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he cried out, he was willing to go.


Surely, faid he, this young lady hath the fortitude and judgment of a philofopher. Her capacity exceeds all comprehenfion."

Scarce had he uttered these words, when the Superior of the Bonzees brought a cup of phyfic, and delivering it to Siow-tan, faid, "If your master will drink this he will be well, and need

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not take any more.' "Heaven re

ward you! replied the boy; when my master gets up, I will give it him to drink." "Do fo, faid the Bonzee, and then I will bring him fome cong-gee or gruel." But no fooner was his back turned, than he threw it away: for which his mafter commended him.


Towards the clofe of the evening, Siow-tan went out of the door of the convent, to look for the chair, and faw it waiting attended by two ferHe went to inform his master,


but found him fo faint, that he was not able to raise himself up; however Siowtan got on his cloaths, and watching an opportunity of doing it unperceived, took him on his back, and put him into the chair. As foon as he faw him carried away, he returned to the convent, and calling to the Bonzee, who had charge of the gate, told him, that he had got his mafter carried to the house of a friend, who would take care of him, and recover his health:

In the original Low-Ho-fhang, or porter father. Tranf. and

and therefore he committed to his charge the key of their apartment, that they might find all their furniture fafe, when they fhould come for it.

In the mean while Tieb-chung-u, as he was carried along, perceived with no fmall emotion, that a great deal of pains had been taken in the furniture of the chair, and every other accommodation and he had fcarcely got half way, when he was met by two grand lanthorns* very finely decorated with


* In the night it is not ufual to carry flambeaus as in Europe before the Mandarines, but feveral very large handfome Lanthorns, on which are written in capital characters, the titles and quality of the Mandarine, with the order of his Mandarinate. All his relations cause these titles, &c. to be written on the lanthorns carried before them in the night. Once a year, a Feast of


the Chop or infcription of Shuey-ping


fin. Surely, faid he to himself, fhe

hath a very great value for me, to do me fo much honour." With regard to her, as foon as fhe was advised of the arrival of the chair, the ordered it to be brought into the hall, which was

Lanthorns is celebrated throughout the empire, when every houfe is lighted up with them painted of feveral fashions: fome of which coft a vast fum of money. These Lanthorns, which are very large, and are adorned with beautiful carvings, gilding, &c. confift fome of them of feveral panes of thin filk, made transparent by a fine varnish, whereon are painted figures, &c. others are round, made of a blue transparent horn, very beautiful to the fight. From the top and corners hang rich ftreamers. In fome of them are reprefented figures, ships, horses, people, &c. put in motion by imperceptible threads, &c. The whole is accompanied with curious fire-works, in which the Chinese excel: they having had the ufe of gunpowder long before it was known in Europe.

See Du Halde, vol. 1. p. 253, 271, 290, &c.
Mod. Un. Hift. v. viii. p. 253.


lighted up fo as to equal day. She then placed herself on one file, and ordered four of her women fervants to open the chair, and help Tieb-chung-u into a bedchamber prepared for his reception.

As foon as he was fet down, he called for his fervant, and ordered him to present his compliments to the young lady, and intreat her to pardon his not paying his refpects to her at his coming into her house: which nothing but his weakness could have made him omit. He then tried if he could walk a little, but being presently tired, laid himself on the bed.

Shuey-ping-fin ordered her people to


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