Gen. 18. 27. taken on me to s. to the Lord
Ex. 4. 14. Aaron thy brother, can s. well
34. 35. went in to s. to the Lord
1 Sam. 3. 9. s. Lord, thy servant heareth
Ps. 85. 8. the Lord will s. peace to people
Is. 8. 20. if s. not according to this word

50. 4. know how to s, a word in season

1 Pet. 2. 12. s. against you as evil doers
Is. 45. 19. I speak, 63. 1 John 4.26. & 7. 17. &
8. 26, 28, 38. & 12.50. Rom. 3.5. & 6. 19.
1 Tim. 2. 7.

Is. 58. 13. nor speaking thine own words
65. 24. while they are s. I will hear, 58. 9.
Dan. 9. 20. while I was s. and confessing
Mat. 6. 7. will be heard for their much s.
Eph. 4. 15. s. the truth in love

31. let evil s. be put away, 1 Pet. 2. 1.
5, 19. s. to yourselves in psalms and

1 Tim. 4. 2. s. lies in hypocrisy, Ps. 58. 3.
Rev. 13. 5. a mouth s. great things
Gen. 11. 1. whole earth was of one speech
Deut. 32. 2. my s. shall distil as the dew
Mat. 26. 73. thy s. bewrayeth thee

1 Cor. 2 1. not with excellency of s.
2 Cor. 3. 12. use great plainness of s.
10. 10. his s. is contemptible

Col. 4. 6. let your s. be always with grace
Tit. 2. 8. sound s. that cannot be condemned
Jude 15. of all their hard speeches

26. the s. helpeth our infirmities
1 Cor. 2. 10. the s. searcheth all things

5. 3. present in s. 5. s. may be saved
6.17 joined unto the Lord isones 12.11

2 Cor. 3. 3. written with s. of living God
6. not of letter but of s.; s. giveth life
17. where s.of Lord is, there is laberty
7.1.cleanse from filthiness of flesh ands.

Gal. 3. 3. begun in the s. are now perfect
4.6. sent forth s. of Son into your hearts
5. 16. walk in the s.

17. flesh lusteth against s. and s
against flesh

18. if led by the s. are not under law
22. fruit of s. is love, joy, and peace
25. if live in the s. let us walk in thes.
6. 18. grace be with your s. 2Tim.4.22

Eph. 1. 13. sealed with holy s. of promuse
4. 4. there is one body and one s.
23. be renewed in the s. of your mind
5. 9. fruit of s. is in all godliness
18. not drunk, but filled with the s.

Rom. 16. 18. by fair s. deceive the simple
Mat. 22. 12. he was speechless
SPECTACLE to angels, 1 Cor. 4. 9.
SPEED, Gen. 24. 12. 2 John 10 11.
Ezra 7. 21. speedily, 26. Ps. 31. 2. & 79. 8. 1 Thess. 5. 23. whole s. soul and body be
Ex. 8. 11. Luke 18. 8.

SPEND their days in wealth, Job 21. 13.
Ps. 90. 9. s. our years as a tale that is told
Is. 55. 2. s. money, for that is not bread

49. 4. have spent my strength for nought
Rom. 13. 12. night is far s. day is at hand
2 Cor. 12. 15. I would spend and be s.
SPICES, Song 4. 10, 14, 16. & 8. 14.
SPIDER, Pr. 30. 28. Job 8. 14. Is. 59. 5.
SPIKENARD, Song 1. 12. & 4. 13, 14.
SPIRIT made willing, Ex. 35. 21.
Num. 11. 17. take of s. which is on thee

14. 24. Caleb had another s. with him

2 Kings 2. 9. a double portion of thy s.
Ezra 1. 5. whose s. God raised to build up
Neh. 9. 20. gavest thy good s. to instruct
Job 26. 13. by his s. he garnished the heavens

32. 8. there is a s. in man, 18. s. in me

Ps. 31. 5. into thy hand I commit my s.
32. 2. in whose s. there is no guile
51. 16. renew a right s. within me

11. take not thy holy s. from me
12. uphold me with thy free s.
17. a broken s. and contrite, 34. 18.
Pr. 15. 13. & 17. 22. Is. 57. 15. &


76. 12. he will cut off the s. of princes
78. 8. whole s. is not stedfast with God
94. 30. sendest forth thy s. Job 34. 14.
139. 7. whither should I go from thy s.
142. 3. my s. was overwhelmed in me,

143. 4.

143. 7. s. faileth, 10. thy s. is good
Pr. 14. 29. is hasty of s. exalteth folly

15. 13. by sorrow of heart the s. is broken
16. 18. a haughty s. before a fall

6. 18. praying always in s. Jude 20.
Col. 2. 5. I am with you in the s. joying

Heb. 4. 12. dividing asunder of soul and 6.
9. 14. who through eternal s. offered
James 4. 5. s. that dwelleth in us lusteth
1 Pet. 3. 4. ornament of a meek and quiet s
18. to death in flesh, but quickened a

4. 6. live according to God in the s.
1 John 4. 1. believe not every s. but try s.
Jude 19. separate, sensual, not having thes.
Rev. 1. 10. I was in the s. on Lord's day

11. 11. s. of life from God entered them
14. 13. yea, saith the s. that they may
22. 17. the s. and bride say, come

Gen. 6. 3. my spirit, Job 10. 12. Ps. 31. 5. &
77. 6. Is. 38. 16. Ezek. 36. 27. Zech. 4. 6.
Luke 1. 47. & 23. 46. Acts 7.59. Rom. 1.
9. 1 Cor. 14. 14.

Gen. 1. 2. Spirit of God, Ex. 31. 3. 2 Chron.
15. 1. Job 33. 4. Ezek. 11.34. Mat. 3. 16.
& 12. 28. Rom. 8. 9, 14. & 15. 19. 10. 2
11, 14. & 3. 16. & 6. 11. & 123 2 Cor. 3.3.
Eph. 4.30. 1 Pet. 4. 14. 1 John 4.2

Is. 11. 2. s. of wisdom, Eph. 1. 17.
Zech. 13. 2. uncleans. Mat. 12. 43.
Num. 16. 22. God of s. of all fiesh, 27. 16.
Ps. 104. 4. maketh his angels spirits
Pr. 16. 2. Lord weigheth the s.
Mat. 10. 1. unclean spirits, Acts 5. 16. & 8.7.
Rev. 16. 13, 14.

Luke 10. 20. rejoice not that the s. are subject
1 Cor. 14. 32. s. of the prophets are subject
Heb. 12. 23. to s. of just men made perfect
1 Pet. 3. 19. preached to s. in prison
1 John 4. 1. try s. whether they be of God
Hos. 9. 7. the spiritual man is mad
Rom. 1. 11. impart unto you some s. gift

7. 14. law is s. but I am carnal
15. 27. partakers of their s. things

32. he that ruleth his own s. is better
18. 14. a wounded s. who can bear
20. 27. the s. of man is the candle of Lord 1 Cor. 2. 13. comparing s. things with s
Eccl. 3. 21. who knoweth s. of a man

8.8. no power over the s. to retain the s.
11.5. thou knowest not the way of the s.
12. 7. the s. shall return to God

Is. 32. 15. until the s. be poured on us
34. 16. his s. gathered them
57. 16. for the s. shall fail before me
61. 3. garment of praise for s. of heaviness

Mic. 2. 11. walking in s. and falsehood
Zech. 10. 1. formeth s. of man within him

10. pour out s. of grace, and suppli-

Mal. 2. 15. take heed to your s.
Mat. 22. 43. doth David in s. call him Lord
26. 41. s. willing, but flesh is weak

2. 27. came by the s. into the temple

Jer. 18. 7. at what instant I s. concerning, 9. Luke 1.80. John waxed strong in s.

