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joyed the privileges of christian fellowship as connected (according to his own statement) with a well known church in London. conduct was found to be inconsistent; it was ascertained, also, that he had been excluded from the community to which he had declared himself to belong: it was clearly necessary to inform him, therefore, that he could no longer be admitted to the Lord's table. But he was rich, and he was passionate; subject indeed to paroxysms of rage, on account of which every one was afraid to interfere with him. The measure was, nevertheless, adopted by the church: but when (according to their usual mode) messengers were to be appointed to communicate the result, the deacons would not go: nor would any one go, for all said it was at the hazard of their lives. Then,' replied Mr. Hinton, I will go; my life is second to my duty.' But no one would even accompany him; and he went alone. The unhappy man's wrath was exceedingly high. When solemnly warned that no such person as he was could" enter into the kingdom of heaven," he seized a large stick, and threatened his reprover's life : to which he replied, Then, sir, I shall meet you next at the bar of judgement; and you will remember that these were the last words I uttered.' The enraged man immediately threw down his weapon, and ran about the room in agony, crying, O no, no, no, you shall not charge me with murder! Mr. Hinton was so deeply impressed with this circumstance, which upon proper occasions he minutely related, that at the end of the year, he records the deliverance from -, among his special mercies.'' pp. 211, 12.

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This was conduct truly honourable to his character as a Christian pastor. We can only add, that the volume does much credit, in all respects, to the Biographer.

Art. VI. Eighteenth Report of the Directors of the African Institution, Read at the Annual General Meeting, held on the 11th day of May, 1824. With an Appendix and a Supplement. 8vo. Price 4s. London. 1824.


LL the Reports issued by this noble Institution are replete with information of the most valuable kind; and if any of our readers have hitherto overlooked these publications, we strongly recommend to them the perusal of the present valuable collection of documents. The existence of this Institution is the best pledge that Africa can have, that happier days await her. But for the exertions of its members, it is not perhaps saying too much to affirm, that her last hope would have been extinguished. Of late, indeed, the British Government has shewn an anxiety to give effect and permanency to the philanthropic plans of the Society. Great Britain and America have at length united in affixing the merited brand and punishment of piracy to the slave trade; and as the colony of Sierra Leone rises in importance, it will probably be deemed necessary to

take such effective measures for making our flag and arms respected by the barbarous tribes of the interior, as the interests of commerce and the security of our colonies imperiously demand. The lamented death of Sir Charles McCarthy calls loudly, we will not say for revenge, but for vigorous efforts to retrieve the ground that has been lost. It is now seventeen years since the Ashantees first threatened the English fort of Annamaboe. Since then, negotiations, concessions, and conciliatory missions have served only to render this warlike nation of savages more confident in their strength, and more insolent in their demands. Previously to this last aggression, the improvements on the Gold Coast were proceeding at a rapid rate, and the schools at Cape Coast, Annamaboe, and Accra, promised benefits of the highest kind to every class of the population. These pleasing prospects have been suddenly overcast, and a crisis seems to have arrived, which leaves no alternative but either to abandon our African forts, and, by so doing, to leave the Coast open to the undisturbed operations of the slave-traders, the sworn foes of African civilization, or to deprive the Ashantees of the power to give further annoyance. To tamper longer with such an enemy, would seem to be the grossest impolicy. We await with considerable anxiety the determinations of Government on this point.

A very encouraging account is given in this Report, of the progressive improvement of the colony at Sierra Leone. Its trade is on the increase, especially with the interior.

It is still more gratifying,' say the Directors, to witness the rapidly growing intercourse of the Colony with the interior, almost to the banks of the Niger. Caravans of native merchants bring their gold, ivory, and other articles from Fouta Jallon and places beyond it, which they barter in the Colony for British merchandise ; and merchants of Sierra Leone have occasionally received from 500l. to 10001. worth of gold in a single day in exchange for their goods.'

The following extracts are from one of the Sierra Leone Gazettes, and will serve to correct a very general impression with regard to the peculiar unhealthiness of the Colony.

It is with feelings of the deepest sorrow and pity we continue to observe the malevolent attacks made from various quarters upon this infant colony we shall not, however, attempt to enter into a detail and denial of these mis-statements; but simply content ourselves with the reflection, that our friends are already acquainted with the fallacy of such reports, while the opinion of enemies to such a cause as our's can be of little moment.

The principal outcry has been raised against the unhealthiness of

the climate, describing it as being much worse than that of our WestIndia islands. In answer to this, it is only necessary, for those who may have any doubts, to compare the number of deaths in the squadron under command of Sir George Collier, during an arduous service of three years upon this coast, exposed to every danger from the climate, with the number which occurs in the same period of service, with vessels of the same class and number of men in the West-India islands. The result will be found to be greatly in favour of this colony. From experience also we are enabled to affirm, that the mortality among Europeans who come to settle among us, is not so great in proportion, as will be found in the islands before mentioned.

Since our last statement of the number of caravans of gold merchants, which had visited this town from the interior, several more, possessing gold to a very large amount, have arrived. We have now to notify, that Isaaco, the famous guide of Mungo Park, has reached Port Lugo, on his way to this place from Sego, bringing with him about three thousand dollar's worth of gold. In congratulating the merchants upon the vast accession of trade with the interior, we are bound to remember with gratitude that the opening of this path was effected by the exertions of that meritorious officer, Assistant Staff Surgeon O'Beirne, by his mission to Teembo, which he effected with equal credit to himself, and benefit to the community."

