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to contract to the narrow limits of its perversions, the universal means of its better happiness.

The world is slave to custom and habits, that must get out of all such as the very best at best.


MIND has to take cognizance of many wholesale bubbles and speculations, to sustain their fearful retributions that are too important to be overlooked in any age, or forgotten in any life.

Let mind look at the history of bank manias, with millions for capital ostensibly, that on failure showed but few thousands for assets.

The world has been assailed for indefinite ages, ever since mind has reacted on mind.

What can mortals say, of all the thousands of despotisms of peculiar faith? How is it to free itself from these states?

When a man is fanatic or unprincipled, he will do anything commensurate with the object.

His only palliation is, that he may be incapable of appreciating the ultimate bearing and object of all conceptions. The world presents many a goldometer expressly for one's benefit, but assuredly if it were profitable, that one would not have seen it. Look at all the rappings within the last twelve months, and what are they but a part of that contemptible machinery that belongs to ghosts and witches, miracles and prophecies, bibles and their mysteries, their faiths.

Do you suppose that your posterity will reverence you for such piety, as much as it will deplore the fanaticism and bigotry of their fathers? Divest yourself in time of all these false pretences, and do some real good to your household by rational religion. You have been deceived awfully by the priestocracy about their peculiar faith, that was not worth reception positively.


Some professions are obsolete, to render the world peculiarly imposed upon. world has to be governed by conservative principles, the sooner the better for all rational beings; hence the only proper constitutional government, that helps all mankind, is the one.


ADVICE is a delicate thing, and should be most rarely given, for the result may not succeed and injury may ensue, then the adviser is blamed. This is often the case in matrimony. Matches, even by relations, should be rarely interfered with any way. When necessary, give advice that is manly, wise and proper. Is the adviser to be benefited, directly or remotely? Then he will volunteer advice surely! Who is qualified to give advice, that is worthy.


Sheer ignorance and want of particular attention to that subject, perverse and evil intention to blindly mislead, and interest to defeat the other party, are disqualifying drawbacks.

The world too often gets the advice of the ignorant, prejudiced, deluded, and above all, the arrogant and presumptuous.

Neither persuade nor dissuade, but give facts always, and leave the rest to reason and justice, when not urged to do more.

What avails advice to opinionated persons?

Give them information, and let them use their judgment that God gave them. All should avoid the antagonism of the world obnoxious to free opinions, no farther than rights require.

The intelligent are well aware that advice is actually dangerous, coming from interested persons, and that too much caution cannot be exercised on this head.

When asked advice, deal honestly and morally, but if we candidly cannot approve, tell the parties to see for themselves.

Whom can we trust better, than our own cultivated mind? The errors of other people often mislead us. Correct ripe right judgment, is a rare and precious jewel. When individuals wish you to act on their information, you can procure their certificate of all first, then consult on the propriety with tried and true friends. If your friend seeks your hospitality in distress, or retiring from his country in ignominy or disgrace, extend your proper relief to assist his misfortunes, and diminish his afflictions, but mark you, never commit yourself to any of his misdeeds that reflect dishonor on principles; advise to justice, and enlighten him in the path of rectitude and probity.

How many in the world might do better, as they could easily with their mind know better, but they are too short-sighted to do the right thing. Before you consult a friend, consult your own best judgment in evoking the best practicable views of the subject, and knowing his capacity for advice, the more important the deeper the enterprise. Many advisers cannot appreciate new conservative revolutions, and thus friendship may be actually lost in the depth of mind, as the advised may be afraid to follow, where his weak advisers forbid, they being monopolists and in antagonism to anything that may benefit others than themselves.


THE infusion of demagogism into the mass of the people, is a potent engine and machinery of power. It sacrifices society, and disorganizes the conservative principles of the universe.

To gain its point, it would institute universal psychology in the world; that popular mind might be in abeyance to its exclusive pretensions.

It affects the welfare of all, to promote the selfish views of the conspirators. The demagogue fears his constituents when he cannot mislead them, the statesman appreciates his conscience, and does his best duty to the Creator.