Hab. 2. 3. at the end it shall s and not lie

Mat. 10. 10. how or what ye shall s.

15. he that is s. judgeth all things
3. 1. not speak unto you as s.
9. 11. if we have sown to you s. things
10. 3. eat s. meat, 4. same s. drink; s


15. 44. it is raised a s. body
Gal. 6. 1. ye which are s. restore such
Eph. 1. 3. blessed us with all s. blessings
5. 19. speaking in s. songs, Col. 316.
6. 12. wrestle against s. wickedness
Col. 1. 9. filled with all s. understanding
1 Pet. 2. 5. built us s. house; offers. sacrifice
Rom. 8. 6. to be spiritually minded is life
1 Cor. 2. 14. neither know them, because &

Rev. 11. 8. s. is called Sodom and Egypt.
SPITE, Ps. 10. 14. Mat. 22. 6.

8. 55. her s. came again and she arose | SPITTING, Is. 50. 6. Luke 18. 32.

SPOIL, Gen. 49. 27. Ps. 68. 12.

Ps. 119. 162. as one that finds great s.
Is. 53. 12. shall divide s. with the strong
Mat. 12. 29. he will s. his house

Col. 2. 8. lest any s. you through philosophy
Ex. 12. 36. they spoiled the Egyptians

Col. 2. 15. having s. principalities and powers
Heb. 10. 34. took joyfully spoiling of goods
SPOT, without, Num. 19. 2. & 28. 3. 9. Job
11. 19. 2 Tim. 6. 14. Heb. 9. 14. 1 Pet. 1.
19. 2 Pet. 3. 14.

Deut. 32. 5. their s. is not s. of his children
Song 4. 7. all fair, there is no s. in thee

STEDFAST, Job 11. 15. Dan. 6. 26.

Ps. 78. 8. spirit was not s. with God, 37.
Acts 2. 42. continued s. in apostles' doctrine
1 Cor. 15. 58. be ye s. immoveable, alway
Heb. 3. 14. hold our confidence s. to end
1 Pet. 5. 9. whom resist s. in the faith
Col. 2. 5. stedfastness, 2 Pet. 3. 17.
STEPS, Ex. 20. 26. Ps. 18. 36.
Ps. 37. 23. s. of good men ordered by Lord
31. none of his s. shall slide
44. 18. neither our s. declined from

119. 133. order my s. in thy word
Pr. 16. 9. but the Lord directeth his s.
Jer. 10. 23. not in man to direct his s.
Rom. 4. 12. walk in the s. of that faith

Eph. 5. 27. not having s. nor wrinkle

Jer. 13. 33. spots, Jude 12, 23.

4.3. Lam. 1. 17. Ezek. 16. 8.

SPRING, Ps. 85. 11. Mat. 13. 5, 7.

87. 7. all my springs, are in thee

SPRINKLE, Lev. 14. 7. & 16. 14.

Is. 52. 15. so he shall s. many nations
Ezek. 36. 25. I will s. clean water on you

STEWARD, Luke 12. 42. & 16. 2. 1 Cor. 4. 1.
Tit. 1. 7. 1 Pet. 4. 10.

Ps. 65. 10. springing, John 4. 14. Heb. 12. 15. STIFF, neck, Deut. 31. 27. Jer. 17. 23.

Heb. 10. 22. having our hearts sprinkled from

au evil conscience

12. 24. come to blood of sprinkling

1 Pet. 1. 2. through s. of blood of Jesus Christ
SPUE thee out of my mouth, Rev. 3. 16.
Hab. 2. 16. Lev. 18. 28. Jer. 25. 27.

SPY, Num. 13. 16. Gal. 2. 4.
STABILITY of times, Is. 33. 6.
STAFF, Gen. 32. 10. Zech. 11. 10.
Ps. 23. 4. thy rod and s. comfort me
Is. 3. 1. take away stay and s. of bread

9. 4. broken s. of his shoulder, 14. 5.
10. 5. s. in their hand is my indignation
STAGGER, Ps. 107. 27. Rom. 4. 20.
STAKES, Is. 33. 20. & 54. 2.
STAIN, Is. 23. 9. & 63. 3.
STAMMER, Is. 28. 11. & 33. 19. & 32. 4.
STAND, Ezek. 29. 7. Exod. 9. 11.
Job 19. 25. shall s. at latter day on earth
Ps. 76. 7. who may s. in thy sight

130. 3. if Lord mark iniquities, who shall


Is. 46. 10. my counsel shall s. Pr. 19. 21.
Mal. 3. 2. who shall s. when he appeareth
Mat. 12. 25. divided against itself shall not s.
Rom. 5. 2. this grace wherein we s.

14. 4. God is able to make him s.
2 Cor. 1. 24. by faith ye s. Rom. 11. 20.
Eph. 6. 13. having done all to s. 14. s.
1 Pet. 5. 12. true grace of God wherein ye s.
Rev. 3. 20. behold, I s. at the door and knock
Nah. 1. 6. stand before, 1 Sam. 6. 20. Luke 21.
36. Rom. 14. 10. Rev. 20. 12.

1 Cor. 16. 13. stand fast in the faith

Gal. 5. 1.-in the liberty wherewith Christ
Phil. 1. 27. in one spirit, 4. 1.-in the Lord
1 Thess. 3. 8. we live, if ye-in the Lord
2 Thess. 2. 15.-and hold the traditions
Ps. 1. 5. stand in, 4. 4. & 24. 3.

Ex. 14. 13. stand still, see salvation, 2 Chron.
20. 17. Josh. 10. 12. Zech. 11. 16.

Ps. 1. 1. standeth, 26. 12. & 33. 11. Prov. 8. 2.
Song 2. 9. Is. 3. 13.
Ps. 119. 161. my heart s. in awe of thy word
Rom. 14. 4. to his own master he s. or falleth
1 Cor. 10. 12. thinketh he s. take heed lest
2 Tim. 2. 19. foundation of God s. sure
James 5. 9. behold, Judge s. at the door
STAR, Num. 24. 17. Mat. 2. 2.
Judges 5. 20. stars in their courses fought
Job 25. 5. s. are not pure in his sight

38. 7. when the morning s. sang together
Dan. 12. 3. shall shine as s. for ever
Jude 13. wandering s. to whom is darkness
Rev. 12. 1. on her head a crown of twelve s.
STATURE, Mat. 6. 27. Eph. 4. 13.
STATUTES and laws, Neh. 9. 14.
Ps. 19. 8. the s. of the Lord are right
Ezek. 20. 25. s. not good, 33. 15. s. of life
Mic. 6. 16. the s. of Omri are kept

Ex. 15. 26. his statutes, Deut. 6. 17. 2 Kings
17. 15. Ps. 18. 22. & 105. 45.