One of our mercantile friends, having read our late remarks upon the vast increase of gold imported into this place, has assured us that we have, in every instance, considerably underrated the amount : he has also stated, what we have since ascertained to be the fact both in the Gambia and here, and which may be considered of considerable importance to the mother country; that is, in the barter for gold, they require nearly the whole in British manufactures, among which may be named, as the most desirable, muslins and prints.


It will be in the remembrance of those who have read the debates in the House of Commons, and various pamphlets published against the abolition of the Slave Trade, that it was frequently urged as an objection to such a measure, that Great Britain would lose a valuable part of her commerce, particularly in her own manufactures. It is needless to state how very, very different has been the result. Throughout the whole line of coast, the trade has improved in a very considerable degree; but in Sierra Leone and the Gambia, it has far outstretched the most sanguine ideas formerly entertained of its bable increase. The amount of exports and imports will best evince the prosperity of those settlements: at the same time it ought to be remembered, that every article of produce shipped to the mother country, is of the most valuable kind, producing in most cases considerable revenue. Could we but eradicate the nest of miscreant slaves in Bissao and the Gallinas, we should then see the whole extent of coast from our settlement of Accra, to that of St. Mary's in the river Gambia, entirely freed from the approach of those vessels, whose visits, like that of an epidemic disease, spread nothing but death and misery to a vast extent around them. Freed from the contaminating influence of these spoilers, and divested of their last remaining hope of the pos

sibility of a revival of this horrible traffic, the natives would of neces sity turn their attention to the collection or production of such articles of legitimate commerce as would procure for them those European luxuries which they cannot now do without. An honourable intercourse, thus established without fear of interruption, would quickly produce such rich fruit as would for ever silence those objections which have been raised against the measures adopted for the relief of suffering Africa. The increase of commerce which would accrue to the mother country thereby, amply repaying her all the money she may have expended in this cause, would satisfy the worldly-minded; while the blood-thirsty wretch who might continue to offer opposition, for the purpose of a direct or indirect participation in the profits arising from such horrible speculations, would be left without a single argument upon which he might found his hateful doctrine.' pp. 199-201.

In the mean time, the restored governments of France, Spain, and Portugal, continue to abuse their power, in contempt of the warmest professions, and the most solemn engagements, by conniving at, or rather protecting the Slave Trade, with all its enormities. Wherever the French flag appears, protection and impunity are granted to the trader. A despatch from the late Sir Robert Mends, dated June 26, 1822, contains the following horrible statements.

"I am informed, it is almost impossible to credit the extent to which the Slave Trade has been carried on in the Bonny; there having actually sailed from that river, between the months of July and November last year, 126 slave vessels, eighty-six of which were French, and the others Spaniards. Six of them were heavy vessels: -one, a frigate-built ship, mounting 28 twenty-four pounders, long guns, and carronades; 200 men, English, American, and Spaniards; -a corvette of 26 guns, twenty-four pounders, long guns; 150 men ; -corvette of 20 guns, thirty-two pounders; 120 men ;-corvette of 16 guns, twenty-four pounders, carronades; 96 men-a brig of 18 thirty-two pounders; 100 men;-and a brig of 16 guns; 60 men, all Portuguese and Spaniards.

6. An immense number have already sailed this year; and I find many more are expected, and have ascertained, from good authority, that they will generally be under the French flag-that is, they sail, with their slaving cargoes on board, from the Havannah, to a port in France, and there clear out, come to this coast under the pretence of purchasing palm oil and ivory, ship their slaves, and return to the coasts of Cuba thus inhumanly laden.

"By the annexed boarding list, it will appear to their Lordships, that, within a very short period, the ships of war on this coast have boarded forty-five vessels engaged in the Slave trade; viz.

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Of which, sixteen were captured, having on board 2,481 slaves. These are facts substantiated by unquestionable proofs; and shew, beyond the possibility of doubt or contradiction, the preponderance of France and Portugal in this traffic."'

"Their Lordships being already acquainted with the desperate attack made by the French and Spanish slave-ships in the river Bonny, in last April, on the boats of this ship and the Myrmidon, which ended in the capture of the whole of those ships; I feel it incumbent on me to mention a combination said to be entered into, by the officers and crews of the whole of those vessels, by which they bound themselves to put to death every English officer or man, belonging to the Navy, who might fall into their hands on the coast of Africa. This was in perfect unison with all and every thing which the slave-dealing has engendered. Of a similar nature was the agreement between the Spanish captains and their seamen; the latter binding themselves blindly to obey every order, of whatever nature it might be, and, in case of the vessel being taken, not to receive any wages. Such is the depravity to which this Slave Trade debases the mind and the character of the desperate banditti engaged in it. These outlaws and robbers assume any flag, as best suits their purpose at the time; and would equally trample on the Lilly that protects them, as on the Crucifix which they impiously carry in their bosoms.

“Wherever this baneful trade exists, the civil arts of life recede, commerce disappears, and man becomes doubly ferocious. It is scarcely to be believed, that an attempt was made to blow up a vessel, with upwards of 300 slaves on board, almost all of them in irons, by her crew hanging a lighted match over the magazine, when they abandoned her in their boats, and the Iphigenia took possession of her. Were this a solitary instance of the feeling which it elicits, it ought of itself to induce every European Government to take effectual measures for its suppression; but, while succeeding years only bring forward a repetition of similar deeds, varied alone in form and guilt, hypocrisy itself scarcely dares to couple the name of Christian with that of its protectors."

We make no comment on these statements, but leave them to make their own appeal to our readers.

A very interesting paper will be found in the Appendix, taken from the Sierra Leone Gazette, giving an account of the travels of a Tartar merchant over a very considerable portion of the African Continent,-from Tripoli to Cape Coast Castle. He spent five weeks at Timbuctoo, which he makes 64 days

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