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sea-side with maize, cakes, and eggs, and barter them for fish. Eggs are the small change in Cumana, Caraccas, and other provinces of Venezuela, where copper coin is unknown; the smallest piece in circulation being a medio-real in silver, worth twopence-halfpenny. If one goes into a shop to buy something worth less than twopence halfpenny, they give as change two or three eggs; for a dozen of eggs there is worth only twopencehalfpenny. That is also the price of a measure of excellent milk, about a quart. A sheep is sold for a dollar; a fine turkey for twenty or twentyfive pence; a fowl for fivepence; a fat capon for from sevenpence-halfpenny to tenpence; a duck at the same price; game and wild-fowl are frequently sold cheaper than butcher's meat; and all those articles are still cheaper in the small towns of the interior.'

'I lived,' says Lavaysse, at the best and dearest hotel in Cumana, at a dollar per day, including the expenses of my son and servant. They gave us for breakfast, cold meats, fish, chocolate, coffee, tea, and Spanish wine: an excellent dinner, with Spanish and French wines, coffee, and liqueurs: in the evening chocolate; I was well lodged and lighted. I should have expended but half that sum if I had gone to board and lodge in a family. In short, there is not a country in the world where one may live cheaper than in the province of Cumana. An excellent dinner may be had there for tenpence, not including wine, which does not cost more than fivepence per bottle to those who buy a quantity of it. Poor people drink punch, which is at a very low rate, for it does not cost above one penny per quart.'

The following description of the new salt-works in the neighbourhood of Araya, from the same pen, is worthy of attention. The new saltworks of Araya have five reservoirs or pits, the largest of which have a regular form, and 2300 square toises surface. Their mean depth is eight inches. Use is made both of the rain waters, which by filtration collect at the lowest part of the plain, and of the water of the sea, which enters by canals, or martellières, when the flood-tide is favored by the winds. The situation of these salt-works is less advantageous than that of the mere. The waters which fall into the latter pass over steeper slopes, washing a greater extent of ground. The natives make use of hand-pumps to convey the sea-water from one principal reservoir into the pits. It would nevertheless be easy enough to employ the wind as the moving power, since the breeze always blows strong on these coasts. The earth already washed is never carried away here, as is the custom from time to time in the island of Margarita; nor have wells been dug in the muriatiferous clay, to find strata richer in muriate of soda. The salt men generally complain of want of rain; and in the new salt-works it appears difficult to determine what is the quantity of salt that is owing solely to the waters of the sea. The natives estimate it at a sixth of the total produce. The evaporation is extremely strong, and favored by the constant motion of the air; so that the salt is collected in eighteen or twenty days after the pits are filled. Humboldt found (the 19th of

August, 1799, at three in the morning) the temperature of the salt water in the pits 32-5°, while the air in the shade was 27.2°, and the sand on the coast at six inches depth 42.5°.

The royal administration of the salt-works of Araya, dates only from the year 1792. Before that period they were in the hands of Indian fishermen, who manufactured salt at their pleasure, and sold it, paying the government the moderate sum of 300 piastres. The price of the fanega was then four reals (eight of these reals are equivalent to a piastre, or 105 sous French money, or 4s. 44d. English); but the salt was extremely impure, gray, mixed with earthy particles, and surcharged with muriate and sulphate of magnesia. As the manufacture or labor of the salt-makers was also carried on in the most irregular manner, salt was often wanted for curing meat and fish-a circumstance that has a powerful influence, in these countries, on the progress of industry, as the lower class of people live on fish, and a small portion of tasajo. Since the province of Cumana has become dependent on the intendancy of Caraccas, the sale of salt is under the excise; and the fanega, which the Guayquerias sold at half a piastre, costs a piastre and a half. This augmentation of price is slightly compensated by a greater purity of the salt, and by the facility with which the fishermen and farmers can procure it in abundance during the whole year. The salt-works of Araya yielded the treasury in 1799 a clear income of 8000 piastres.'

