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did he see? What were they doing? In what part of Palestine was this sea?

Ver. 19. Who spake? What did Jesus say?

Ver. 20. What did they leave? When did they leave their nets? What should you learn from their conduct?

Ver. 21. Whom did he see as he went on from thence? Where were they? What were they

doing? What did Jesus do?

Ver. 22. What did they immediately do?

EXPLANATIONS.-Ver. 17. Repent. Be sorry for, and forsake your sins. Kingdom of heaven. The reign of Christ in the heart.-Ver. 18. Galilee. The northern part of the Holy Land.-Ver. 19. Fishers of men. Preachers of the Gospel, who shall bring men into the kingdom of God.-Ver. 21. Ship. Fishing-boat. Mending. Repairing.

LESSONS.-1. Jesus began his ministry by calling men to repent. We should be sorry for our sins, and turn to God. Verse 17.

2. We, like Peter and Andrew, should be diligent in our employment. Verse 18.

3. When Christ calls us to his work, we should promptly obey. Verse 20.

4. We should be willing to renounce property and friends in the service of Christ, when required. EXERCISE X.-MARCH 15th.

Luke iv. 16-22.


Ver. 16. Who came to Nazareth? Where was Nazareth? What was the custom of Jesus?

Ver. 17. What was delivered to Jesus? What did he do with it?

Ver. 18. What is said of the Spirit? Upon whom did the Spirit rest? What was Jesus anointed to do? What was he to do for the broken-hearted? For the captives? For the blind? For the bruised? Ver. 19. What was Jesus to do? What year? Ver. 20. What did the Saviour close? To whom did he deliver it? What is said of the people in the synagogue?

Ver. 21. What did Jesus begin to say? What was fulfilled? Where is it written? Isai. Ixi. 1—3. Ver. 22. What did the people do? At what did they wonder? What did they ask?

EXPLANATIONS.-Ver. 16. Nazareth. A small city in the country of Galilee. Synagogue. A place for reading the Scriptures, prayer, and praise among the Jews.-Ver. 17. Esaias. Isaiah.-Ver. 18. Anointed. Fitted me for, given me authority. Preach. Proclaim, make known. The brokenhearted. Those who are sorrowing on account of their sins. Captives. Slaves. Them that are bruised. Prisoners bruised with iron fetters.-Ver. 19. Acceptable year. A welcome year, like the year of Jubilee.-Ver. 20. Minister. The chief man in the service of the synagogue. Fastened. Intently fixed. -Ver. 21. Scripture. Writing, prophecy. Fulfilled. Came to pass, by my appearing.

LESSONS.-1. Jesus constantly went to the synagogue on the Sabbath-day; and like him, we ought to go to a place of worship every Lord's day.

2. Jesus was fitted for his work by the com

munication of the Holy Spirit; and we ought to seek a baptism of the Holy Spirit to fit us for ours. 3. Jesus spake in kind and encouraging words to the people; and we should highly esteem the Gospel, because it speaks to us in this manner,


Luke iv. 23-30.


Ver. 23. What did Jesus say to the people ? What was the proverb Jesus repeated? What did he suppose they might ask ?

Ver. 24. What reply did Jesus make?

Ver. 25. What did Jesus tell them? Who were in Israel? When? What happened in the days of Elias? What was the result of the drought?

Ver, 26. What is said respecting Elias? Where was Sarepta? Where was Sidon?

Ver. 27. Who were in Israel? When? Who was Eliseus? Who was Naaman? Of what country was he? What was done for him?

Ver. 28. What was the effect produced by our Lord's statement?

Ver. 29. How did the people treat Jesus? Where did they lead him? For what purpose?

Ver. 30. How was Christ rescued from them? How did he give evidence of his power?

EXPLANATIONS.-Ver. 23. Proverb. A common saying. Heal thyself. Work miracles in thy native country. Capernaum. A town on the north-west side of the sea of Galilee.-Ver. 24. Accepted. Received, honoured.-Ver. 25. Elias, Elijah the

Prophet. The heaven was shut up. There was a drought. Famine. Scarcity of food.-Ver. 26. Sarepta. A city of the Gentiles north of the Holy Land. Sidon. A sea-port of Phoenicia.-Ver. 27. Naaman. The chief Captain of the Syrian army. (2 Kings v.) Syria. A large country of Asia.-Ver. 29. Headlong. With head foremost; rashly, hastily.

LESSONS.-1. Jesus, by his preaching, intended to convince the people of Nazareth of pride, and to reprove them the truths of the Gospel are intended to produce the same results in us.

2. The people of Nazareth were angry with our Lord for telling them the truth.

3. Jesus, for speaking in a kind manner of the Gentiles, was near being killed by his countrymen : let us learn, when we hear others well spoken of, not to cherish unkind feelings towards them,


John iv. 46-53.


Ver. 46. What place did Jesus visit again where he had performed a miracle? Who was there? What is said of his son? What miracle did Jesus perform at Cana? On what occasion? John ii. 1-11. Ver. 47. What did the nobleman do?

Ver. 48. What reply did Jesus make to the nobleman? What are we to understand by signs and wonders? What did Jesus reprove in these words?

Ver. 49. What did the nobleman say? What kind of spirit did the nobleman manifest? How did he address our Lord?

Ver. 50. What was the result of the nobleman's earnest, persevering application?

Ver. 51. What happened as the nobleman was returning home? What did his servants tell him? Ver. 52. About what did the nobleman inquire of his servants? What reply did they make?

Ver. 53. What did his father know? What was the result of the performance of this miracle?

EXPLANATIONS.-Ver. 46. Cana. A little town, twenty miles from Capernaum. Capernaum. A city on the north-west corner of the sea of Galilee.Ver. 47. Judea. The southern portion of the Holy Land. Galilee. The middle portion of Palestine. -Ver. 49. Come down. To Cana.-Ver. 50. Go thy way. A soothing address to the distressed father.Ver. 52. Seventh hour. About one o'clock in the day.—Ver. 53. His whole house. All his family. Believed. Gave full credit to what Christ said.

LESSONS.-1. The rich and noble are often afflicted, as well as the poor. Verse 46.

2. The nobleman earnestly and perseveringly applied to Christ for a cure for his son. should call on Jesus on behalf of others.

So we

3. The nobleman believed the word of the Saviour, and obtained the blessing he sought.


Matthew v. 1-9.


Ver. 1. Who saw the multitudes? Where did he go? Who came to him? To whom should you go?

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