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box by which corn is measured. All that are in the house. The people around.-Ver. 16. Your light. So shine. Be thus Divine knowledge and love.

made manifest. Glorify. Magnify or praise.


Matthew v. 17-20.


Ver. 17. What did our Lord say he had not come to destroy? What did he mean by the law and the Prophets? What did Jesus come to do? How did he fulfil the law? See Heb. x. 8-10; Gal. iii. 13.

Ver. 18. What does Jesus say of the law in this verse? What did he mean by saying "till heaven and earth pass?" Read 2 Peter iii. 10. What is meant by a jot or tittle? Have you kept God's How then can you be saved? Read Gal.


iv. 4, 5.

Ver. 19. Who did Jesus say should be called least in the kingdom of God? Are any of God's What is commandments of small importance? said about him who breaks the law in Gal. iii. 10? Who shall be great in the kingdom of God?

Ver. 20. What did Jesus say respecting the righteousness of the Scribes and Pharisees? What is the meaning of exceed? What did Jesus say of the righteousness of the Scribes and Pharisees in Matthew xxiii. 27, 28? What does Jesus say of those whose righteousness does not exceed the righteousness of the Scribes and Pharisees? The ten EXPLANATIONS.-Ver. 17. The law. commandments. The Prophets. The precepts and

duties taught by the Prophets. Destroy. Abolish; do away with. Fulfil. To obey them myself, and teach others to do so. Ver. 18. Pass. Be dissolved; be destroyed. Jot or tittle. Point or letter.-Ver. 20. Except. Unless. Exceed. Go beyond; excel. Your righteousness. Your purity

and uprightness of heart and life.

LESSONS.-1. Jesus Christ came not to repeal and set aside the moral law, or the duties taught by the Prophets.

2. Those who break any of the commandments of God shall have no part in his kingdom.

3. To obtain a place in heaven, we must have purity in heart and life.


Matthew vi. 9-15.


Ver. 9. What does Jesus teach his disciples in this verse? What is meant by after this manner? What are we here taught to call God? How is God the father of all? Acts xvii. 26. Where is God said to be in this verse? What is the meaning of hallowed?

Ver. 10. What are you taught to pray for respecting God's kingdom? What is meant by God's kingdom? What do you ask when you pray for this kingdom to come? What do you pray may be done on earth as in heaven? What is meant by the will of God?

Ver. 11. What are you taught to ask of God day by day? What is meant by bread here?

Ver. 12. What are we to pray may be forgiven What are meant by our debts? If your sins against God are not forgiven, what must become of you?

Ver. 13. What does Jesus teach you to pray, in reference to temptation? What is temptation? From what should you pray to be delivered? What is meant here by evil? Why should you offer these petitions to God? What is the meaning of Amen?

Ver. 14. What may you expect if you forgive men their trespasses?

Ver. 15. What may you expect if you do not forgive?

EXPLANATIONS.-Ver. 9. After this manner. In conformity with the following example. Hallowed. Reverenced, held sacred.-Ver. 10. Thy kingdom. The reign of God's grace in the heart. Rom. xiv. 17. Come. Be set up in every heart. The will of God. The determination and commands of God as made known in his word.-Ver. 11. Bread. Food, raiment, and temporal blessings.-Ver. 12. Debts. Sins. Debtors. Those who offend us.- -Ver. 13. Temptation. Sore trial, or that which may make us sin, or lead us into it. Evil. Sin, or the evil one, Satan. Amen. So be it, so let it be.

LESSONS.-1. True prayer is the desire of the


2. We may ask every needful blessing, temporal or spiritual, of God.

3. We must cherish and manifest a forgiving spirit, or our sins will not be pardoned.


Luke v. 12-16.


Ver. 12. Who came to Jesus? Where? What did the leper do? What did he say? Describe the leprosy.

Ver. 13. What did Jesus do? What did he say? What followed? What is the meaning of, I will? Of immediately?

Ver. 14. What command did Jesus give the leper? Whither was he to go? To whom was he to show himself? For what purpose? What is the meaning of testimony? Of them?

Ver. 15. What went abroad? Of whom? Who in consequence came together? For what purpose? What is the meaning of fame? Of infirmities?

Ver. 16. Who withdrew himself? From whom? Where to? What to do? Describe a wilderness? EXPLANATIONS.-Ver. 12. Leprosy. A loathsome disease in the skin. Read Leviticus xiii., xiv.— Ver. 13. I will. I am willing. Immediately. Instantly.-Ver. 14. Testimony. Proof. Them. All the Priests.-Ver. 15. Fame. Renown, report. Disease.-Ver. 16.

Infirmities. 'solitary place.

Wilderness. A

LESSONS.-1. The leper went to Jesus to be healed of his disease; and so should every sinner come to him to be saved from the leprosy of sin which infects the soul.

2. Jesus readily and completely cured the leper, and thus will he heal and save every sinner who believes in him.

3. Jesus retired from the multitudes to pray; and we should frequently withdraw from company, and the business of the world, to pray to God in secret. Derby. JOHN STEPHENSON.


THE instrument which was commonly employed for the purpose of rendering wheat and other grain suitable for domestic purposes in ancient times, is represented in the accompanying woodcut. It was a kind of portable mill, made of two stones, about two feet broad, thin at the edges, and a little thicker in the middle. In the centre of the upper stone is a hole to pour in the corn, and a peg by way of handle. The whole is placed on a cloth; the grinder pours the corn into the hole with one hand, and with the other turns round the upper stone with a very rapid motion, while the meal runs out at the sides on the cloth. These mills, or querns, as they are termed in Scotland, were worked by women. This description furnishes a correct notion of the application of our Lord's expression in Matthew xxiv. 41.

Dr. E. D. Clarke, in his Travels in the Holy Land, adverts to this custom. "In the island of Cyprus,' he says, "I observed upon the ground the sort of stones used for grinding corn, called querns in Scotland, common also in Lapland, and in all parts of Palestine. These are the primeval mills of the world; and they are still found in all corn countries, where rude and ancient customs have not

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