The other towns of any note in this province are Barcelona, a place of growing importance, especially in a commercial view; Cariaco, surrounded with extremely fertile plains, but of a hot and unhealthy climate; Carupano, built at the opening of two fine valleys, watered by two large rivers; Rio Caribe, whose valley is the temple of this country; Cumanacoa, surrounded with high mountains, and of rather a cold climate, though it is not more than 104 toises above the level of the sea; and several missionary establishments near the rivers and on the great plains, inhabited chiefly by Indians, who live in mud-huts, and cultivate their gardens, together with a large plot of ground which is common to all, and which is generally an indigo or sugar plantation. Near Cumanacon is the great mountain Tumiriquiri, a vast rocky wall, rising from the forest; in one part the chain is broken by a precipice 900 feet wide, filled with trees, whose branches entwine completely with each other; through this crevice the Rio Jagua flows, and it is the abode of the jaguar, or American tiger, which is here very large and ravenous. Flames occasionally issue from two caverns in this precipice that may be seen at a great distance. The mountain is about 4400 feet above the level of the sea; its paths are traversed on mules, which are so sure footed, that an accident seldom happens. In a valley near this ridge is the cave of Guacharo, with a river running through it nearly thirty feet wide, and inhabited by a vast number of nocturnal birds, who build their nests in its arches. Once a-year the Indians destroy the young for the sake of a layer of fat, which covers the abdomen, which is perfectly free from

smell, and will keep for twelve months without becoming rancid. The monks purchase this oil for the purpose of cooking. These birds, called guacharoes, utter a mournful cry, which the Indians ascribe to the souls that are forced to go through this cave to the other world.

"They consider,' says Humboldt, 'that they are enabled to obtain permission to go out only when their conduct in this life has been without reproach. If it has been otherwise, they are retained for a shorter or longer time, according to the heinousness of their offences. This dark, wretched, and mournful abode, draws from them the mournings and plaintive cries heard without.

"The Indians have so little doubt of this fable, supported by tradition, being a sacred truth, commanding the utmost respect, that, immediately after the death of their parents or friends, they repair to the mouth of the cavern to ascertain whether their souls have met with any impediment. If they think they have not distinguished the voice of the deceased, they withdraw overjoyed, and celebrate the event by inebriety, and dances characteristic of their felicity; but, if they imagine they have heard the voice of the defunct, they hasten to drown their grief in intoxicating liquors, in the midst of dances adapted to paint their despair. So, whatever may be the lot of the departed soul, his relations and friends give themselves up to the same excesses: there is no difference but in the character of the dance.

'All the Indians of the government of Cumana and Orinoco not converted to the faith, and even many of those who appear to be so, have, notwithstanding, as much respect for this opinion as their ancestors could possibly have had. It appears that it is not, like so many others of its kind, the child of imposture or fanaticism; for it is not accompanied with any religious ceremony, the expense of which would increase the revenue of the inventor's benefice. The cavern itself shows no vestige of superstition having at any time obtained there the least monument of the empire imposture might have wished to exercise over credulity. This prejudice then is solely the effect of fear, ever ingenious in creating phantoms, and in imagining those things which flatter the illusion. Among the Indians 200 leagues from the cavern, to go down into Guacharo, is synonymous with to die.'

The forests of this country abound in monkeys of every kind, the most remarkable of which is the araquato, about three feet high, having its whole body covered with a thick coat of fur of a reddish-brown color; its face is rather black, and its beard long, and its eye, voice, and gait very melancholy. It is not vivacious as monkeys generally are, and the noise it makes, especially on an approaching change of weather, is singularly dismal. The valleys and banks of the rivers abound in Brasil and log-wood. The population of Barcelona and Cumana is about 100,000, one half of whom are Indians.

The island of Margarita forms a separate government from that of Cumana; it is situated in 10° 56′ N. lat., and 64° and 65° W. long., being about forty-eight miles long and eighteen broad. It was famous for pearls, but the fishery has ceased for more than a century past. This island con

sists of two parts, united by an isthmus, scarcely more than from eighty to 100 paces broad, and in some places not more than ten or twelve feet above the sea. There are three ports in the island, Pampetar, Puerto de la Mar, and Puerto del Norte; the former being the most important for its trade. The population is about 16,000. It has only three rivulets, just sufficient to turn mills; the water of the little river near Assumpcion is impregnated with sulphureted iron, magnesia, &c., so that the inhabitants prefer drinking water from ponds, though it is always muddy. There is scarcely enough agriculture to maintain the people. Provision is cheaper here than at Cumana.

This island is famous for parrots and other rare birds; scarcely a vessel leaves its ports without carrying away some of them. The manufactures are cotton stockings and hammocks of a peculiarly excellent quality; but the fisheries are the principal objects of trade; more than 300 Indians are employed in them; the quantity taken is incredible, and of innumerable kinds, the most common being the mullet, something like a herring. Salt is remarkably cheap; a barrel, of about 300 pounds, selling for twelvepence-halfpenny.