We must not presume too much on the mass of mankind, as their brains are of such size as to subject them to guidance. They must not be misled by peculiar education, and can only be wisely and efficiently guarded against the demagogue, by rational light. Demagogues of no kind can survive in the atmosphere of rational education. This will break down all the interior walls of China, reared by ignorance, prejudice, or barbarism. What! China ignorant? Yes: she has bigoted ignorance that caused her to stop short of her high attainments, from which she has retrograded. If she do not batter down her walls of ignorance, she will retrograde.

Not that the rich should be upbraided for riches, that is radical; nor the poor for poverty, that is unjust; but that right and justice should be accorded by the wisest of world's statesmen's views.


THE world needs master critics, for its universal utility. Many critics cannot generally do more than pander to beaten paths. They are not suited to conservative revolution. How many such critics are incompetent! In old times, they assumed to be masters, now, the principles of God have mastered for mind. Well might wise, candid,

honest critics be desired.

A thorough knowledge of language, so very important to chasteness and elevation of thought, correctness of feelings, contracts in business, will be still more advanced in its universal unity.

Those who seek to be the light of the world, must see too, that in the refinements of criticism, that a juster proportion will be established for mind's greatness. Authors have to look at the future evolutions of mind, and relieve the world of all its impracticable peculiarities.

No precedent is good that reason does not sanction; and reason must be qualified like public opinion, by the purest lights of philosophical science. The master teachers of the world, are the authors of brilliant and original genius.

All authors must be in a proper frame of mind or body, to think and write satisfactorily. This is the case with orators, and the effect of their address is proportionate to the state of the audience. The greatest preference, then, should be paid to those that are prompted by the true spirit of action, not forced by the compulsion of want.

The true end of science enables the intelligent world to select systems, not mere professional characters, and escape the precedents of dogmas of the schools.

The hired author is miserably situated. As Emmet said of his epitaph, original authors might say of criticism, much of which cannot be written for that age. Who can review all works satisfactorily? Noble critics' mind can do more good, to protect mind on its merits. The noblest criticism is the correct one, from the strongest opposition of principles. How often does the world have to receive sophistry, instead of criticism.

No review from monopolists or usurpers, can be worth anything. Nothing less than an elevated proper criticism can do justice to any subject.

The master criticism is not of that exalted stand, that the world and mind need.


ALL this must be universal on rational principles, to rationalize mankind.

It is full high time and tide, that the rational popular sovereignty of mind of the world, spoke its rightful code to the whole five grand divisions in a proper way.

Such classical literature is for the moderns to think rightly. To direct a noble criticism is the right culture and decision.

Language is one of man's peculiarity. That must be religionized, scienceizedphilosophized.

The world needs a pure and genuine literature that can shed a glory on rational mind, and elevate the chastest genius to the chastest position.

The world's literature is deformed by the peculiar faith obliquities. Give up, unwor~ thy assumed custodians, this charge, to the holy keeping of rational liberalized mind. The world needs proper reviews with rational sincerity, science, and philosophyotherwise, it is naught. The trammels of the schools must not dictate to the supremacy of genius, nor the highest requisitions of rational mind.


THE press can speak with the power of electricity, and will equal public opinion when both are truly enlightened on proper principles.

The editors should be among the most enlightened citizens, else they may wield an influence that often perverts public taste and morals, and renders the press unprincipled.

Give the world the light and liberty of the press, sustained by a liberal, that is, rational, education.

What can be worse than a mischievous or mercenary press. The court press of monarchy is hireling, and is ever responsible to censorship.

Tyrants hate a free and intelligent press.

A conservative revolution is demanded, on the most equitable principles of mind, as regards the press, that pours forth much that is obviously derogatory to intelligence. What miserable articles are displayed, of the most ignominious superstition. Is sophistry to be protected by the most degrading machinations against the probity and dignity of truth and science?

God's universal good is promoted only by truth, not falsehoods. If we are to have fiction, let it be so; but the light of the present age requires the proper distinction between them. Let it not be still left to minds to be corrupted, not benefited, by such conceits.

What malign influence has the court press over the people. All presses, as governments, should be the constitutional friend, adviser, and protector of the sovereign people, not its deceiver.