1 Chr. 29. 19. thy statutes, Ps. 119. 12, 16, 23,
26, 33, 54, 64, 68, 71, 117.
STAY, Ps. 18. 18. Song 2. 5. Is. 10. 20. & 26.
3. & 27. 8. & 48. 2. & 50.10.
STEAD, Gen. 4. 25. & 22. 13.

30. 2. Jacob said, I am in God's s.

Job 16. 4. if your soul were in my soul's s.
Pr. 11. 8. the wicked cometh in his s.
2 Cor. 5. 20. we pray you in Christ's s.
STEAL, Ex. 20. 15. Lev. 19. 11.
Pr. 6. 30. if he s. to satisfy his soul

30. 9. lest I be poor, and s. and take
Jer. 23. 30. I am against the prophets, saith
the Lord, that s. my word
Mat. 6. 19. where thieves break through and s.
Eph. 4. 28. let him that stole, s. no more
Pr. 9. 17. stolen waters are sweet

Ex. 32. 9. stiff-necked people, 33. 3, 5. & 34. 9.
Deut. 9. 6, 13. & 10. 16.

Acts 7. 51.-ye do always resist Holy Ghost
2 Chr. 36. 13. he stiffened his neck
STILL, Ex. 15. 16. Ps. 8. 2. & 139. 18.
Ps. 4. 4. be s. Jer. 47. 6. Mark 4.39.

46. 10. be s. and know that I am God
83. 1. keep not silence, be not s. O God
Is. 30. 7. their strength is to sit s.
Rev. 22. 11. be unjust s. be filthy s. holy s.
Ps. 65. 7. stilleth noise of the sea, 89. 9.
STING, 1 Cor. 15. 55, 56. Rev. 9. 10.
Pr. 23. 32. it stings like an adder
STINK, Ps. 38. 5. Is. 3. 24.
STIR up, Num. 24.9. Job 17.8.
Ps. 35. 23. s. up thyself, awake, 80. 2.
78. 38. did not s. up all his wrath
Song 2. 7. that ye s. not up, nor, 3. 5. & 8. 4.
2 Tim. 1. 6. s. up gift of God that is in thee
2 Pet. 1. 13. think it meet to s. you up
STONE of Israel, Gen. 49. 24.

Ps. 118. 22. s. which the builders refused
Is. 8. 14. a s. of stumbling, Rom. 9. 32, 33.

28. 16. a tried s. a precious corner s.
Dan. 2. 34. a s. was cut out without hands
Hab. 2. 11. s. shall cry out of the wall
Zech. 3. 9. on one s. shall be seven eyes
Mat. 3. 9. of these s. to raise up children

7. 9. if ask bread will he give him a s.
Luke 19. 40. s. would immediately cry out
1 Pet. 2. 4. living s. 6. chief corner s.

5. ye as lively s. are built spiritual
Ezek. 11. 19. stony, Mat. 13. 5.
STORE, 1 Cor. 16. 2. 1 Tim. 6. 19.
Luke 12. 24. store-house, Ps. 33. 7.
STORM, Ps. 55. 8. & 83. 15.

Ps. 107. 29. he maketh the s. a calm
Is. 4. 6. covert from s. 25. 4. refuge from s.
Nah. 1. 3. the Lord hath his way in the s.
Mark 4. 37. arose a great s. Luke 8. 23.
Ps. 148. 8. stormy wind fulfilling his word
STOOP, Job 9. 13. Pr. 12. 25. Mark 1. 7.
STOUT hearted, Ps. 76. 5. Is. 46. 12.

Is. 10. 12. punish the fruit of the s. heart
Dan. 7. 20. look was more s. than his fellow
Mal. 3. 13. words have been s. against me
Is. 9. 9. say in pride and stoutness of heart
STRAIGHT, Josh. 6. 5. Jer 31.9.

Ps. 5. 8. make thy way s. before my face
Eccl. 1. 15. the crooked cannot be made s.

7. 31. who can make that s.

Is. 40. 3. make s. a highway, 4. crooked be
made s. 42. 16. & 45. 2. Luke 3.5.
Luke 3. 4. way of Lord, make his paths s.
Heb. 12. 13. make s. paths for your feet
STRAIN at a gnat, Mat. 23. 24.
STRAIT, 2 Sam. 24. 14. Job 20. 22. & 36. 16.
Is. 49. 20. Phil 1. 23.

Mat. 7. 13. enter in at the s. gate, 14.
Job 18. 7. steps straitened, Pr. 4. 12.
Mic. 2. 7. is the Spirit of the Lord s.
Luke 12. 50. how am I s. till it be

2 Cor. 6. 12. not s. in us, s. in your own
STRANGE, Ex. 21. 8. & 30. 9. Lev. 10. 1. Ps.
81.9. Jer. 2. 21. Luke 5. 26. Heb. 11. 9.
1 Pet. 4. 12. Jude 7.

Job 31. 3. is not a s. punishment to workers
Is. 26. 21. do his s. work, bring his s. act
Hos. 8. 12. law counted as a s. thing
Zeph. 1. 8. clothed with s. apparel
Heb. 13. 9. carried about with s. doctrines
1 Pet. 4. 4. think it s. that you run not
Judges 11. 2. strange women, Pr. 2. 16. & 5. 3,
20. & 6. 24. & 20. 16. & 23. 27. & 27. 13. Ezra
10. 2, 11.

Gen. 23. 4. stranger and sojourner, Ps. 39. 12.
& 119. 19. 1 Chr. 29. 15.

Pr. 14. 10. a s. doth not meddle with his
Jer. 14. 8. why should thou be as a s.
Mat. 25. 35. I was a s. and ye took me in
Luke 17. 18. to give God glory save this s.
John 10. 5. a s. will they not follow

Ps. 105. 12. very few and strangers in it

Ps. 146. 9. the Lord preserveth the s.
Eph. 2. 12. s. from the covenant of promise
19. ye are no more s. and foreigners
Heb. 11. 13. confessed they were s. on earth
13. 2. not forgetful to entertain s.
1 Pet. 2. 11. beseech you as s. and pilgrims
STRANGLED, Acts 15. 20, 29. & 21. 25.
Job 7. 15. my soul chooseth strangling
STREAM, Isa. 30. 33. & 66. 12. Dan. 7. 10.
Amos 5. 24. Luke 6.48.

Ps. 46. 4. streams, 126. 4. Song 4. 15. Is. 30.
25. & 33. 21. & 35. 6.

STREET, Rev. 11. 8. & 21. 21. & 22. 2.
Pr. 1. 20. streets, Song 3.2. Luke 14. 21.
STRENGTH, Gen. 49. 24. Ex. 13. 3.
Ex. 15. 2. the Lord is my s. and my song, Ps.
18. 2. & 28. 7. & 118. 14. Is. 12. 2.
Judges 5. 21. soul thou hast trodden down s
1 Sam. 2. 9. by s. shall no man prevail

15. 29. the S. of Israel will not lie
Job 9. 19. if I speak of s. lo, he is strong
12. 13. with him is wisdom and s. 16.

Ps. 18. 32. girded me with s. 39.

