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When there is a SERMON.

UR Help is in the Name of the Lord; who hath made
Heaven and Earth. Amen.

My dear Brethren,

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INCE we are come hither to present our Adorations, our Praises and our Prayers to the Lord our God, and to hear his Holy Word, let every one of us lift up his Heart to Him, and make incere, Confeffion of his Sins, faying:

Lord God, heavenly Father, we acknowledge all of us in general, and each of us in particular, that we are not worthy to appear in thy Prefence, nor to ask any Favour of Thee. We have not obeyed thy Commandments, but have tranfgrefs'd them in divers Manners. Lord, we bewail the Greatness and the Number of our. Offences. Pardon us, O God of Mercy, pardon, for the fake of Jefus Chrift, all those who repent, and who ask Thee Forgiveness. SanEtifie us, and make us New Creatures; to the end that the Glory of thy Mercy may be celebrated for ever, through Jefus Chrift our Lord.



Let us adore our God,, and give Him Thanks.

T is just and reasonable that we adore Thee, O Lord God Almighty, who has created Heaven and Earth, and all Things that are therein; and that we render Thee continual Thanksgivings for all the Favours that we every Day receive from thy bountiful Hand.. We blefs Thee for our Prefervation to this time,, for having protected us the laft Night, and happily brought us to the Beginning of this Day, and for allowing us to appear at this Time, and in this Holy Place before Thee. Lord we praife Thee, we defire to serve Thee this Day and all our Life: We devote our felves to Thee, and we fubmit our felves entirely to thy holy and gracious Pleafure; vouchfafe, O Lord, to protect and keep us this Day, to the end that we may fpend it and our whole Life, in thy Peace, in thy Joy, and in thy Fear, through Jefus Chrift, who liveth and reigneth with Thee, O God, bleffed for ever. Amen.


After this Prayer, a Pfalm is to be fung, and after the Pfalm, the followturing Prayer is to be faid.

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LORD, fince we are here met in thy Name * to hear thy Word, which Thou haft given us to be a Lamp to our Feet, and a Light to our Paths: We befeech Thee with all our Hearts, and for the Love of Jefus Chrift, who is the Light of the World, to enlighten our Understanding, and to give us thy Holy Spirit, which may lead us into the Knowledge of the Truth, and fanctifie us. Give us Grace to hear attentively thy Word, to understand well the Meaning of it, and to conform our Lives to the Inftructions therein given us; to the end that what we fhall hear, may turn to the Glory of thy Name,, to our Advancement in Piety, to the Comfort and Salvation of our Souls,, through Jefus Christ our Lord. In whofe Name we call upon Thee, faying:

Our Father, &c.

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After the Sermon.

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Eternal and Almighty God, we prefent our felves before Thee, after having heard thy Holy Word, to offer to thy Divine Majeity our Prayers and our Supplications, both for our felves and for all! Men. We befeech Thee to enlighten all the People of the Earth, with the Light of the Gofpel, to the end that they may come to the Knowledge of the Truth and be faved: We pray to Thee for all the Wants of the Catholick Church: Behold in Mercy, all thy People, and all thy Flocks, particularly this here. Preferve them, keep the Candlestick of thy Word among them. Remove from them Scandals and Hypocrifie, and make Piety, Charity, and all fort of Vertues, to reign among them.

Blefs the Minifters of thy Church, and particularly thofe to whom Thou baft intrufted the Care of our Souls: Grant that they may always difpenfe thy Word in Purity, and labour with Zeal and Fidelity in the Edification of their Flocks. We pray Thee alfo for the higher Powers, and in particular for the facred Perfon of our Sovereign Lord the King, the Queen, for the Prince Royal, and for the Princess his Confort, and for the Prince and Princefs their Children, for all the Royal Family; for the Count of Wartemberg, Hereditary Governor General of this Principality, and for all thofe that are in Authority over us. Guide them by thy Spirit, affift them in the Exercife of their Offices, to the end that Religion, Justice, and Peace may flourish under their Government and Authority.

Here must be added, according to the Circumstances, that which follows: In Sacrament-Time, the Prayer above in the Service of Sunday Morning, Page 3And fince, O God, &c.

the Time of Fafting, add: To difpofe our felves to be extraordinarily humbled in thy Prefence whilft we celebrate this Publick Faft.

vour, those Perfons that are in Affliction: Grant to fuch as are fick, and especially to thofe that are Members of this Church, the Suc-, cour, Patience, and Repentance, of which they, ftand in need. Convert the Sinners, and strengthen thofe that walk in thy God, blefs the Juft, and all fuch as are of an upright Heart. Protect the Weak and the Innocent: Give Eafe to the Poor: Comfort the afflicted Souls Deliver thofe that are perfecuted for Righteousness; and aflift all thofe that are in any Danger,or in preffing Neceflity. Blefs our Country, this City, and all its Inhabitants; Give Peace in our Days, O Lord, turn from us thy Judgments, and we will blefs thy, Holy

Name. And fince we are about to return to the Holy

guide us, that we may always fet thy Will before ands, and so to


of ling, vouchfafe, O Lord, to blefs the Labour of our Hands, and fo to to conform our felves thereto, and that whilft we are purfuing Things Temporal, we may not neglect the Things Eternal, but that we may first and chiefly feek thy Kingdom and thy Righteoufness.

