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room to thy Spirit, or to the spirit of the world in our hearts; who it is that rules over us, who it is that governs in us. Dearest Saviour! are there any here, who have hitherto been slaves of Satan, who have hitherto let themselves be filled with such infernal powers, and unhappily suffer themselves to be ruled by a Master, whom they themselves are unwilling to acknowledge? O inspire them with a holy terror! let thy Spirit in the exercise of his office as a reprover, sacredly disturb their hearts, in order that they may now submit themselves to thy gracious sceptre! Yea, search us, O Lord! try every one of us, whether thy Spirit still finds something to reprove in us, whether there is not still something worldly, something vain, something impure in us, which cannot stand before thy pure and glorious eyes. O Lord Jesus, let it be this moment discovered by thy Holy Spirit, reproved by thy Spirit, removed by thy Spirit, and by thy gracious judgments! Say unto each of our hearts, "Cast out, what thou hast in thy mouth, that tastes of the bitter waters, in order that the chrystal stream in thy centre, may become a clear spring, and a river of God.

O thou fountain of eternal love and grace, teach us, with unwearied desire to hunger after thee; teach us to preserve ourselves from all false security and false liberty, in the course and conflict we have commenced! O dearest Jesus! who didst so frequently rouse thy disciples when inclined to slumber; awaken us to alacrity and to fresh earnestness

and animation, that we may also begin to give room to thy Spirit in our hearts, and cast ourselves anew at thy feet, for the purpose of renewing our cove. nant with thee, our Saviour.

Do thou also, Lord Jesus! remove from the souls thou hast called, all offences and stumbling-blocks, and conduct them into love and brotherly unanimity. By thy Spirit of love, let us be made more simple, more childlike. O that those may become one heart and one soul, who are called in thee, the Eternal one, to the same eternal good and the same blissful country! O inflame our hearts with love to thee; inflame them with pure love to thee, and to each other; do thou bind and unite us in one mind, that as united, we may, with the desires of our hearts, bear down thy Spirit upon us; especially do thou favor us with fresh devotion in prayer.

O Lord Jesus, teach us by thy Spirit; teach thy servant and all present, what it is to pray aright; how we ought to recollect ourselves from all dissipation of spirit, and be silent before thee; how we ought to believe in thee as present, honour thee as present, wait upon thee as present, and not be weary! O Lord Jesus, thou didst bless thy disciples, when thou didst ascend to heaven, so that they could quietly sit and wait, and not be weary; bless us therefore also, Lord Jesus! with this grace, that we may possess collected hearts, and praying, find thee more and more and thy Holy Spirit in our hearts!

O Lord Jesus! strengthen us in courage and in

faith, that we may not grow faint nor despond, and although we may have to wait, and to wait long; do thou at length arise with power from on high, in these latter days; and as thou hast already, as a wind, cast down so many hearts, and rendered them subject to the sceptre of thy grace, move also in a more general manner; let many thousands be called unto thee. O let the promise in the prophets be more completely fulfilled, and may thy Spirit be poured out upon all flesh, that old and young, children, youths, and maidens, may prophecy, and the whole earth be filled with thy Spirit!

O Lord Jesus! grant, especially, that it may be said anew of us, respecting thy Spirit, they were all full of the Holy Spirit! Here are vessels; fill, in the hearts of all of us, every empty vessel, which thou canst fill. O give us at least a drop; let us not go away cold nor hungry from hence; let us not keep the day of Pentecost, without experiencing something of thy Spirit! O eternal Spirit of power and love, descend from on high, and be Lord and Master in every heart, that we may be translated, more and more, from the image of Satan and his kingdom into the kingdom of light, and be transformed into the image of our God, from glory to glory.

Worthy and holy Spirit of grace, be continually our guest; be our constant guide in the narrow path to eternity; and when, at length, we lay down our heads on our dying beds, and endure the last conflict and the mortal blow, O let thy Spirit be our comforter in all our necessities, who is able to

tranquillize our souls, who bears witness with our spirits that we are thy children, and who is able to impress the seal upon our hearts, that we may eternally behold thy face! Now unto God the Father, Son, and Spirit, the thrice blessed God, be glory both now and for ever and ever. Amen.


GOD be merciful unto us, and bless us; cause his face to shine upon us, and enlighten us unto eternal life! May his Spirit inflame our hearts and minds, and draw us entirely to eternal things!

I find myself once more obliged, contrary to all expectation, to speak a word of edification to you, who, I trust, are come hither with hungry hearts. I submit myself most humbly to divine providence, looking with the eye of faith unto him, who is our Lord and High Priest, that he would manifest himself powerfully on this occasion, as well in me, as in all those, who are here present in his sight. So much the more, therefore, ought I, and all of us to fall at the Lord's feet, and implore his gracious and blissful presence.


Amen, O Lord our God, thrice holy Lord God of Sabaoth whom all the seraphim and cherubim worship and humbly adore; who hast also called us men to thine eternal adoration and fellowship. Let every thing within us, at this moment, bow before

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