27. 1. the Lord is the s. of my life
29. 11. Lord will give s. to his people
33. 16. mighty are not delivered by s.
39. 13. spare me that I may recover s.
46. 1. God is our refuge and s. 81. 1.
68. 34. ascribe s. to God, 35. God giveth s.
73. 26. God is the s. of my heart, 43. 2.
84. 5. blessed whose s. is in thee

7. they go from s. to s. every one
93. 1. the Lord is clothed with s.
96. 6. s. and beauty are in his sanctuary
138. 3. strengthen me with s. in my soul

140. 7. the Lord, the s. of my salvation
Pr. 10. 29. way of the Lord is s. to upright
Eccl. 9. 16. wisdom is better than s.

10. 10. if iron be blunt, must put more s.
Is. 25. 4. s. to the poor and s. to needy
26. 4. in Lord Jehovah is everlasting s.
40. 29. that have no might increaseth s.
45. 24. in Lord have I righteousness and s.
Joel 3. 16. Lord is s. of children of Israel
Luke 1. 51. shewed s. with his arm
Rom. 5. 6. when we were yet without s.
1 Cor. 15. 56. s. of sin is the law
2 Cor. 1. 8. pressed out of measure, above s.
Rev. 3. 8. thou hast a little s. and kept

5. 12. worthy is the Lamb to receive s.
12. 10. now is come salvation and s.
17. 13. give their s. to beast

1 Chr. 16. 11. his strength, Ps. 33. 17. Is. 63. 1.
Hos. 7. 9. & 12. 3.

Gen. 49. 24. in strength, Job 9. 4. & 36. 5. Ps.
71. 16. & 103. 20. & 147. 10. Is. 33. 6.

Gen, 49. 3. my strength, Ex. 15. 2. 2 Sam. 2.
33. Job 6. 12. Ps. 8. 1, 2. & 19. 14. & 28. 7.
& 38. 10. & 43. 2. & 59. 17. & 62.7. & 71. 9.
& 99. 4. & 102. 23. & 118. 14. & 144. 1. Is.
12. 2. & 27. 5. & 49. 4, 5. Jer. 16. 19. Hab.
3. 19. 2 Cor. 12. 9.

Ps. 37.39. their strength, 89.17. Pr. 20. 29. Is.
30. 7. & 40. 31.

Ps. 8. 2. thy strength, 86. 16. & 110. 2. Pr. 24.
10. & 31. 3. Is. 17. 10. & 63. 15. Mark 14.
32. Deut. 33. 25.

Neh. 8. 10. your strength, Is. 23. 14. & 30. 15.
Ezek. 24. 21. Lev. 26. 20.

Ps. 20. 2. Lord strengthen thee out of Zion
27. 14. wait on Lord, he shall s. your heart
31.24.of good courage, he shall s. your heart
41. 3. Lord s. him on bed of languishing
119. 28. s. me according to thy word

Is. 35. 3. s. ye the weak hands

41. 10. I will s. thee, 54. 2. s. thy stakes
Dan. 11. 1. stood to confirm and s. him
Zech. 10. 12. I will s. them in the Lord
Luke 22. 32. when converted s. thy brethren
1 Pet. 5. 10. God of grace stablish, s. you
Rev. 3. 2. s. the things that remain

1 Sam. 23. 16. strengthened his hand in God
Ezek. 34. 4. the diseased have ye not s.
Eph. 3. 16. s. with might, Col. 1. 11.
2 Tim. 4. 17. Lord stood with me and s. me
Ps. 138. 3. thou s. me with s. in my soul

104. 15. bread which strengtheneth man

Phil. 4. 13. through Christ who s. me
STRETCH thy hands, Job 11. 13.
Amos 6. 4. that s. themselves on couches
Mat. 12. 13. s. forth thy hand

John 21. 18. thou shalt s. forth hands
Gen. 22. 10. stretched forth his hand, Is. 5. 25.
1 Kings 17. 21. s. himself upon the child
1 Chr. 21. 16. drawn sword s. over Jerusalem
Is. 5. 25. hand is s. out still, 9. 12. & 10. 4.
Rom. 10. 21. all day I have s. forth hands
Job 15. 25. he stretcheth out his hand
Pr. 31. 20. she s. out her hand to the poor
Is. 40. 22. s. out the heavens as a curtain, 42.
5. & 44. 24. & 45. 12. & 51. 13. Jer. 10. 12.
& 51. 15. Zech. 12. 1.

STRIFE between me, Gen. 13. 8.

Ps. 80. 6. makest us a s. to our neighbours
Pr. 10. 12. hatred stirreth up s.

15. 18. the wrathful man stirreth up s.
16. 28. froward man soweth s.

20. 3. it is an honour to cease from s.
26. 20. where no tale-bearer s. ceaseth

24. 25. a proud heart stirreth up s.
29. 22 an angry man stirreth up s.
30. 33. forcing of wrath, bringeth s.

Is. 58. 4. ye fast for s. and debate
Jer. 15. 10. hast borne me a man of s.
Luke 22. 24. there was a s. among them
Rom. 13. 13. not in s. and envying
1 Cor. 3. 3. among you envying, s. divisions
Gal. 5. 20. wrath, s. sedition, heresies
Phil. 1. 15. preach Christ of s. and envy

2. 3. let nothing be done through s.
1 Tim. 6. 4. whereof cometh envy, s. railing
2 Tim. 2. 23. gender s. 2 Cor. 12. 20.
James 3. 14. bitter envying, and s. 16.
STRIKE hands, Job 17. 3. Pr. 6. 1.

Pr. 17. 26. not good to s. princes for equity
Is. 1. 5. why he stricken any more, Jer. 5. 3.
53. 4. we did esteem him s. of God
1 Tim. 3. 3. a bishop, no striker, Tit. 1. 7.
STRIPES, 18. 53. 5. 1 Pet. 2. 24. Pr. 17. 10.
& 20.30. Luke 12. 47, 48.
STRIVE, Ex. 21. 18, 22. Job 33. 13.
Gen. 6. 3. my spirit shall not always s.
Pr. 8. 30. s. not without cause

Hos. 4. 4. let no man s. nor reprove
Mat. 12. 19. he shall not s. nor cry
Luke 13. 24. s. to enter in at strait gate
2 Tìm. 2. 24. servant of Lord must not s.
Is. 45. 9. wo unto him that striveth with his
Phil. 1. 27. striving together for faith of
Heb. 12. 4. resisted unto blood, s. against sin
STRONG this day, Josh. 14. 11.

Ps. 24. 8. Lord is s. and mighty in battle
30. 7. made my mountain to stand s.
31. 2. be thou my s rock

71. 7. thou art my s. refuge, 3.

Pr. 10. 15. rich man's wealth is his s. city
11. 16. s. men retain riches

14. 26. in fear of Lord is s. confidence
18. 10. name of the Lord is a s. tower

24. 5. a wise man is s. and increaseth
Eccl. 9. 11. battle is not to s. 12. 3. s. men
Song 8. 6. love is s. as death

Is. 1. 31. s. shall be as tow and burn

26. 1. we have a s. city, 60. 22.
35. 4. be s. fear not, behold your God
53. 12. shall divide the spoil with s.
Jer. 50. 34. their Redeemer is s. 18. 8.
Joel 3. 10. let the weak say I am s.
Luke 11. 21. s. man armed keepeth house, 22.
Rom. 4. 20. s. in faith, giving glory to God
15. 1. we that are s. ought to bear
2 Cor. 12. 10. when I am weak, then am I s.
Heb. 11. 34. out of weakness made s.

