Φιλοσοφιαν δε ου την Στωικην λέγω, ουδε την Πλατωνικήν, η την Επικουρειον τε CLEM. ALEX. Strom. Lib. 1. LONDON: PUBLISHED BY JOSIAH CONDER, 18, ST. PAUL'S CHURCH-YARD. SOLD ALSO BY DEIGHTON AND SONS, CAMBRIDGE; AND OLIPHANT, WAUGH, AND INNES, EDINBURGH. CONTENTS TO VOL. III. Abernethy's Introductory Lecture for the year 1815, exhibiting some A Faithful Narrative of the Re-passing of the Beresina by the French Page 586 Army, in 1812 628 Alison's Sermons, chiefly on particular Occasions Alpine Sketches, comprised in a short Tour through parts of Holland, Butler's Essay on the Life of Michel de L'Hôpital, Chancellor of France Chaplin's Sermon, occasioned by the Detection and Punishment of Cri- minals guilty of Robberies and Murder, in the Counties of Essex Gregoire, M. de la Traite et de l'Esclavage des Noirs et des Blancs Labaume's circumstantial Narrative of the Campaign in Russia Leftley's Sonnets, Odes, and other Poems, with Ballads and Sketches, List of Works recently published 110, 318, 429, 533, 638 London's, the Bishop of, Charge to the Clergy of the Diocese of London 522 Marsh's, Dr. Course of Lectures, Part III. On the Interpretation of Memorial on Behalf of the Native Irish More's, Mrs. Hannah, Essay on the Character and Practical Writings of St. Paul More's, Mrs. Hannah, Sacred Dramas Original Lines and Translations 434, 600 404 619 Penn's Prophecy of Ezekiel concerning Gogue, the last Servant of the Philosophical Transactious of the Royal Society of London, for the year 94 Playfair's Outlines of Natural Philosophy, being Heads of Lectures de- Ramond's Travels in the Pyrenees, translated from the French Traduit de l'Anglais, par M. P. S. Girard Shepherd's Paris in Eighteen Hundred and Two and Eighteen Hundred i and Fourteen 72 Somerville's Remarks on an Article in the Edinburgh Review, in which the Doctrine of Hume on Miracles is maintained 611 Wathen's Journal of a Voyage in 1811 and 1812 to Madras and China, returning by the Cape of Good Hope and St. Helena Whitaker's Sermon, preached in the Parish Church at Lancaster, at : the Subject of the Slave Trade Wilson's (Susannah) Familiar Poems, Moral and Religious Wordsworth's Excursion, being a Portion of the Recluse; a Poem 336 65 301 13 |