The press may print the laws and all business expedient for governments; but use no sinister influence of any powers. The true principle is, to dissolve all government from church, bank, working, or press-power.

The press managers assume to correct morals, whilst some of them are not exempt from most of human frailties and degraded corruption. What palliation can be offered, when they enjoy the most of light and liberty? Do they refuse to claim justice for public and private oppression for fear of injuring subscription lists? Then that press is servile and degraded.

Rouse up, patriots of the press, for your country and her cause; the dignity and happiness of the world.

Your delay and omission may be even fatal in many of the issues that mind has to present with the sophistry of the world.

The real genuine liberty of mind is to be maintained by its mighty potency in its own best defence. The press aids, and must be ever true to itself, to the equity of laws, and the justice of principles. These are the world-polities, by which nations. prosper, and mankind are blessed with glorious and permanent results.

The press needs enlightened editors to keep the heads and the body of the world right, otherwise corruption may ensue, in the heads of government especially.

When partisan and factitious views prevail, from a low train of conduct, then a curse is perpetrated. Republics necessarily require an independent, not a licentious press. There must be no restriction on the liberty of the press of the world, that it maintain an exalted supremacy, as one of the most potent bulwarks of liberty. This is to

expose, with other enlightened means, the defects of old obsolete governments and their rickety plans.

Let the world see the abolition of censorship on the press in all social proscriptions as to its real liberty, and a conservative revolution will have been established worthy of mind most rational. What will elevate the press to its best standard? The right censorship, of rational criticism. No despotic censorship of the press can be tolerated by the world. When the press is fully freed from ignoble censorship, instituted by social proscription, monopoly, and usurpation, our American freedom will be full. Criticism must be as comprehensive as the universe, and the press must be untrammelled by social or professional proscription. What a wretched thing it is to have a press subsidized to political hacks. What shall the world think of those that prostitute themselves to the evil genius of bad, peculiar faith?

But for the press, this Union might have been split into twain, and the intelligence of the people, their patriotism speaking through the press. When it becomes free in this country, then matters will progress better. Let us have a free and enlightened press, based on rational education, the universal accompaniment of rational minds. Let us act worthy of the freedom of rational mind.

What editor in this country can dare resist proscription of society, and act on the principles of rational mind most promptly? Why is the press sneaking from the responsibility of rational mind, by reason of irrational faiths? That is the position, a most ignoble one. Freemen are cheated, fooled, bribed by peculiar faith-a base, degraded means of despotismn, mind-toryism. What mind so tory as to receive such? Of all the disgusting fruits of peculiar education, none are so disgusting as peculiar faith.

Are there any heresies in peculiar faith?

They are all heresies, presenting no truth from first to last. Their bibles are no more, not worth any more, than obsolete almanacs, no more truthful than astrological ones. They are all analogous, having the same object in view, imposition. Society cannot be in a worse fix than by peculiar faith. With such bibles, faith, kings, emperors, popes, papas, lamas, priestocracy and laity, and a pliable press, who cannot feel a licentiousness to play the felon on the world?

Constitutional governments demand better things of a servile or cringing press. Let the free voice of a rational people be understood.


THE best social interests of the world and of mankind, require the maintenance of this principle, but by what shall we guard against perjury that is so often involved in its violation? As respectable as the world is professional, or otherwise in talents and integrity, it is apt to run aground, in the abundant violations of veracity.

Adulation must yield to candor, and however pronesome may be by their evil propensities to pervert themselves and the world, jumping into the quagmire of their masters without help to any, the superior taste of wisdom and truth, will counteract this by degrees. They who honor veracity, test its virtue and benefits in their own cases, acting with the best of good faith, that is essential and ever due to God, and man's social relations, in which every human rational being is most deeply interested.

To resign truth, is stupid resignation of her all-important benefits. She is indispensable in the universe, to God and mind as the only exponents of facts.

Truth is ever indispensable in religion.

Truth and honesty are inseparable in religion.

All their codes must be certainly and entirely consistent.

All that look to society, must look to good faith, itself dependent on truth and honesty. Peculiar faith, not consistent with universal faith of principles, is suicidal as bad faith to the world.


