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Zion's Increase, or the Conversion of Jews and

Gentiles. Ps. ii. 8.

1 FATHER, is not thy promise pledg'd
To thine exalted Son,

That through the nations of the earth,
Thy word of life shall run ?

2 "Ask, and I give the heathen lands,
"For thine inheritance;
"And to the world's remotest shores,
"Thine empire shall advance."

3 Hast thou not said the blinded Jews
Shall their Redeemer own;
While Gentiles to his standard crowd,
And bow before his throne ?

[4 Are not all kingdoms, tribes and tongues,
Under th' expanse of heaven,

To the dominion of thy Son,
Without exception given ?

5 From east to west, from north to south,
Then be his name ador'd!

Europe, with all thy millions, shout
Hosannas to thy Lord!

6 Asia and Africa resound,

From shore to shore his fame ;

And thou, America, in songs,
Redeeming love proclaim!]

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The Gospel Jubilee.

1 Loud let the tuneful trumpet sound,.
And spread the joyful tidings round;
Let every soul with transport hear,
And hail the Lord's accepted year.

2 Ye debtors, whom he gives to know, That you ten thousand talents owe, When humbled at his feet you fall, Your gracious Lord forgives them all. 3 Slaves, who have borne the heavy chain, Of sin and hell's tyrannic reign, To liberty assert your claim, And plead the great Redeemer's name. 4 The rich inheritance of heaven, Your joy, your crown is freely giv'n, Fair Salem your arrival waits, With golden streets and pearly gates. 5 O happy souls, who know the sound! God's light shall all their steps surround; And shew that jubilee begun,

Which through eternal years shall run.


Hymn 4. 8 lines, 7's.
[Tune, Benefit Street.]

Why will ye die, O house of Israel ?
Ezek. 18-31.

1 SINNERS, turn, why will ye die?
God, your maker, asks you why;
God, who did your being give,
Made you with himself to live:
He the fatal cause demands,
Asks the work of his own hands:
Why, ye thankless creatures, why,
Will ye cross his love and die ?
2 Sinners, turn, why will ye die?
God, your Saviour asks you why :
God, who did your souls retrieve,
Died himself that you might live:
Will you let him die in vain ?
Crucify your Lord again?
Why, ye ransom'd sinners, why,
Will ye slight his grace and die?

3 Sinners, turn, why will ye die!
God, the Spirit, asks you why;
He, who all your lives hath strove,
Woo'd you to embrace his love;
Will you not the grace receive ?
Will you still refuse to live?
Why, ye long-sought sinners, why,
Will you grieve your God, and die?

A Dead, already dead within,
Spiritually dead in sin;

Dead to God, while here you breathe :
Pant you after second death!
Will you still in sin remain,
Greedy of eternal pain?
O, ye dying sinners, why,
Why will you forever die!

Hymn 5. L. M.

Gospel Feast.

1 COME, sinners, to the gospel-feast;
Let every soul be Jesus' guest;
Ye need not one be left behind;
For God hath bidden all mankind.

2 Sent by my Lord, on you I call;
The invitation is to all;
Come all the world! come, sinner, thou!
All things in Christ are ready now.

3 Come all ye souls by sin oppress'd,
Ye restless wand'rers after rest;
Ye poor, and maim'd, and halt, and blind,
In Christ a hearty welcome find.

4 My message as from God receive;
Ye all may come to Christ and live;
O let his love your ur hearts constrain,
Nor suffer him to die in vain!

5 His love is mighty to compel :
His conqu'ring love consent to feel;
Yield to his love's resistless power,
And fight against your God no more.

6 See him set forth before your eyes,
That precious bleeding sacrifice!
His offer'd benefits embrace,
And freely now be sav'd by grace!
7 This is the time; no more delay!
This is the acceptable day;
Come in this moment, at his call,
And live for him who died for all!

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1 SINNERS, obey the gospel word,
Haste to the supper of the Lord;
Be wise to know your gracious day;
All things are ready, come away.
2 Ready the Father is to own,
And kiss his late-returning Son;
Ready your loving Saviour stands,
And spreads for you his bleeding hands.
3 Ready the spirit of his love,
Stands now the stony to remove;
T' apply and witness with the blood,
And wash and seal the sons of God.

4 Ready for you the angels wait,
To triumph in your blest estate:
Tuning their harps, they long to praise
The wonders of redeeming grace.
5 The Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,
Are ready with their shining host:
All heaven is ready to resound,
"The dead's alive, the lost is found!"

6 Come, then, ye sinners, to your Lord,
In Christ to paradise restor'd;
His proffer'd benefits embrace,
The plentitude of gospel grace.

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1 YE wretched, hungry, starving poor,

Behold a royal feast!

Where mercy spreads her bounteous store
For every humble guest.

2 See Jesus stands with open arms,
He calls, he bids you come :
Guilt holds you back, and fear alarms,
But see, there yet is room!
3 In Jesus' condescending heart
Both love and pity meet;
Nor will he bid the soul depart,
That trembles at his feet.

4 Come then and with his people taste
The blessings of his love;
While hope attends the sweet repast
Of nobler joys above.

5 There with united heart and voice,
Before th' eternal throne;

Ten thousand thousand souls rejoice
In ecstacies unknown.

6 And yet ten thousand thousand more
Are welcome still to come;
Ye longing souls the grace adore,
Approach, there yet is room.

Hymn 8.


The Excellency of Public Worship.

I LORD of Hosts, how lovely fair,
Here on earth thy temples are!

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