1 John 2. 14. ye are s. and the word of God
Is. 35. 4. be strong, Hag. 2. 4. 1 Cor. 16. 13.
Eph. 6. 10. 2 Tim. 2. 1.

1 Cor. 1. 25. stronger than men, 10. 22.
Job 17. 9. clean hands shall be s. and s.
Jer. 20. 7. thou art s. than I

STUBBLE, Job 13. 25. & 21. 18. Ps. 83. 13. Is.

33. 11. Mal. 4. 1. 1 Cor. 3. 12.
STUBBORN, Deut. 21. 18. Ps. 78.8.

1 Sam. 15. 23. stubbornness, Deut. 9. 27.
STUDY, Eccl. 12. 12. 1 Thess. 4. 11. 2 Tim.
2. 15. Pr. 15. 28. & 24. 2.
STUMBLE, foot shall not, Pr. 3. 23.

4. 12. when thou runnest, shalt not s.

19. wicked know not at what they s.

Is. 5. 27. none shall be weary nor s.

8. 15. many shall s. and fall and be taken
28. 7. they err in vision, they s. in judg.


Mal. 2. 8. cause many to s. at the law
1 Pet. 2. 8. which s. at the word

Rom. 9. 32. they stumbled at that s. stone
John 11. 9. walk in the day, he stumbleth
Rom. 14. 21. whereby thy brother s.

Is. 8. 14. stumbling, 1 John 2. 10.

Lev. 19. 14. stumbling block, Is. 8. 14. & 57. 14.
Jer. 6. 21. Ezek. 3. 20. & 7. 19. & 14. 3, 4, 7.
Rom. 9. 32, 33. & 11. 9. & 14. 13. 1 Cor. 1
23. & 8. 9. Rev. 2. 14.

SUBDUE our iniquities, Mic. 7. 19.
Ps. 81. 14. I would soon s. their enemies
Phil. 3. 21. able to s. all things to himself
Heb. 11. 33. through faith subdued kingdoms
SUBJECT, devils are, Luke 10. 17, 20.
Rom. 8. 7. not s. to law of God, 20. s. to va

[blocks in formation]

Tit. 3. 1. to be s. to principalities and powers
Heb. 2. 15. all their life time s. to bondage
James 5. 17. Elias, a man s. to like passions
1 Pet. 2. 18. servants be s. to your masters

3. 22. angels and powers made s. to him
5. 5. all ye be s. one to another

1 Cor. 9. 27. subjection, 1 Tim. 2. 11. & 3. 4.
Heb. 2. 5, 8. & 12. 9. 1 Pet. 3. 1, 5.
SUBMIT, Gen. 16. 9. Ps. 18. 44. & 66. 3. & 68.
30. & 81. 15.

1 Cor. 16. 16. submit yourselves, Eph. 5. 21. 22.
Col. 3. 18. Heb. 13. 17. James 4. 7. 1 Pet.
2. 13 & 5.5.

Rom. 10. 3. have not submitted to righteous-


SUBSCRIBE, Is. 44. 5. Jer. 32. 44.

SUBSTANCE, Gen. 7. 4. & 15. 14.
Deut. 33. 11. bless, Lord, his s.

Job 30. 22. thou dissolvest my s.
Ps. 139. 15. my s. was not hid from thee, 16.
Pr. 3. 9. honour the Lord with thy s.

8. 21. cause those that love me, to inherit

Hos. 12. &. I have found me out s.
Luke 8. 3. ministered to him of their s.
Heb. 10. 34. in heaven a more enduring s.

11. 1. faith is the s. of things hoped for
SUBTIL, Gen. 3. 1. Pr. 7. 10.

Mal. 4. 2. shall the 8. of righteousness arise
Mat. 5. 45. his s. to rise on evil and good

13. 43. shine as the s. in the kingdom

1 Cor. 15. 41. there is one glory of the s
Eph. 4. 26. let not s. go down on thy wrath
Rev. 10. 1. his face as s. 1. 16. Mat. 17. 2.

7. 16. neither the s. light on them
21. 23. city had no need of the s. 25
SUPERFLUITY of naughtiness, James L.1
SUPERSTITION, Acts 25. 19. & 17.
SUP, Luke 17. 8. Rev. 3. 20. Hab. 1.9.
Luke 14. 16. certain man made a great supper
1 Cor. 11. 20. to eat Lord's s. Luke

Rev. 19. 9. to marriage s. 17. s. of great God
SUPPLICATION, 1 Kings 8. 25. & 9.1 Job

8. 5. & 9. 15. Ps. 6. 9. & 30. 8. & 351 &
142. 1. & 119. 170. Dan. 6. 11. & 9. 20. Hos
12. 4. Zech. 12. 10. Eph. 6. 18. Pal. 46
1 Tim. 2. 1. & 5. 5. Heb. 5. 7.

SUPPLY spirit of Jesus Christ, Phil. L
Phil. 4. 19. my God shall s all your need
2 Cor. 9. 12. supplieth, Eph. 4. 16.
SUPPORT the weak, Acts 20. 35. 1 Thess.
5. 14.

SUPREME, 1 Pet. 2. 13.
SURE, Gen. 23. 17. 1 Sam. 25. R.
2 Sam. 23. 5. ordered in all things and s.
Neh. 9. 38. we make a s. covenant
Ps. 19. 7. testimony of Lord is s. making

93. 5. thy testimonies are very s.
111. 7. all his commandments are very a.

Acts 13. 10. subtilty, 2 Cor. 11. 3. Pr. 1. 4.
SUBVERT, Lam. 3. 36. Tit. 1. 11. & 3. 11.
Acts 13. 24. subverting souls, 2 Tim. 2. 14.
SUCK, Gen. 21. 7. Deut. 32. 13. & 33. 19.
Pr. 11. 15. he that hateth suretyship is s
Job 20. 16. s. poison of asps and vipers
18. righteousness shall be a s. rewa
Is. 60. 16. s. milk of Gentiles, and breast of Is. 22. 23, 25. s. place, 28. 16. s. foundation

kings, 66. 11. s. and be satisfied, 12.
Mat. 24. 19. wo to them that give s. in
Luke 23. 29. blessed are paps which never
gave s.

11. 27. blessed are paps thou hast sucked
Is. 11. 8. sucking child, 49. 15.
Ps. 8. 2. suckling, Lam. 2. 11. & 4. 4.
SUDDEN, Pr. 3. 25. 1 Thess. 5. 3.
SUFFER, Ex. 12. 23. Lev. 19. 17.
Ps. 55. 22. never s. righteous to be moved
89. 33. nor s. my faithfulness to fail
121. 3. not s. thy foot to be moved

Pr. 10. 3. not s. soul of righteous to famish
Mat. 16. 21. he must s. many things
17. 17. how long shall I s. you

19. 14. s. little children to come unto

Rom. 8. 17. if so be that we s. with him
1 Cor. 4. 12. being persecuted, we s. it

10.13. God will not s. you to be tempted

Phil. 1. 29. but also to s. for his sake
2 Tim. 2. 12. if we s. we shall reign
Heb. 11. 25. choosing rather to s. affliction

13. 3. remember them who s. adversity
22. s. the word of exhortation

1 Pet. 4. 15. let none s. a murderer

19. them that s. according to will of

Ps. 105. 14. he suffered no man to do wrong
Acts 14. 16. s. all to walk in his own ways
16. 7. the Spirit s. them not

Phil. 3. 8. for whom I s. loss of all things
Heb. 5. 8. learned obedience by things he s.
1 Pet. 2. 21. s. for us, leaving us an example
3. 18. Christ hath s. once for sins
10. after ye have s. a while

Mat. 11. 12. suffereth, 1 Cor. 13. 4.
Rom. 8. 18. sufferings, 2 Cor. 1. 5, 6. Phil. 3
10. Col. 1. 24. Heb. 2. 10. 1 Pet. 1. 11. & 4.
13. & 5. 1.

