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Sex and Sex Worship

(Phallic Worship)

(Phallic Worship)

A Scientific Treatise on Sex, its Nature and Function, and its
Influence on Art, Science, Architecture, and Religion-with Special
Reference to Sex Worship and Symbolism


O. A. WALL, M.D., Ph.G., Ph.M.

Author of "Handbook of Pharmacognosy," "The Prescription," "Elementary Lessons
in Latin," etc., etc.

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Years ago, it was my good fortune to have the opportunity to examine and read a collection of curious books on sex matters. As I read, I made notations of many facts that I wished to remember, and I also annexed references to the sources from which I had acquired the knowledge. Many of these memoranda, if they were short, were literal copies; longer ones were abridged, others were merely paraphrased; all of them were written partly with word and phrase signs, such as stenographers used, to make the work as little as possible.

Then, at my leisure I made clean copy of this material, arranging it according to subject matter, with numbered references. to the book in which I had the original material. This latter book was destroyed during the cyclone of 1896, together with many other of my books, by becoming watersoaked and illegible by water coming into a bookcase from damage to the roof immediately over it. I could not now say which of the facts stated were literal quotations, or from what authors, and which were passages original with me, or freely paraphrased by me. I have attempted to place quotation marks wherever I could remember that the matter was a quotation, but I may have failed to properly mark other passages as quotations; I speak of this to disclaim any conscious or intentional plagiarism, if such plagiarism should have occurred, for I have freely used matter written by others if they said anything in an exceptionally good manner.

The material, prior to 1896, was mainly from the private library referred to above, which was sold, I was told, to an eastern collector of erotica, after the owner's death. But any reference to the subject found elsewhere, in current literature, in encyclopedias, histories, magazines, novels, newspapers, etc., was also used and much of the matter was contributed by friends who were aware that I was gathering this material. For example, the picture of the burning of a negro at Texarkana in 1892 (see page 340) was sent me by a member of the State Board of Pharmacy of Texas at that time.

I am sorry that the accident of the cyclone prevents me from

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