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"Whose clear unclouded ray
"Will make to-morrow cheerful as to day."

"Tis the clear blue sky of the soul, on which every star of talent will shine more clearly, and the sun of genius encounter no vapors in his passage. 'Tis the most exquisite beauty of a fine face: a redeeming grace in a homely one. It is like the green in the landscape, harmonizing with every colour, mellowing the glories of the bright, and softening the hue of the dark; or like a flute, in a full concert of instruments, a sound not at first discovered by the ear, but filling up the breaks in the concord with its 'bewitching melody.


The following account of a Revival of Reli-
gion, contained in a letter addressed to the
Editor of the Christian Herald, from the
Pastor of the church at Augusta, will be

read with interest. He abserves:

help of the Lord against the mighty."

The 18th of June was appointed by the church for a day of public humiliation, fasting and prayer. It was surprising to see the vast multitude which flocked to the sanctuary. The wretched cold state in which the church had been for a number of years, and the perishing condition of sinners, who were starving upon the imperfections of Christians, were brought to view, and awakened the attention of the "careless in Zion." This day will for ever be had in thankful remembrance. Some signs of spiritual life appeared in the church. Many a fervent prayer was offered up, and many a tear was caught in the "Lord's bottle." Indeed, from this day, the tone of the place was changed. "According to this time it shall be said of Jacob and of Israel, what hath God wrought?"

The next week a meeting of inquiI embrace the present opportunity ry was appointed: six attended, deepto give you some account of the glo-ly concerned to know what they rious work of God among the people should do to be saved. The number of Augusta. This work commenced that attended these meetings increasabout the middle of last June. For ed in about six weeks to between fifty some time previous to this there had and sixty. Other meetings were been in the church a lamentable want multiplied, and almost every day new of "the unity of the spirit." The cases of conviction and conversion "gold had become dim," and "the were detailed. Some of the most most fine gold changed." Notwith-wealthy and influential men in the standing this general declension, how-town were among the first who were ever there were some Christians who heard to say, "Come all ye that fear mourned over "the waste places of God, and I will tell you what he hath Zion," and wept in secret for the done for my soul." about 150 have pride and folly of those who were been introduced into the glorious libperishing in their sins. In the course erty of the sons of God. The aged, of the spring, church conferences were middle aged, and youth are among appointed once a fortnight where each the number. There has been a nummember present, both male and fe- ber of very remarkable conversions. male, gave a brief statement of their It was, at first, thought proper to feelings. These meetings were, at give a short history of some of them; first attended in the several districts but it is, at present, deemed inexpein the town. Here indeed, it was, dient. There has been, indeed, from that, by some, there was heard "the the commencement until now, differsound of a going in the tops of the ent operations, but the same Spirit. mulberry trees;" and Christians be-In some instances there were excitegan to prepare themselves for "the ments, probably occasioned by par

Terms of Publication.-The Greek Fund.-U. F. Mis. Society. 15

ticular addresses, and which proved and procured a number of subscribers on our

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but transient; but in general, the
work has proceeded like the building
of Solomon's Temple. The work
still continues, and we hope that ano-
ther 150 will soon be added; and so
on, till there shall "not be room
enough to receive the blessing.'
"Blessed be the Lord God of Isra-capacity with promptitude.
el, from everlasting to everlasting
Amen, and Amen."
Yours respectfully,

own responsibility, agents, for receiving and
forwarding to the Editors all subscription mo-
ney, shall, for eleven subscribers, receive a
copy of the Miscellany. For all above this
number in the same proportion.

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The Religious Miscellany is published on Friday of every week, at the rate of two dol lars per annum; one dollar to be paid when the first number is received. The remainder at the commencement of the next half year.

We feel under obligations to those gentlemen who undertook, and have acted in that

We request Clergymen, private individuals, Post masters, and other persons, who may be interested or benefited by such a publication, to use their influence in procuring subscribers to this paper, We intend to print but few copies over the amount at pres ent subscribed for; those therefore who wish to procure it from the beginning of this volume, had better apply soon.

In the Presbyterian church on Sunday last, a sermon was preached on behalf of suffering Greece, after which, a collection was taken up to be applied to the Greek fund now rais

Those who do not particularly specify the ing in this country, amounting to upwards of

time for which they subscribe; will be consid ered and held as yearly subscribers.

A failure to notify us of an intention to discontinue, will be considered as a new en gagement. Subscribers must pay off all arrearages before they can discontinue receiving this paper. Persons wishing to withdraw their support will have to give notice thereof to the Editors, one month

67 dollars.

