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On motion made by the Rev. Mr. Smith, of South Carolina, and feconded, it was


Refolved, That it be recommended to the Conventions of the Church, reprefented in this General Convention, not to admit any perfon as a Minifter within their refpective limits, who fhall receive ordina-. tion from any Bishop refiding in America, during the application now pending to the English Bishops for Epifcopal confecration.

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The Journals of the late Convention andthe propofed conftitution of the Church were read for the first time.

Previous to a fecond reading, a memorial from the Convention of the Church in the State of New Jersey was prefented, and fundry communications from the Conventions in the other States were made, relative to the bufinefs of this Convention : Whereupon,

Refolved, That the faid memorial and communications be referred to the firft General

neral Convention which shall affemble with fufficient powers to determine on the fame; and that, in the mean time, they be lodged with the Secretary.

The propofed Conftitution was then taken up for a fecond reading, and debated by paragraphs.

The Preamble, contained in three claufes or fections, was agreed to without alte


The question being then put on the whole of the propofed Conftitution, as now amended, the fame was unanimoufly agreed to, as follows:

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A General Conftitution of the Proteftant Epifcopal Church, in the United States of


WHEREAS, in the course of Di

vine Providence, the Proteftant Epifcopal Church in the United States of America is become independent of all foreign authority, civil and ecclefiaftical :.

And whereas, at a meeting of Clerical and Lay Deputies of the faid Church, in fundry of the faid States, viz. in the States of Maffachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, and Maryland, held in the city of New York, on the 6th and 7th days of October, in the year of our Lord 1784, it was recommended to this Church in the faid States represented as aforefaid, and propofed to this Church in the States not reprefented, that they hould fend Deputies to a Convention to


be held in the city of Philadelphia, on the Tuesday before the feast of St. Mi

in or

chael, in the year of our Lord 1785, der to unite in a Conftitution of Ecclefiaftical Government, agreeably to certain fundamental principles expreffed in the faid recommendation and propofal :

And whereas, in confequence of the faid recommendation and proposal, Clerical and Lay Deputies have been duly appointed from the faid Church in the States of New York, New Jerfey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia and South Carolina :

The faid, Deputies being now affembled, and taking into confideration the importance of maintaining uniformity in doctrine, difcipline, and worship, in the said Church, do hereby determine and declare,

I. That there fhall be a general Convention of the Proteftant Epifcopal Church in the United States of America, which fhall be held in the city of Philadelphia,

on the third Tuesday in June, in the year of our Lord 1786, and for ever after, once in three years on the fourth Tuesday of July, in fuch place as fhall be determined by the Convention; and fpecial meetings may be held at fuch other times and in fuch place as fhall be hereafter provided for; and this Church, in a majority of the States aforefaid, shall be reprefented before they fhall proceed to bufinefs; except that the representation of this Church from two States fhall be fufficient to adjourn; and in all business of the Convention freedom of debate fhall be allowed.

II. There shall be a reprefentation of both Clergy and Laity of the Church in each State which fhall confift of one or more Deputies, not exceeding four, of each order, chofen by the Convention of each State; and in all questions the faid Church in each State fhall have but one


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