and at the consecration of bishops. The first begins with these words Come, Holy Ghost, our souls inspire, Out of the second I quote some verses, not for any excellency of the poetry, but for the soundness of the divinity expressed in these lines Come, Holy Ghost, eternal God, Both from the Father and the Son, Visit our minds, and into us Thy heav'nly grace inspire, Thou in thy gifts art manifold, According to thy promise made, 45 host, into our souls and stablish our weakness, e and so frail, er devil, world, nor flesh, us may prevail. O Lord, thro' thee to know ther most of might, Es dear beloved Son, y attain the sight. with perfect faith also, e authorities, it appears to be f the scriptures, and of our remony with them, That spiriKnowledge, and faith in Christ, nim that maketh not ashamed, , with every godly motion of me from the holy inspiration of t. It is from him that we unscriptures, in the mind of the Spirit: it is from his grace that we grow in scripture knowledge, and persevere in the use of means, and at the same time in a constant dependence on his presence in them, for the furtherance and joy of our faith. He begins, he carries on, and he perfects our learning in his revealed word and will. O that he may make us, and keep us good scholars, in an abiding sense of the necessity of his divine teaching: that the Spirit and the word may go together in our bible studies, and bible experience: so that this may be the daily prayer of our faith. O thou Spirit of wisdom and revelation, who hast taught us that secret things belong to the Lord our God, but those things which are revealed belong to us, and to our children for ever; open the eyes of our understanding to understand what is revealed in the scriptures for our use. Dispose us to hear them, read them, and meditate on them, with profit. And help us to mix more faith with them, that they may become more precious. In every day's reading, grant that we may find them to be the ingrafted word, 47 e really branches grafted into and by the rain and shining bled to bring forth the fruits undantly. For all these blesever dependent on thy dithat our fruits may grow richwe may be more humble in d more thankful in our lives; ho can learn nothing as we thee, may by thy grace be o eternal salvation, through in Christ Jesus-To whom ather, and thee, O Holy Spinour and glory, now and for 48 CHAP. III. s triumph in the Lord his righteousness. ct of his rejoicing is always e, yesterday, to-day, and for -y variableness, or shadow of Christ, God in Christ, conne commandment runs-Re. d Jesus always, and again, I nere being in him a fountain g up into everlasting life. ais own wonderful persond of his gracious works and angs with the sinners of mandid for them in the days of he does in them by his Spiat he has promised to give ✔; in every possible view xen of him, a believer may oice always, and that with : for thus the apostle offers Now thanks be to God, who us to triumph in Christ " For he has in his per ject of triumphant jo ry God: and he is tr and man in one Chris foretold this marvello in the prospect: Fo salvation, a child is en: and his name sha ful, because the child the Son is the everlast of Peace. This is godliness, of which Testament sang with in their hearts unto the does in the one hund Psalm, calling upon al with all their inhabitan praises of Immanuel : alone is excellent, and ven and earth. So th saint felt it, who declare all things but loss, for t knowledge of Christ J whom I have suffered t |