The Treasurer of the American Tract Society acknowledges the receipt of two hundred fifty-three dollars, and fifty-three cents.



The first number of vol. 5, of the

before the close of the time for which they American Missionary Register has



For the purpose of compensating our agents in some measure, for the trouble which must necessarily arise from the prompt discharge of the duties attached to a situation of this kind, the following will be allowed, which, though small, is all that can be afforded, ow ing to the very low terms on which the paper is published

Any person becoming responsible for five copies, shall receive the sixth; provided he forwards the amount of those for whom he becomes responsible, when due. For every subscriber above this number he shall be en titled to a proportioned compensation.

Where we have made exertions ourselves,

came to hand, which contains a circular and letter, the import of which are to call the attention of the friends of Missions to diligence in behalf of the United Foreign Missionary Society. These documents perhaps may find an insertion shortly in our pages, as we view the labors of this Society as tending to accomplish much for our country and we believe it has a claim on the community at large, more binding, than it seems willing to acknowledge.

The receipts into the the Treasury

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for the month of December, amount- || health; and was eating bis supper, when he was summoned by death to quit this earthly sphere

ed to $722, 90, clothing and other articles received the same time were valued at upwards of $37, 80.

On the death of Mrs. J. Foulk.

A few weeks past we published some lines on the death of Mrs. Foulk. Since that time we have received the following effusions of a companion and friend of the deceased, whose heart, no doubt, white the pen drew the faint picture of her worth, was contemplating a character, which defied the limner's pencil. When fair Serenia left this lower sphere, Phebe remained the drooping heart to cheer; Sisters in knowledge and in moral worth, They set a bright example while on earth. Sisters by blood, and sweet affection's ties, And sisters now, we trust in heavenly joys. Phebe is gone! her shining course is run, That faithful servant's work at length is done. She liv'd, her sex's ornament and grace; She liv'd an honor to the human race. O! she must never, never be forgot; What depth; & yet what brilliancy of thought. Well may the social circle mourn the friend, Who could at once delight it, and amend: Who rais'd the tone of converse with such ease;

And without trifling could the gayest please.

Her very look, devotion could impart,
It spoke the language of a contrite heart.
Well may the poor and needy, shed the tear,
For one who liv'd for all, to all was dear;
Who strove both soul and body to supply,
And to befriend them, did herself deny.
Who with such sweet celerity did move
In all the soothing offices of love,
Without neglecting one domestic call,
She labored for the benefit of all.
Thus gifted high by nature, and improv'd
By application, was the friend we loved.
Yet surely nothing short of pow'r divine,
Could make our Phebe with such lustre shine.


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Remarkable Dream, or vi
sion of the Night,

-Good Humor, Revival in Augusta,

Terms of publication,-The

Greek Fund,--U. F. M.


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Hints on Praying for the


Prizes for virtuous actions, 7

The Christian Reproved,

Society, Poetry.





Religious Miscellany.

No. 2.

"Say ye to the daughter of Zion, behold, thy salvation cometh."


From the Boston Daily Advertiser.


Vol. III.

after the Turkish landing) only the Catholic, spared at the solicitation of the Consuls, and in consideration of In three preceding numbers* an at their hatred for the Greeks; and a few tempt has been made to furnish a con-thousand wretches, escaped from masnected historical sketch of the Greek || sacre, and concealed in the mountains. Revolution. Nothing has been ad- Fifteen or twenty thousand succeeded mitted into it, but what subsequent in making their escape to the islands events have proved to be true, or what of Samos, Tine and Hydra. More has been acknowledged to be so, by than twenty-five thousand had been foreign prints, unfriendly to the Gre-put to the sword, drowned and burned cian, and every other free cause. The or had died of fatigue, had starved to destruction of Scio in April, 1822, is death, or perished of diseases caught certainly the most calamitous event from the infection of so many bodies which has occurred in this or almost lying in the streets. All the rest were any other war, and its details are of a reduced to slavery. According to the nature to excite emotions of a perma-registers of the Turkish Custom House nent and powerful cast. Since the ac- there had been up to the 25th of May, count of this event, in the Daily Ad- 1822, FORTY-ONE THOUSAND individvertiser of Tuesday, Dec. 2, we have uals entered at that office to pay duties had an opportunity of consulting the as slaves sold. After the first dictates French Annuaire for the year 1822, of avarice were satisfied, fanatical in which the history of the campaign mussulmans were seen to buy these of that year is given, in the most am- miserable Christians, for the purpose ple and authentic manner. In the ac- of exercising all the refinements of count of the destruction of Scio, there cruelty in putting them to a lingering are some affecting particulars which death. The port was filled with transdeserve to be mentioned. After re- port vessels, into which were driven lating the principal incidents of the indiscriminately, and tied with ropes, landing of the Turks on the island and young girls, ladies of wealthy families of the catastrophe, which immediate- and their children, to be carried to ly ensued, the writer continues:-"At the slave-markets in Asia. Many of length the flourishing, the opulent these unhappy persons died in agonies Scio, the paradise of the Greeks, had of horror at what they had already sufceased to exist. The charming coun-fered or saw too plainly before them. try seats, which rendered it so remarkable, among all the islands of the Archipelago, the beautiful edifices in the town, the academy, the library, the noble cathedrals of Saint Anargy-of the city, found the means, by stabbrosto, of Saint Victor, of the Apostles, eighty-six churches, and more than forty villages, had been consumed by the flames. There remained at Scio on the 16th of May, (thirty-five days