Suffer not the Temptations and Cares of this Life, to draw away Our Hearts, nor to take out of them the Seed of thy Word which has now been fown in them. O God, make us to underftand, that the World pafles away with the Lufts thereof, that our Life waftes, and that we muft foon leave every Thing; to the end that the Confideration of the Vanity of this Life, may induce us to live in thy Fear, that fo we, may die in thy Favour, and partake of the Refurrection of the Righteous: O Lord our good God, vouchsafe to give us whatfoever is neceffary for us towards the happy finishing of our Caufe: Take us into thy, 1Lake Protection, fupply all our Wants, and be Thou our Guide even to the laft Hour, through Jefus Chrift thy Son L 1 handleb

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UR Father which art in Heaven: Hallowed be thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy Will be done in Earth, as it is in Hea ven. Give us this Day our daily Bread. And forgive us our Tref palles, as we forgive them that trefpafs against us. And lead us not into Temptation; but deliver us from Evils For Thine is the Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory, for ever and ever. Amen,

The Bleffing.

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THE Blefling of God our Father, the Grace and the Peace of our Lord Jefus Chrift, be given and multiplied to you, through the Communication of the Holy Ghost. Amen. An 1.19..rovo) Tiods

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That are to be read after SER MON,

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After the Sermon for the Preparation to the Lord's Supper;

Our God and our Saviour, we humble our felves before Thee, to render Thee Thanks for all thy Mercies, and particularly

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-roast Christmas that which follows, is to be added.

Forafmuch as in these Festivals of Christmas, we have the Comfort of meditating upon the Mystery of the Incarnation of Jefus Chrift our Lord, thy Eternal Son, and to celebrate the blessed Remembrance of his Birthd x


At Eafter.

Forafmuch as in this Festival of Eafter, [Holy Week of the Paffion] we may meditate upon the Hiftory of the Sufferings of the Death and glorious Refurrection of our Lord Jefus Chrift, by which Thou haft releas'd us from everlafting Death, to bring us into Life Eternal. toto bail of one

oned too bdt, Whitfuntide.

Forafmuch as in thefe Festivals of the Bentecoft, we have the Happiness to meditate upon the miraculous and precious Gift of thy Spirit, which Thou didst as at this Time pour out upon the Apoftles, and which Thou dost till shed upon all thofe who believe in Thee by their Ministry.

At the Communion in September.

Forafinuch as at this Time, we may celebrate the blessed Remembrance of the Sufferings of thy Son Jefus Chrift, and meditate upon the Wonders of our Redemption.

After which, the Minifter goes on, and fays,"

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Ve blefs Thee alfo for the Favour Thou fhewedft to us miferable Sinners, in calling us to thy Holy Table, to the end that we may partake of the Benefits that Jefus Chrift has purchased for us by his Death and Refurrection. Lord we praife Thee, we blefs Thee, and we give Thee Thanks, with all the Gratitude we are capable of; and we befeech Thee at the fame time, that Thou wouldst 'be pleas'd, by thy' Spirit, to fanctifie us, who of our felves are unworthy to appear at this Holy Table. Lord Jefus give us Grace, that having well understood what is reprefented to us by this holy and venerable Sacrament, and especially the Greatness of the Love which Thou haft hereby fhewn us, we may come to thy Table with fuch Difpofitions as are neceffary for Worthy Communicants. Give us, O God, a true Knowledge and lively Sorrow for our Sins, and humble Recourfe to thy Mercy, a perfect Truft in thy Merit, which is our only Comfort, and all our Refuge both in Life and Death. Imprint in us a deep Senfe of thy infinite Charity, and a firm Refolution of ferving Thee our God, according to thy Will, and of ordering the reft of our Life as becomes thofe Perfons that are renewing the Vows of their Baptifin, and engaging themselves again in thy Service. Grant us alfo the Grace to love one another as Thou haft loved us, and to pardon one another as Thou haft pardoned us. Lord Jefus, put into our Hearts what is wanting to our Preparation, preferve us from the Danger of Eating this Bread, and of Drinking this Cup unworthily, by which means we should render our felves guilty of thy Body and of thy Blood. O Lord God, grant that in this Feaft, [of the Birth of Jefus Christ] [of Eafter] [of Pentecoft] and at all Times, we and all thy Church, may fhew forth, as we ought, the Remembrance [of the Birth] [of the Sufferings and Death of Thy Son] that Jefus Chrift may live in us, and we in Him, that we may die and rife again with Him, and that we may walk in Newness of Life, even to the End of our Days; and all to the Glory of thy Holy Naine, and our Eternal Salvation, through Jefus Christ our Lord. Amen.

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After the Lord's-Prayer, the People Jing a Pfalm, and then the Misfter gives the Bleffing.


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