SUFFICE, 1 Pet. 4. 3. John 14. 8.
Mat. 6. 34. sufficient to the day is the evil
2 Cor. 2. 16. who is s. for these things
3. 5. we are not s. of ourselves
12. 9. my grace is s. for thee

Job 20. 22. sufficiency, 2 Cor. 3. 5. & 9. 8.
SUM, Ps. 139. 17. Ezek. 28. 12. Heb. 8. 1.
SUMMER and winter not cease, Gen. 8. 22.
Ps. 74. 17. thou hast made s. and winter
Pr. 6. 8. provideth her meat in the s.

10. 5. he that gathereth in s. is a wise son
Is. 18. 6. fowls shall s. and winter on them
Jer. 8. 20. harvest is past and s. ended
Zech. 14. 8. living waters in s. and winter
SUMPTUOUSLY, fared, Luke 16. 19.
SUN, stand thou still, Josh. 10. 12.

Ps. 19. 4. he set a tabernacle for the s.
74. 16. prepared the light and the s.
104. 19. the s. knoweth his going down
121. 6. s. not smite thee by day, Is. 49. 10.
136. 8. s. to rule the day, Gen. 1. 16.

Eccl. 12. 2. while s. or stars be not darkened
Song 1. 6. because the s. hath looked on me
6. 10. fair as the moon, clear as the s.
Is. 30. 26. light of the s. shall be seven fold
38. 8. the s. returned ten degrees
66. 19. the s. no more thy light by day

20. thy s. shall no more go down
Jer. 31. 35. giveth the s. for a light by day

32. 18. s. dwellings, 33. 16. water be s.
55. 3. s. mercies of David, Acts 13. 34.
John 6. 69. we believe, and are s. that thou
art the Christ, the Son of the living God
Rom. 4. 16. promise might be s. to all the
2 Tim. 2. 19. foundation of God standeth &
2 Pet. 1. 10. make calling and electrons.

19. have a more s. word of prophety

SURETY for thy servant, Ps. 119. 122
Heb. 7. 22. Jesus made s. of better testament
SURFEITING and drunkenness, Luke 21.34
SURPRISED the hypocrites, Is. 33. 14.
SUSTAIN, Ps. 55. 22. Pr. 168. 14.
Ps. 3. 5. sustained, Is. 59. 16.
SWALLOW, Ps. 84. 3. Jer. 8. 7.

Is. 25. 8. he will s. up death in victory
Mat. 23. 24. straih at a gnat, and s. a camel
Ex. 15. 12. earth swallowed them, Num. 16.2
Ps. 124. 3. they had s. us up quick

2 Cor. 2. 7. be s. up with overmuch sorrow
5. 4. mortality be s. up of life
SWEAR, Num. 30. 2. Deut. 6. 13.
Is. 45. 23. to me every tongue shall s

65. 16. shall s. by the God of truth
Jer. 4. 2. shalt s. Lord liveth in truth. 2. 16.
Zeph. 1. 5. s. by Lord, and s. by Malcham
Mat. 5. 34. s. not at all, James 5. 12
Ps. 15. 4. sweareth to his own hurt
Eccl. 9. 2. that s. as he that feareth an oath
Zech. 5. 3. every one that s. shall be cat off
Jer.23.10. because of swearing, land mourneth
Hos. 4. 2. by s. and lying they break out

10. 4. s. falsely in making a covenant
Mal. 3. 5. I will be a witness against false s
SWEAT, Gen. 3. 19. Luke 22. 44.
SWEET, Job 20. 12. Ps. 55. 14.

Ps. 104. 34. meditation of him shall be s

119. 103. how s. thy words to my taste
Pr. 3. 24. thy sleep shall be s. Jer. 31. 36.
9. 17. stolen waters are 20. 17.
13. 19. desire accomplished, iss. to the soul
27. 7. to hungry every bitter thing is s

Eccl. 5. 12. sleep of labouring man is s.
11. 7. truly the light is s.

Song 2. 8. his fruit was s. to my taste

14. s. is thy voice and countenance
5. 16. his mouth is most s.

Is. 5. 20. put bitter for s. and s. for bitter
Phil. 4. 18. odour of a s. smell
Rev. 10. 9. in thy mouth s. as honey
Ps. 19. 10. sweeter than honey, 119, 103.
Judges 14. 14. sweetness, Pr. 16. 21. & 27.9.
SWELLING, Jer. 12. 5. 2 Pet. 2. 18.
SWIFT, Deut. 28. 49. Job 9. 26.
Eccl. 9. 11. the race is not to the s.
Rom. 3. 15. feet are s. to shed blood, Pr. 6. 18.
James 1. 19. s. to hear, slow to speak
2 Pet. 2. 1. bring on themselves s. destruction
Job 7. 6. days swifter than a shuttle, 9. 25.
Ps. 147. 15. swiftly, Joel 3. 4.
SWIM, 2 Kings 6. 6. Ps. 6. 6. Ezek. 47. 5.
SWORD, Ex. 32. 27. Lev. 26. 24.
Gen. 3. 24. cherubims and a flaming s.
Deut. 33. 29. s. of thy excellency
Judges 7. 20. s. of the Lord, and of Gideon
2 Sam. 12. 10. s. shall never depart from
Ps. 17. 13. from the wicked which is thy s.
149. 6. two-edged s. in their hands

Song 3. 8. every man hath his s. on his thigh | Pr. 1. 19. taketh away, John 1. 29. & 10. 18. & | Hab. 2. 18. teacher, John 3. 2. Rom. 9. 20.
Jer. 9. 16. I will send a s. after them

15. 2. such as are for s. to the s. 43. 11:
Ezek. 21. 13. what if s. contemn the rod
Zech. 11. 17. the s. shall be upon his arm

13. 7. awake, O s. against my shepherd
Mat. 10. 34. came not to send peace, but s.
Luke 2. 35. a s. shall pierce through thy soul
Rom. 13. 4. he beareth not the s. in vain
Eph. 6. 17. s. of Spirit is the word of God
Heb. 4. 12. word is sharper than any two-
edged s.

Rev. 1. 16. went a sharp two-edged s. 19. 15.
Ps. 55. 21. swords, 59. 7. Pr. 30. 14. Is. 2. 4.
Ezek. 32. 27. Joel 3. 10.
SWORN by myself, Gen. 22. 16.
Ps. 24. 4. that hath not s. deceitfully

119. 106. I have s. and will perform it
SYNAGOGUE, Ps. 74.8. Mat. 6. 5. & 23.6.
Luke 7.5. John 9. 22. & 18.20. Acts 15. 21.
Rev. 2. 9. & 3. 9.


