Poetical Quotations from Chaucer to Tennyson: With Copious Indexes ... |
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ADDISON ANNE BRADSTREET beauty BEN JONSON birds breast breath bright BYRON charms Childe Harold clouds coursers COWLEY COWPER dark death delight DENHAM doth dreams DRYDEN earth eternal ev'n ev'ry eyes fair fame fate fear flowers fools gentle give glory golden grace grief hair happy hast hath heart heaven honour hope hour Hudibras ISAAC WATTS JOANNA BAILLIE king light live look Lord MILTON mind morning muse N. P. WILLIS nature nature's ne'er never night Night Thoughts numbers nymph o'er pain passion peace pleasure POPE pow'r praise pride PRIOR rich ROSCOMMON round shade SHAKSPEARE shine sing sleep smile soft song sorrow soul SPENSER spirit spring stars stream sweet SWIFT tears thee thine things THOMSON thought trees truth virtue voice WALLER WALTER HARTE weep wind wings wise woman words YOUNG youth