The province of Maracaibo, round the lake of that name, extends but a little way into the land: it is about 100 miles in length. The soil is unfruitful on the east and west shores; but, on the south, it is equal to that of the finest land in South America; the climate is generally hot and unhealthy, except in the south, near the snowy mountains of Merida. It is peopled by about 174,000 persons, chiefly Indians; a few whites only have settled on the borders of the lake towards the west. The towns on this lake are mostly built on posts of iron-wood, which becomes like a mass of stone from the quality of the water. The city of Maracaibo stands about six leagues from the sea, in a dry hot climate and on a sandy soil. The south wind, from its insalubrity, is here called the Destroyer; violent storms of thunder and lightning, with deluges of rain, are prevalent; but they are desirable, as, in failure of them, earthquakes are experienced. The town is built on the shore of a small gulf near Maracaibo Point; many of the houses are built of lime and sand, but however cheap tiles are, the inhabitants, from an idea of greater safety, obstinately adhere to the practice of covering the handsomest with a kind of reed called enea, growing on the borders of the lake. This mixture of reeds and tiles has a disagreeable effect, and from their combustible nature, they keep the city in constant danger. The most noble families are the descendants of the first conquerors; of these there are more than thirty, but most of them are poor, and the sense of their high extraction makes them ashamed of labor, and remarkably indolent. There are about 25,000 inhabitants, of which 5000 are negroes, who are all artisans of different descriptions.

"Notwithstanding the barrenness of resources which education finds at Maracaibo,' Depons says, 'we there see young persons so favored by nature, that the slightest elementary instruction at once developes in them all the faculties, which

in Europe do not manifest themselves until after long study, and the care of the best teachers. What adds to the singularity of the phenomenon is, that this excess of natural genius frequently becomes prejudicial to the tranquillity of the families of Maracaibo; for it is enough for many of these young men to know the conjugation and government of the verbs, in order to be qualified to write pieces, whose subtilty would appear to the knavish advocate better than the productions of the counsel who establishes his reasons on the principles of the civil law. Such suits as should never have been instituted, or which the tribunals would instantly have decided, become interminable and ruinous by the sophisms with which these scribblers envelope in darkness causes the most simple and clear. This disease, very prevalent at Maracaibo, is by no means a stranger in other Spanish territories. The penal laws which the legislature has been forced to enact, to lessen the number of these imps of chicane, whom they call pendolistas (quick writers), literally prove that the evil is general enough.

In allowing that the inhabitants of Maracaibo have activity, courage, and genius,' says the same writer, we have nothing more to say in their favor. They are reproached with having very little regard to their word, and with thinking themselves not bound by their signature, until after they have in vain endeavoured to release themselves from it by law. Their reputation in this respect is so well established, that all strangers whom business draws to Maracaibo, say it is much better to form connexions of interest with the women than with the men, because they alone have there that good faith and firmness which, in every other part, is the peculiar heritage of the


'Since the course of description has led me,' he adds, to speak of the women of Maracaibo, I ought not to let it be unknown that they are in their youth paragons of modesty; and in marriage, faithful wives, and excellent mothers of families. Affection for their husbands, the cares of their household, and the education of their children, are the objects which divide all their moments, and occupy all their solicitude. They know not, however, before marriage, any other amusement than music. Their favorite instrument is the harp. There are few houses in which the harmonious sound of this instrument is not heard every evening, and every day of festival.'

The other towns of this province are Truxillo, Gibraltar, Paruate, Las Barbacoas, and San Pedro; Truxillo is celebrated for superior woollen manufactures, and excellent cheese.