TABERNACLE, Ex. 26. 1. & 29. 43.
Job 5. 24. thy t. shall be in peace
Ps. 15. 1. who shall abide in thy t.

27. 5. in secret of his t. shall he hide me
Pr. 14. 11. t. of the upright shall flourish
Is. 33. 20 a t. shall not be taken down
Amos 9. 11. raise up t. of David, Acts 15. 16.
2 Cor. 5. 1. if our earthly house of this t.
4. we that are in this t. do groan

Heb. 8. 2. minister of the true t.
2 Pet. 1. 13. I am in this t. 14. put off my t.
Rev. 21. 3. the t. of God is with men
Job 12. 6. tabernacles of robbers prosper
Ps. 84. 1. how amiable are thy t.

118. 15. salvation is in t. of the righteous
Heb. 11. 9. dwell in t. with Isaac and Jacob
TABLE, Ex. 25. 23. Job 36. 16.
Ps. 23. 5. prepared a t. before me

69. 22. let their t. become a snare
128. 3. olive plants round about thy t.
Pr. 3. 3. write them on the t. of thy heart
Song 1. 12. while the king sitteth at his t.
Jer. 17. 1. sin is graven on t. of their heart
Mal. 1. 7. t. of the Lord is contemptible
Mat. 15. 27. crumbs fall from master's t.

I Cor.10. 21. partakers of L's t. and t. of devils
Deut. 10. 4. tables, 5. Heb. 9. 4. 2 Chr. 4. 8, 19.
Is. 28. 8. Ezek. 40. 41.

Hab. 2. 2. write, make it plain upon t.
Acts 6. 2. leave word of God, and serve t.
2 Cor. 3. 3. not in t. of stone, but fleshly t.
TAKE you for a people, Ex. 6. 7.

20. 7. not t. name of the Lord in vain
34. 9. t. us for thine inheritance

Ps. 27. 12. the Lord will t. me up

51. 11. t. not thy holy Spirit from me
116. 12. I will t. the cup of salvation

119. 43. t. not the word of truth out of my

Hos. 14. 2. t. with you words; say t. away
Mat. 16. 24. t. up his cross and follow me

18. 16. t. with thee one or two more

23. would t. account of his servants
20. 14. t. that is thine, and go thy way
26. 26. t. eat, this is my body, 1 Cor.
11. 24.

Luke 12. 19. t. thine ease, eat, drink, and be
Eph. 6. 13. t. the whole armour of God, 17.
Rev. 3. 11. that no man t. thy crown

Ex. 23. 25. take away, Josh. 7. 13. 2 Sam. 24.
10. 1 Chr. 17. 13. Job 7. 21. & 32. 22. & 36.
18. Ps. 58. 9. Is. 58.9. Jer. 15. 15. Hos. 1.
6. & 4. 11. & 14. 2. Amos 4. 2. Mal. 2. 3.
Luke 17. 31. John 1. 29. 1 John 3.5. Rev.
22. 19.

Deut. 4. 9. take heed, 11. 16. & 27. 9. 2 Chron.
19. 6. Ps. 39. 1. Is. 7. 4. Mal. 2. 15. Mat.
6. 1. & 16. 6. & 18. 10. & 24. 4. Mark 4. 24.
& 13.33. Luke 8. 18. & 12. 15. 1 Cor. 10. 12.
Col. 4. 17. Heb. 3. 12. 2 Pet. 1. 19.

Deut. 32. 41. take hold, Ps. 69. 24. Is. 27. 5. &
56. 4. & 64. 7. Zech. 1. 6.

Ps. 83. 3. taken crafty counsel against thy
119. 111. thy testimony have I t.
Is. 53. 8. he was t. from prison and judgment
Lam. 4. 20. the anointed was t. in their pits
Mat. 21. 43. kingdom of God t. from you
24. 40. one shall be t. the other left
Mark 4. 25. shall be t. that which he hath
Acts 1. 9. t. up into heaven, 11. 22.
2 Tim. 2. 26. t. captive by him

Is. 6. 7. thy iniquity is taken away

16. 10. gladness is-
57. 1. merciful men are-

Luke 10. 42. good part not be-from her
2 Cor. 3. 16. when return to Lord, vail-
Ps. 40. 12. my iniquities taken hold of me

119. 143. trouble and anguish have-of

15. 2. taketh from, 16. 22.
Ps. 119. 9. by taking heed thereto according
Mat. 6. 27. who by t. thought can add
Rom. 7. 8. sin t. occasion deceived, 11.
Eph. 6. 16. above all, t. the shield of faith
TALE, Ps. 90. 9. Ezek. 22. 29. Luke 24. 11.
Lev. 19. 16. tale-bearer, Pr. 11. 13. & 18. 8. &
20. 19. & 26. 20, 22.

TALENTS, Mat. 18. 24. & 25. 15, 25.
TALK of them when thou sittest, Deut. 6. 7.
1 Sam. 2. 3. t. no more so exceeding proudly
Job 13. 7. and t. deceitfully for him

Ps. 71. 24. my tongue shall t. righteousness

77. 12. I will t. of thy doings
105. 2. t. ye of all his wondrous works
145. 11. speak of glory and t. of thy power
Jer. 12. 1. let me t. with thee of judgment
John 14. 30. I will not t. much with you
Ps. 37. 30. his tongue talketh of judgment
Eph. 5. 4. filthiness, nor foolish talking
Tit. 1. 10. unruly and vain talkers
TAME, Mark 5. 4. James 3. 7, 8.
TARRY, 1 Chr. 19. 5. 2 Kings 14. 10.
Ps. 101. 7. liar not t. in my sight
Pr. 23. 30. that t. long at wine
Is. 46. 13. my salvation shall not t.
Jer. 14. 8. that turneth aside to t. for a night
Hab. 2. 3. though it t. wait for it
Mat. 26. 38. t. ye here and watch with me
John 21. 2. that he t. till I come

1 Cor. 11. 33. come to eat, t. for one another
Ps. 68. 12. she that tarried at home divided

Mat. 25. 5. while bridegroom t. all slumbered
Luke 2. 43. child Jesus t. behind in Jerusalem
Acts 22. 16. why tarriest thou, arise, be bap-


Ps. 40. 17. make no tarrying, 70. 5.
TASTE, Ex. 16. 31. 1 Sam. 14. 43.
Job 6. 6. is any t. in the white of an egg
Ps. 34. 8. O t. and see that the Lord is good
119. 103. sweet are thy words to my t.
Song 2. 3. his fruit was sweet to my t.
Jer. 48. 11. his t. remained in him
Mat. 16. 28. some shall not t. of death
Luke 14. 24. bidden, shall t. of my supper
John 8. 52. keep my saying, never t. death
Col. 2. 21. touch not, t. not, handle not
Heb. 2. 9. should t. death for every man

6. 4. t. heavenly gift, 5. t. good word of

1 Pet. 2. 3. if have tasted that Lord is gra-

TATTLERS, 1 Tim. 5. 13.
TEACH, Ex. 4. 12. Lev. 10. 11.

Deut. 4. 9. t. them thy sons, 6. 7. & 11. 19.