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We publish only the 4th number of these essays, which is a summary of the 3 former.

Those who attempted by starvation to procure their release, were forced with blows to take food. Many young women, lately the boast and ornament

ing each other, to escape the fate which awaited them. For many months the market of Smyrna was filled with goods of various kinds, clothing, and valuable furniture from the sack of Scio, sold in lots with their late owners. This recital, continues

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The Revolution of the Greeks.

the French author, will make our Constantinople the slave market was readers shudder; but the principal features of it are from an eye witness -the Editor of the Oriental Spectator -who wrote under the eyes of a Pacha and who is habitually unfavorable to the cause of the Greeks. We have presented but a feeble sketch of the scenes that passed."

filled with Sciotes; nay, on receiving there the intelligence of the events in that island, not only were the ten hostages hung, but Sciote merchants who had been for months in the capital, were shot in the streets like dogs, by the Janissaries. These things passed under Lord Strangford's eyes, they All attempts to enter into the se- were mentioned in the British Parlia 'cret miseries of a catastrophe like this ment, the noble English spirit kindled must indeed be feeble.-Twenty-five at the recital of such horrors. But thousand fathers, husbands, and bro- unfortunately the British prime ministhers, put to the sword, empaled, ter was shocked at the thought of "indrowned, and hanged: and forty-one terfering with the internal administrathousand mothers, wives, sisters, tion of Turkey." We have seen an daughters, and children, torn from the extract from a work published at bosom of their fathers, sold a vil prix, Leipzig in 1821, containing an acat a base price:-sold to Turks, a count of the excesses which took name that carries horrors and indig-place in Constantinople at the time nities in the sound, sold to the Asia- when the Patriarch was hung. It was tic markets to be despatched by car- our intention to make an extract from avans to Syria, to Bagdad, and to A-it, but the tortures inflicted by the Jarabia; ladies, (of whose number we nissaries on the Greeks who fell into have seen several, the wives and their hands, are too disgustingly hordaughters of respectable Greek mer-rible to be repeated. chants, in different parts of Europe) We ask then whether it is not the dragged with ropes about their necks right, nay, the duty of the civilized nainto the Turkish transport ships: tions of the earth to interfere, and these scenes form an amount of suffer-rescue a civilized, a christian people, ing, and of extreme, insupportable from the hands of these wretches? Is suffering, on which the mind can with it not too great an insult on the age, difficulty bring itself to dwell. It will to see all the powers of Europe, save be remembered that the Tunisian and one, leagued together, and pouring Algerine squadrons formed a part of their armies into every weak and dethe Turkish fleet. America knows crepid state, that makes an effort to something of these wretches, for her improve its institutions, under the citizens have been chained by the pretence that the peace of Europe is neck to the wheelbarrow in their fort- in danger from Revolutionists; and resses. By the accounts from the yet see these same potentates upholdArchipelago, the traffic in the misera-ing the Turkish despotism in the sickble Greeks was pursued by none with greater eagerness than by these enemies of the human race; and when their own ships were filled with victims, to be transported from the beautiful island of Scio to Algiers, and Tunis, neutral vessels, Austrian, Italian, English, were chartered and freighted with fellow christians, sold into slavery on the Barbary coast. In

ening cruelties which it exercises over the inhabitants of one of the fairest portions of the earth? But the Greeks we are told, are pirates and robbers, and deserve no better.- What, pirates and robbers, that send one hundred of their young men aunually, to the different Universities of western Europe? Pirates and robbers, who, in one of their islands, had a library

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