Guiana, or Guayana, is an immense province, the precise boundaries of which cannot be ascertained. On the east, its shore extends to the mouth of the Orinoco, about thirty leagues, and westward it reaches to the river Yapura; besides which, it stretches along the Orinoco 400 leagues to the Rio Portuguesa. Besides this vast river, it has the Caroni, the Aruy, and the Caura, on the north; on the south, the Guaviare, the Yuritta, and the Atalapo; and, on the west, the Suapure, the Sippapu, besides a multitude of smaller streams. This province is divided into upper and lower, one east and the other west of

the Caroni. The soil is fertile in the extreme, the rivers periodically overflowing their banks, and leaving behind them a slime as prolific as the Nile; but this fine district is nearly waste, and a harbour for a number of cannibal tribes, of which the Caribs are the most formidable. The indigenous inhabitants are about 30,000, united into missions, the rest are independent Indians, who have not embraced Christianity; in the whole, constituting a population of 52,000 persons. Cattle constitute the riches of the province, in the export of which, and of a little tobacco, cotton, and indigo, their trade consists. Angos tura is the chief place; it is about fifty leagues west of the confluence of the Caroni; when the water is high, the quays are frequently overflowed, and the caymans or crocodiles are sometimes seen in the streets. Notwithstanding its low situation it enjoys a mild temperature, Reaumur's thermometer scarcely rising to 24° in the hottest season.

The province of Varinas divides the territories of the former government of Caraccas from those of Condinamarca. It is intersected by large and numerous rivers, which inundate and fertilise its extensive plains. In one of the mountainous ridges of the country the Apure rises, which, after running a course of more than 500 miles, falls into the Orinoco by several mouths, receiving on its way the waters of numerous other streams, the largest of which are the Santo Domingo and Portuguese. Here also the Aranca and the Meta are among the fine rivers that intersect this country. Its total population amounted in 1807, to 141,000. most remarkable features are its extensive plains, covered with luxuriant herbage and feeding innumerable herds of cattle. Its chiefs towns are Varinas, San Jayme, San Fernando de Apure, Pedraga and San Antonia.


Santa Fé lies on the west of the eastern Andes; it is very mountainous, but none of the summits of the chain in this country reach the region of eternal snows, though they are very near it. The lake Guatavita is one of the curiosities of this province. The following description of it is from the work entitled Colombia:

"It is situate on the ridge of the Zipaquira mountains, north of the capital, in a wild and solitary spot, at the height of more than 8700 feet above the sea. It is a small oval piece of water, in a deep hollow of the same form, round which are cut ranges of steps, reaching to the brink of the lake, having served most probably for some religious ceremonies in use among the ancient possessors of this country. As it was supposed that a great quantity of treasure had been thrown into this lake, when Quesada. conquered the kingdom of Cundinamarca, the Spaniards attempted to cut a canal through the mountain of which its banks are composed, in order to drain off the waters; but their design does not appear to have succeeded, for, after considerable excavations, it has been left off at little more than half the requisite depth.'

The same work thus describes two other grand natural objects in this country :

'The cataract of the Tequendama, by which the river Funza joins the great Magdalena, is the most noted object in the country near the capital.

The Funza, or Bogota, after receiving the waters of the numerous small rivers which flow through the great plain, is about 140 feet in breadth, a short distance above the fall; approaching the crevice through which it dashes, its breadth is diminished to thirty-five, when, with accumulated force, it rushes down a perpendicular rock at two bounds, to the astonishing depth of 600 feet, into a dark and unfathomable gulf, out of which the river again issues under the name of Rio Meta, and continues its course, by an immense descent, till it joins the great river of Magdalena.

"The crevice of Icononzo is in the centre of the valley of Pandi, and appears to have been formed by some convulsion of nature, which has rent asunder the mountain. At the height of nearly 300 feet above the torrent (which forms beautiful cascades on entering and quitting the crevice) are seated these extraordinary bridges, one under the other; the breadth of the upper one being about forty feet, and its length upwards of fifty, composed of solid rock, in the form of an arch, seven or eight feet thick at its centre. Below this, and rather advanced on one side of it, at the depth of sixty feet, is another bridge, formed still more singularly; for as the mountain appears to have been rent away, or drawn from the upper, the inferior one seems to have fallen from the mountain, and three enormous masses of rock have descended from the opposite sides of the chasm, in such a manner that the upper mass forms the key of the other two. This lower bridge cannot be visited without much risk, as a narrow path alone leads to it along the brink of the precipice. In the centre is a hole, through which the abyss below can be seen, and numberless flights of nocturnal birds are observed hovering over the water, which flows through so dark a cavern that the sides cannot be distinguished.'

Bogota, the capital of this province, is a large and handsome city, with about 30,000 inhabitants; the plain in its neighbourhood is so fertile that it yields two harvests in the year. Here is one of the mints of Cundinamarca, the other is at Popayan. Besides the capital there are Tocaima, La Villa de la Purification, Honda, Mariquita, Muzo, Tunja, Leiva, Velez, San Gil, and Socorbo. This province is famed for its gold, silver, gems, salt, and coal, and for its fruitful plains, which breed numbers of horses, and mules, which are exported to Peru. The woods abound with game and wild animals, and the rivers with fish and alligators.