33. 10. they shall t. Jacob thy judgments
1 Sam. 12. 23. t. the good way, 1 Kings 8. 36.
2 Chr. 17. 7. to t. in the cities of Judah
Job 21. 22. shall any t. God wisdom

Ps. 25. 8. t. sinners in the way, 9. meek t.

34. 11. I will t. you fear of Lord, 32. 8.
51. 13. I will t. transgressors thy way
90. 12. so t. us to number our days

Is. 2. 3. he will t. us of his ways, Mic. 4. 2.
Jer. 31. 34. t. more every man his neighbour
Mat. 28. 19. go and t. all nations, baptizing
John 9.34. wast born in sins, dost thou t. us
14. 26. Holy Ghost shall t. you all things
1 Cor. 4. 17. as I t. in every church
1 Tim. 2. 12. I suffer not a woman to t.

3. 2. given to hospitality, apt to t.
2 Tim. 2. 2. faithful men able to t. others
Heb. 5. 12. have need that one t. you
1 John 2. 27. need not that any man t. you
Job 34. 32. what I see not, teach me
Ps. 25. 4--thy paths, 5. & 27. 11.-thy way,
86. 11. & 119. 12.-thy statutes, 26. 64, 66,
68, 124, 135.-good judgment, 108.-thy
judgments, 143. 10. to do thy will

2 Chr. 32. 22, taught good knowledge of the

Ps. 71. 17. thou hast t. me from my youth

119. 171. when hast t. me thy statutes
Eccl. 12. 9. he t. the people knowledge
Is. 29. 13. fear of me, t. by precepts of men

54. 13. thy children shall be t. of Lord
John 6. 45. they shall be all t. of God
Acts 20. 20. t. you publicly and from house
Gal. 6. 6. let him that is t. in the world
1 Thess. 4. 9. yourselves are t. of God to love
Ps. 94. 12. teachest him out of thy law
Mat. 22. 16. t, the way of God in truth
Rom. 2. 21. t. another, t. not thyself
Job 36. 22. who teacheth like him

35. 11. who t. us more than beasts
Ps. 18. 34. t. my hands to war, 144. 1.
94. 10. he that t. man knowledge
Is. 48. 17. Lord thy God t. thee to profit
1 Cor. 2. 13. words which man's wisdom t.
but which the Holy Ghost t.

1 John 2. 27. same anointing t. you all things

1 Tim, 2. 7. 2 Tim. 1. 11.
Ps. 119. 99. teachers, Is. 30. 20.
2 Tim. 4. 3. heap to themselves t.
Tit. 2. 3. be t. of good things
Heb. 5. 12. ought to be t. of other
2 Chr. 15. 3. without a teaching priest
Mat. 15. 9. t. for doctrines commandments of


28. 20. t. them to observe all things
Col. 1. 28. t. every man in all wisdom

3. 16. t. and admonishing one another
Tit. 2. 12. t. us, that denying ungodliness
TEAR, Ps. 50. 22. Hos. 5. 14. Job 16. 9.
TEARS, Job 16. 20. Ps. 6. 6. Is. 38. 5.
Ps. 56. 8. put my t. in thy bottle, 39. 12.

80. 5. feedest them with the bread of t.
126. 5. they that sow in t. shall reap in
Is. 25. 8. wipe away all t. from off all faces
Jer. 9. 1. my eyes were a fountain of t.
Luke 7. 38. to wash his feet with t.

Acts 20. 19. with many t. and temptations, 31.
2 Cor. 2. 4. of anguish, wrote with many t.
2 Tim. 1. 4. being mindful of thy t.
Heb. 5. 7. with strong crying and t. unto

12. 17. though he sought it carefully
with t.

Rev. 7. 17. wipe all t. from their eyes, 21. 4.
TEATS, Is. 32. 12. Ezek. 23. 3, 21.
TEETH white with milk, Gen. 49. 12.
Job 4. 10. t. broken, Ps. 3. 7. & 58. 6.
Song 4. 2. t. are like a flock of sheep, 6. 6.
Jer. 31. 29. children's t. set on edge, Ezek.


Amos 4. 6. cleanness of t. in all cities
Mat. 8. 12. weeping and gnashing of t. 22. 13.
& 24. 51. & 25.30. Ps. 112. 10.
TELL it not in Gath, 2 Sam 1. 20.

Ps. 48. 13. t. it to the generation following
Pr. 30. 4. what is his name if thou canst t.
Mat. 8. 4. see thou t. no man, 16. 20.

18. 15. t. him his fault, 17. t. the church
John 3. 8. canst not t. whence it cometh
4. 25. when he come, he will t. all things
8. 14. ye cannot t. whence I come

2 Cor. 12. 2. in or out of body I cannot t.
Gal. 4. 16. because I t. you the truth
Phil. 3. 18. now t. you even weeping
Ps. 56. 8. thou tellest all my wanderings
TEMPERANCE, Acts 24. 25. Gal. 5. 23.
2 Pet. 1. 6.

1 Cor. 9. 25. temperate, Tit. 1. 8. & 2. 2.
TEMPLE, 1 Sam. 1. 9. 1 Kings 6. 5.
Ps. 29. 9. in his t. doth every one speak
Jer. 7. 4. t. of the Lord, t. of Lord, are
Mal. 3. 1. shall suddenly come to his t.
Mat. 12. 6. one greater than the t. is here
John 2. 19. destroy this t. and in three days

21. he spake of the t. of his body

1 Cor. 3. 16. ye are the t. of God, 17.

6. 19. your body is the t. of Holy Ghost
9. 13. live of the things of the t.

2 Cor. 6. 16. what agreement hath t. of God
with idols, ye are the t. of the living God
Rev. 7. 15. serve him day and night in his t.
11. 19. t. of God was opened in heaven
21. 22. saw no t. the Lord God and Lamb
are the t.

Song 4. 3. thy temples, 6.
Acts 7. 48. Most High dwelleth not in t.
TEMPORAL, 2 Cor. 4. 18.
TEMPT Abraham, God did, Gen. 22. 1.
Ex. 17. 2. wherefore do ye t. the Lord
Deut. 6. 16. ye shall not t. Lord your God
Is. 7. 12. I will not ask, nor will I t. Lord
Mal. 3. 15. they that t. God are delivered
Mat. 4. 7. thou shalt not t. the Lord thy God

22. 18. why t. ye me, shew me a penny
15. 10. why t. ye God to put a yoke on

Acts 5. 9. have agreed together to t.
1 Cor. 7. 5. that Satan t. you not

10. 9. neither let us t. Christ as some
Ex. 17. 7. because they tempted the Lord
Num. 14. 22. t. me now ten times
Ps. 78. 18. t. God in their heart, 106. 14.
41. turned back, and t. God

56. t. and provoked the most high God
95. 9. when your fathers t. me, Heb. 3. 9.
Mat. 4. 1. in wilderness, to be t. of the devil
Luke 10. 25. lawyer, t. him, saying

1 Cor. 10. 13. not suffer you to be t. above
Gal. 6. 1. lest thou also be t.

1 Thess. 3. 5. the tempter have t. you
Heb. 2: 18. he is able to succour them that

are t.

4. 15. in all points t. as we are
11. 37. were sawn asunder, were t. slain
James 1. 13. let no man say when he is t. I
am t. of God: for God cannot
be t.

14. every man is t. when drawn

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