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THIS volume is intended to be what its title implies, a memorial of the life and services of him whom it commemorates. It is not meant to be in any sense a biography. Soon after the death of Dr. Philbrick, the desire was often manifested that the expressions of honor and esteem which had been called out on the occasion should be put into some form for permanent preservation. The death of no other educational man in this country has produced so profound and general a sense of personal loss; for no other has been so well and so favorably known, and no other has left so strong an impress upon his age. It was not till he had been called to his reward, that the deep respect in which he was held, and the feelings of warm personal friendship with which he was regarded, found full expression.

Then, naturally, his more intimate friends wished to have the evidence of the love and honor which he had

won preserved to the world. The present volume is an attempt to gratify that desire. It contains the addresses delivered at a public meeting held in Boston in his honor, a single paper from the pen of Dr. Philbrick himself, an account of his last sickness and death, the addresses at his funeral and at his final interment, some of the eulogistic letters written to the public press on the occasion of his death, the tributes paid

to his memory by the Boston Masters' Association, the Schoolmasters' Club, and the School Committee of Boston, an account of the public memorial meeting in Boston, a letter from the Japanese minister to the United States, and resolutions adopted by various associations to which he was favorably known.

The addresses at the Boston meeting include an account of Dr. Philbrick's early life and education, by his friend, Gilman H. Tucker, of New York; an account of his educational work in Boston, by the editor, and an estimate of his services to the cause of education in general by Dr. William T. Harris. From these addresses alone a stranger would be able to form a correct opinion of the man.

The paper selected to represent Dr. Philbrick himself is his address before the American Institute of Instruction, July, 1884, entitled, "Reform of Tenure of Office of Teachers." This was a subject in which he had long taken a deep interest, and it was this address that did much to secure favorable action upon the subject by the legislature of Massachusetts in 1886.


The papers and addresses contained in the volume. constitute an honorable memorial to a noble man. they assist in extending and perpetuating his memory, the editor's labor of love in preparing them for the press will be amply rewarded.

Boston, August, 1887.


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