After these, in their order, are the provinces of Merida with its capital of the same name-of Santa Marta, with its immense and rapid rivers, crossed by bridges made of the roots of plants twisted together into immense ropes and stretched over them-Carthagena, of which copious mention has been made in the article AMERICADarien, on the gulf of that name-Panama, consisting of abrupt and broken chains of mountains, between two seas, being for the most part covered with thick forests-Veragua, the most northerly of the provinces of Tierra Firme, a mountainous and rugged country, with vast forests, interspersed with rich and fruitful valleys Choco, the peculiarities of which we have al

ready mentioned-Antioquia, famous for its gold mines, worked by 800 negroes-San Juan de Los Llanos-the large province of Popayan, in which is a pass of the Andes, 11,499 feet above the level of the sea, and not more than a foot and a half broad, where travellers can with the greatest difficulty pass each other-QuixosJaen de Bracamoras Maynas - Quito - San Miguel de Ibavia-Otabalo—Latacunga-Riobamba-Chimbo — Guyaquil — Cuença-and Loxa. Quito is famous for the loftiest summits of the Andes, of which we have already spoken, and for the volcanoes of Pichincha and Cotopaxi, the loftiest volcano in the world.

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'A most singular monument is observable on the top of the dike or chain of Tiopullo, consisting of a tumulus, and the ruins of one of the Peruvian palaces called tambos, situate in a plain covered with pumice-stones. The tumulus, if it be one, is upwards of 200 feet high, and is supposed to have been the burying-place of a chief. The palace is south-west of this hillock, nine miles from the crater of Cotopaxi, and thirty from Quito. It is in the form of a square, each side being about 100 feet in length, with four great door-ways, and eight chambers. Its walls are more than three feet thick, formed of large stones, regularly cut and laid in courses, and the whole is in tolerable preservation. It is called the palace of Callo. The great curiosity of this edifice consists in the beauty of the workmanship, as all the stones are cut into parallelopipedons, and laid in regular courses, and so nicely joined, that were it not that each stone is convexly and obliquely cut on the outside, their joints would not be visible.'

Quito is about 9510 feet above the level of the sea, having behind it the conical summit of Javirac, immediately under that of Pichincha.

The state of society in this country is much improved, and is still ameliorating. On this subject we shall make a short extract from captain Hall's concise and interesting work, and with this we must conclude, though much more might be said on so fruitful a subject.

'Under the Spanish government the political distinctions, which separated these various classes of inhabitants, were almost as numerous as, and infinitely more odious than, their physical varieties of features and complexion. By the laws of the Indies, the Indians were not only cut off from every civil employment or distinction, but were even denied the dignity of rational beings, being held in a state of perpetual pupilage, under the authority, principally, of their curates, who would hardly permit them to hold any intercourse with the rest of the inhabitants; the people of color were little better treated: besides being rigidly excluded from every employment of honor or consideration in the state, they were subjected to personal distinctions, the more painful because they could have no other object than that of gratifying the vanity of the privileged class at the expense of their unfortunate brethren. Such was the law prohibiting the women of color from wearing the manto, or black dress used at church, or from wearing any ornament of gold or silver; custom, besides, prohibited them the use of the alfombra, or carpet, at their devotions, and that

of an umbrella to screen them from the sun in the streets; all these distinctions are now happily abolished; the law of the republic sees none but citizens in every class of inhabitants, whatever may be their origin or the tinge of their complexions: the justice of this policy has been rewarded by the exertions of the people of color in aid of the indepedence of the country, of which they have been the firmest supporters, and Co

COLOMNA (Fabius), a very learned botanist, born at Naples, about the year 1567. He became skilled in the languages, in music, designing, painting, and the mathematics; and died about the middle of the seventeenth century. He wrote, 1. QUTOẞaravos, seu Plantarum aliquot (ac piscium) Historia; 2. Minus cognitarum rariorumque Stirpium exopaois; itemque de aquatilibus, aliisque nonnullis animalibus, Libellus; and other works.

COʻLON, n. s. kwλov, a member; a point in grammar; see below. The greatest and widest of the intestines.


