Narrative of a Pedestrian Journey Through Russia and Siberian Tartary: From the Frontiers of China to the Frozen Sea and Kamtchatka, Volume 1

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Charles Knight, 1825 - Kamchatka Peninsula (Russia) - 428 pages

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Page 324 - Tchukchi, their manners and customs, pronounce them of American origin, of which the shaving of their heads, puncturing of their bodies, wearing large ear-rings, their independent and swaggering way of walking, their dress and superstitious ideas, are also evident proofs...
Page 37 - I had lost in the icy swamp, and, in default, my head was bound up with a piece of red flannel. My trowsers were literally torn to tatters ; my shoes tied to my feet, to prevent their falling off; my shirt, except a flannel one, and waistcoat, both superseded by my outer jacket.
Page 254 - ... a thick porridge of rice boiled down with three pounds of butter, weighing together twenty-eight pounds, and although the glutton had already breakfasted, yet did he sit down to it with great eagerness, and consumed the whole without stirring from the spot: and, except that his stomach betrayed more than an ordinary fulness, he betrayed no sign of molestation or injury, but would have been ready to renew his gluttony the following day.
Page 264 - Zashiversk, not ungrateful for the hospitality of its poor inhabitants, who had supplied me with plenty of fish, here eaten in a raw state, and which to this hour I remember as the greatest delicacy I have ever tasted. Spite of our prejudices, there is nothing to be compared to the melting of raw fish in the mouth; oysters, clotted cream, or the finest jelly in the world is nothing to it ; nor is it only a small quantity that may be eaten of this precious commodity. I myself have finished a whole...
Page 17 - Rub the feet at going to bed with spirits mixed with tallow dropped from a candle into the palm of the hand ; on the following morning no blister will exist. The spirits seem to possess the healing power, the tallow serving only to keep the skin soft and pliant. This is Captain Cochrane's advice, and the remedy was used by him in his pedestrian tour...
Page 54 - You are den," said he, " dat lilly Massa Jonny I know at de same time." It now turned out that this black gentleman, with the two carriages and four horses each, had been my father's and my uncle's servant thirteen years before. Having talked over old matters, he remarked that he could never have...
Page 70 - Bailey,) as also my spectacles, watch, compass, thermometer, and small pocket-sextant, with one hundred and sixty roubles, (about seven pounds,) they at length released me from the tree, and, at the point of a stiletto, made me swear that I would not inform against them — such, at least, I conjectured to be their meaning, though of their language I understood not a word.
Page 176 - ... on a stone on the left bank, was soon lost in a reverie. It was about midnight ; the moon, apparently full, was near her meridian, and seemed to encourage a pensive inclination. What can surpass that scene I know not. Some of the loftiest granite mountains spreading in various directions, enclosing some of the most luxuriant valleys in the world ; yet all deserted ! — all this fair and fertile tract abandoned to wild beasts, merely to constitute a neutral territory...
Page 254 - ... purpose he had a thick porridge of rice boiled down with three pounds of butter, weighing together twenty-eight pounds, and although the glutton had already breakfasted, yet did he sit down to it with great eagerness, and consumed the whole without stirring from the spot...
Page 315 - Tongonsi, and Yukagiri ; but the Tchuktchi laughed at me for such a childish employment of my time. While upon this subject, I may remark, as a circumstance relative to the game of chess, and which has repeatedly surprised me, that wherever a people recognize and play it, they are infallibly Asiatics. Neither the Tchuktchi nor the Koriaks understand any thing of it, but all the Kamtchatdales, and other Asiatics, are familiar with it.

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