All the blessings that truth procures, are to be sought under her auspices. such a conspicuous advantage, man must rely to attain what is just. They who violate serious truth, are dishonored at once most deeply without limits, resign gifts of invaluable character, and impeach their own standing far beyond all the exertions and machinations of their most hostile opponents.

Man's own evil contrivance in his own cunning, kills himself the worst of all.

Short sighted are any to lose the confidence of the public, the avenue to their credence and the only claim to their belief, even when they afterwards speak the truth. Will any adopt any position that impugns reason and expels truth, to gratify his appetite for power, ambition, or love of money?

He creates ignominy and contempt for his word in a court of justice, a barrier to his and others' rights, the scoff of the world, and throws away jewels of the brightest lustre for dross and dust.

He loses his self-respect, the esteem of the virtuous. Here the wise see settled fixed principles, and the penalties of violation. He who loses this pure virtue, has lost a treasure that this world can never supply. Banish this test of fidelity from this globe, and a void is created, that science cannot supply, to disturb the balance of confidence and the pleasures of mind. The mind turns with disgust from the scene, and contemplates the picture with distrust and uncertainty.

Without truth, the universe loses her principles, and principles become chaos and confusion.

Remember that the greatest triumph is the moral after the religious, and above all, over those who have violated truth. Veracity can be best obtained in courts of justice, by affirmation, when all have the true appreciation of morals and religion.

The highest can only be given by a correct appreciation of the great first cause of the universe, whose myriads of suns, with their hosts of planets speak a universal language to the supreme dynasty of mind, which attends the continued succession of the generations of their inhabitants. The revealed faith violates the first principles of evidence and truth, and as vitiated testimony, must be ruled out of the respectable notice of monotheists. Its race is nearly run, and should be at once, as it shocks moral and religious sense and truth.

When man perverts all good actions, speaks falsely and acts so, generally, worshipping cunning instead of adoring wisdom, then if he suffers speedy penalties, who can be surprised?

Good faith, truth, and honesty, are invaluable to mind, and all are the smartest in the end that use all such. The cunning circumventor is a simpleton and poltroon, afraid to face facts and come to the exact point.

What shall counteract the immense amount of perjury of the day, but the institution of the most exalted principles, that will dignify mind in its most elevated degree ? Is self-interest to pervert truth?

Many people think that they may pervert the world their way, but the future penalty is what may disturb them. There is such a thing as one's actions recoiling, such a thing as retributive justice.

What numbers of people are irresponsible for honor of word or system; their pledges amount to nothing: they do not know the value of a man's word. Their actions do not correspond to promises. Can they be safely trusted?

Their heart is of as much value as their liver or any other vital organ, for their mind has not been duly cultivated, and their conscience has not been awakened.

Mind suffers its most poignant regret, from adequate penalty reaching it.

The respect due ourselves and the world, must be earned, to be deserved amid the conflicts of interest especially, therefore all are concerned in the greatest good to the world.

Truth is truth no matter the authority, and upholds itself. A falsehood, no matter the asserter, destroys itself. Bad citizens will stultify themselves before principles, and prove their corruption by awful falsehoods when expedient, and throw away the confidence of the community, that truth and honesty procure.

Never affect to be above the humble means of honest elevation, whether or not you can prove yourself worthy by merit of rising from obscurity to celebrity. Strong minds do not avoid their history, nor will truthful persons deny it.

What a miserable state of things arises from the habit of not speaking the truth; the person goes from bad to worse, never believed rightfully, but at the hazard of violating all self-respect. The individual is looked upon as a bad member of society.

The conversation of some circles rather reflects on them, for want of the necessary qualities, as truth and honesty. Now what makes the real and essential difference between the respectable and the reverse, but the most universal practice compatible on the adoption of everlasting principles? All the world has to be estimated alike on its practices and actions, that decide character. We see the least number possible to tell the truth, if their interest misleads, and is supposed to be best promoted the other


Many do not appreciate the value of their situations even.

word, whether in church or out, in all

Few can say their word is their bond, as only honest men can affirm it. Church membership will not make them do it, if the right principles be not there, consequently we prove that it is not church membership but principles, that operate in religion, and that can only be instituted by God alone, who created the whole subject. On this God

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