Now, by your cruelty hard bound, I strain my guts, my colon wound. The contents of the colon are of a sour, fetid, acid smell in rabbits. Floyer on the Humours. COLON, in grammar. Grammarians generally assign the use of a colon to be, to mark the middle of a period; or to conclude a sense less perfect than a dot or period. Others say, a colon is to be used when the sense is perfect, but the sentence not concluded.

COLON, in anatomy, from roxoc, hollow, the name given to the greater portion of the large intestine. It begins where the ilium ends, in the cavity of the os ilium on the right side; thence ascending by the kidney, on the same side, it passes under the concave side of the liver, to which it is sometimes tied, as likewise to the gallbladder, which tinges it yellow in that place;

then it runs under the bottom of the stomach to the spleen in the left side, to which it is also knit; from thence it turns down to the left kidney; and thence passing, in the form of an S, it terminates at the upper part of the os sacrum, in the rectum. See ANATOMY.

COLONEL, n. s. Of uncertain etymoloCO'LONELLING, gy. Skinner imagines it CO'LONELSHIP, n.s.originally colonialis the leader of a colony. Minshew deduces it from columna, a pillar as patriæ columen; exercitus columen.

The chiefest help must be the care of the colonel that nath the government of all his garrison. Spenser on Ireland. Captain or colonel, or knight in arms, Whose chance on these defenceless doors may seize, If deed of honour did thee ever please, Guard them, and him within protect from harms.


Then did Sir Knight abandon dwelling And out he rode a colonelling. Butler's Hudibras. Whilst he continued a subaltern, he complained against the pride of colonels towards their officers; yet, in a few minutes after he had received his commission for a regiment, he confessed that colonelship was coming fast upon him. Swift.

lombia reckons among her best and bravest officers, men whom Spanish pride and tyranny deemed unworthy to sit at a white man's table. If any lingering prejudices still remain they are happily confined to female coteries, or an occasional explosion in a ball-room; even these last embers of irritated and childish pride it is the interest of the republic to see extinguished.'

COLONEL, in military affairs, the commanding officer of a regiment, and next in rank to a general. A colonel of a regiment, properly so called, is the nominal head of a given number of men; the clothing, &c. of whom is exclusively entrusted to him, as well as the appointment of an agent, who receives the pay and subsistence of the corps, but for whose solvency and character the colonel is responsible to the public. In the French and Spanish armies, this title is confined to the infantry and dragoons: the commander of a regiment of horse they usually call maitre de camp. A colonel may put an officer of his regiment in arrest, but must acquaint the general with it. He is not allowed a guard, but only a sentry from the quarter-guard. In his absence the lieutenant-colonel commands.

COLONEL-LIEUTENANT, the second in command in a regiment, whereof the king, prince, These colonel-lieutenants have always a colonel's or other person of the first eminence, is colonel. commission, and are usually general officers.

COLONEL BY BREVET, one who has obtained that rank in any particular regiment. the rank of colonel in the army, without having

COLONIA, in ancient geography, a town of the Trinobantes, a little above Camelodunum: who supposes it to take its name from the river now Colchester in Essex, according to Camden, Coln, and not that it was a colony: though others think Antonine's distances agree with Sudbury.

COLONIA EQUESTRIS, in ancient geography, a noble colony on the Lacus Lemanus. It appears to have been the work of Julius Caesar, who settled there Equites Lemitanei: and to this Lucan is thought to refer. By the Itinerary it is supposed to have stood between Lausanne and Geneva, twelve miles from the latter, by Peutinger's map; which directs to Noyon, placed in Cavo Lemano, according to Lucan's expression, that is, a bay or cove of the lake. Its ancient name was Noviodunum; hence its modern name, Noyon, or, as some suppose, Nevers.

COLONIA METELLINA, a town of Lusitania, situated on the right or west side of the Anas or Guadiana; but now on the left or east side, from the river's shifting its bed or chanuel, and called Medelin, a town in Estremadura.

COLONIA MORINORUM, a town of Gallia Belgica, thought to be Tarvenna, the capital of the Morini; now called Terrouen.

COLONIA NORBENSIS, or NORBA CESAREA, a town of Lusitania, south of Trajan's bridge on the Tagus: now Alcantara, in Estremadura.

COLONIA TRAJANA, a town of Belgica, called also Ulpia, and Tricesima, from being the station of the thirtieth legion; now Kellen, in Cleves

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